HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 13 02 159L ORDINANCE NO. 13-02-159 PETITION NO. RZ12-15 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF FULTON AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE FROM AG-l (AGRICULTURAL) DISTRICT TO H (HISTORIC) DISTRICT FOR THE EXISTING STRUCTURE CONTAINING 1,179 SQUARE FEET ON A .5240 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council for the City of Milton, Georgia while in regular session on February 20, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. as follows: SECTION 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Milton be amended, and the official maps established in connection therewith be changed so that the following property located at the southwest corner of Hopewell and Thompson Roads, consisting of a total of approximately .5240 acre as described in the attached legal description, be rezoned to the H (Historic) District with conditions, attached hereto and made a part herein; ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land lying and being Land Lot 534 of the 2nd District 2nd Section, City of Milton, Fulton County, Georgia; and l SECTION 2. That the H (Historic) zoning listed in the attached conditions of approval, be approved under the provisions Chapter 64, Article VI, Division 26 ofthe Zoning Ordinance of the City of Milton; and SECTION 3. That the property shall be developed in compliance with the conditions of approval as attached to this ordinance. Any conditions hereby approved (including any site plan) do not authorize the violation of any district regulations; and SECTION 4. That the official maps referred to, on file in the Office of the City Clerk, be changed to conform with the terms of this ordinance; and SECTION 5. That all ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; and SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the Mayor and City Council and the signature ofapproval of the Mayor. ORDAINED this 20th day of February, 2013. Page 1 of8 L l Attest: Sudie AM Gordon, City Clerk l Page 2 of8 L I l l -."-~-~~------~.~-~---~-----.- RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS RZ12·15 If this petition is approved by the Mayor and City Council, it should be H (Historic) District CONDITIONAL subject to the owner's agreement to the following enumerated conditions. Where these conditions conflict with the stipulations and offerings contained in the Letter of Intent, these conditions shall supersede unless specifically stipulated by the Mayor and City Council. 1) To the owner's agreement to res'trict the use of the subject property as follows: aJ Country store and associated accessory uses on a .5240 acre including the existing 1,179 square foot structure and allowing only those uses that are specific to the previous historic use: catering, carryout and delivery, delicatessen, retail store or shop selling groceries, hardware, seed and feed, sundry items, homemade food, beverages. Also permitted are seasonal items such as pumpkins, hay bales, pine straw, wreaths and Christmas trees so long as they are sold and displayed wi'thin 'the building or on 'the covered porch. The following uses shall be excluded; garage, automobile repair or automo'tive specialty shop, gas station, landscaping business or garden center, financial establishment, drive through, commercial amusements, liquor sales and package stores, motels, hotels, adult oriented entertainment businesses including adult bookstores, adult entertainment or adult entertainment establishments as defined in Article 3.3.3., check cashing stores, coin operated laundries, video arcades, pool halls, nail salons, beauty salons, barber shops, flea markets, second hand surplus retail shops, roadside vending, roadside produce stands, precious metal sales, and billboards. 2) To the owner's agreement to abide by the following: a) To the revised site plan received by the Community Development Department on January 9,2013. Said site plan is site specific and must meet or exceed the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, all other applicable city ordinances and these conditions prior to the approval of a Land Disturbance Permit or Certificate of Occupancy. Unless otherwise noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Page 3 of8 l l L 3) To the owner's agreement to the following site development considerations: a) Provide a 10-foot landscape strip along Thompson Road and a minimum 40-foot buffer at the easterly end to a 36-foot buffer on the westerly end along the south line of the Property (parallel to Thompson Road), running from the corner of an existing driveway North 80 degrees 44 minutes 27 seconds West 190.43 feet to the westerly property line. b) Provide a 10 foot landscape strip along the following property lines as described as North 68 degrees 10 minutes 12 seconds West 89.69 feet and North 21 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 35.46 feet to the northerly line of an existing driveway for Outparcel 2 and North 60 degrees 44 minutes 57 seconds 29.57 feet. c) Provide a 10 foot setback for parking adjacent to residentially used property along the south property line. d) To allow onsite parking located to the front of a building or between a building and the public right-of-way (Hopewell Road). e) Provide a 10 foot landscape strip along the frontages of Hopewell Road and Thompson Road. f) To allow additional signage depicted in Exhibit "A": projecting sign on the front porch with store name; and wall signs on left and right sides of the building with vintage logos using colors associated with logos (e.g., Coca Cola™ logo sign). g) All improvements to the site, structure and signs shall be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the City of Milton Historic Preservation Commission. h) The proposed porch on the south side of the building as depicted on the revised site plan dated January 9,2013 shall not be constructed. 