HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes CC - 08/17/2015 - MINS 08 17 15 REG (Migrated from Optiview)Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 , 2015 at 6:00 pm
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This summary is provided as a convenience and service to the public, media, and staff. It is not the
intent to transcribe proceedings verbatim. Any reproduction of this summary must include this notice.
Public comments are noted and heard by Council, but not quoted. This document includes limited
presentation by Council and invited speakers in summary form. This is an official record of the Milton
City Council Meeting proceedings. Official Meetings are audio and video recorded.
The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton was held on August 17, 2015
at 6:00 PM, Mayor Joe Lockwood presiding.
Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Brent Ward , Birmingham United Methodist Church, Milton, Georgia.
Mayor Joe Lockwood called the meeting to order.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Thurman, Councilmember Kunz , Councilmember Lusk,
Councilmember Hewitt, Councilmember Longoria and Councilmember Mohrig.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Led by Mayor Jo e Lockw oo d)
(Agenda Item No. 15-217)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve the Meeting Agenda. Councilmember
Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
1. Approval of the August 3, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes.
(Agenda Item No. 15-218)
(Sudie Gordon, City Clerk)
2. Approval of the Financial Statements for the Period Ending July , 2015.
(Agenda Item No. 15-219)
(Stacey In glis , Assis tant City Mana ger)
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, Aug ust 17 , 2015 at 6 :00 pm
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3. Appro val of the First Amendment to that Professional Services Agreement Between the
City of Milton, Georgia and Town Planning & Design, LLC to Develop a Conservation
Subdivision Ordinance.
(Agenda Item No. 15-220)
(Kathleen Fi eld, Co mm unity Developm ent Director)
4. Approval of a Right of Way Mowing and Maintenance Agreement By and Between the
Georgia Department of Transportation and City of Milton for Project PI 0007313 SR 3 72
Crabapple Road/Birmingham Highway Intersection Improvements.
(Agenda Item No. 15-221)
(Ca rter Lu cas, Ass is tant City Ma n ager)
5. Approval ofthe Acquisition of0.009 AC of Right of Way and 0 .057 AC of Construction
Easement at McFarlin Lane from JW Homes , LLC for a Combined Purchase Price of
$42 ,100.
(Agenda Item No. 15-222)
(C arte r Lu cas, Ass istant City Manager)
6. Approval of the Acquisition of0.471 AC of Right of Way and 0.307 AC of Construction
Easement at McFarlin Lane from JW Homes, LLC for a Combined Purchase Price of
$402 ,300.
(Agenda Item No. 15-223)
(Ca rter Lu cas, Ass istant City Ma nager)
7. Approval ofthe Acquisition of0.007 AC of Right of Way and 0.085 AC of Construction
Easement at McFarlin Lane from JW Homes , LLC for a Combined Purchase Price of
$37 ,000.
(Agenda Item No. 15-224)
(C arter Lu cas, Ass istant City Ma n ager)
8. Approval ofthe Acquisition of0.024 AC ofRight of Way and 0.097 AC of Construction
Easement at McFarlin Lane from JW Homes , LLC for a Combined Purchase Price of
$63 ,700.
(Agenda Item No. 15-225)
(Ca rter Lucas, Assistant City Ma n ager)
9. Approval of the Acquisition of0.797 AC ofRight of Way and 0.477 AC of Construction
Easement at 12608 Crabapple Road from ltaska Walk , LLC for a Combined Purchase Price of
$420 ,000.
(Agenda Item No. 15-226)
(C art er Lu cas , Assistant City Ma nager)
10. Approval ofthe Acquisition of0.041 AC of Construction Easement at Crabapple Road from
ltaska Walk , LLC for a Combined Purchase Price of$21 ,900.
(Agenda Item No. 15-227)
(Carter Lu cas , Assistant City Manager)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lusk moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember
Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
Re g ular Meetin g of the Milton City Council
Monday, Aug ust 17 , 2 015 at 6:00 pm
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1. Consideration of the Issuance of an Alcohol Beverage License to Wilbur & Rudy 's
Farmtable LLC , Located at 850 Hickory Flat Road, Milton, GA 30004.
