HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes CC - 09/19/2016 - MINS 09 19 16 REG (Migrated from Optiview)Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday , September 19 , 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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This summary is provided as a convenience and service to the public, media, and staff It is not
the intent to transcribe proceedings verbatim. Any reproduction of this summary must include this
notice . Public comments are noted and heard by Council, but not quoted. This document includes
limited presentation by Council and invited speakers in summary form . This is an official record
of the Milton City Council Meeting proceedings. Official Meetings are audio and video recorded.
The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton was held on
September 19, 2016 at 6:00 PM, Mayor Joe Lockwood presiding.
Pastor Jerry Dockery, Crabapple First Baptist Church, Milton, Georgia
Mayor Joe Lockwood called the meeting to order.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Thurman, Councilmember Kunz, Councilmember
Lusk , Councilmember Longoria, and Councilmember Mohrig.
Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Hewitt
(Agenda Item No. 16-205)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Mohrig moved to approve the Meeting Agenda with the
following change:
• Add under Public Hearing and as the last New Business Item , "Consideration of a
Moratorium Barring the Acceptance of Applications for Conceptual Plan Approval for
Subdivisions Located within the Five Acre Road Zone ."
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting .
Regular Meeting of the Mil ton C ity Council
Monday , September 19 , 20 16 at 6 :00 pm
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The follo w ing individual s ubmitted a public comment card:
Ilana Linder, 13433 Marywood Court , Milton , Geo rgia 300 04
1. Approval of the Financial Statements for the Peri od Ending Aug ust, 2016.
(Agenda Item No. 16-206)
(Bernadett e Harvill, Fin ance Ma nager)
2. Approval of a Profes sional Services Agreement be tween the City of Milton and
ECOFLO , Inc. for Milton 's Household Paint an d Chemic als Coll ections Event (HPCC) to
be held on September 24 , 2016.
(Agenda Item No. 16-207)
(Ieres a Stick els, Susta inab ility Coordinator)
3. Approval of an Agreement between the City of Milton and FunF are to Pro vide Event
Services for the 2016 Crabapple Fest.
(Agenda Item No. 16-208)
(Co urtney Spriggs, Public Outreach Coordinato r)
4 . Appro val of an Agreement between th e City of Milton and Crabapp le Community
Association Regarding Responsi bil ities an d Obl ig ation s Re lated to Co -Hosting of the
Crabapple Fest.
(Agenda Item No. 16-209)
(Co urtney Spriggs, P ublic Outreach Coo rdinator)
5. Approval of a Profess ional Services Agreement between the Ci ty of Milton and Data
Media Associates , Inc. for Property Tax Billing .
(Agenda Item No. 16-210)
(B ern adette Harv ill, Fi nan ce Ma nager)
6 . Approval of a Contract between the City of Milto n and AT&T for Internet Services.
(Agenda Item No. 16-211)
(David Frizzell, IT Ma nager)
7. Approval of a Reso luti on and Underground Ease ment for the Installat ion of
Power Service at City Hall.
RESOLUTION NO. 16-09-384
(Agenda Item No. 16-2 12)
(C arter Lucas, Assistan t City Manager)
Re gular Meeting o f the Milton Ci ty Council
Monday, September 19 , 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lusk mo ved to appro ve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember
Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0). Councilmember Hewitt was
absent from the meeting.
1. Proclamations Recognizing Constitution Week Presented to the Daughters and Children
of the American Revolution (Martha Stewart Bulloch Society), Daughters of the
American Re volution (Chestatee River Chapter), Daughters of the American Re volution
(Patriots of Liberty Chapter) and the Sons of the American Revolution (Piedmont
(Pr esented by Co unci/m ember Bill Lusk)
1. Consideration of an Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton , Georgia,
to Adopt Amendments to the Fiscal 2016 Budget for Each Fund of the City of Milton,
Georgia, Amending the Amounts Shown in Each Budget as Expenditures , Amending the
Several Items of Revenue Anticipations , Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed
Appropriations , and Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Actual Funding Available.
(Agenda Item No. 16-194)
(First Presentation at September 7, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Discussed at September 12 , 2016 Council Work Se ssion)
(Sta cey In glis , Ass istant City Ma nager)
Stacey Inglis, Assistant City Manager
This is simply to bring revenues and expenditures in line with actual revenues and expenditures
collected to date or what we expect to collect or spend by the end of the fiscal year. In the
general fund , revenue appropriations are increasing by $378,767.00. Expenditure
appropriations are increasing by $29 ,554.00. Some highlights for the re venues are property
taxes are being billed this week and will have a due date of November 21 51• That is within the
60 days that we can accrue back to this fiscal year . Motor vehicle taxes are decreasing, trending
lower than anticipated by $71 ,700 .00 . Title advalorem tax has come in lower than anticipated
because the distribution has changed and are decreasing by $240 ,000 .00 . The local option
Regular Meeting of the Mil ton City Council
Monday, September 19 , 20 16 at 6:00 pm
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sales tax is increasing trending about $100,000 more than we anticipated . Land disturbance
revenues are lower than anticipated and a decrease of $54,000 is being reque sted .
