HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes CC - 04/10/2017 - MINS 04 10 17 REG (Migrated from Optiview)I I I Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council Monday, April I 0 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm Page I of9 This summary is provided as a convenience and service to the public, media, and staff It is not the intent to transcribe proceedings verbatim . Any reproduction of this summary must include this notice. Public comments are noted and heard by Council, but not quoted. This document includes limited presentation by Council and invited speakers in summary form . This is an official record of the Milton City Council Meeting proceedings. Official Meetings are audio and video recorded. The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton was held on April 10, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Mayor Joe Lockwood presiding. INVOCATION Remco Brommet , Chaplain for the City of Milton Police and Fire CALL TO ORDER Mayor Joe Lockwood called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Thurman, Councilmember Kunz , Councilmember Lusk, Councilmember Hewitt, Councilmember Longoria and Councilmember Mohrig. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Led by Mayor Jo e Lo ckwood) APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA (Agenda Item No. 17-080) Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to approve the Meeting Agenda with the following changes: • Add an Executive Session to discuss land acquisition. Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7 -0 ). PUBLIC COMMENT Re g ular Meeting of the Milton City Council Monday, April l 0 , 2 017 at 6 :00 pm Pa ge 2 o f 9 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the March 6 , 2017 Regular City Council Meeting Minute s . (Agenda Item No . 17-081 ) (Sudie Gordon, City Clerk) 2. Approval of the March 20 , 2017 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. (Age nda Item No. 17-082) (S udie Gordon, City Cl erk) 3. Approval of the Financial Statements for the Period Ending February 2017 . (Age nda Ite m No. 17-083) (B ernadett e Ha rvill, Fin ance Director) Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lusk moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0). REPORTS AND PRESENT A TIO NS 1. Proclamation Recognizing Those Who Made the New Milton City Hall Possible. (Pr es ented by Mayo r J oe Lockwood) 2. Proclamation Recognizing National Library Week. (P resented by Co un cilm ember Bill Lusk and Co un ci/m ember Kar en Thurm an) 3 . Presentation of the City of Milton FY 2016 Annual Audit. (Pr es ented by Tim Lyons, Mauldin & J enkins, LL C) FIRST PRESENTATION 1. Consideration ofZM17-0l -14505 Batesville Road zoned AG-1 with Use Permit by LRF Milton, LLC (Little Ri ver Farms) To modify conditions 2.a AND 3.b (Ul4-02) for relocation of parking lot and additional driveway to additional parking lot. (Agenda Item No. 17-084) (Kathleen Fi eld, Co mmunity Developm ent Director) 2. Consideration of ZMl 7-02NC17-02 -980 Birmingham Road zoned C-1 and AG-1 by The Contineo Group to modify condition 2 .a. (20042-0043) to modify site plan for additional parking and move dumpster pad and a concurrent variance to allow parking past the building (Sec . 64-1323(a)). (Agenda Item No. 17-085) (Kat hlee n Fi eld, Co mmunity Dev elopm ent Director) I I I I I I Regular Meeting of the M ilton City Council Monday, April I 0 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm Page 3 of9 3. Consideration ofRZ17-02 -12800 , 12830 and 12850 Hopewell Road by Fuqua & Associates -To Rezone from AG-I (Agricultural) to R-4A (Single Famil y Dwelling) to Develop 17 Single Family Lots on 14.6 Acres at a Density of 1.16 Units per Acre. (Agenda Item No. 17-086) (Kathlee n Fi eld, Co mmunity Develop ment Dir ec tor) 4 . Consideration ofRZ17-03 -To Amend Section 64-418 -Pre-development Notification and Public Informational Meeting and Section 64-419. Definitions of the AG-1 (Agricultural) Zoning District. (Agenda Item No. 17-087) (Kathleen Fi eld, Co mmunity Developm ent Director) 5. Consideration of RZl 7-04 -To Amend Section 64-141 -Pre-development Notification and Public Informational Meeting and Section 64-442 . Definitions of the R-1 (Residential) Zoning District. (Agenda Item No. 17-088) (Kathleen Fie ld, Co mm unity Develop ment Dir ector) 6. Consideration ofRZ17-05 -To Amend Section 64-464 -Pre-development Notification and Public In fo rmational Meetin g and Section 64-465 . Definitions of the R-2 (Residential) Zoning District. (Agenda Item No. 17-089) (Kathleen Fi eld, Co mm unity Develop ment Dir ector) 7. Consideration of RZl 7-06 -To Amend Section 64-487 -Pre-development Notification and Public Informational Meeting and Section 64-488. Definitions of the R-2A (Residential) Zoning District. (Agenda Item No. 17-090) (Kathlee n Fie ld, Co mmunity Developm ent Dir ec tor) 8. Consideration ofRZ17-07 -To Amend Section 64-2453 -Creation of a Historic Preservation Commission (To Allow Compensation for Meetings). (Agenda Item No. 17-091) (Kath leen Fiel d, Co mm unity Development Dir ector) 9. Consideration of Re visions to Plat Process , Chapter 50 -Subdivisions. (Agenda Item No. 17-092) (Kathleen Field, Co mmunity Developm ent Dir ec tor) 10. Consideration to Amend Chapter 2 , Article V , Division 3, Planning Commission, Section 2-206 -Duties. (Agenda Item No. 17-093) (Kathleen Field, Co mmunity Develop m ent Dir ec tor) Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve the First Presentation Items. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0). Re g ular Meetin g of the Milton City Council Monday, Apr il I 0, 2017 at 6 :00 pm Page 4 of9 PUBLIC HEARING (No ne) ZONING AGENDA (N on e) UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of an Ordinance Accepting the Revised Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System (GMEBS) Defined Benefit Retirement Plan and General Addendum. ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-306 (Agenda Item No. 17-077) (First Presentation at March 20 , 2017 Regular City Council Meeting) (Sa m Tr ager, Hum an R esources Director) Sam Trager, Human Resources Director At our last meeting , we approved some Benefit Plan design changes for our emplo yees . This is the last housekeeping item that is in conjunction with those changes. It is an amendment to our pension plan and it has to be changed by an ordinance. It covers two things ; it allows vacation and PTO leave but it seeks accrual at the end of each year to allow a transfer to service credit for unused hours . It also reduces our actuarial tables from 3% per year to 2% per year for those who retire before the age of 65 . At the end of each year , administrative emplo yee s can carry over up to 240 hours . So , if an employee has more than 240 hours at the end of the year, they can roll those hours above 240 to servic e hour credit. It increases service hour credit when calculating benefits at retirement. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-077. Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimou sly (7-0). 2. Consideration of an Ordinance Creating the Milton Greenspace Adviso ry Committee (MGAC). ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-307 (Agenda Item No. 17-068) (F irst Pres entation at March 6, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting) (Di scu ss ed at March 13 , 2 017 C ity Council Work Se ss ion ) (Ka th lee n J ohnso n, Co nservatio n Pr oj ect Ma nager) I I I I I I Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council Monday, April I 0, 2017 at 6:00 pm Page 5 of9 PUBLIC COMMENT The following individual submitted a public comment card: Tim Becker, 15625 Canterbury Chase , Milton, Georgia 30004 Kathleen Johnson, Conservation Project Manager I am presenting to you tonight an ordinance for the creation of a Greenspace Advisory Committee. There has only been one change made to the ordinance since it was discussed during the March 13 , 2017 work session. Councilmember Thurman suggested that we add the following language to Section 2(m) ....... No City Council member shall enter into any closed or executive session of MGAC unless the executive session is a duly called joint executive session of MGAC and the City Council. Councilmember Longoria Could you please explain why you think it is important for us to abandon the normal mode under which we create committees in the city? Kathleen Johnson This committee is about a bond for $25 million which that in itself is a very different action than any of our other committees. I have researched many different similar committees in different areas of the country and many of those committees are chosen in a way that opens up the application process to the whole community in order to get the best qualified candidates that have qualifications in areas of finance, real estate, business , or conservation. A councilmember may not know individuals who are extremely qualified to assume this type of commitment and responsibility so the application process ensures that we reach out to the entire community to get the best possible individuals for the job. It is also best practice in the land conservation environment to conduct formation of committees in this way. Councilmember Longoria I would strongly argue that the citizens that voted for the city to spend $25 million bond on land conservation assumed that the city council would be managing the decisions surrounding the use of these funds. To throw them a curve ball now and tell them that citizens who are vetted through an application process are now going to make these decisions seems non-transparent. Kathleen Johnson This committee will only be doing all the legwork and research regarding land conservation. The final decisions regarding land acquisition will be made by the city council. Councilmember Longoria We can vote on anything that the committee brings forward to us; however, we cannot vote on anything that is not presented to us. That is the problem. Re g ular Meeting of the Milton City Council Monday , April I 0, 2017 at 6:00 pm Pa ge6of9 Kathleen Johnson Even though we were lim ited on what we could say by state law, we spent months with the Planning Commission creating a list of criteria, factors , and tools that was obtained through public input. This list that was put together through public comment will be used by the committee when deciding upon land acquisitions that will be presented to the city council. Mayor Lockwood The easiest thing would be for each councilmember and Mayor to pick a person for the committee. I asked staff months ago to research the best way to form this committee. I like that this is different from how we choose our other committees. We need a group of individuals to make decisions based on numbers and facts with no emotions involved. Councilmember Thurman We need a committee that has the professional qualifications and expertise to make these decisions. I do not want someone on the committee that I have appointed to worry about whether they are pleasing me. I want a committee that is totally neutral and thinks about the tough decisions on their own and makes decisions based on what they think is the best for the City of Milton not what is best for a councilmember. I want politics completely removed from any decisions this committee makes . I Councilmember Longoria I The City of Milton is full of professionals and individuals who are experts in their field . There is a reason why the median household income is so high for this area. The city is filled with professional executives that make big tough deci~ions every day and get paid big money to have