HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE NO 14 03 199STATE OF GEORGIA ORDINANCE NO. 14-03-199 COUNTY OF FULTON PETITION NO. ZM14-01 AN ORDINANCE TO MODIFY CONDITION(S) OF A RESOLUTION BY THE FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVING PETITION 96U-064 ON FEBRUARY 5,1997, PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13360 NEW PROVIDENCE ROAD WITHIN LAND LOTS 803,854-856, 874-876, 2ND DISTRICT 2ND SECTION CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 85.57 ACRES. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council for the City of Milton, Georgia while in regular session on March 17,2014 at 6 :00 p.m. as follows: SECTION 1. That the conditions of a resolution by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, approved on February 5, 1996, for petition 96U-064 that approved a special use permit for private school located at 13360 New Providence Road consisting of a total of approximately 85.57 acres, attached hereto and made a part herein; ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land located at 13360 New Providence Road; and SECTION 2. That the property shall be developed in compliance with the conditions of approval as attached to this ordinance. Any conditions hereby approved (including any site plan) do not authorize the violation of any district regulations; and SECTION 3. That all ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; and SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the Mayor and City Council and the signature of approval of the Mayor. ORDAINED this I i h day of March, 2014 Approved: JoeLOCk~ Attest: thzt;nl0 Sudie AM Gordon, City Clerk (Seal) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ZM14-01 Should the Mayor and City of Council approve this petition, the Recommended Conditions (96U-064) should be revised to read as follows: 2. To the owner's agreement to abide by the following: a. To the revised site plan received by the Community Development Department on February 4, 2014. Said site plan is conceptual only and must meet or exceed the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and these conditions prior to the approval of a Land Disturbance Permit. Unless otherwise noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. Iii II IllIIg I I'j"1 1.1'1 qii1 i I II • III i 'iii I' IiI'I ' ! I! . ill I ; .... I · 1 rl - ... ~l!!1 jJ ~:! ~ x1> .· / REVISED SITE PLAN SUBMITTED FEBRUARY 4, 2014 Legal Description Mill Springs Academ)1 aka Special Education Systerns Inc. 13360 NeVI Providence Road RECEIVED Milton, Goorela 30004 FFIl 0 4 trll1 CITY 0 I\1ll l UN OO MMlJNI'TY DEVE LOPMENT Alllhlll Lrill:L UI ~d' Ld or li'I,:d I'p'ing and being In Land Lots 803, 854, 855, 856, 874, 875, and 876 or lhe 2nd District 2n~ Section of Fulton County. City of Millcn, Georgia and being rno'e particularly describ~d as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron Pin )et 114 Rebar at H:e CDmlllon cOrnet of Lillld Lots 803, 8J4, 8.53 and 854. said Distrir.t and sC'ction, and l~,cnce running South 01 degrees 37 minu~es 04 second~ We!). alonsthe ea~t line of Land Lot 8!