HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE NO 15 11 262STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF FULTON ORDINANCE N0.15-11-262 PETITION NO. U15-05NC15-05 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE FOR A USE PERMIT FOR A RETREAT (SEC. 64-1821) ON 26.65 ACRES LOCATED AT 13650 BETHANY ROAD. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council for the City of Milton, Georgia while in regular session on November 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. as follows: SECTION 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Milton be amended, so that the following property located at 13650 Bethany Road consisting of a total of approximately 26.65 acres as described in the attached legal description, be approved for a Use Permit for a Retreat with conditions, attached hereto and made a part herein; ALL THAT TRACT or parcel ofland lying and being Land Lots 887, 888, 913 , and 914 of the 2"d District 1st Section, City of Milton, Fulton County, Georgia; and SECTION 2. That the Retreat listed in the attached conditions of approval, be approved under the provisions Sec. 64-1821 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Milton; and SECTION 3. That the property shall be developed in compliance with the conditions of approval as attached to this ordinance. Any conditions hereby approved (including any site plan) do not authorize the violation of any district regulations; and SECTION 4. That all ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; and SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the Mayor and City Council and the signature of approval of the Mayor. ORDAINED this 161h day of November, 2015. Approved: Attest: RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS If this petition is approved by the Mayor and City Council, it should be approved for a Use Permit for a Retreat (Sec. 64-1821) subject to the owner's agreement to the following enumerated conditions. Where these conditions conflict with the stipulations and offerings contained in the Letter of Intent, these conditions shall supersede unless specifically stipulated by the Mayor and City Council. l) To the owner's agreement to restrict the use of the subject property as follows: a) A retreat within the existing house, two existing barns, and pool house as shown on the revised site plan received by the Community Development Department on November 9, 2015. b) The hours of operation shall be the following: i. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ii. Occasional evening ministry usage and occasional overnight guests. iii. All outdoor usage shall conclude no later than l 0:00 p.m. c) A groundskeeper or home manager may be permitted to live on the property. d) No more than l 00 people shall be on the property on any given day except for occasional evening or weekend special events. 2) To the owner's agreement to abide by the following : a) To the revised site plan received by the Community Development Department on November 9, 2015 . Said site plan is conceptual only and must meet or exceed the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, all other applicable City ordinances and these conditions prior to the approval of a Land Disturbance Permit. In the event the Recommended Conditions of Zoning cause the approved site plan to be substantially different, the applicant shall be required to complete the concept review procedure prior to application for a Land Disturbance Permit. Unless otherwise noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. 