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Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, April 24 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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This summary is provided as a convenience and service to the public, media, and staff It is not
the intent to transcribe proceedings verbatim . Any reproduction of this summary must include this
notice. Public comments are noted and heard by Council, but not quoted. This document includes
limited presentation by Council and invited speakers in summary form. This is an official record
of the Milton City Council Meeting proceedings. Official Meetings are audio and video recorded.
The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton was held on April 24,
2017 at 6:00 PM, Mayor Joe Lockwood presiding.
Remco Brommet, Chaplain for the City of Milton Police and Fire
Mayor Joe Lockwood called the meeting to order.
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Thurman , Councilmember Kunz, Councilmember
Lusk, Councilmember Hewitt, Councilmember Longoria and Councilmember Mohrig.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Led by Mayor Jo e Lockwo od)
(Agenda Item No. 17-095)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve the Meeting Agenda with the
following changes:
• Move Agenda Item Number 17-102 , "Nomination of a Board of Zoning Appeals Member"
to after the Consent Agenda.
• Move Agenda Item Numbers 17-092 , "Consideration of Revision to Plat Process , Chapter
SO-Subdivisions" and 17-093, "Planning Commission Duties" under Unfinished Business
to the first two items under the Zoning Agenda.
I Councilmember Hewitt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
Re g ular Meeting of th e Milton Ci ty Council
Mond ay , April 24 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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Th e follo w in g indiv iduals submitted a public comment card:
Tim Becker, 15625 Canterbury Chase , Milton, Georgia 30004
Tony Outeda, 325 Taylor Gl en Drive, Milton, Georgia 30004
1. Approval of the Financial Statements for the Period Ending March 2 017.
(A genda Ite m N o. 17-096)
(B ern adett e Harv ill, Fin ance Director)
Motion and Vote: Council member Lusk moved to approve the Consent A genda . Councilmember
Mohrig seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
1. Consideration of an Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton, Georgia, to
Adopt Amendments to the Fiscal 2017 Budget for Each Fund of the City of Milton,
Georgia, Amending the Amounts Shown in Each Budget as Expenditures , Amending the
Several Items of Revenue Anticipations, Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed
Appropriations , and Prohibiting Expenditures to Exceed Actual Funding Available.
(Agenda Item No. 17-097)
(St acey In g li s, Ass istant City Man ager)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve the First Presentation Item.
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimous ly (7-0).
Regular Meeti ng of the Milton Ci ty Council
Monday , April 24 , 2017 at 6:00 pm
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1. Consideration of ZM1 7-0 1-14505 Batesville Road zoned AG-1 with Use Permit by
LRF Milton, LLC (Little River Farms) To modify conditions 2 .a AND 3.b (U14-02) for
relocation of parking lot and additional driveway to additional parking lot.
ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-308
(Agenda Item No. 17-084)
(Kathlee n Fi eld, Co mmunity Developm ent Direc tor)
Kathle en F ie ld , Co mmuni ty Deve lopme nt Dire ctor
The subject site is zoned AG-1 (Agricultural) and developed with a 10 ,500 square foot single
family residence and other accessory structures built between 1910 and the present on 4 7. 7 acres.
The Mayor and City Council approved a Use Permit for a Rural Event Facility on September 22 ,
2014 pursuant to Ul4-02. There is also an existing 2 ,748 atrium (pavilion) that has served as the
primary locat ion for events since the inception of the business . At the time of the approval of the
event faci lity , the applicant, Staff and the surrounding neighborhoods proposed specific conditions
regarding the days , times and amount of noise permitted for the facility. In addition , the Mayor
and City Council approved a Use Permit for a 4 bedroom bed and breakfast on August 18 , 2014
pursuant to U 14-01. The bed and breakfast is utilized to accommodate guests using the event
facility .
The applicant is requesting to 1) the relocation of existing main parking as previously indicated on
the Site Plan submitted August 19 , 2014 ; 2) an additional , smaller parking lot on the Property and ;
3) an additional driveway to a point of ingress and ingress to the
Property site. The CZIM meeting was held on March 28 , 2017 . The applicant was present with
their representative at the meeting . There were six neighbors who were also present. The majority
of the neighbors live in Valmont Subdivision located on the south side of Taylor Road . They were
concerned about the proposed new parking and conversion of a barn that has been prev iousl y
utilized as a horse barn to an additional event space and the use of an existing driveway from
Batesville to be utilized for the converted barn. In addition, the neighbors voiced concern over the
existing noise from the event facility and if an additional event space is located even clo ser to the
subdivision, its impact of noise and lights. The applicant responded that the U se Permit already
contemplated all the buildings used as a rural event facility and it was not an is sue. The applicant
stated that they were planning to close up the barn doors that face Taylor Road so that noise would
not emit from that direction. In addition, they agreed to relocate the driveway in such a manner to
so that the headlights from cars would not directly impact the homes adjacent to Taylor Road.
Since the time of the meeting, the applicant has proposed more stringent hours of operation for the
barn to be Friday through Saturday hours shall be 9 :00 a .m. to 10:00 p.m . with music ending no
later than 10:00 p.m.