that level of responsibility. I would support any councilmember that wants to gi ve up their pick for appointing a member to this committee as long as it is agreed upon by the entire council. The way we have formed committees in the past has worked very well and I don't understand why we are changing the process now. Councilmember Hewitt I think the application process is going to be full of politics either way you look at it. I would like to see representation from all three districts . Councilmember Mohrig I agree . I would like at least one individual from each district on the committee. Mayor Lockwood I agree with that concept also . We want to have a broad representation of the city; however, there may be districts where no one is interested or some districts that have more qualified candidates than others. So , we need the flexibility to discuss those situations if they occur. Councilmember Lusk We are talking about $25 million dollars. That is a lot of money. Our other committees do not require that individuals have a certain criteria of qualifications. This committee is different. We I I I I Regular Meeting of the Milton Ci ty Council Monday, April 10 , 2 017 at 6 :00 pm Page 7 of9 are ta lking about a lot of money so we need extremely qualified individuals in areas of finance , real estate , business , and land conservation. The application al so indicates that the commitment to this committee will be very time consuming, so we need individual s who are not onl y very qualified and knowledgeable but also willing to commit a large amount of time and energy to making these decisions. M ay or Lockw ood I would like to add that all the districts are to be represented equall y . Councilmemb er Thurm an We need to make sure that all areas of the city are represented . Councilm em ber L on gori a Steve , do you know from all the people that have applied what the breakdown is by district ? City M ana ge r Krokoff Currently , we have three for District 1, eleven for District 2 , and three for District 3 . Councilme mb er Mo hri g I would like for us to have representation by district. I want the committee to be a good balance of skill sets. City M ana ge r Krokoff Staff is only going to go through the applications to determine who is qualified . The only ones we are going to dismiss are the ones that truly do not fit the qualifications. As of now , there are 17 applications. If all 1 7 meet the qualifications , then the council will have 17 to choose from. Staff will not pre-determine the panel. Councilm emb e r L on gori a I think it would be beneficial if we had a pre-determined number of people that will be on the committee. Do we want 5, 7, or 9? How many people do we want to be on this committee? Kath y, I certainly appreciate all your hard wo rk . I would like to make a motion that given the fact that this seems to be getting more complicated, not less , I would like to make the composition of this committee the traditional way ; the council appoints someone from each position and allow the Mayor to do the same , and not adopt this more complicated model. That is a motion. Councilmemb er Hew itt I will second it. I think the last hour of discussion shows that it is a complicated issue and we have over complicated it. M oti on and Vote : Failed (4-3) Mayor Lockwood , Councilmember Thurman, Councilmember Lusk and Councilmember Mohrig were in opposition. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council Mond ay, April I 0 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm Pag e 8 of9 Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-068 with the following change: Section 2 (h) should read as follows: MGAC members are not required to reside in any specific Council District, but must be residents of Milton, Georgia with at least one member from each district and all geographic areas of the City represented as best as possible. Councilmember Lusk seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-2). Councilmember Longoria and Councilmember Hewitt were in opposition. NEW BUSINESS (No ne) . '1 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS STAFF REPORTS Department Updates 1. Public Works 2. Fire 3. Communication Bob Edgar, Fire Chief One of our firefighters owns a search and rescue dog and he just recently completed all the training and certifications. He has now been accepted as part of the Georgia Search and Rescue team . That dog is now available to us. It does not cost us anything . It i~ all through grant funds _that are awarded through the state. It covers all of his vet bills , food , tra!rting ;-.essentially ev erything. The dog can be brought to the station by the firefighter. He stays in his kennel and if there is a need for the dog then he can be deployed. In addition, with the passing of the pension change, we will have four firefighters that will be retiring from the city at the end of month; a Battalion Chief, a Captain, an F AO , and a firefighter. Also , we are half way through our MDA coll ections boot drive and we have collected over $40,000. We are well ahead of where we were last year. I hope that the next time I report to you we are in the $80 ,000 range. I I I I I I Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council Monday, April I 0 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm Page 9 of9 EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition at 8:00 p.m. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0). RECONVENE Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to reconvene the Regular Meeting at 8:26 p.m. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0). ADJOURNMENT (Agenda Item No. 17-094) Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8:27 p.m. Councilmember Hewitt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0). Date Approved: May 1, 2017 JoeLockw~