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Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9, 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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This sum mary is provided as a convenience and service to the public, media, and staff It is not
the intent to transcribe proceedings verbatim . Any reproduction of this summary must include this
notice . Public comments are noted and heard by Council, but not quoted. This document includes
limited presentation by Council and invited speakers in sum mary form . This is an official record
of the Milton City Council M eeting proceedings. Official Meetings are audio and video recorded.
The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton was held on January
9, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Mayor Joe Lockwood presiding.
Remco Brommet , Chapl ain for the City of Milton Police and Fire
Mayor Joe Lockwood called the meeting to order.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Thurman, Co uncilm ember Kunz, Councilmember
Lusk , Councilmember Mohrig and Councilmember Longoria.
Councilmember Absent: Counci lm em ber Hewitt
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (L ed by M ayor J oe Lockwood)
(Mayor Joe Lockwood)
Motion and Vote: Mayor Loc kwood moved to approve Councilmember Mohrig appointed to
serve as Mayor Pro Tern for 2017 . Councilmember Lusk seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimousl y (6-0). Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting .
(Mayor J oe Lo ckw ood}
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9, 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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(Agenda Item No. 17-001)
Motion and Vote : Councilmember Longoria moved to approve the Meeting Agenda with the
following changes :
• Move Agenda Item No. 17-019, Consideration of a Resolution Appointing Members to the
City of Milton Equestrian Committee for District I /Post I and District 3/Post I , to after the
Consent Agenda.
• Remove Agenda Item No . 17-006, Approval of a Construction Services Agreement
between the City of Milton and Mobile Joe 's Professionals, Inc. for Landscape
Improvements for the Broadwell Pavilion , from the Consent Agenda.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
I. Approval of the November 21 , 2016 Regular City Council Meet ing Minutes.
(Agenda Item No. 17-002)
(Sudi e Gordon, City Clerk)
2. Approval of the December 5, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes.
(Agenda Item No. 17-003)
(Sudie Gordon, City Clerk)
3. Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Milton and Lionheart
School, Inc .
(Agenda Item No. 17-004)
(Jim Cregge, Parks & Recreation Director)
4. Approval of the Audit Engagement Letter with Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC
to Audit the City's Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ending
September 30, 2016 .
(Agenda Item No. 17-005)
(Stacey Inglis , A ss istant City Manager) I
Re g ular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday , January 9 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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5. Approval of a Construction Services Agreement between the City of Milton and Mobile
Joe 's Professionals , Inc. for Landscape Improvements for the Broadwell Pavilion.
(Agenda Item No. 17-006)
(Carter Lucas, Assistant City Manager)
6. Approval of a Construction Services Agreement between the City of Milton and Ed Castro
Landscape , Inc. for Warning Track Stabilization at Bell Park.
(Agenda Item No. 17-007)
(Carter Lucas, Assistant City Manager)
7. Approval of the following Subdivision Plats :
Name of Development/ Action Comments/# Total Density
Location lots Acres
I. Vicki Hyatt, LL Minor Plat Create 4 .071 .49 Lots I
296, Hopewell Rd . 2 Lots acre
2. Meckers Falls, LL Minor Plat Create 9.076 .33 Lots /
989 and 990 3 Lots acre
Freemanville Road
3. Sharon Danville, Minor Plat Revision , 12 .34 .24 Lots/
LL 668 Move acre
Wood Road property line
lots 2 and 3 ,
3 Lots
Agenda Item No. 17-008)
(Kathlee n Field, Co mmunity Developm ent Direc tor)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lusk moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember
Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimousl y (6-0). Councilmember Hewitt
was absent from the meeting.
1. Consideration of RZ16-05 -To Create Steep Slope Standards in Chapter 64, Article
XVII , Division 3, Site Improvement Standards.
(Agenda Item No. 17-009)
(Kathlee n Field, Co mmunity Development Direc tor)
2. Consideration of RZ16-10 -To Amend the Rural Milton Overlay Single Family Uses,
Height -Section 64-1141 ( c ).
(Agenda Item No. 17-010)
(Kathleen Field, Co mmunity Developm ent Direct or)
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9, 20 17 at 6:00 pm
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3. Consideration of RZ16-11 -To Amend the Crabapple Form Based Code as it Relates to
Building Units Allowed for Parking Structures -Article XIX of the Zoning Ordinance.
(Agenda Item No. 17-011)
(Kathleen Fi eld, Com munity Development Director)
4. Consideration of U16-01NC16-03 -2785 Francis Road by Chrysalis Ex perimental
Academy to Consider a Use Permit for a Private School (Section 64-1831) with a
Maximum of 25 Students within the Existing Structure and a Concurrent Variance to
Reduce the Undisturbed Buffer [64-1143(a)(3)(b)].