Proposed M o dification to Conditions (U14-02)
1) To the owner's agreement to restrict the use of the subject property as follows:
a) A rural event facility.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, April 24, 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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b) The number of attendees shall not exceed 250 people for any single event.
c) The hours of operation shall be the following :
i. Friday through Saturday, 9 :00 a .m. to 11 :00 p.m., music ends no later than 11 :00 pm , Maximum
45 dBA one hour prior to mus ic ending.
Alcohol ceases service 15 minutes before music ending. Facility closes at midnight.
ii. Sunday through Thursday : 9:00 a.m . to 10:00 p.m., music ends no later than 10:00 pm,
Maximum 45 dBA one hour prior to music ending.
Alcohol ceases service 15 minutes before music ending. Facility closes at 11 :00 pm.
iii. Amplified sound of music shall be located within the enclosed portion of the atrium.
iv. All deliveries shall enter off of Batesville Road.
v. When portable toilets are used , the y shall not be viewed from
Batesville Road and Taylor Road .
2) To the owner's agreement to abide by the foilowing:
a) To the re vised site plan received by the Community Development Department on April 4 , 2017
August 19 , 2014. Said site"plan is conceptual only and must meet or exceed the requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance , all other applicable City ordinances and these conditions prior to the
approval of a Land Disturbance Permit. In the event the Recommended Conditions of
Zoning caus e the approved si te plan to be substaritially different , the applicant shall be required to
complete the concept review procedure prior to application for a Land Disturbance Permit. Unless
otherwise noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the issuance of I
the first Certificate of Occupancy.
3) To the owner's agreement to the following site development considerations :
a) A 10 ,536 square foot structure , a 4 ,296 square foot atrium , and all other buildings shall not be
expanded in size as depicted on the revised site plan received by the Community Development
Department on August 19 , 2014.
b) The location and number of parking spaces shall be as depicted on the re v is ed site plan received
on April 4 , 2017 August 19 , 2014 . All events with more than 75 attendees shall be required to have
valet serv ice and provide a minimum of one off-duty police officer for such events .
4) To the owner 's agreement to abide by the following requirements, dedication and
improvements :
a) Access to the site shall be subject to the approval of City of Milton Public
Works Department, prior to the issuance of a Business License , Land Disturbance
Permit, Subdivision Plat or Certificate of Occupancy (whichever comes fir st).
Entrance(s) shall conform to Chapter 48 Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places
of the City of Milton Code of Ordinances , or be reconstructed to meet such criteria as required by
the Department of Public Works . At a minimum the following shall apply:
i. Driveway(s) shall meet required intersection sight distance and shall be certified by professional
ii. Dri veway(s) shall be improved within the right of way.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, April 24 , 2017 at 6:00 pm
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Analysis and Recommendation is as follows:
The proposed revised site plan to show the location of existing parking for the primary meeting
area by the house and pavilion is supported by the Staff, as it shows the actual location of parking
versus the site plan submitted in 2014 which is inaccurate.
The applicant is proposing a new parking area and associated hardscape/landscape improvements
and utilization of an existing driveway on Batesville Road near the intersection of Batesville and
Taylor Roads to serve the barn which has been utilized in the past as a horse barn.
Although the conditions of Ul4-02 include all of the buildings (but the foot print of the structures
shall not be expanded) within the legal description of the site, the barn to be converted into an
event space was not contemplated or discussed at the time of the Planning Commission Meeting
or City Council Meeting held in 2014. It is Staffs opinion that based on the location of the barn ,
which is approximately 375 feet from the centerline of Taylor Road and 615 feet to the nearest
home in Valmont and the change of the use of the barn from a horse barn to an event venue , the
proposed request to revise the site plan associated with Conditions 2.a. and 3.b . to reflect the
additional driveway and parking should be denied.
Staff is in support of the request to revise the site plan associated with Conditions 2.a. and 3. b . to
reflect only the relocated parking lot that is utilized by the pavilion and main house within the
northern portion of the site.
Staff notes that the applicant requested a modification to 4.a. regarding the driveway. It has been
determined that this modification is not needed even if the Mayor and City
Council choose to approve the additional use of the driveway to the barn.
It is Staffs opinion that the proposed site plan modifications will negatively impact the adjoining
properties and modifies a structure that was not contemplated to utilize as an event space.
Therefore, the proposed request to revise the site plan associated with
Conditions 2.a. and 3.b. to reflect the additional driveway and additional parking should be
Staff does support the site plan modification to relocate the primary parking lot associated with
the pavilion and house that contains the bed and breakfast. Therefore,
Staff recommends APPROVAL CONDITIONAL ofZM17-01 as reflected in the
Recommended Conditions below.
Recommended Conditions are as follows:
Should the Mayor and City Council approve this petition, the recommended conditions (U14-02)
should be revised to read as follows:
1) To the owner 's agreement to restrict the use of the subject property as follows:
a) A rural event facility.
b) The number of attendees shall not exceed 250 people for any single event.
c) The hours of operation shall be the following:
i. Friday through Saturday, 9:00 a .m. to 11 :00 p .m., music ends no later than 11 :00 pm , Maximum
45 dBA one hour prior to music ending.