4) To the owner's agreement to abide by the following requirements, dedication, and improvements: a) Access to the site shall be subject to the approval of City of Milton Department of Public Works, prior to the issuance of a Business License, Land Disturbance Permit, Subdivision Plat or Certificate of Occupancy Page 4 of8 L l l (whichever comes first). Entrance(s) shall conform to Chapter 48 Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places of the City of Milton Code of Ordinances, or be reconstructed to meet such criteria as required by the Department of Public Works. At a minimum the following shall apply: i. Driveway(s) shall provide a minimum uninterrupted ingress/egress distance of 25 feet measured from the right-of-way line to the nearest edge of drive or parking space. ii. Driveway(s) site distance shall be certified by professional engineer. iii. If at such time the Director of Public Works determines that the traffic generated by the site exceeds the design criteria, he/she may require the owner to conduct a traffic study to determine if the development warrants any additional improvements at no cost to the city. If improvements are determined to be warranted, owner shall install those at no cost to the city. iv. Satisfy the site distance for the 45 mph speed limit. b) Dedicate at no cost to the City of Milton prior to the approval of a Business License, Land Disturbance Permit, Subdivision Plat or Certificate of Occupancy (whichever comes first), sufficient land as necessary to provide the following rights-of-way: i. Provide at least 10.5 feet of right-of-way from the back of curb of all abutting road improvements, and along the entire property frontage. ii. Provide right-of-way miter at intersection of Hopewell Road and Thompson Road. Page 5 of8 l THOlilP3OJI ROAD !lLGHT DL3TANCE FRO" Ttt! EXL3TlNG DRIVEW.t.Y LOT AREA SUb/MARY:e 11: ...,. PARCEL I ~V73l' SF o.~l2& AoCRES ~ i ~ t: ~ '~ .''. -;;:::;7-:' -, A • , .., t ~ ... i,~ gg~ ~;,fb ~I " I 5780 'MND.....ARD PARK"""'" SUIT[ ~OO ALF'H,lR[TTA. GEORGIA ~ c::.n"CT, DAVID CHATl-IAIot tt.o:tr. 'i~~"'f''1ONE.: 404-414-7700 REUt4I01'JP.r.RK.llC PROPosm RAISED I SLANO b:isll'lg Zoning AG-1 (RlQtT I~. "IGriT OlJT ONL.v)BI.JlI'VE'([lR'SMaTI:S· ~. 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".~~ ~A « -~~:' -~-~--w ~ jl en C w en Ill::: I ! ~ >w ED O~3i2B QO ....... o \C o bI) ro 0... tJ t J Jt l l EXHIBIT A Page 7 of8 l l l RFI.NIC'f PAR\., I.LC 1~21» Hr)PFWFLLlW API'LICAno~FOR REZONl~G AI.I. TIJAT TR,:\CT OR PAKCI·:1. 01' LAND I>':ng and being in land :"or 5:4 ;)f the ?net nistric~ 211d Sectio.l.Ful1on Count)'. G(.'(lrgill, bl:ir.)I: 0.5240 a\:re~ ~IIUWII as P(rccl I on Zoning Exhibil lur IlordeJllall Country Store hy f.nsinccring303. Brian 1 K:ll!;, Crcofgia R::gistcll:d j .!U"d :'omeyor )Jo. 23 i'47. dated August 31! :2Q n. br:inb tDtm; panicutarl)' Oescri hetl AS foJlo~: UEGINNINO at roint Itl' klten;ecl!On ofthe southwes:erly right-of-,,,ay line of Thompson Rood «(\O-l(lot riAht-of·way) witb thc ru.)Tthwe!>lerly rillht-nl:wIlY line l)f 1·lopev.:eU Road (40-foot d~t-of-WllY); tbence continuing alons the nunbWCill1.l:rly line of lIopew",U Rwd South 24 degree!> 16 minutes 09 s:.?Coodti WcM H ui~uLllcc uf 105,(1:\ fcel; Ihellcc It'a\'ing the rip;ht.of-way line of [Iopev.'ell Road. Xorth 79 dcgrccs 21 mimltcs 5:2 ~cC('mh W~Sl u di~lJtncc t1r 290.97 fc.."I:tn 1m irl)n pin fOund: th~n(~ North 68 l""&r~.~ 10 minutel'l 12 ~cCi'l1d~ WCftt a dilluncc 0: 89.69 fecto a point; U\ence Nonb 60 degrcc~ 44 minutes 57 seconds \Vl.:st >l distHm:c t1f 29.57 teet :0 a poin.; Ihcrtcc North 21 <kgree!> 34 minutes 48 seoonds \N~t a dista:lcc of 35,46 1i;:l.'l :0 a (Xl in:; thence Ntrth SO dc~~!> 44 ollnllt<'!11 27 s~oolld!. W~t <t dis;Ul;lC;: of l'mA3 feet to a poillJ; Ihcnc!: )Jorth UL) d~rr~ 1~ rrlirlut~ 33 SI:'CUIJUS E,t:Sl i1 dist<UlC1: or 4f.OO fcet ~o It fluint on the right-or-way lin.; DfThon:pSl.Ill ROil;,l; Ihcnc!: <11(111101 the ri.~nl-\lI:''''IlY lin!: (If l11om(lf.on ROllil SOllth 82 desreef; 06 rlim1tcs 3L ~.;:c.ondK East a dislam:c of U:5.30 fC~1 10 !l p;)im; th~ continuilli alollg tho rig:.lt-(·t~way lmc ul' ThllJ\1p;On K'Jw:1 $ouLh ~2 degrocii Of) minllt~ 55 seu:mds Ea~l a distlll(e of 13ti.4~ feet: t11;::ooo clintinumt! along the right-of-wa~ lin.... of TIlcmJllioOn Road South 80 de~11 minute> OS seconds Hast a dismnce of lW.47 feet U:ld the PO~T 01' KI ~GINNTNG. RECEIVED "R2Il-15 Page 80f8 l