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Work Session of the Milton City Council
Monday , February 8, 20 16 at 6:00 pm
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This summary is provided as a convenience and service to the public, media, and staff It is not
the intent to transcribe proceedings verbatim . Any reproduction of this summary must include
this notice. Public comments are noted and heard by Council, but not quoted. This document
includes limited presentation by Council and invited speakers in summary form. This is an
official record of the Milton City Council Meeting proceedings. Official Meetings are audio and
video recorded.
The Work Sess ion of the M ay or and C ouncil of the C ity of M ilton w a s held on February 8,
2016 at 6:00 P M .
C ouncilmemb ers Prese nt: Councilmember Karen Thurman, Councilmember Matt Kunz,
Counci lmember Bill Lusk, Councilmember Burt Hewitt, Councilmember Joe Longoria and
Councilmember Rick Mohrig.
M ayor Joe L ockwood pres ided ove r th e m ee tin g.
• Work Sessions are an informal setting to update Council on business items.
• No votes will be taken during these sessions.
• There are four (4) items on our Agenda tonight.
• Public comment is allowed that is germane to an Agenda Item.
• If you wish to speak you are required to fill out a comment card and turn it into the City
Clerk staff.
• Public comment will be allowed for a total of 10 minutes per agenda item and no more
than 2 minutes per person.
• Public comment will be heard at the beginning of each Item .
• Once the item is called, no other comment cards will be accepted.
Agenda Item #1 w a s r ead.
1. Discussion of RZ16-01 -To Amend the Deerfield Form Based Code, Chapter 64, Article
XX, Article 1 -General.
(Kathlee n Fi eld, Community Developm ent Director)
Kathleen F ield , C ommunity Dev elopm ent Director
The map that is before you tonight is the existing map that shows the Deerfield Form Based
Code. Staff is recommending a text amendment to thi s code. As you look at the map at the
intersection of Bethany Bend and Route 9, you will see a triangular area that moves south
through the Stonecreek Church property which is surrounded by a dotted line . As you move to
the insert at the bottom of the map , which is the area between Cogburn and Hopewell; it is also
surrounded by a dotted line. Lastly, which was part of the Route 9 north addition to the Form
Based Code, the insert at the top of the map, you will see the entire area that we studied as part
of the Route 9 north is also surrounded by a dotted line. The dotted lines delineate maximum
Work Session of the Milton City Council
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two-story building height zones. The code also states that in addition to the fact that buildings I
are limited by their height which also means they are limited by setback and parking
requirements , they are also not allowed to be a receiving site for any TDRs. Staff believes that
this is an onerous requirement. The only exception to this would be the top right insert area on
the map which is located north of Bethany Bend and was part of the Route 9 north study. The
reason for this is because the visioning for that area specifically said that they did not want the
area to be a TDR receiving site . However, there was no mention of that in the area south of
Bethany Bend all the way down in the enclosed dotted lines. Staff feels that since it was not
mentioned in the visioning study, and that the two-story limitation is sufficient to control the
form, and the parking limits the amount of development, then it is sufficient with the setbacks. If
a developer can fit some additional density through the TDR program then it should be allowed.
That, essentially , is our request for this text amendment.
Kathy Field
The request has come from the area insert at the bottom of the map. We have had someone
request additional density and they would need a TDR. We felt that if they were limited by the
two-story stipulation then they could not get additional density. The reason he wants a TDR is
because he is going to use a basement level that would count toward his density requirement and
would not increase the height. The building would be two stories but he could use his basement
level as well but would need TDRs to do it.
Councilmember Thurman I
I can see this request on the southern part of the insert on the map; however, I have a problem
with increasing the density when it is adjacent to single family residential detached homes. I
have a problem with it if it backs up to a single family subdivision; especially a subdivision that
the houses are one acre lots. I do not agree with having an increase in density for those particular
parcels because then you really do not have any type of transition. You go directly from a single
family residential area with houses on one acre lots to something that is extremely dense using
TDRs and I think that is too much.
Mayor Lockwood
Could we add language to limit it to areas that are not adjacent to one acre single family
Kathy Field
Yes , that is certainly possible to limit it to parcels that are not bordered by a single family
residential district with houses on one acre lots.