2. Consideration of an Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton, Georgia,
to Adopt the Fiscal 2017 Budget for Each Fund of the City of Milton, Georgia
Appropriating the Amounts Shown In Each Budget as Expenditure s, Adopting the Several
Items of Revenue Anticipations, Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Appropriations, and
Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Actual Funding Available .
(Agenda Item No. 16-195)
(Presented under Reports and Presentations at August 15, 2016 Counc il Meeting)
(First Presentation at September 7, 20 16 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Discussed at September 12 , 2016 Council Work Session)
(Stacey Inglis , Assistant City Manager)
Stacey Inglis, Ass istant City Manager
This is the fourth time that we have presented the FYI 7 Budget. Each of yo u have asked questions
either individually or with a small group and the City Manager. This budget process is very much
like how we have done it in the past. We give first priority to operations and that we are continuing
the level of service that the citizens are accustomed to . Then we look at each department 's
initiative requests and we prioritize them based on our strategic plan. We also look at the capital
improvements and ensure that the seven year plan that we have in place is being adhered to. We
also identify any new projects that may need to be included in the program. The anticipated
revenues are $27,839,843.00. Operating expenditures are proposed at $27,443,989.00. This
includes several things such as a debt service payment of $718,000 for the revenue bond that was
issued for the construction of Bell Memorial Park. This budget also includes a 3% increase for a
market adjustment for all employees. There is a 15% increase to our employee's health insurance
costs. There are also additional maintenance costs for the new City Hall of $160 ,000 and this will
be partially offset by the lease payment that we are currently paying for t he Deerfield location.
There is an increase in liability insurance due to coverage for additional facilities and an upsurge
in the cost to insure law enforcement officers. There is a $60,000 increase for legal services based
on trending expenditures from the previous years and a request to increase the hourly rate from
$150 to $175. There is also a $141,000 increase in the lease payment for Station 43 to Fulton
County which matches the debt payment that they have on the building. The total amount of
initiative requests is $984,375. There is also a 1 % contingency included due to our policy that
states we have to set aside 1 % for unforeseen instances that may occur. This equates to $212,000.
There is a transfer to capital projects for almost $6 million and a transfer to the special events fund
for $10,550 to cover events that we have that don't bring in tourism so we can't use the hote l/motel
tax dollars. These events include the tree lighting, Veterans Day, and the volunteer appreciation
lunch. These will now be funded out of the general fund because they are local events that don 't
bring in tourism to the city. In addition, I researched other cities to fin d out if they pay their board
members a stipend for serving on a board. Some cities do and others don 't. The average pay is
$50 per meeting. I put together a table of all the boards that we have , ho w many members they
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday , September 19, 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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have, and how often they meet. I reviewed our charter and it mentions that we have boards that
have investigative, semi-judicial , or semi-legislative functions of the city and whose members are
nominated by each councilmember. My suggestion is that we pay these types of boards which
would include BZA, DRB , P ARB , PC, and HPC. If all seven members are appointed and they all
attend monthly meetings, the total cost would be $21,000 per year.
The following Agenda Item was added to Public Hearing under Approval of Meeting Agenda:
3. Consideration of a Moratorium Barring the Acceptance of Applications for Conceptual
Plan Approval for Subdivisions Located Within the Five Acre Road Zone.
Ken Jarrard, City Attorney
This is a time sensitive resolution that imposes an emergency moratorium with respect to the
acceptance of applications for conceptual plan approval for subdivisions located within the Five
Acre Road Zone . The council has previously imposed a moratorium with respect to the acceptance
of applications for conceptual plan approval for subdivisions adjacent to Highway 9 between the
Forsyth County line and the city limits of the City of Alpharetta. We had an emergency
moratorium placed on August 15, 2016 and then at a special called meeting, we imposed a
moratorium preventing the acceptance of those concept plans all the way to December 6, 2016.
And, when we did that, we left out this area called the Five Acre Road Zone. It was on purpose;
however, there has since been some citizen and council concern so with the direction of staff and
counsel, we have chosen to include the Five Acre Road area within this moratorium. If council
choses to approve this , you can impose the moratorium for 30 days without a public hearing. If
the council choses to impose this, then we will have a public hearing at the next regular council
meeting. At that time , I will provide a resolution that will blend this moratorium back into the one
that is already in place .