Alcohol ceases service 15 minutes before music ending. Facility closes at midnight.
ii. Sunday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., music ends no later than 10 :00 pm ,
Maximum 45 dBA one hour prior to music ending .
Alcohol ceases service 15 minutes before music ending. Facility closes at 11 :00 pm.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, April 24 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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iii. Amplified sound of music shall be located within the enclosed portion of the atrium.
iv. All deliveries shall enter off of Batesville Road.
v. When portable toilets are used , they shall not be viewed from
Batesville Road and Taylor Road.
2) To the owner's.agreement to abide by the following:
a) To the revised site plan received by the Community Development Department on April 4, 2017
to only modify the location of parking to the northwest portion of the site near the pavilion and
house used as a bed and breakfast
August 19, 2014. Said site plan is conceptual only and must meet or exceed the requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance , all other applicable City ordinances and these conditions prior to the
approval of a Land Disturbance Permit. In the event the Recommended Conditions of Zoning cause
the approved site plan to be substantially different, the applicant shall be required to complete the
concept review procedure prior to application for a Land Disturbance Permit. Unless otherwise
noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the issuance of the first
Certificate of Occupancy .
3) To the owner's agreement to the following site .development considerations:
a) A 10 ,536 square foot str{icture , a 4 ,296 square. foot atrium, and all other buildings shall not be
expanded in size as depicte:d on the revised site plan received by the Community Development
Department on August 19,,201'4 .
h) The location and number of parking spaces shall be as depicted on tlie revised site plan received I
on April 4, 2017 to only modify the location of parking to the northwest portion of the site near
the pavilion and house used as a bed and breakfast August 19 , 2014. All events with more than 75
attendees shall be required ' to have valet service and provide a minimum of one off-duty police
officer for such events. · '
4) To the owner's agreement to abide by the following requirements , dedication and
a) Access to the site shall be subject to the approval of City of Milton Public
Works Department, prior to the issuance of a Business License, Land Disturbance
Permit, Sub di vision Plat or · Certificate of Occupancy (whichever comes first).
Entrance(s) shall conform to Chapter 48 Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places of the City of
Milton Code of Ordinances, or be reconstructed to meet such criteria as required by the Department
of Public Works. At a minimum the following shall apply:
iii . Driveway(s) shall meet required intersection sight distance and shall be certified by
professional engineer
iv. Driveway(s) shall be improved within the right of way .
Councilmember Longoria
Kathy , when we originally discussed this during the fall of 2014, did we specifically carve out
the use of the barn as a facility or did we just not discuss it?
Kathy Field
We did not discuss it. It was not included in the submission. We only talked about the pavilion
and converting the house into a bed· and breakfast. Those were the only two items up for
discussion. I
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, April 24 , 2017 at 6:00 pm
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Councilmember Longoira
The language that we put in the use permit ; that doesn 't specifically exclude anything on the
property it just talks about the use of those specific buildings .
Kathy Field
I believe so. Robyn , can you , from a legal point of view, I believe that is what the applicant is
Robyn MacDonald, Zoning Manager
All the square footage of all the buildings within the use permit are included so that is why they
did not have to come in for a new use permit because the square footage was included but all the
discussions of exactly what would happen only pertained, as Kathy point out, to the pavilion.
So , it was never contemplated at that point in time that the barn would be used for entertainment
or to be rented out. It was just part of the property.
Councilmember Longoria
But, we included the square footage in the use permit.
Robyn MacDonald
We did.
Councilmember Longoria
By including the square footage in the use permit, we are essentially saying that square footage
was contemplated for use.
Robyn MacDonald
Staff was being very conservative in the sense that was never discussed because that would have
had a different impact if there was actually activity occurring in the barn other than housing
horses. That is why we brought it to you to make that decision.
Councilmember Longoria
I am just trying to make sure we are being fair. Obviously , we always try to be fair. But, I am a
little concerned because we talked about so many different things . There were a lot of things that
were brought up as part of that discussion. My memory is not iron clad but I do remember talking
about the use of the grounds outside of the barn or outside of the residence. There was going to
be quite a bit of activity. I am worried about the fact that because we did not bring it up and we
did not ask the specific questions, it is sort of an error of omission on our side not necessarily the
applicant's side. So , I just wanted to make sure that we did not have specific language that was
detailed in the use permit that would have carved that out or would have stated; this is why we
didn't talk about it because we specifically said that was not included but if all of the square footage
is included in the use permit, it is sort of one of those things that we must have contemplated it so
otherwise when we did our addition, we would not have included that square footage.
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Robyn MacDonald
Typically , for a use permit we include all the square footage because those building existed and
we did not want any building to be expanded in square footage so , for instance , if they wanted to
expand something they would have to come back for a new use permit so it is kind of a grey area
but I think that the staff's opinion was that there was never any discussion of any kind of activity
occurring in the barn and so we wanted to give a fair opportunity for everybod y to give input and
that is why it is only a zoning modification and not coming back for a use permit.
Mayor Lockwood
I don 't want to put you on the spot, Paul , but can you weigh in on whether it was specifically
contemplated or talked about but the square footage of the barn was originally included.