Councilmember Longoria
I understand that from an outward appearance the building would not look any different. It
would still be a two-story building but with a basement. However, additional parking would be
needed and there would be more traffic corning to and from the building.
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Councilm emb e r M ohri g
I want to look at the map again to see what exactly is included in the area we are referring to . I
may like to go further than the one acre stipulation because we may have some su bdivisions with
houses on one acre but we may also have single family detached homes that are not on one acre
because of the allowances that were made before the form based code. I think those areas would
be negatively impacted if we added more commercial density.
Kath y Field
I am willing to go back and access the situation to see what type of residential densities and
developments are next to this area and then see if we can prepare some type of language to
respond to your concerns.
Ag enda Ite m #2 w as read.
2. Discussion of City of Milton Amended Budget (FY2016).
(Stacey In glis, Ass istant City Mana ger)
Stacey Ingli s, Ass ista nt C ity Ma na ge r
This year's mid-year amendment is kind of small when you look at the general fund but it gets
bigger when you look at the capital projects fund . In the general fund, there is an expenditure
appropriation increase of $19 ,006. I will go through the departments to explain what is going on.
GIS services are currently being divided by an IGA with Johns Creek. They have expressed a
desire to end that agreement with us because they need a full-time GIS position. So, in order to
do that, we are decreasing a line item in the IT budget for the IGA of $25 ,900. We are requesting
to add a position of GIS Manager to the Public Works Department. So , if you look in the Public
Works Department , you will see salary and wages totaling $54 ,981 for the remainder of the year .
In addition, there is a $1 ,925 request for travel expenses for the GIS Manager to attend a
conference. While we are looking at the option of hiring a GIS Manager in which we have
already started advertising for this critical position, we are also go ing to explore an outsource
option. We are going to issue an RFP requesting outsource providers to give us a quote on the
costs associated with pro v iding GIS serv ices. Anytime there is a position available, we always
look at an outsource option as well as the option of hiring a person in order to weigh the pros and
cons to make sure we are making the best decision for the city . We are requesting this position
now in the Public Works Department but it may be p laced in another department depending on
how everything works out between whether we hire a person or use an outsourcing company .
In the Municipal Court fund , there is a decrease of $12 ,000. This is to correct the rent that we
would have to pay for the Alpharetta Court faci lity . The rent is $3 ,000 per month but since we
have not occupied that facility for half of the year , we are decreasing it by $12 ,000.
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In Other Financing Uses, we are moving funds from one fund to another. It does not affect the I
General Fund . In the E -911 Fund , I made a mistake. When I did the calculations for the
spreadsheets , I picked up the wrong Ending Fund Balance from the previous fiscal year. I picked
up the $479 ,000 Ending Fund Balance for the Beginning Fund Balance in FY16, which was the
Ending Fund Balance in FY14 . I should have picked up the Ending Fund Balance in FY15 so
there is a significant difference. We actually do not have enough money to transfer from the E-
911 Fund to the Capital Projects Fund to co ver the North Fulton Radio System costs for FY16.
So , I am having to correct that error by decreasing the transfer out to the Capital Projects Fund by
$256,374. We will be ab le to send $43 ,626 over to the Capital Projects Fund. We have enough
money in the Fund Balance to do that. The rest of the money will be made up as I go through the
Capital Projects Fund and explain how it will all work out.
In the Capital Projects Fund , there are a couple of things going on. In the revenues , there is an
increase of $10 ,435 ,000 and that will bring the City Hall project over from the Revenue Bond
Fund because that is not being funded by the Revenue Bond ; it is being funded by cash. We have
enough money set aside to pay cash for the construction of City Hall. So , I am basically moving
that into the correct fund. It should not be shown in the Revenue Bond Fund. It should be in the
Capital Projects Fund . That is about $9 ,935 ,000 of that $10 million is being transferred from the
Revenue Bond Fund ; $500 ,000 is coming from the Capital Projects Grant Fund. The
Crabapple/Birmingham intersection project is being funded more by GDOT than we anticipated.