>3 ~nd the weslllne of land Lot !j54 ~ dlst<ln<e of 19~!j.bl)feet to a Y open to:) pipe found; Thi'nr.i' South RCl degrp';!!i 41 rninutes 40.00 $econd~ E~sl a di~La"c~ of 101.22 feel to a II<l rebilr iron p:n S;!t; ~aid point bel1l8 on the westerly varia ble right of way of N£w Pro"idence Rd; Thencl! following said right of WilY South 34 dep,rees S5 mill utes 04.27 se-concis \},'cst a dlst<3nc{' 0f77.30 :-eel to a point; Thence Souttl54 degr~es 05 minutes 46.73 seconds East iI dimnce of 7.72 feet to a point; ThE!f1cl! along a curve t:l the Left, havirlR (I radius of 6(lD,54 ft'et, 5ubtende:1 b'l a chord bearing of South 21 degreos 17 minutes S!) s2c-onds West h<lving <I chord dist'lrc.c of 230.90 f('cl ;m~ ;W <lr·: length of 232.:346 feet to if point; 1hence ~uth 19 degree~ 15 minutes 14.43 seconds West a dlstanc;! of 20.27 feel to a poinl; Thenre South 11 degrees 56 minutes 5(1,00 seconds West a distanif-of 60.38 feet to a point; Thence ~uth 01 dcgrcC's 25 mi nCJtc~ 20.00 ~oond~ fnst ,1 dl~ I'~'l<;C of .:;2 .04 kct ;)10,115 ;) 5C' foot right of W<I)' of f'royidenc;1! lake Paint; TItencc IC3vlne said right of way and runninll in a [eneI<lIi'f northwe:;teriy direction alona It·.e center line of (ooper Sandy Crceil <lnd foliowinS the-mC..JnderinS5 therc\lf the following oourses .l1ld dI5tJnc('.~.; North 65 degrees 43 minutes 25,00 second, West a distance of 296.00 feet to a pOint; Tht'flft' North 7.:1 rlp.sr,..f'~ .,7 minutf!,; 3<;.00 seconds Wp.st iI di~tanc:e 01 51.00 fP.P.t to" poi nr; Thcfltc North ~J degrees 1] minute.;. 32.00 seconds West B dlMance of 135.00 feet to e PQlnt; Thence Nor1h &5 degr~es )2 minute; 4j,~U seconds West a distance o11~:'.1)1 feet to a point; Thpnrp. Nonh !'I7 dl'gr!'!'.~:lS minlJtes 47 .66 seconds West a distance of 12;).59 feet to a point; Thence North 63 dtgree~ 58 minutes 28.5~ seconds West a distance of 85.00 feet to a point; TllE!Ilce North 'l7 degrees }~ minutes" /AU seconds West a distan<e of 4b.UU feet to a point; ThF!ncf! Nortn 61 degrees 25 lIIinutes 5~.73 seconds West a dlstln(a o~ 45.00 feet to a point; Thell,~e North B9 degrees 53 n·,inutes <18.50 seconds West a di5tmm 0' G7.00 feet to a point; Thane!! florth 63 degrees 02 minutes 55,85 seconds West a dimnre 0' 80.0<1 teet to it point; Then:e IJorth 78 deB~e5 29 minutes 57,68 se(()tlri<; Wt'Sl.ll ~iSl~tlO" (l' 7),50 fe<lt to <l poInt Then~e North 28 degrees 02 minutes 17.&7 sc-conds West il dist~ncc of ~,OO feet to <I J:oint; Theme r~or:h 61 degrl'es 35 minutes 1;'.79 ~I!(onds West along the west 6nl' ot Land LCot 874 end the e3,t line of Land lot 875 a di!>tanoo of 212.00 f~t t(1" l)(Iint; C:\Users'~pli:tle\Downloacs\Mili springs Academy Legal DeSC1'iplion.ClOCx • TII(;ncc, North 61 degrees :;2 mi nute! 36. 20 ~econds West a dist~rH;e of 38 2. 2£. fe~t to ioI poirfl; ThI:lncc North 44 degrees 16 rnlnute5 3896 seconds West ij distance of81.00 Feet to c puilll; Thence North 83 degr~es ~61l1lnutc5 07 55 ~cconds Wesl a distance of82.00 :eet to a point; Thence North 58 degrees I tl minute!·06.22 seconds West <I di~tar,ce of93.00 '(>9t 10 a point; Thence North 88 degr~s II minute! 