Paul Frickey, City Attorney
I was trying to look at the packet material to see if there was a specific description to the extent it
says that the property and the structures that are on it may be used pursuant to this use permit
because generally any considerations that are unclear or vague are ·in favor of the free use
propert y. If it is not clear that there was a restriction on the uses in any particular building then a
lack of description would allow them to use all of the buildings. I am not seeing where it describes
a particular use of the building. The one place I see is just a description of the structures on the
property and that would not impact the uses if it is just describing where the y are located on the
property an d the size of the st ructures. ·
Councilmember Kunz
So , Paul , is it safe to say that when the use permit was brought before us , all of the square footage
was evaluated and the use of all of that square footage would be applicable of the decision at that
time. The applicant was using it in those areas in which he requested it but he could have had
other things happening in those other buildings . Now, he is doing a zoning modification which
would allow for the change of the structure of some of the square footage on the property. So , the
use still exists but I just want to make sure we are clear .
Paul Frickey
I am just looking at the proposed modifications to the conditions . I am not looking at what the use
permit actually says. To the extent that it describes certain structures in what would normally not
be used in them , the restriction must be specially stated . From what I see in the conditions , it
merely depicts the structure, size and location based on the site plan. It does not reflect a limitation
on the uses so if the existing condition references a use of the property without restriction to certain
structures then all of the structures would be available .
Councilmember Mohrig
So , I am hearing you say that the request is to add a parking facility near the barn structure. We
are not necessarily discussing the use of the barn ; which is included in the use permit, but the
addition of parking near the barn.
Kathy Field
That is correct.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, April 24 , 2017 at 6 :00 pm
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The following individuals submitted a public comment card:
Richard Kaye , 1555 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Samuel Ivey, 310 Riversgate Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Joseph Ivey, 14505 Batesville Road, Milton, Georgia 30004
George Bumiller, 14708 Taylor Valley Way, Milton, Georgia 30004
Lori Konen, 120 Taylor Valley Court, Milton, Georgia 30004
Lisa Crandall , 14700 Taylor Valley Court, Milton, Georgia 30004
Councilmember Lusk
Kathy, is there any provision for night lighting in here?
Robyn MacDonald
In the CZIM meeting, they indicated they were not going to add anymore additional lighting.
They will have to adhere to the night sky ordinance if they did propose any type of li ghting.
Councilmember Longoria
I have a question for the applicant. First of all, obviously, there was an omission in terms of our
original discussion . We did not discuss the use of all the buildings on the property for these
purposes. That does not necessarily mean it wasn't allowed. The use permit gave you the
opportunity to use the entire property as an event facility. Have you had events in this barn?
Richard Kaye
Not in the barn itself but what we have done is that most of the weddings, and Joe, you can speak
to that, the actual wedding itself is outside in the orchard with music playing. People have access
to the entire venue; it is however they want to use it. We can set up tents or whatever. Since we
do not have a certificate of occupancy for the barn itself, we would not be able to put people in
that barn.
Councilmember Longoria
So , the reason you have not been able to use the barn up until this point is because you do not have
a certificate of occupancy for the barn itself?
Richard Kaye
Correct. But we have used the surrounding areas.
Councilmember Longoria
My interest was really if you have used the facility in the 150 different events you have hosted and
you have not gotten any complaints from the noise point of view, there is some back up to the idea
that this is not going to be a problem.
Richard Ka ye
We intend to have the barn fully enclosed. It will be a fully enclosed facility. As I mentioned , we
are going to close the door permanently; that would be a wall that faces the Valmont subdivision.
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So , the opening will be on the opposite side facing the large house. We have to add a fire sprinkler
system and bring Fulton County water to it to get the certificate of occupancy for that. We have
also agreed to lower the time of music by one hour. We need to have the ability to have more
events on the property. The barn would give us the latitude from a financial point of view to
operate the facility as a viable revenue.
Councilmember Longoria
Are there any other buildings other than the atrium and the barn that you are considering using that
has not been used so far? Are you going to be back up here asking us again for another change in
Richard Kaye '•:
No , I do not foresee that in the future .
Councilmember Thurman
I believe if we want to preserve property like this and barns , then we have to think outside the box
and we have to allow uses like this that are suitable for the area or else all the land in Milton is
going to be developed in one acre subdivision lots and that is not what any of us want. I live next
door to a country club and they have wedding there every Saturday night and I am a lot closer than
600 feet and it does not bother me one bit. I do not have a problem with this . I appreciate you
trying to do something different with the land and not just selling out to a developer. I haven't I
been to an event at Little River Farms , but I have heard that it is a wonderful facility.
Councilmember Mohrig
The Certificate of Occupancy and adding sprinklers that you mentioned you have to do from a
mandatory standpoint and ~lso enclose the one opening and making it into a wall. Are you looking
at doing anything else to reduce noise coming from the barn?
Richard Kaye
No , I don't think we need anything else. It is going to be an insulated facility with air conditioning.
We understand what is imposed on us through the code and the special use permit. We go out on
a nightly basis with our decibel meter to make sure that it is restricted to the sound that is part of
our special conditions. If we need noise dampening material after we have tested it then we will
do .whatever we have to do to fit into those special conditions.
Councilmember Hewitt
Can staff confirm that they have not had any noise complaints? The first time around I was the
only one who voted against this due to the hours of operation and noise. It appears that yo u have
done a good job controlling the noise level. I can support this now.