So, $500 ,000 that was money that we would have to match for the GDOT funding; we don 't have
to anymore because GDOT is now fully funding more of that project than we needed. The I
$500 ,000 is going over into the Capital Projects Fund to help offset the E-911 mistake that I made
as well as some other project that I will explain.
So , the City Hall project is $9 ,935 ,000. We are correcting the court renovations ; we did not need
the full $100,000 that we originally requested . We only needed $55 ,000 of that amount. That
may still be a little high but as we continue with the renovations we can make adjustments to the
amount at the end of the fiscal year.
In the Public Works Department, there is an increase of $64 ,000 for traffic calming. This is to
fund some traffic calming measures in the Crabapple area.
In the Community Development Department , we have set aside $80 ,000 for the downtown Milton
Masterplan. We requested funding from ARC for this initiative but we did not receive it so we
have $80 ,000 in the budget for this project.
Councilmember Thurman
I did not notice any budget amendments to account for the Impact Fee ordinance that we passed at
the time the budget was being prepared. Do we have any idea how much those impact fees will
be and is there a reason we did not include them in this budget amendment?
Stacey Inglis
We have received some Impact Fees but I do not have the exact figures right now . We have
created an Impact Fee fund and whatever area we receive them from ; they will be used in that
specific department. I
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Councilmemb e r Thurman
When do we expect to have the final numbers for the year end from the a ud itors?
S tac ey Inglis
They have just completed their field work and they are putting together the financial statements .
Hopefully, by the end of this week we will ha ve something from them. The deadline for
publishing the CAFER is March 31 51•
Councilmemb e r Thurman
Do we have any idea what those numbers will be ; specifically the amount of increase to our end
of the year Fund Balance?
S tac ey Inglis
I think I can run those numbers . I didn 't get them for this agenda item because I did not have
them when I was preparing this document but we have enough of an idea. Everything is booked
the way it is supposed to be booked , so I should be able to run those numbers and get that
information for you.
C ouncilmember Thurman
Were there any surprises from the audit?
Stac ey Ingli s
When we signed the lease for Fire Station 43 , and we added the option to purchase it at the end of
it , that changed how we were supposed to book that so that has to be a prior year adjustment.
A genda Item #3 w as re ad.
3. Discussion of City Hall Construction .
(Ca rt er Lu cas, Ass istant C ity Mana ger)
Carte r Lucas, Ass istant C ity M ana ge r
As you know last week you approved the main CM contract for the construction of City Hall as
well as CCOl to go ahead and get earthwork components underway. We wanted to go through
this schedule tonight and highlight a few things . We have our conformed drawings in now. We
are wo rking on the final pricing package for that and our final GMP we are hoping to bring to
counci l at the March 21st Council Meeting. We are working towards maintaining the budget of
9.8 million (stated cost) that was in the original CM contract that was approved last week. We
have the final contracts executed by the contractor and will be going to legal in the next couple
of days . After that we will obtain a notice to proceed for the contractor to begin his site work .
Site work is anticipated to begin next week and end by the beginning of March . The site is going
to be broken up into two pieces: the building and the underground detention. The aggregate pier
foundation system will be going in toward the end of March as well as the underground detention
system which will be complete near the middle of May. Next the structure will begin to be built
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near the middle of May. We hope to dry in the structure during the middle of September with an I
overall substantial completion date of mid-January 2017. Final completion will be 30 days after
that and then we will start moving furniture in by end of March or beginning of April 2017. If
yo u want to come see the site , I will be glad to show it to you. It is going to be a great looking
building and facility.
Councilmember Lusk
The 9.8 million is the hard cost, construction cost?
Carter Lucas
Councilmember Lusk
What are the soft costs and the FF &E?
Carter Lucas
I do not have the soft costs off the top of my head. The FF&E budget contract approved with
Office Images was $350 ,000. They will be doing an evaluation of all of our furniture here to see
what we can take with us . That process will be starting shortly as well.
Councilmember Mohrig
Does 9 .8 million include the exterior landscaping?
Carter Lucas
The landscaping is part of that number.
Agenda Item #4 was read.