3) To the owner's agreement to the following site development considerations: a) To allow the existing vegetation within the 100 foot undisturbed buffer and 10 foot improvement setback and not to plant additional vegetation. (VC 15-05) 4) To the owner's agreement to abide by the following requirements, dedication and improvements: a) Access to the site shall be subject to the approval of City of Milton Public Works Department, prior to the issuance of a Business License, Land Disturbance Permit, Subdivision Plat or Certificate of Occupancy (whichever comes first). Entrance(s) shall conform to Chapter 48 Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places of the City of Milton Code of Ordinances, or be reconstructed to meet such criteria as required by the Department of Public Works. At a minimum the following shall apply: i. Primary access to the site shall be from the existing asphalt driveway located approximately 340 feet south of the intersection of Bethany Bend and Providence Road b) Dedicate at no cost to the City of Milton, prior to the issuance of a Business License, Land Disturbance Permit, Subdivision Plat or Certificate of Occupancy (whichever comes first), sufficient land as necessary to provide the following rights-of-way: i. Provide at least 40 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Providence Road and Bethany Road along the entire property frontage ii. Provide a minimum 20 foot right-of-way miter at intersection of Providence Road and Bethany Road ~,0:-. c:: '.~' ~ . ~; !~ LOCA'T81•: _... ,, ........... ~,.,......_..,_ ...,.~w.-...iuw 11.-,.....,l"lllCl'Olm,...,...., ~:t. IEfDl:I ,,_......,...,_~........_ U 15-05/VC 15-05 G _,,, ...... ,. 8AUMBELOW~ NE ASSOC.. INC. W09-....nio...,,...J,,Am~ __, ...... """" ---,_..._Tiii 1111.1:!..-:::-----811M.:~.-r REVISED SITE PLAN SUBMITIED NOVEMBER 9, 2015 FU!CENEO l\0'G 'l 5 2~·,5 CITt Or rJ111..'f~Mf.tn' cot••""U'"1<t·~ f)£V£) , f. G t\ L 0 I::: S C K I P T I 0 ~ All chat tract or 111<11.:;d of liucli lyino and befog locritec in umd Lots E87. 88H. 913. and 914, Di~trict 2, Se.crion 2. ruJm11 Courny, Ge0rgia. wit1ill the City of Millon, an;I ~lng 1.ncire pur1icu1 arl y described ns f<>l I ow,;: Bcgi1111h1g at 1.he iittl'rscction of the n;irthwest tighr of ,.,.ay line of 13ethnny l~ood (a 60' R•'W) witlt the southwest nght ur way line of Pmvideocc Roa<l (R.'\V \'ad.es); Tl IE~CE South 41 1ieg1ee~ 2.7 mi.nutes 59 seconds \\'c:s·. for· a distaoec nf 123..90 fei.'t along tha 1rnrthwcHt light oJ way Jin~ of Bclhntl}' Re.ad (a W ' RiVl) to Ii point: THBr\CF.. S.outh 39 deg,ieces 49 minute~ 46 ~:cone ls \.Ves.1 1"01· a dist.'mCe of l48.40 fe;;;L aJor.g the northwc..~t right or way liiw of lkih~ns Rflad (a (,0' RiWl h.i 11 point; THENCE ~·ollih 3$l tlcgret'i. 49 minutes 57 .~econds W~st for a distance ot 56.52 fee: along IM norttwcst rig11l of wiiy liru: uf Be~h:ln> Ru11d (B 6()' Ri\V1 to '1 pcint; Tl JE."ICE ~outh :18 degree,~ 02 rninuies 4'2 srconds \Vest for 11 dii;t:ance of 95.24 reet aJ::>n~· tile no1thwcst nghl of woy lir1e nf Beth my Rl~d (a 60' H:'\\•') to ~I poillt; THEl\CB South ~-6 t.:t:i;rc:es 19 111i11u1.es 55 seconds We.~t fer i1 dist:mce of 54.39 feet along th~ northwest right t>f wa y line (tf l:lcthnn.)' Roud (a 00' RIW} ton point; THENCE SoutJ1. 