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Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-084 with
the following changes:
• Section 1 ( c) ---add the following:
VI. Barn facility location Friday through Saturday:
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Music ends no later than 10:00 p.m.
Maximum 45 dB(A) one hour prior to music ending
Alcohol service ceases 15 minutes before music ends
Facility closes at 11 :00 p .m.
Amplified music shall be located within the barn
• Section 2(a) ---the first sentence shall read as follows:
To the revised site plan received by the Community Development Department on April
4 , 2017.
• Section 3(b) ---the first sentence shall read as follows :
The location and number of parking spaces shall be as depicted on the revised site plan
received on April 4 , 2017.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
2. Consideration of ZMl 7-02NC17-02 -980 Birmingham Road zoned C-1 and AG-1 by
The Contineo Group To modify condition 2 .a. (20042-0043) to modify site plan for
additional parking and move dumpster pad and a concurrent variance to allow parking
past the building (Sec. 64-1323(a)).
(Agenda Item No. 17-085)
(Kathlee n Fi eld, Co mmunity Dev elopm ent Direc tor)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
Staff would like to recommend that this item be deferred for a month because we found out that
there is a deficiency in the advertising for this and therefore it will need to be corrected. It was
advertised so it would be appropriate to hear any public comment.
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The following individuals submitted a public comment card:
Ron Crump , 3081 Holcomb Bridge Road , Norcross, Georgia 30004
Tim Becker, 15625 Canterbury Chase , Milton , Georgia 30004
Joe Whitley , 1250 Birmingham Road , Milton, Georgia 30004
Julie Zahner Bailey , 255 Hickory Flat Road , Milton , Georgia 30004
Councilmember Longoria
Kathy , how many parking spaces are in that center now?
Kathy Field
We do not have the total number but I can get that information for you.
Councilmember Longoria
In the original design , a specific number of square feet was needed to be devoted to a greenspace
area. What was that requi~~ment? ...
Robyn MacDonald
It states 13,000 square feet ;' it states that the Birmingham Crossroads Overlay within the
northeast quadrant to be a minimum of 13 ,000 with the proposed changes the site plan provide
for 16 ,507 square feet , therefore , the site remains in compliance. So , they required 13 ,000 and I
even with the reduction they are proposing it is at 16 ,507 which is above the 13 ,000.
Councilmember Longoria
So ~ for whatever reason , the y put more space in than they needed. They are taking back some of
this space but we are not in violation of the original intent. I have a few questions for the
applicant as well. I am goin g to break these questions into a couple of different pieces. You are
asking to add a driveway, take away some parking spaces, add new parking spaces so a net plus
of five parking spaces , you are going to move a dumpster pad , and you are rearranging your
green space. What was the quantitative analysis that was done in order to come up with the
determination that you needed five new parking spaces, beacause if you have 120 parking spaces
in that area ; five new parking spaces seems like a very small trivial amount.
Ron Crump
It really does and I completely understand that and the concerns of all the citizens. The primary
issue is the tenants located in that particular quadrant . There is a lot of parking in the Publix field
but we don't see the shoppers parking at Publix and then walking over. Unfortunately, Americans
are not big walkers and if they can drive their car to a place then fine but if it is too hard to get to
they will decide to go back to that business on another day or never come back. And , so we are
seeing a decline in the interest in that particular comer of the businesses and before it becomes a
decline of the overall shopping center we are trying to figure out how to address the issue. I would
love to stand here and say we can figure out how to add 20 or 50 more parking spaces. One of the
things we want to take back is what exactly is promised to Publix as far as parking. Is there an
opportunity for a net zero greenspace. We are going to look at that for sure . We understand that
the city has just launched the greenspace initiative and we don't want to go against that but we feel I
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that the hardship on our end is that we want to give these tenants what they need to keep their
business thriving.
Mayor Lockwood
We want you to be successful and an asset to our community. Maybe you could look at adding
parking but also keeping the greenspace.
Councilmember Kunz
I was over in that area talking to some of the business owners. And , we want Milton to be live ,
work, and play. We have some areas that could be used to move greenspace. We want to our
businesses to be successful.
Councilmember Lusk
I am familiar with that area and I understand your desire to put parking spaces behind the
building. I understand the lack of accessibility to desirable parking spaces. Perhaps as
previously suggested, maybe you could look at the possibility of compensating greenspace for
parking space.
Ron Crump
There was a lot of discussion about the traffic and the driveway being too close . While missing
that major tree; according to the arborist , there is a good root system that can allow that tree to
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to DEFER Agenda Item o. 17-085 to the
May 15 , 2017 Regular City Council Meeting. Councilmember Lusk seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously (7-0).
3. Consideration of RZl 7-02-12800, 12830 and 12850 Hopewell Road by Fuqua &
Associates-To Rezone from AG-1 (Agricultural) to R-4A (Single Family Dwelling) to
Develop 17 Single Family Lots on 14 .6 Acres at a Density of 1.16 Units per Acre.