4. Continued Discussion on Greenspace Bond .
(Chris Lagerbloom, City Mana ger)
Jack Lindon, 14810 East Bluff Road, Milton, Georgia 30004
First of all I would like to say , I appreciate the fact that you put this on the agenda. I think there
are some real important things that should be outlined here in terms of what plan we are going to
be using moving forward. Over the past couple of weeks I have spent a good deal of time
reviewing Tom Daniels conservation plan. I must say in a year and half since I read it , I had
forgotten a lot of what was in it. I am really impressed with what is in there; both from his
ability to take all the things that have been done in Milton in the past eight years and summarize
them but, also just in thinking about all the studies that have been done (Comprehensive Land
Use Plan, Parks and Rec Plan , Trail Plan, etc.) that gives us a good basis for a green print. These
plans give a good basis of what we can present to the citizens of Milton and ask them to vote to
increase their taxes. In the process of reading this I had some questions so I spoke with Mr. I
Daniels about these. I asked him what he thought we needed to do to finalize a green print for
the public. He said three things:
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1) You need to figure out a way to evaluate property. This is one we have talked about already ,
so that is good.
2) You need to get some information about how to actually use the money. For example, how
much is going to be spent on TDRs, how much is going to be spent on conservation easements,
how much is going to be spent on actual acquisition, and how we might use resources that exist
to match funds.
3) We need to figure out how to put together a plan to educate the public about what they are
voting on. That I think is the most critical piece and requires some expertise in marketing. We
might need to find someone to help us with the marketing aspect.
I wanted to read to you from the bottom of page six of Dr. Daniels plan under recommendations :
The City Council should appoint a Land Preservation Advisory Committee to work with
consultants and City staff on educating landowners and the public about the land preservation
options. To me , that is the most critical recommendation he has made. I would very much hope
that the council will decide to direct the city staff to put together a citizen committee , just like we
did for the TDRs , Form Based Codes and the Impact Fees study. A group of people that can
advise the Planning Commission , along with some advisors , can put together this type of plan. If
we do not put together a good plan that we can present to the public , it will be hard to get people
to vote for it.
City Manager Lagerbloom
This is something that I had discussed with Councilmember Lusk about putting back on the
agenda tonight. I will try to bring you up to speed as to what happened when we went to the
Planning Commission last month with a request for them to work on the prioritization criteria, as
well as , a weighted percentage . If you have questions on who is going to do certain jobs or the
timeline, we can also talk about that as well. At the Planning Commission meeting at the end of
January , I made the request that the y begin working on a process of looking towards objective
criteria by which we would use to evaluate future land transactions , whether that be in fee type
acquisition or acquisition of conservation easements of all or a portion of someone's property. I
asked them to be inclusive and engage the public as they work through this and to have
something to deliver back to the council around April for your consideration as we move into
Phase II of this bond issue. They were very receptive to the request and have put it on their next
several agendas. They have asked us to collect some additional information in the form of a
community survey. That community survey is built and will be in tomorrow's press release. The
survey is open ended and not trying to put anyone in a box. The Planning Commission wanted
an electronic dialogue experience with those that only communicate with the government in that
way. We had a good response this way when we did it with our Strategic Plan. The Planning
Comm ission is a public assembled group and will be taking Public Comment at those meetings ,
so any member of the community will have the ability to interact with the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission will be staff supported as they work on this . A Land Conservation
Advisory Board is probably a good idea whether you choose to do that now or do it after the
bond question itself; it really is more a matter of preference of council policy. You have an
assembled group now that is made up of citizens and appointees that are working on this project
so if you choose to establish another one or give staff that direction, that is something we can
very easily facilitate. I believe that after the bond question is asked in November, there will
likely be a citizen group put together that is the recipient of the requests for certain acquisitions
or conservation easements and they can act as a filtering group for the council in applying the
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criteria the Planning Commission develops and the council supports. Also , recognize that part of I
this process is very procedural and legal. We will engage with bond counsel that will work on
and for us. There are experts in this field and will want to hear from you on those things as what
percentage of funds you want to use for acquisitions , conservation easements , TDRs , etc ., or if
you want to have the flexibility to choose any of the three rather than assigning a percentage.
You will have access to the city attorney's office , bond counsel and our financial advisors if the
bond request is successful. I agree with Mr. Lindon that one of the biggest components of any
successful bond issue is the public campaign that goes along with getting the public educated
about what is actually being asked . I would recommend that somet im e after April we can start
educating people.