(Agenda Item No. 17-012)
(Kathleen Fi eld, Community Development Director)
5. Consideration of an Ordinance of the City of Milton, Georgia to Amend Chapter 2 of the
Code of the City of Milton, Georgia to provide for Compensation for the Planning
Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Design Review Board ; to Provide for the
Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances; to Provide and Effective Date; and for Other Lawful
(Agenda Item No. 17-013)
(Ken Jarrard, C ity Attorney)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Mohrig moved to approve the First Presentation Items . I
Councilmember Longoria seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
1. Consideration of Amendments to Chapter 20, Soil Erosion, Sedimentation
and Pollution Contro l, Article VI, Soil Erosion within the City of Mi lton Code of
ORDINANCE NO. 17-01-294
(Agenda Item No. 16-270)
(First Presentation at November 21 , 2016 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Second First Pr esentation on December 19, 20 16 Regular City Council Meeting)
(Carter Lucas, Assistant City Manager) I
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9, 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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Carter Lucas, Assistant City Manager
We are periodically asked to adopt updates to our erosion and sediment control ordinance to ensure
that our ordinance is in compliance with the state. When this was originally brought before you
for the first reading, the ordinance was complete with the placement of the existing ordinance with
the model ordinance that exists. Upon further review, there were several things in our ordinance
that we wanted to keep so the second First Presentation was our existing ordinance with changes
that we thought were necessary to acquire from the model ordinance. The changes are relatively
minor such as changes to the definitions and one language change. Otherwise , the ordinance
remains as it was and we believe it will be in substantial compliance with the state requirements.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve Agenda Item No. 16-270.
Councilmember Lusk seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
1. Consideration of a Resolution of the City of Milton, Georgia to Set Qualifying Fees for
Municipal Elections.
RESOLUTION NO. 17-01-406
(Agenda Item No. 17-014)
(K en Jarrard, City Attorn ey)
Ken Jarrard, City Attorney
As you already know, we are in an election year where four seats are up for re-election. They
include the Mayor, District I/Post 1, District 2/Post 1, and District 3/Post 1. Per state law,
whenever there is an upcoming election during the year, the city has an obligation to fix and
publish the qualifying fees by February 1st of the election year. Tonight, there is a resolution
in your packet which outlines the qualifying fees which in most jurisdictions is 3% of whatever
the salary is of the position. They Mayor 's salary is $23,000 in which 3% of that is $690 .00 .
The salary for the councilmember positions is $13 ,000 in which 3% of that is $390.00. We are
asking that you adopt this resolution tonight to set these qualifying fees . The City Clerk will
then publish them in the Milton Herald , our legal organ.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-014 .
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember
Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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2. Consideration of a Resolution Establishing Issues to be reviewed by the City of Milton
Charter Commission.
RESOLUTION NO. 17-01-407
(Agenda Ite m No . 17-01 5)
(Ken Jarrard, C ity A tt orn ey)
Ken Jarrard, City Attorney
The City Charter anticipates that every five years the city will create a Charter Commission
whose job is to look at the operation of the city and make recommendations to the General
Assembly with respect to making possible changes to your Charter to improve the operation
of the city . We have already done this once five years ago. The Charter Commission was
created in early December 2016 and since then a list ofrecommendations has been developed
to give to the Charter Commission for their review. Eventually , a list of recommended changes
to the City Charter will be brought before you to adopt and then sent to the General Assembly
for consideration.
Motion and Vo te: Counci lmember Mohrig moved to ap prove Agenda Item No. 17-015.
Councilmember Longoria seconded the motion. The motion pass ed (6-0). Councilmember I
Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
3. Consideration of a Resolution of the Milton City Council to Re-Ado pt the Five GMA
Ethics Principles for Recertification to be a Georgia Certified City of Ethics .
RESOLUTION NO. 17-01-408
(Agenda Item No. 17-0 16 )
(Ken Jarrard, C ity A tt orn ey)
Ken Jarrard, C ity Attorney
The Georgia Municipal Association has a program that cities can apply for and receive a
designation as a certified city of ethics after meeting certain criteria. One criteria is to have an
independent ethics ordinance which would be adopted by the jurisdiction. In addition , the city
has to adopt five principles of how they will govern. The City of Milton is already a certified
city of ethics through this program b ut it requires that the city renew its certification every four
years. So , tonight, upon your adoption of this reso lution, this combined with the city's ethics
ordinance will be sent to GMA and the city will be re-certified as a city of ethics.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lus k moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-016 .