(Agenda Item No. 15-228)
(St acey In g lis, Assis tant City Ma n ager)
Stacey Inglis, Assistant City Manager
The owner wants to change the license that they currently have. They currently have a wine and malt
beverage license and they want to have wine tastings and they could only do that if they were a wine
package store . So , they want to remov e the malt beverage from their license. Staff recommends
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to approve Agenda Item No. 15-228.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
Zoning is transcribed verbatim
1. Consideration ofRZ15-11 -To Create the Arnold Mill Form Based Code, Chapter 64 of the
City Code , Article XXI.
(Agenda Item No. 15-154)
(Fir st Pr esentation at Jun e I , 2015 City Co un cil Mee tin g)
(Defe rr ed at Jun e 15, 2 015 Regular City Co un cil Mee tin g)
(Dis cussed at Jun e 8, 2015 and Augu st I 0, 2015 Co uncil Wo rk Sess ions)
(Kathleen Fi eld, Co mmunity Developm ent Director)
Ken Jarrard, City Attorney
Mr. Mayor and members of the council , I know that we have before us this evening a public hearing
with respect to this zoning item. You may recall this came up at the work session and we had received a
constitutional objection letter which is just one of the letters that goes with the file when a stakeholder or
an interested individual maintains that there are some infirmaries with respect to a proposed ordinance.
Now, I know that the Mayor and the council will want the public hearing to go forward this evening and
hear from the public and that is fine but with respect to where we go from here , I just want to remind the
council that I think we did discuss this at the work session, what I am going to be looking for
particularly is guidance from the council. And, what I mean from that is does the council want me to
complete a review with respect to whether or not I concur with the constitutional objection letter or
whether I disagree ? Does the city council want to sit down with the stakeholders again or have staff sit
down to go over what appear to be continued substantive concerns with respect to the ordinance? Does
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 , 2015 at 6 :00 pm
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the council want to table the matter indefinitely and revisit it at some future time or is there some other
option? And , candidly , Mr. Mayor given where we are and given the procedure we are in , the legal
interests facing the city , I would just ask that the council be mindful of their comments this evening as
they are engaging on this topic. I will be happy to discuss and obviously answer questions after the
public comment but I just want to make that respectful reminder given how the last work session went.
Mayor Lockwood
Will there be a presentation from staff?
City Attorney Jarrard
There will be no presentation.
Doug Dillard, 1230 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Thank you Mr. Mayor and members of the council. I am Doug Dillard with Pursley , Friese &
Torgrimson. I represent three property owners; Southeast Property Development Corporation, Larry
Davenport and Georgia Golf Ventures that own about 40 acres at the intersection of Cox Road and
Arnold Mill Road. I find it unusual that this is a city initiative yet the city is not making a presentation
tonight on their proposed plan. I hope that is an indication that the council feels like it needs further
review because that is what we are asking for. As Ken pointed out, we filed a letter last week pointing
out certain both constitutional and practical objections to what we see as a well-intentioned but yet not
properly formed Form Based Code. This is a very popular form of zoning these days . It is being done
throughout the country. Transfer Development Rights is something that was debated 10-15 years ago in
Georgia along with the imposition of impact fees for traffic and other infrastructure improvements. So , it
is not a new concept but we are concerned about the dichotomy or difference that you have between
what you are proposing here and Arnold Mill Road and Cox Road and what you adopted in Crabapple.