Councilmember Kunz
Would it make since we hire a consultant now to assist us through this process because we are
dealing with a time constraint? I can see us having some discussions that may take us longer but
if a consultant was there they may be able to point us and steer us in the appropriate direction
and keep us as efficient as possible.
City Manager Lagerbloom
We have certainly talked about what players we need at the table and most of the consultants that
have been there have been bond counsel and financial advisors . I will need to look if that is
something that council would like to explore.
Mayor Lockwood
It would be nice to know what options we may have if staff can bring that back to us.
Councilmember Lusk
I am interested in who from the city would be the overall Project Manager?
City Manager Lagerbloom
Usually when you have a host of departments involved you need to rely on the City Manager to
make sure all the pieces work together. Having Kathy on board is great because she can spend
the time in the details of it. As far as a coordinator I think it should be the City Manager who
can influence all the departments involved. That would be my recommendation but you could
certainly choose to have a different Project Manager if you choose so.
Councilmember Lusk
Are we identifying clear instructions or charges to these different departments and what they are
supposed to accomplish in such a short time period ?
City Manager Lagerbloom
First, it will be open to interpretation if clear direction was given to the Planning Commission. I
welcome all of you to watch the meeting itself from last week and I was there and did it in
person. If you watch, I believe it was clear direction . The charge was to provide weighted
priority criteria to the council of those criteria which are appropriate for future land preservation
in Milton . They all understood that charge.
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In regard s to time , they said they do have time and w i ll meet the deadline because they know
how im portant this is for Milton .
Ma y or Lockwood
I see th at Noel is here from the P lanning Commission and maybe he would want to give us hi s
take but I have spoken with several members and they seem ready to move forward . Do you
have any comments Noel from the Plann ing Commission?
N oel Carpente r, 15230 High g ro ve Road , Milton , Georgia 30004
I am on the Planning Commission. I think we are completely open on this. We have asked to
see the Green Space Plan that was there an d also look ing at the Trail s P lan . We are currently
looking at everything related to the view shed itself. To u s all of these thi ngs seem to fit qui te
naturally together. At some po int, we see that the citizens are going to have to prioritize what
they want. We will have to set limitations because it will not be possible to do everything. We
are definitely looking at it broadly and will be able to zone in on w h at we think our priorities
wou ld be . Everything is just general right now .
Councilmember Longori a
I understand the City Manager has to play an important role here but I think it is a bit much to
say the City Manager is the point person on something li ke this. I think someone sho u ld be
appointed just to th is and will report to the City Manager letting them know if they nee d
assistance or help.
Ci ty M anage r Lagerbloom
Those type of things will happen in th e Community Development Department with thi s
Conservation Project Manager position . I am just suggesting to you as the counci l I would prefer
you come to me.
Councilmemb e r Longoria
Okay. That makes the most sense to do that.
May or Lockw ood
Our contact will be through the City Manager first and to answer any clarification will come
from staff and probably Kathy Johnson.
Kath y John s on , C on serva tion Project M anag e r
I have contacted Peyton Jamieson on the P lanning Commission and told him I am available and
ready to work with h im and the Commission may have. I am meeting with him on Monday to
talk a bout setting up a plan on how I can help the Planning Commission. As an attorney myself,
I can speak that legal language with our City Attorney so that will be helpful.
Councilm e mb e r Thurm a n
I think the most c ha ll enging part is going to be selling this to people and that their tax dollars are
going to be put to good use. This will increase their property values. We have a lot of people in
Milton that are very passionate about land conservation issues and hopefully we can get
everyone on board that this is the way to do it.
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Councilmember Kunz
If a citizen committee was formed , would they get in your way , Noel , or be some sort of help ?
Noel Carpenter
I do not think they will get in our way. I am sure Jack and Kathy will tell you that as well. We
as a Planning Commission have always worked really hard to reach out to the many groups. By
all means , engage the public and form a committee however you all see fit.
Councilmember Kunz
So , the citizen committee would have two fronts: helping the Planning Commission institute this
and selling the project.