21i .50seIDnd~ Wesl il dislclll:e ur73.00·e~1 Lu <J puillL; Thence Nonh 71 de.P.rces 12 minute~ 52.54seconos Wes! a distance of41.50 'eet to a point; Tnence No rth 58 decrees 1.8 minute!: 55.10 secomls "'Ie·s\ ale ng th{J no'th i'no of l(l n.;! Lot 855 ,Inc! the south line of Land lot S74 a di:;tance oB91.00 reft 10 a point.: ThEmce Nort~ 49 deerees 45 minutes 00.39 ~eoonc.5 West a di~t~nc"-of 53.00 leel to a point; Thence Nort13S dCBroc~ n rninutc~ 26.4G lleoonc~ We':;\;l t'1&tJn,e of74.50 feel to.l poinl; Ihence Sout187 degrees 11'\ minutc~ 46.60 seoonC5 West a Clistance of65.00 feet to 0. pOlm; Thence Nort, 3~ degrees 18 minutes 05.84 seooncs West a cistGnce [)f95.oa feet to a pOint; The nee North 87 dcgrcc$ 06 minutes .~ t03 ~econc~ We£ I a c istJ nee of 89.00 feet to a IE)in1; Thence Norell 61 degrees 47 mlmnes 34.715econds west a ClI:st~n~ of 205 .00 feet to a JoInt; Thpn(p Norrh 42 drgrpp:s 32 minutes 44.35 St!oonds West a dlsla nee of 58.50 feet to il ll':Jint of Intersection of Llltle lliver; Thence running In a general~( northeasterly dire<.tion 31oR8 tle l;en:er line of lillie ~iver ,m:! following tile m;oan;if!rinl:l th~rp.of the bllo''''ir,(: t':Jurses and distances; North 75 deGrees 01 minu:es 11.17 5eccnds East <J distance 0165.00 fect to) iI poi'lt; Ttlenc@ North ~l degrees 10 minute$ '/.j!l seconds t·3st a distance of 176.50 feet to a point; T\"pncp. S::Juth 82 deJlrees 13 rlinute~ 17.53 sC!conds £,)$t::l distance of 99.00 feet to Z Dolnt; Tl'ence f\orth 73 di?crees 10 minutes 28.32 seconds E~st <J di:rtance of 165.50 fect to <J point; n ,encc I\orth 89 degrees 24 minutel 17.4:/ seconds E3St a d~.anc;e ot 142.50 fept to a point; The nce North {:3 cteer.,(>s 18 rnltllJl"'~ OO.n~ ~pr"nn.~ Fa"f iI dKt"n(1" nf ~R6..<,n f~pr In iI (loinr; ThenCE! North 50 degre~5 48 minuksl8..07 ~cconds [D~t ~ disttlrKc 01227.00 feet to 6 point: Thence North 58 degrt'es 06 minl)tes 18.93 5eronds East <11011.1: the eas: line o· Land Lot 354 and tM w!!slline at land ..ol8SS a dist~nct' of J90,(10 f~Pt to a (llli nr; Thence North ~G degrecs:;3 minutc5 J5.2~5eoond~ (~~lil dl~t~'~or JOO.:;O led \0 iI pOint; Thence North S9 degrees 38 minlJies 46.24 seconds East a tJlst;,l'lce 01169.00 leet to a pOint; Thence North 55 dcsr~l"~ 29 mln'Jtes 02.73 seconds East a dista'lce 01'95.50 feet to a pelnt; Thenre Norlh 66 ut:'trt:t:'~ 2S mi"..l\':) 44.79 s.t:oolld~ Easl (lIons the nort.h line :If L;;nd lot 803 dnd the 50ulh Ifne 01 l..Jnd Lot 854 a dist<1ncp. of 157.50 feel to a point; Thonce North 46 degrt!es 18 min Jtes 26.55 seconds East a distance of 241.00 feet to a r-oinl; Thl!"~t: Nurth 53 (h~B"~eS 22 IninJtes 111.95 se('ol\d~ East a distance of 142.SOfeet 10 a ~oh'lt; Thence North 75 degrees 22 mmute. 12.52 sf'<onds E<lst OJ di~tance of 145.11 feet to a I=<lint; Thence South 00 degrees.t6 minLice. 27.oose<onds West iI distanc'! of 3B.90 feet L> a !UI rebar iron pin lotnd; Thence Soutll89 de~rl!'E!5 13 millu\~~ 33.61 !;i!l:ond!; tirsl <l di:;ldll~1! ur 253.79 reel to a 1!4 rdJ<Jr iHm pill ~et. lu lh~ comrntJi'I COrJl<>r ot I Jncll ots !1m, ~14, R<,1 ;mn RS4 ;!1rl thp. POIIIIT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 3, 727.62201 ~qlliJr\? fe(>t or 85,S7 acres, more or less, sunje<t to (lOY and all easements, reser\'ation~, re~tri(,:tiOIl.~ ;md t:Unv~yilll(':<!~ or r~L:uru. C:\Users\plittle\Downloads\Mili Spri~s Academy legal Desuiption.tJacx