We think the densities that you are talking about are impractical. They don't really give the property
owner an opportunity to make a reasonable economic return on their property. And , more importantly ,
there is no available market for the acquisition of development rights which would give us the right to
increase the densities to a reasonable level of appropriateness. So , we are here in a spirit of
compromise. I had to write a letter to put you on notice of what we feel like are the inadequacies of the
ordinance both from a constitutional sense and from a practical sense. We have gone to the expense of
employing Chris Nelson who is one of the nationally recognized authorities on development rights. I
know that you have had a person who has been working on this who is also nationally recognized in that
arena. But, Chris has written a book on the transfer of development rights . He is now at the University
of Arizona. And , he joined in paragraph four of our letter which really deals with how; we probably
really ought to be looking at the transfer of development rights. The other thing that was disturbing to
us this week is that when we filed the letter, the City Manager, we had a meeting scheduled for last
Tuesday morning. The City Manager exercised his discretion decided because of our letter that he
unilaterally cancelled the meeting. That was not our intent at all. Our intent was to put you on notice
because I did not know how we were going to be handling it tonight; whether you were going to have
public comment or not. It was not on the agenda for public comment. No public hearing. So , we felt
like we had to put you on notice of the first instance and that is what we did. Maybe we misjudged and
should have waited until after our meeting last Tuesday and done it this Thursday. But, in any event , we
didn 't and it is unfortunate , in my opinion , that the City Manager took the position that we should not
have the meeting because of the letter we wrote. I think your City Attorney will tell you that he and I
have worked out the matters both before and after litigation and that we are always willing to try to
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 , 2015 at 6:00 pm
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resolve issues. Our clients don't pay us to go to court. They come to us because they know we can go
to court. That is not our objective here. We are not opposed to the form based code. We are not
opposed to the preservation of the integrity of your community as you want it. What we are concerned
about , though, is that the densities and the structure of this particular code as it currently stands is not
practical , is not reasonable , it doesn 't provide an economic opportunity for the property owners , and it is
not consistent with other form based codes that you have adopted ; i.e. the Crabapple community. So ,
we feel like a deferral would be appropriate. We think probably an indefinite deferral would be
appropriate. I don 't have a problem in working out with Ken Jarrard , City Attorney , meetings for us to
get together and talk about these issues. My clients have been involved in the process for, what I
understand, and I have been involved here three weeks , so I don't have the background that you 've got,
but I understand that there have been a series of public hearings. Our clients have participated in those
public meetings. But, they are concerned because their objectives and their concerns and objections to
what they saw were ignored. And , when they felt like they were being ignored , that is when they came
to us. So , we are not here to fight this issue. We are here to work with the city to either try to reach
some accord that makes sense for all involved. And , we extend the hand of friendship for that purpose.
The other side of it is , I will reiterate, you have a real problem with the way this ordinance currently sits.
We think it is facially unconstitutional , it has arbitrary standards in many respects in the residential
categories to the office and non-residential categories, we think it has no relation to the protection of the
public health, safety , and welfare. And , that is what you've got to do ; that is your first job, is to protect
the public health, safety , and welfare. And , we all have an opinion of what that might be but we suggest
to you that you can't do that and ignore the individual property rights that people have under the
constitution to use their property for a lawful purpose. And, so it is with that spirit that we come to you
tonight and ask that you defer this matter and we extend our hand of friendship to work with the city to
try to resolve it. If not, then we will have to do whatever the law allows for us to do. We hope that
doesn 't occur so we think the form based code is a great idea but we just want to perfect it to a point that
it is something we can support. So , with that , we ask for the deferral and I ask that I be allowed to
coordinate with your city attorney to set up the meetings that we would like to participate in. Thank you
very much.
Mark Bauli, 460 Gunstunhall Drive, Milton, Georgia 30004
My name is Mark Bauli , I am a resident at 460 Gunstunhall Drive in Milton off of New Providence
Road. I appreciate the council listening. This is a very recent call that I received regarding public
comment. I would concur with the previous gentleman's comments that a vote on this be deferred as far
as the overall density. Just as a general comment, first of all, I would like to thank you for all you have
done in the community , the incredible things I am seeing happen. It is a bedroom community here in
Milton as compared to Alpharetta and the quality of life that I am seeing in raising my children and my
wife being a school teacher at Milton High School. Thank you for all you do; that is the first thing.
Secondly , I think something definitely to consider as you make decisions on density ; what does the City
of Milton want to be? Is Milton the Alpharetta? Is the Milton the Norman Rockwell kind of stand away
from it as a bedroom community to a lot of hustle and bustle that is happening; very similar to what has
happened in Silicon Valley with a lot of things. I am very highly engaged in the technology community;
the start-up community and it takes time , I think, to pause and say , "What do we want?" What levels of
density do we want? What do we want these streets that we go up and down and what is the perception
from the Fortune 100 , Fortune 500 organizations that are off of Windward Parkway that the executives
who want to move over to a place like Milton? So , I just ask your consideration to look at that; to look
at the density, to look at the overall feel of Milton. That is really what I wanted to say. Thank you for
your time.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 , 2015 at 6:00 pm
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Councilmember Thurman
It is my understanding that in order to defer this we would have to give it a specific date. If we want to
defer it indefinitely we really need to table it ?
City Attorney Jarrard
I agree .
Councilmember Thurman
So , if we table it in order for it to come off the table we would have to vote to take it off the table and
then it would not be heard until the next council meeting?