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember
Hewitt was absent from the meeting . I
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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4. Consideration of a Resolution and Ordinance Amending Resolution No . 08-11-54 of the
City of Milton, Georgia to Provide for Compensation for the Members of the Milton Parks
and Recreation Advisory Board; to Provide for the Repeal of Conflicting Provisions; to
Provide an Effective Date ; and for other Lawful Purposes.
RESOLUTION NO. 17-01-409
(Agenda Item No. 17-017)
(Ken Jarrar d, City Attorn ey)
Ken Jarrard, City Attorney
The City Charter authorizes the city council to establish the compensation for members of all
the boards and committees. This would set the compensation for the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board at $50 per each meeting that a member attends. Meetings are considered as
formal meetings that are held under the Georgia Open Meetings Act which include an
agenda, minutes , etc.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to appro ve Agenda Item No . 17-017 .
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember
Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
5. Consideration of the following Subdivision Plats:
Name of Action Comments/ # lots Total Acres Density
1. Glen v iew at Final Plat Create 41 lot s 8.187 5 Lots I acre
Arnold Mill ,
1139 ,1166
Agenda Item No. 17-018)
(Kathleen Field, Co mmunity Dev elopm ent Director)
Kathy Field, Community Development Director
This is a final plat located in the Crabapple area on Arnold Mill Road. It is a townhouse
development and will be developed according to our zoning and development guidelines. It
will create 41 townhome lots .
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to approve Agenda Item No . 17-018.
Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed ( 6-0). Councilmember
Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
Re g ular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9, 2 01 7 at 6 :00 p m
Page 8 o f 9
6. Consideration of a Resolution Appointing Members to the City of Milton Equestrian
Committee for District 1/Post 1 and District 3/Post l .
RESOLUTION NO . 17-01-410
(Agenda Item No. 17 -019)
(Mayo r J oe Lockwood)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lusk moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-019 appointing
Julie Shanno n to the May o r's At Large nomination to the City of Milton Equestrian Committee .
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember
Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Lockwood mo ved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-019 appointing Carol Cookerly to
District l/Post 1 to the City of Milton Equestrian Committee. Counci lmem ber Longoria seconded
the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting .
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-019
appointing Laura Bentley to District 3/Post 1 to the City of Milton Equestrian Committee. I
Councilmember Lu sk seconded the mo tion . The motion passed (6-0 ). Councilmember Hewitt
was absent from the meeting.
1. Public Works
2. Fire
3. Communication
Carter Lucas, Assistant City Manager
Due to the inclement weather , we were in continuous operation from Friday morning until 12:00
midnight Saturday night. All crews were operational during that tim e. Everyone did a great job
and we will have a summary of everything that took place for you in the next few days. City Hall
continues to remain on track and we are expected to be out of the Deerfi eld space by our April
deadline. We are working on furniture installation and interior finishes . The Mayfield Road I
sidewalk project is moving along and we have completed our right of way acquisition and certified
it to GDOT.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, January 9, 2017 at 6:00 pm
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Bob Edgar, Fire Chief
Two new firefighters started in our department in December. We are re-evaluating our fleet plan.
With the development in the Crabapple area, and the taller buildings, we need to look at possibly
purchasing an aerial pumper to meet the fire protection needs in that area. There has been a 3%
increase in overall calls in the past three years. The awards banquet is February 11th and we hope
you can attend. The fire department responded to 20 incidents during the inclement weather over
the weekend. 25% of those calls were weather related.
Shannon Ferguson, Communications Director
I would like to give you an overview of our website usage. We have about the same number of
male vs. female users which is reflective of the demographics of our population. Interestingly,
Milton has a high population of 14 years of age and younger. I will be looking at how our future
residents will get their information whether it is Snapchat, etc. The majority of our users are
between 45-54 years old and are accessing our website through desktops and also tablets and
mobile devices. Facebook continues to be the most popular of our social media avenues. Our
most popular news story was about the City of Milton sign being returned to the city . I want to
continue to improve our website with easier access to information and incorporating more online
forms. I am working with Economic Development to feature our licensed businesses and working
with Community Development to assist with branding and way-finding signage. I am also
assisting Public Works with developing a new app that they want to implement. And, I am working
with the Parks and Recreation Department assisting them with marketing for programs that need
more exposure.
(Agenda Item No. 17-020)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:09 p.m.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Hewitt was absent from the meeting.
Date Approved: January 30 , 2017
ioeLockwz /