2-5 degree~ 09 minu::es 55 :;cc:Qn()s V.'e~ fn 11 distance ·of 59 91 t'eer a.long thr. n(lrthwC'i<t right nf w~y Ii ne 01' Bc:llra11y Rood (R (jQ' Rf1.:V) to a point; THENCE Soulh 32.degrees 15 m'.nu:cs 515 m~;,mJ~ West fror a dJF.mmcc of lOIJ.01) feet ~.[Ol)S the nrnthwest ri£hl of way line of Aeth:my Road (a 60' R/W) Llr a pui11t; THENCE SLiuth 29 degrees 15 minutes 48 scctmcs We:sl fo r fl dist an~ of I 00.56 feel aloug the northwclttright of WU)' ririe or :l:lcl-hfl n y Road (a 60' RI\\') to .a poJm ; THENC.c SQ11th 15 dcltft:e!I-18 minute· 38 sec0nds Wr!.t fm· ri disrom:e ur 82115 fetl alung lhe nortllwcsr right of wny line nf Bet.him~ Rnad {a 60' Rfi\') to 11 pQint THE.NCI:: South 23 dcgroi:x OR rnilll1tcs 25 r.econds Wen for <t distance of 87.oi along tl1e nathwest righr of WRY lioe 1Jr Rrtlumy Rood (o 6CY R:\\') to a point; TilC!.KCE South 20 degree:> 53 minute:; 32 seoonds We~t fol' 3 di stance of, 81JJ2 Feet al on Jl die n:::uth west ri ~tt o~ way Jim; of Bcthah.)' Run.d (a 60' H/W) tn 11 pnint; THENCE Sol.th 21 degree~ 15 mi11uk:s 53 seooi•d.~. West for a distance of 92;45 fc.e.t. along the nmthwest right of W•l)' Jim: llf V·.!.s-Js'·l111~\•\ppD.;tM A"-1Mi~1c$J0:•.\\'1Uo:l(w:hl'~mpet'Ar'· tn1= filt:s\CvJllen~.Outlook>.~.K,.\olUJY KU\l015-J7Jrn -I .E<.IA Ldocx ~ 15-0 5 VL 15-05 Rctlu.ny Road :a GO' RN/) It' nan im11 pin found <#4 rt~ir); TUENCc lc{1ving hllii ll:>J1hw..-!~t 1iglit of way line uf BetJiany Roo.cl, mcande1ing along the t~cmerline of Cooper Sanry Cm:k for .a Llistance of ? 12'ii foe I (t.ie~li ne being North 78 deg.roe~ 26 m.11ult:S 58 seconc.b We.sl for a. dlstanc~ of•},' I .04 foet} lo o. point; THENCE le.nvmg said ccntl:rlim: of Conper -5an.jy Creek , ·r-·forth 08 degr11-es i 1 minuti:s. 07 S~Cotld£ .l::::i~t for :i distam:i:: uf 379.08 feet to :tr\ iron pin set (t4 rcbttr); THE'JCl"l Korth 15 degree~ 40 rninule~ 03 seconds East for H distance of 15(),95 fco.:t to uu ir:>n pio set (#'1 roh:1r); THb~Ct North 25 degrees 24minules n ~cconds Easrfora cfi~wnce uf 303 .44 f~<>t t\1 :m in)n pin ~et (#4-rebar:>: THE!\ CE North 51 degree~ 17 JilillUICS 50 6<:Cn.ndH EiL'lt ruru dii;rance of 325.41 fe~t t:> m1 iron ;iin set t..1!4 rehor); T F.NCE Soui:.h (:9 de,greiei; ·12 min ule!> l 8 seconds fast for :\ d1stu:1c¢ of 33 : .44 fc~t t·;> a r-Ol)k cMner rm the east line of Llmd L.iL li.87, sn'.d li1te bc.ing lhecommnn lin~ of Land lots 887 & S8~: THE.NCC South 79 uegre.:.> 33 mim1tcs 16 ~cconds Ca:.l for n di!>tam.:c of725.<JO feetto a JJQmt t,1[\ the souLhwesl ri.gbt of way line of Providenc~ Road (RJVlr varies}: THENCE SOLllh 24 cegrees 25 minutvi; 31 i;.ci.:,111us Ea.~L fot a disritncc or :W.91 feet per rcfcrem:r;{f plnl (dir.tance. believed to be 47.94 f.!c.t) along tnc imuihweH (i.~ht of way line of Pro\'iderKe Koad (K.'W varies) to the p;>int Llf tieginnlng. Togcrhcr with and :subject 10 Cv\'~Jtants, c115cmcnlli , und restf.ctbJIS qf record. Said propen y ::;oma in~ ::t26.6S acres :nu.I is 111l1rc fully ~I .llw 11 tJJ 1 th~ firnmrlr.ry Surv~y for Virgmia E. SchflX'l.ler. by C:emerli.ne Sur•eying 5ys.tcms. Inc., dated 5-6-13. ns revi~ed 5 l:? 1'1 , be:rring l11eirjob number 51 ~006, onL1 being ide:ttitlcd as dnt.•'lirig r.o. I. c ::'l l>c~1..n.lfl\AppDn•ri·l •:.:•d'·Mk.·m,ofl·:,\~ ndu···11"T ~mr•)fnr1 (nr.-ncl Viles\Conle.nl.Oull-ol'.k\RK.btlt:' YJ<0".2015-17'.hn -l £GAL.<1ocx