City Attorney Jarrard
That is right. Councilmember Thurman, typically you will take it off the table in one meeting and then
put it off.
Councilmember Thurman
So , that way there is plenty of public notice ?
City Attorney Jarrard
That is correct.
Councilmember Thurman
And , it is also my understanding that while this is tabled , people can continue to use their property as it
is currently zoned and if they currently have use permits , if they choose to do anything else with it they
would have to come through a rezoning.
City Attorney Jarrard
That is correct. It will have no impact whatsoever on that. The only question I have is; is it the
expectation of the council that during this table procedure there is any other activity ongoing with
respect to this ordinance , or is this simpl y the council manifesting that it wants to take a "time out" on
this issue. And , of course , I don't want to get ahead of the council , either option is fine , I just don 't want
to have intended to do something and not have done it.
Councilmember Kunz
What will happen during the table ? Are we going to meet with the concerned parties ?
City Attorney Jarrard
That is exactly right.
Councilmember Longoria
The reason I seconded Councilmember Thurman 's motion is because that is exactly what I want to do. I
want to take a time out and reconsider decisions that have already been made. I want to discuss this
with both the city staff and any impacted stakeholders. I just thought it made sense for us to take a look
at what is going on to make sure we are pointed in the right direction making good decisions.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 , 2015 at 6 :00 pm
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Mayor Lockwood
Is it safe to say that there is still interest from the council to continue looking at this but to get more
information and meet with stakeholders and staff, etc.?
Councilmember Lusk
Would that include legal counsel from both sides getting together also?
City Manager Lagerbloom
I would like to draw some level of comfort by council in the fact that I would like to get Ken's opinion
on the letter that was delivered to the city. Frankly , that letter did not have the tone of compromise, it
did not have the tone of a friendly handshake , it didn 't have anything but the tone of an adversarial
position against the city and that is why the meetings that existed or even a public presentation tonight
have been cancelled because of the framework of that letter. So, we can hear that it wasn't intended to
be any of those things that we heard and I would simply argue that is not the case. Having said that, I
would really like the direction of the city attorney that if you do want us to re-engage the stakeholders , I
would like to do that at the backend of a review so that I have some level of comfort of what the letter
that was delivered to the city really means.
City Attorney Jarrard
Well , that's right. I think if you want to go back and visit with stakeholders again and you want to do it
from the prospect of what do we have to reconsider versus what do we want to reconsider. Those are
two different concepts. If something truly is illegal then that is a different scenario then if something is
simply a different direction.
Mayor Lockwood
So , if we say this is tabled tonight and then you finish your review then you can update us and we can
decide if this is a two week , two month, six month thing that we want to spend some time looking at and
at some point the council can re-engage , have the city re-engage staff.
City Attorney Jarrard
That is right. I will provide direction back to city staff and the city manager, of course that will be
ultimately assimilated back to you, but I will give him my opinion with respect to sort of where we
were, where we are , whether I think we have some true substantive constitutional violations or whether
in fact there is just some concerns with respect to discretionary matters that candidly are vested in you. I
will provide that back to the city manager.
Mayor Lockwood
So , if this passes , the motion to table this , then after the review then council can weigh in on time wise
and re-engage in this. Is everybody comfortable with that?
City Attorney Jarrard
Being at the table ; it takes the pressure off.
Councilmember Thurman
I think it is important to get the city attorney 's opinion on this because we have already deferred this
once before ; we have already gone back to the stakeholders once before, so before we just go back to the
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, Augu st 17 , 2015 at 6:00 pm
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stakeholders again, we need to make sure we understand what it is we are going back on so we are not
just doing the same thing over and over again.
City Attorney Jarrard
That is right and I think you have the right to know ; the letter is fairly strong and it is fairly
comprehensive and I think that you and staff, particularly, have a right to know at least my opinion on it.
I think that is fair.
Mayor Lockwood
I agree with that and then again I belie ve the intent from the city 's perspective and property owners is
that the outlook for Milton is to do the right thing and we certainly want to work together with property
owners and the city and the staff to make sure it is a win-win. So , after that review is done we can move
forward and re-engage and hopefull y come to some kind of a plan that works well for everybody.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to table Agenda Item No. 15-154.
Councilmember Longoria seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
2. Consideration ofRZ15-16 -To Amend Private Swimming Pool Standards for Detached
Dwellings. [Sec. 64-1 069(b)].