(Agenda Item No. 17-086)
(First Presentation at April I 0, 201 7 Regular City Co uncil Mee ting)
(Kathl een Fi eld, Co mmunity Developm ent Director)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
The parcel in question is outlined in red ; with three parcels total. Current zoning for this parcel
is AG-1. The 2035 future land use map shows the land use for this area as agricultural
equestrian and estate residential. The site plan that was submitted on January 31 , 2017 and then
a new site plan was submitted on March 3, 2017 with the revised setbacks. Lastly, on March 22 ,
2017 the final revised site plan shows a cul-de-sac at the end of the road as opposed to a
connecting road to the subdivision .
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The subject site contains 14 .565 acres and with two single family dwellings and is located on the
west side of Hopewell Road with Vaughn Drive to the east. The site is located within the
Agricultural, Equestrian, Estate Residential (AEE) designation of the City of Milton 2035
Comprehensive Plan Map recently adopted on October 17, 2016. Staff also notes that this property
is within the
Rural Milton Overlay.
The applicant is requesting a rezoning to R-4A (Residential) with minimum 15,000 square foot
lots to develop 17 single family residences on at an overall density of
1.16 units per acre.
Based on the applicant's revised site plan submitted to the Community
Development Department on March 22, 2017, St,aff offers the following considerations:
There shall be a maximum height limit of two stories with the maximum height of 28 feet from
average finished grade to the bottom of the roof eave. *None indicated.
Mi'nimum front yard-35 feet 35 feet
Minimum side yard as follows:
Adjacent to interior line: 7 feet
Adjacent to street: 20 feet
7 feet
20 feet
25 feet between homes
Minimum rear yard -25 feet 50 feet
Minimum lot area -12,000 sq.ft . 15,000 sq. ft. and 1 acre adjacent to Hopewell
Minimum lot width shall be 85 ft. 85 feet. Minimum lot frontage shall be 35 feet adjoining a
street 35 feet. Minimum heated floor area shall be as follows:
For less than two-story dwelling: 1,200 sq. ft.
For two-story dwelling: 1,320 sq.ft.
3,000 sq. ft. -1 story
4 ,000 sq. ft. -2 story
The proposed development shall comply with Article III, Tree Preservation and
Administrative Guidelines within the Zoning Ordinance , Sec. 64-237 (g) of the
Zoning Ordinance which states "Unless otherwise specified, lots developed with single-family
detached dwelling units are not required to provide landscape areas or zoning buffers".
The original site plan indicated inter-parcel with Vickery Crest to the north , this connection is
not required by either the Fire Marshal or the Transportation Engineer. Since that submittal, the
applicant has provided a revised site plan on March 22, 2017 that sho ws the street as a cul-de-sac
with no connection with Vickery Crest and the number of lots remain the same. In addition, the
site plan does not indicate sidewalks along Hopewell Road and the interior of the subdivision. At
the time of the Land Disturbance Permit, the developer shall be in conformance with Sec. 48-I
562, Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places. At the Planning Commission meeting, the
applicant stated that they would include the required sidewalks. Staff wi ll condition the two one-
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acre lots adjacent to Hopewell Road with the Rural Viewshed since R-4A zoning district is not
required to provide a Rural Viewshed.
The Intergovernmental Agreement for the Extraterritorial Provision of Sewer Service with
Fulton County and the associated map indicates that sewer service infrastructure was fully
installed prior to the date of the agreement. This recognition shall not be construed as allowing
new sewer connections within this area and new sewer service shall not be authorized within
such areas.
The Environmental Site Analysis (ESA) report is sufficient and satisfies the
requirement of Sec. 64-2126. The applicant has stated the following:
"The specimen trees have been identified and are shown on the site plan. There
is no Zone A floodplain on this parcel per official FEMA flood map. There is a
stream flowing through the southwestern portion of the property that has been
located, and the City buffers have been incorporated into the proposed site
plan. Wetlands located on the site are located within the 25 foot stream buffers
No construction activities are proposed in any stream buffers. If constructed, the
subdivision would have to gain approval of a 3-phase erosion control plan and
best management practices Lo mitigate any downstream effects. Our field
inspections discovered no vegetation or wildlife, including fish , listed on the
environmental protection list. Our field observation revealed no archaeological
or historical sites located on this property. "
Arborist's Comments: Per this plan, 7 significant specimen trees are to be impacted or removed.
Replacement for said trees will be 219 (4") caliper trees. There are additional specimen trees
along Hopewell that shall remain undisturbed. Nice young hardwood growth at northern portion
of the site . Much of site will be cleared with exception of state waters buffer area to the south.
City of Milton Fire Marshal comments: The subdivision is allowed to have only one entrance
based on the small number of houses (though the one to the north only has one entrance , the
ordinance did not change until after that subdivision was platted and built).
The preference would be that the connection be made. However, from a code perspective , it is
not required.
Transportation: A new entrance is proposed approximately 270' south of Glenhaven Drive
(on east side of Hopewell Rd) and 970 ' south of Hopewell Place Dr. (existing entrance to
Vickery Crest) per the site plan. These meet the driveway spacing criteria.
Average Daily Traffic volumes for 2014 on Hopewell Rd is 9170 vehicles per
day. Intersection sight distance looking both east and west at new proposed entrance is over 500
feet per the site plan. Tum lanes warrant for new entrance to be determined based on number of
lots. The present value of Annual Net Fiscal Impacts is negative $63,627.