1. Consideration of an Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton, Georgia,
to Adopt Amendments to the Fiscal 2016 Budget for Each Fund of the City of Milton,
Georgia, Amending the Amounts Shown in Each Budget as Expenditures, Amending the
Several Items of Revenue Anticipations, Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed
Appropriations, and Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Actual Funding Available.
ORDINANCE NO. 16-09-287
(Agenda Item No. 16-194)
(First Presentation at September 7, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Discussed at September 12, 2016 Council Work Session)
(Public Hearing at September 19, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Stacey Inglis, Assistant City Manager)
Regu lar Meeting of the Milton Ci ty Council
Monday , September 19, 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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Motion and Vot e: Counc il member Longoria moved to approve Agenda Item No . 16-194.
Councilmember Lusk sec onded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
2 . Considerati on of an Ordinance of the Mayor and Counci l of the City of Milton, Georgia,
to Adopt the Fiscal 20 17 Budget for Each Fund of the City of Milton, Georgia
Appropriati ng the Amounts Shown In Each Budget as Expenditures , Adopting the Several
Items of Re ve nue Ant ic ipat ions, Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Appropriations , and
Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Actual Funding Avail ab le .
ORDINANCE NO. 16-09-288
(Agenda Item No. 16-195)
(Presented under Reports an d Presentations at August 15 , 20 16 Council Meeting)
(First Presentatio n at September 7, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Discussed at September 12 , 2016 Council Work Session)
(Public Hearing at September 19 , 2016 Re gular City Council Meeting)
(Stacey Inglis, Ass istan t City Manager)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve Agenda Item No. 16-195 w ith
allowing $21,000 to be adde d to the FY2017 Budget for stipend pay for Board and Committee
Members. Councilm ember Kunz seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember He w itt was absent from the meeting.
3. Consideration of a Util ity and Fiber Easement Agreement by and between the City of
Milton and Verizon Wireless, LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless respecting the Providence
(Agenda Item No. 16-152)
(Deferred at Ju ly 1 1, 201 6 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Ken Jarrard, City Attorney)
Carter Lucas, Ass ist ant City Manager
This is an agenda item that was deferred at the July 11 , 2016 regular c ity council meeting. This is
an easement to allow Verizon to access the cell tower on the Pro vi dence Park property. At the
July 11th meeting, w e were directed to go back to Verizon and reques t funding for the easement in
an amount that wou ld be equi valent to what we would generally pay for permanent easements in
a right of way acqui si tion . We obtained an agreed upon price of $3 ,5 9 1 for the easement area that
is proposed on the documents that you have in front of you tonight.
Motion and Vote : Counc ilmember Lusk moved to approve Agenda Item No. 16-152 .
Councilmember Kunz seco nded the motion. The motion pas sed unanimo u sl y (6-0).
Councilmember He wi tt was a bsent from the meeting.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, September 19 , 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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8. Consideration of Subdivision Plat Revisions Approval:
Name of Development/ Location Action Comments/
l. Wood Acres , LL 699 , 7 42 Final Plat Create
3 lots
2. Woodwinds @ New Providence, Final Plat Create
LL 877 18 lots
3. 15355 Hopewell Rd , LL 47 4 Minor Plat Create
2 lots
4. 15300 Thompson Rd , LL 47 4 Minor Plat Create
2 lots
5. Westminster, LL 924 , 925 , 87 6 Final Plat Revision
14 lots
6. Cagle/ Greer, LL 625, 626 Minor Plat Combine
3&4 2 lots
7. 625 Old Dorris Rd, LL 992 Minor Plat Combine
2 lots
8 . The Manor 5 B, LL 396 , 397 Final Plat Create
5 lots
9. Wood Bend, LL 631 Minor Plat Create
3 lots
10. Wisdarium LLC, LL 973 , 97 4 Minor Plat Combine
2 lots
11. The Manor Enclave II, LL394, 395 Final Plat Revision ,
address lot
8, 37 lots
12. Vintage Custom Homes, LL 338 Minor Plat Create
2 lots
13. Ebenezer Pond, 1071, 1090 Final Plat Create
18 lots
14 . Kensley phase I, LL 1049 Final Plat Create
29 lots
15 . The Manor Phase 2 E C, LL 322 , Minor Plat Create
323 3 lots
(Agenda Item No. 16-213)
(Kathl een Fi eld, Community Developm ent Director)
Total Density
13.4 .7 lots I acre
27.2 .66 lots I acre
2.63 .75 lots I acre
2.05 .975 lots I
27.1 .51 lots I acre
4.9 .41 lots I acre
5.98 . 1 7 lots I acre
6.4 .78 lots I acre
9.8 .31 lots I acre
2.9 ,34 lots I acre
45.02 .82 lots I acre
3.36 .59 lots I acre
26 .03 .69 lots I acre
7.7 3.77 lots I
15 .6 . 19 lots I acre
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, September 19 , 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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Motion and Vote : Counc ilmember Longoria moved to approve Agenda Item No. 16-213 with
the exception of #9 and #3. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion . The motion passed
unanimously (6-0 ). Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting .
Motion and Vote: Council member Longoria moved to appro ve Ag enda Item No . 16-213 to
approve #9 and asked Staff to review #3. Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion . The
motion passed (5-1 ). Mayor Lockwood was in opposition. Councilmember Hewitt was absent
from the meeting.
The following Agen da Item was added to New Business under Approva l of Meeting Agenda:
2. Consideration of a Moratorium Barring the Acceptance of Ap p li cations for Conceptual
Plan Approval for Subdivisions Located Within the Five Acre Road Zone .
RESOLUTION NO. 16-09-385
Motion and Vote : Counci lmember Mohrig moved to approve a Moratorium Barring the
Acceptance of App lications for Conceptual Plan Approval for Subdivisions Located within the
Five Acre Road Zone. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimousl y (6-0 ). Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting .
1. Community Development
2. Human Resources
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, September 19 , 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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Community Development -Kathleen Field, Director
In terms of the strategic plan , we have moved forward on our way-finding signage and the funds
are in the budget that you approved tonight. We had a stakeholder meeting for the masterplan for
the downtown Crabapple area. There will be more public meetings in the future. Possibly in
February , this initiative will be brought to you for a vote. The proposal for modifications to the
tree preservation ordinance has gone to bid so we hope to hire a consultant very soon to move
forward with this initiative. The rural viewshed initiative has been completed and approved by
you. The public to consider a bond issue is underway. Groups are meeting to plan advocacy for
this initiative. The draft comprehensive plan has been sent to the ARC and the state for their
review. It will come before you next month for your approval. There are several text amendments
that are coming up for your review and approval. The first is a retaining wall ordinance which is
scheduled to come before you next month . In addition , there is a steep slope ordinance which will
be presented to you at the third meeting in October. We are also changing our fence permit
requirements so that all fences , including those in agricultural areas , will be required to submit an
application ; however , if the property is located in AG-1, then the fee will be waived . The language
related to unpaved and gravel roads will begin through the CZIM process this month then to PC
and then in November you will see the modified language. In addition , the route 9 changes based
on the moratorium disallowing subdivisions is scheduled to come before you in November. We
are also working on revisions to the plat process and we hope to get those changes to you in
October. Finally, Brightwater Homes has submitted plans for a standard AG-1 subdivision called
Sweet Apple near Ebenezer Road which will be scheduled for a public information meeting soon.
Human Resources, -Sam Trager, Director
Our classification system is comprised of class specs so we have a class spec for each position in
the system. We also have a factor evaluation system where we actually grade our jobs. The factor
evaluation system is comprised of ten factors that ranges from knowledge required for the work to
verbal guidelines all the way down to physical demands and work environment. Each of those
factors is weighted in our classification system and each job is evaluated so it shows how we ended
up with a numeric value for each job. So, we have a hierarchy chart for all the jobs . Before 2012,
we had pay ranges that had been established for each position. In 2011-2012 , we conducted our
first survey and we developed a pay table to match the system that we use to evaluate jobs. The
pay grades were 24 through 43. There is a 7 1/2% percent difference between each grade. We
kept these grades through 2014 and that is what our current pay tables look like. Each pay grade
has a minimum, midpoint, and maximum salary. Each job is assigned to a pay grade . When the
pay grade reaches 40 and above , it is more of an open pay range and the salary is market driven.
In 2016 , we hired a consultant to help us with our data. They met with department heads and they
surveyed the labor market , both public and private sector, then they combined that information
with our internal data and we established some market rates. We found that our administrative
jobs are pretty much in line with the market so we are going to keep those same pay tables. We
saw that police and fire positions were more market driven and our police salaries are about 7%
behind the market and fire salaries are about 4 Yi% behind the market. We also discovered that
most companies give their employees a 3% annual increase. In addition , I have put the police and
fire on two different pay tables. Police has grades Pl through P9. Fire has grades Fl through F9.
Regular Meeting of the Milton Ci ty Council
Monday , September 19 , 2016 at 6 :00 pm
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By increasing our entry leve l position salaries, we will be better equipped to recruit and therefore
retain police and fire employees.
(Agenda Item No . 16-214)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8:28 p.m.
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Hewitt was a bsent from the meeting.
Date Approved: December 5, 2016
Joe Lockwoo~