(Agenda Item No. 15-214)
ORDINANCE NO. 15-08-256
(Fir st Presenta tion at August 3, 2 015 City Co un cil Meet in g)
(Discussed at Augus t/0, 2 015 City Co uncil Work Sess ion)
(Kathlee n Fi eld, Co mmunity Development Director)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
There are two parts to this te xt amendment that we are requesting changes. The first deals with updating
the dates of both the International Residential Code and the International Building Code. We would like
the International Residential Code to read 2012 instead of 2006 and the International Building Code to
read 2012 instead of2009. The second part of this text amendment was to propose that the areas around
swimming pools be relocated from 150 feet from the water 's edge of the pool to 20 feet. However, after
further consideration and discussion at the work session last week , the Chief Building Official has now
requested that this be withdrawn. He is satisfied with the existing 150 feet. So with that in mind, we
would only ask that the dates of the code to be modified and updated .
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt mo ved to appro ve Agenda Item No. 15-214 with changes of
dates to staff recommendations. Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously (7-0).
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3. Consideration ofRZlS-17-To Create a Definition for "Barrier" in Definitions. (Sec. 64-1).
(Agenda Item No. 15-215)
(Firs t Pr esentation at August 3, 2015 City Co uncil Meeting)
(Discussed at A ugust] 0, 2 015 City Co un cil Wo rk Sess ion)
(Kathleen Field, Co mmunity Developm ent Director)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
This was a proposed text amendment to include a definition for the word "Barrier". As we discussed in
the workshop meeting , our Chief Building Official feels that upon further consideration that this
definition is alread y included in the building codes . Therefore , there is not a need to duplicate it within
our zoning ordinance. Our Chief Building Official requests that this text amendment be withdrawn from
consideration tonight.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lusk moved to withdraw Agenda Item No . 15-215.
Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
End of verbatim transcription
City Manager Lagerbloom
I want to update you, as well as the public , that we are putting the finishing touches on the Conservation
Subdivision Ordinance. It will be ready for the work session on Thursday , August 20 , 2015. I met with
the City Attorney this evening at length and we believe we have captured his required modifications to
the code as it exists and is being worked on by staff right now. You will receive three items: a proposed
draft of a Conservation Subdivision Ordinance , a proposed draft of modifications to the current AG-1
Development Standards and an Executive Summary that will highlight in a bullet point fashion
explaining what both of those documents ensure . I hope this will be in your in box tonight and published
on our website for the public in the morning. We will send a press notification out tomorrow to let
people know how to get access to it so they can review it prior to our meeting Thursday. This is a
middle ground ordinance that took the positions of the members of Council as direction. Some of you
will be happy with it and some will not. There are seven very different opinions and we tried to figure
out where the common ground was . The Special Called Work Session will be Thursday, August 20 ,
2015. After that we will start to make some decisions .
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 ,2015 at 6:00pm
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Department Updates
1. Fire
2 . Finance
3. Information Technology
4. Innovation & Engagement
5. Human Resources
Department Updates
Fire Department-Bob Edgar, Fire Chief
You have our stats from last month, if you have any questions , I will be glad to answer them.
The Aerial Apparatus RFP is published and out. It closes mid-September and once we get those bids
back we will go ahead and hopefully recommend a manufacturer to you in October. It will take at least
12 -18 months to build the truck once the contract and agreement have been agreed on. We had two
vendors show up for the pre-bid meeting last week. I am hoping to get at least three , we have contacted
five vendors to let them know about this so we hope more will respond.
Also, I want to bring to light a near drowning call that we responded to two weeks ago in the city. Our
Milton Rescue 42 and Alpharetta Engine 5 responded to this call. It was a child drowning. When the
crew arrived on the scene they were handed a three year old girl that was not breathing. The reason I
point this out is the efforts we have made and the support you have given us regarding Rescue 42.
Rescue 42 made the first transport with that three year old, who is doing much better every day. It was
due to the quick action , training and cooperation between Milton and Alpharetta that this child hopefully
has a second chance to resume a normal life. It was the quick action of this crew, taking the child and
placing her in that rescue truck, then making that transport. The other vehicle that was responding was
three minutes away and we feel those three minutes may have saved her life. This was the first transport
with that unit and I thought a very notable one to mention to you all tonight.