Mayor Lockwood
We only have one chance with this. Through our people we cannot go out and sell this. What is
the best scenario on how we want to do this? Do we use an outside consultant or use the Citizen
Committee , etc? We need more information on what other successful campaigns like this have
used .
Councilmember Hewitt
We need to know what our part in this is.
City Manager Lagerbloom I
We can rely on the City Attorney's office for that. We have the do's and don'ts on supporting
referendum by elected officials and employees sheet that we will PDF and send it out.
Councilmember Hewitt
What about appointed boards?
City Manager Lagerbloom
If we create the committee, do they become by proxy an extension of.... I want to look into that
before I say what group is allowed to do the marketing.
Councilmember Mohrig
What is the composition of the Bond Counsel and what is their role?
City Manager Lagerbloom
That is a bond lawyer. People who would write the bond referendum and get us procedurally
through this.
Councilmember Lusk
I am glad we did this and put it on the agenda. I think it has been productive. Coming from the
industry that I am involved with along with Rick, Joe , Burt, Noel and Karen , I always look for
someone in charge of the whole project and who is keeping the schedule. Looking at this I
schedule , we have non-moveable deadlines we are going to have to achieve and we will not get
time extensions because of the election date is set in November, which is one of my major
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concerns about this process. I am glad we discussed this and fee l more questions came up th at
had not previously.
M ay or Lockwood
Chris , Kathy Fields, Kathy Johnson , and Steve , it would be helpful if you wou ld put together a
flow chart so we can see all the pieces and their descriptions .
Councilme mb e r M ohri g
Also , Chris if you could see if there are consultants out there that you think would be qualified
and could really help us .
City Manage r Lagerbloom
Agreed . I will be bringing something back to you . Before we go to Executive Session tonight , I
have a sheet I wanted to send with you to get our street name of our new city hall building. I
want yo u to look at this sheet of ideas and have you look at this and get your choice. I will see if
there is a consensus of any one and try to move forward with this. I think this is something
significant you should want to be involved in picking the name of our street where City Hall will
reside .
M otion and V ote : Councilmember Longoria moved to adjourn into Executive Session to
discuss land acquisition at 7 :04 p.m. Councilmember Hewitt seconded the motion . The motion
passed unanimously (7 -0).
M otion and V ote : Councilmember Thurman moved to reconvene the Work Session Meeting at
7: 10 p .m. Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7 -0).
Date Approved: March 7, 201 6
Personally appeared before the undersigned officer, duly authorized under the laws of the State of Georgia
to administer oaths, JOE LOCKWOOD, who in his capacity as Mayor and the person presiding over a Council
meeting of the CITY OF MILTON, and after being first duly sworn, certifies under oath and states to the best of his
knowledge and belief the following:
At a Regularly Scheduled City Council Work Session Meeting held on February 8, 2016, at 6:00 PM the
Council voted to go into closed session and exclude the public from all or a portion of its meeting. The legal
exceptions applicable to the exempt matters addressed during such closed meeting are as follows:
[Check or initial as appropriate]
1. _X_ discussion or voting to authorize negotiations to purchase, dispose of, or lease
property ; authorizing the ordering of an appraisal related to the acquisition or disposal of real estate;
entering into contract to purchase, to dispose of, or lease property subject to approval in a subsequent
public vote; or entering into an option to purchase, dispose of, or lease real estate subject to approval in a
subsequent public vote pursuant to O.C.G.A, 50-14-3(b)(l)(B-E);
2 . discussing or deliberating upon the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring,
disciplinary action or dismissal , or periodic evaluation or rating of a public officer or employee or
interviewing applicants for the executive head of the city with the vote on any such matter coming in
public pursuant to O.C .G.A. 50-14-3(b)(2);
3. __ attorney/client privilege in order to consult and meet with legal counsel pertaining to
pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings or other judicial actions
brought or to be brought by or against the agency or any officer or employee or in which the agency or
any officer or employee may be directly involved , pursuant to O.C.G.A. 50-14-2(1).
4 . other (explanation):
I certify that the subject matter of the closed meeting or the closed portion of the meeting was devoted to
matters of official business or policy, with the exceptions provided by law as set forth above.
this 8th day of February, 2016. ''''"'"'''' ~''' "" G0'9 1
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