On February 28, 2017 the applicant's representative was present at the Community Zoning
Information Meeting (CZIM) held at the Milton City Hall. There were approximately 15 people
in attendance at the meeting. They voiced their objections to the proposed development with the
following comments:
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1. It is against the 2035 Future Land Use Plan for minimum one acre lots that was just approved
in October 2016.
2 . It will cause additional traffic within Vickery Crest and the area in general.
3. The residents are tired of additional homes being built that are not consistent with the
approved Future Land Use Plan for AEE (one acre lots).
4. Want to be assured that the new homes with be as large as the existing homes in Vickery Crest
and not connect with Vickery Crest.
5 . Residents of Brookshade (north of Vickery Crest) are concerned that if this property is
rezoned to R-4A then the property south of Brookshade will also be rezoned to higher density.
The applicant conducted the Public Participation Meeting on March 9, 2017 from 6:30 to 8:30
p.m. at the Brumbelow-Reese Office , 13685 Hwy 9 North. The applicant also met with the
Vickery Crest HOA on February 24 , 2017. There were three people in attendance. The following
issues and concerns were expressed: ·
1) The density of the development.
2) How close to the rear property lines could the houses be built.
3) Separation distance between houses.
4) Square footage of houses .
5) Price of new houses.
6) Street connection with Vickery Crest.
The applicant responded to the issues and concerns with the following: I
1) The dens ity of the surrounding properties and subdivisions match or exceed the density of the
proposed development.
2) Revised site plan to increase setbacks and separation.
3) Clarified building square footage.
City of Milton Design Review Board Courtesy Review -March 7, 2017
1) Can the entrance line up with Glenhaven entrance?
2) Questioned if the lots that include the stream buffer are large enough to accommodate a
swimming pool without any v ariance s?
3) Can the large specimen trees be sav ed ?
Planning Staff shall , with re spect to each zoning application, investigate and make a
recommendation with respect to factors 1 through 7 , below, as well as any other factors it may
find relev ant.
1. Whether or not the proposal will permit a use that is suitable in view of the u se and
development of adjacent and nearby Property?
The proposed 17 lot subdivision consist of lots between 16 ,010 and 22 ,864 square feet in size.
There are one acre lots that abut Hopewell Road. To the north is Vickery Crest subdivision
which has developed lots between 15 ,000 and 20,000 square feet in size adjacent to the subject
site . To the east, is Glenhaven Subdiv ision zoned T-3 (Transect Zone) developed with large I
common areas along Hopewell Road and minimum 5,000 square foot lots within the
development. Also , to the south east within the City of Alpharetta is Cottonwood Estates
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Gracious Living Retirement Facility zoned C-2. Further to the south east is Orchards at
Hopewell also within the City of Alpharetta zoned R-8. To the south of the subject site is
undeveloped R-15 within the City of Alpharetta. To the west is Andover North subdivision
within the City of Alpharetta zoned R-15. The proposed development is consistent with adjacent
and nearby developments in the area.
2. Whether or not the proposal will adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or
nearby property?
It is Staffs opinion that the proposed development may adversely affect the existing use or
usability of adjacent or nearby property based on the fact the 2035 Future Land Use Plan Map
recommends that the subject site be developed AEE (Agricultural, Equestrian and Estate
Residential) which requires one unit per acre and one acre lots.
3. Whether the property to be affected by the proposal has a reasonable economic use as
currently zoned?
The subject site may have a reasonable use currently zoned AG-1
(Agricultural ).
4. Whether the proposal will result in a use which will or could cause an excessive or
burdensome use of existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities or schools?
It is Staffs opinion that the proposal may cause a burden on existing streets and schools if
5. Whether the proposal is in conformity with the policies and intent of the land use plan?
City of Milton 2035 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map -Agricultural, Equestrian, and Estate
Residential/ Inconsistent with the following Plan Policy:
We will encourage development that is sensitive to the overall setting of the community and will
contribute to our community's character and sense of place.
Proposed use /density:
Single Family Residential at 1.16 units per acre is inconsistent with the recommended density of
one unit per acre for Agricultural, Equestrian, and Estate Residential.
Whether there are other existing or changed conditions affecting the use and development of the
property which gives supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of the proposal?
The proposed development is inconsistent with the Plan Map recommendation of Agricultural,
Equestrian and Estate Residential which requires minimum one acre lots. The Plan Map was
recently approved by the Mayor and City Council in October, 2016. Previous zonings and
development adjacent to and surrounding the subject site were approved prior to the most recent
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map adoption. Based on these facts, it is grounds to recommend
DENIAL of RZl 7-02.
6. Whether the zoning proposal will permit a use which can be considered environmentally
adverse to the natural resources , environment and citizens of the City of Milton?
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Based on the number and size of specimen trees to be removed, it is Staffs opinion that the
proposed use may be environmentally adverse to the natural resource s, environment and citizens
of the City.
In conclusion, the proposed 17 lot single family subdivision is inconsistent with the City of
Milton's 2035 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map for "Agricultural, Equestrian, and Estate
Residential". Therefore, Staffrecommends DENIAL of RZl 7-02 to rezone from AG-
l(Agricultural) to R-4A (Single Family Residential). A set of Recommended Conditions are
included if the Mayor and City Council chooses to approve this petition.