We have advertised on our web page another program called Home Safety Inspections. It is finally
starting to take root here and we are doing a lot more ofthem. These are where the firefighter, through
the request of a family or business, visits the home/business going through fire drills , safety inspections
and general exit drills teaching the family. I think this is really important helping us interact with the
community directly on a one-on-one basis. Hopefully we will be doing more of these.
The Milton's First Responders Foundation Golf Tournament is August 31 , 2015.
The International Association of Fire Chiefs is hosting their annual conference in Atlanta the last week
of August. I have passes if anyone wants to attend. It is one of the largest trade shows in the country .
They have fire chiefs and fire fighters from all over the country and world come to this conference.
Finance Department -Bernadette Harvill, Finance Manager
Finance has been busy the last few weeks and we are in the final stages of ensuring that all of the Milton
businesses have renewed their licenses for 2015. We have also completed the conversion to the new
business module. In doing so , we have made sure that all files are up to date. All our files are
electronically in our system, as well , from this process . We are going to a more real time electronic
filing system as we deal with different parts of finance. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, revenue
collections and daily processing will now be accessible to those who have finance access rights. Fulton
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 , 2015 at 6:00 pm
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County has approved its tax digest. We are waiting for the digest to be released to us in electronic
format so we can begin the billing process. We are looking at September 1, 2015 target date. The
Fulton County schools have a Talented and Gifted volunteer intern program and we are excited to have
an intern who is interested in finance to join us this fall.
Information Technology -David Frizzell, IT Manager
Want to thank the Council for the direction you have given IT in the last few years in moving to the
cloud . On Friday we merged systems with VC3 's extending our domain. We can access each other's
data as we move forward with the cloud. Technology is a real part of the infrastructure as much as
streets and sewers are. In the month of July we had about half as many tickets as in the previous month.
Innovation Department-Jason Wright
Thank you all for attending our Strategic Planning Retreat and helping us craft a road map for Milton's
future. I look forward to developing the plan and bringing it back to you. I wanted to mention Milton's
work as part of the Alliance Renovation Innovation Academy. We are going to have eight virtual
sessions and team assignments. We are going to develop an innovation project that is meaningful for the
team and also is capable of providing some lasting impact here at the city. We want to hear everyone 's
ideas for the project but a couple of preliminary concepts that we have come up with we ran by Cheryl,
our facilitator today. Cheryl is a former board member and chair of the Alliance Renovation and she
seemed pretty enthused about our ideas. I will be serving as the team leader for this exciting
opportunity. This is truly a cross-functional team , including individuals from all areas of our
organization. Team members include: Matt Fallstrom (Public Works), Alex Fortner (Fire), Jason Griffm
(Police), Bernadette Harvill (Finance), Sarah LaDart (Economic Development), Captain Shawn
McCarty (Police), Michelle Mcintosh-Ross (Community Development), Courtney Spriggs (Public
Outreach), Mark Stephens (Fire), Angela Thompson (Engagement) and Sam Trager (Human Resource).
I wanted to mention our website numbers to you again. Page views and users are down. That is a
general occurrence in summer but you will notice that there is a 67% increase with the number of
specific people using the site. This is an extremely encouraging statistic that gives an indicator that our
content strategy with the new site is working pretty well. We want people to look at fewer pages and go
right to what they need.
Engagement Department-Angela Thompson
Our engagement staff has been hard at work preparing for the fall. Along with Finance and Public
Works we will have a TAG intern for the fall semester. We had a very successful series of Flicks and
Food Trucks with a very positive feedback from the community. We are currently looking for sponsors
for the Crabapple Festival; please let us know if you have anyone. Better Together has some interesting
things going on. They have a Business Connection event this Saturday with Blencoe & Co., Cheeses &
Mary , Hello Lovely and Milton Pilates & Wellness. They do this quarterly. They also have been hard
at work forming the Milton Literary Group and a festival for it on November 14 , 2015. It will be a
workshop or panel for people interested in writing and may have questions for authors , etc.
Human Resources -Sam Trager, HR Director
We are working hard on budget with benefit renewal health insurance. The numbers are looking very
good right now and hope to have it complete by the end of the week.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, August 17 , 20 15 at 6:00 pm
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(Agenda Item No. 15-229)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 6:56 p.m.
Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
Date Approved: September 9, 2015
Sudie AM Gordon , City Clerk JoeLockw~