Recommended Conditions are as follows:
If this petition is approved 'by the Mayor and City Council , the rezoning of property located on
Hopewell Road it should be approved for R-4A (Single Family Residential) CONDITIONAL
subject to the owner's agreement to the following enumerated conditions. Where these
conditions conflict with the stipulations and offerings contained in the Letter of Jntent, these
conditions shall supersede 'l.mless specifically stipulated by the Mayo·r· and City Council.
1) To the owner's agreement to restrict the use of the subject property as follows:
a) Single family detached dwellings and accessory uses and structures.
b) No more than 17 total dwelling units at a maximum density of 1.16 units per acre , whichever I ·
is less , based on the total acreage zoned.
Approved lot/unit totals are not guaranteed. The developer is responsible through site
engineering (at the time of application for a
Land Disturbance Permit) to demonstrate that all lots/units within the approved development
meet or exceed all the development standards ofthe City of Milton. The total lot/unit yield of the
subject site shall be determined by this final engineering.
2) To the owner 's agreement to abide by the following:
a) To the revised site plan received by the Community Development
Department on March 22 , 2017. Said site plan is conceptual only and must meet or exceed the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance , all other applicable city ordinances and these conditions
prior to the approval of a Land Disturbance Permit.
Unless otherwise noted herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the
issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
b) All areas which are not part of an individual lot and held in common shall be maintained by a
mandatory homeowners association, whose proposed documents of incorporation shall be
submitted to the Director of Community Development for review and approval prior to the
recording of the first final plat.
3) To the owner's agreement to the following site development considerations:
a) Minimum front yard -35 feet
b) Minimum side yard as follows :
i. Adjacent to interior line: 7 feet I
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ii. Adjacent to street: 20 feet
iii. 25 feet between homes
c) Minimum rear yard -50 feet
d) Minimum lot area as follows:
i. 15 ,000 sq . feet.
ii. 1 acre adjacent to Hopewell Road
e) Minimum lot width shall be 85 feet
f) Minimum lot frontage shall be 35 feet adjoining a street.
g) Minimum heated floor area shall be as follows:
i . For one sto ry -3 ,000 square feet
ii. For two story -4 ,000 square feet
h) Lots 1 and 17 (adjacent to Hopewell Road) shall be incompliance with the Rural Viewshed
pursuant to Sec . 64-416(k).
4) To the owner 's agreement to abide by the following requirements , dedication , and
a) Access to the site shall be subject to the approval of City of Milton
Department of Public Works , prior to the issuance of a Land
Disturbance Permit, Subdivision Plat or Certificate of Occupancy (whichever comes first).
Entrance(s) shall conform to Chapter 48
Streets , Sidewalks and Other Public Places of the City of Milton
Code of Ordinances , or be reconstructed to meet such criteria as required by the Department of
Public Works.
5) To the owner's agreement to abide by the following:
a) A stormwater management concept plan shall be submitted and approved by Milton Public
Works Department prior to submission of land disturbance application.
Councilmember Mohrig
Kathy, is the difference between R4A and AG-1; is there just one lot difference ? This is for 17
lots; would 16 lots bring it into compliance?
Kathy Field
14 lots.
Councilmember Thurman
A good portion of the property is a pond .
Kathy Field
Of course , with AG-1 comes all the setback requirements as well.
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Th e following individuals submitted a public comment card:
Scott Reece , 13685 Highway 9 , Milton, Georgia 30004
Tim Becker, 15625 Canterbury Chase , Milton, Georgia 30004
Jennifer Pino , 175 Oakhurs t Leaf Dri ve, Milton, Georgia 30004
Mike Peresie , 12892 Donegal Lane , Milton, Georgia 30004
Julie Zahne r Bailey , 255 Hickor y Flat Road , Milton , Georgia 30004
Laura Bentley, 2500 Bethany Church Road, Milton, Georgia 30004
Jeffrey Lutterman, 12922 Donegal Lane , Milton , Georgia 30004
Steve Fell , 410 Summerfield Drive , Alpharetta, Georgia 30022
Mayor Lockwood
The real issue here is less density . Sometimes sewer is used for that but the reality is that if you
built less density , whether it is sewer or septic, it doesn 't matter. Is there anyone on staff that can
clarify sewered vs. non-sewered areas ? If you have an AG-1 development that does not have
sewer but if there was sewer the health department will force you to tie to that sewer.
Carter Lucas
I don 't know if the Fulton County Health Department can go against our sewer strategy with the I
county and which properties are sewered or not. · I do not know the answer to that.
Robyn MacDonald
I ask Ken that specific question the other week; how do the Health Department rules conflict
with our IGA with Fulton County and what Carter said is correct; the IGA trumps the Health
Department. And , in this particular piece , even though we did not discuss it in the report , the
IGA map indicates existing sewer but no additional taps into it. It even acknowledges there
could be existing sewer on the property but the IGA states in this particular piece that there
should not be additional taps put into the sewer even within the parcel.
Councilmember Longoria
I have a problem just outright denying something when the applicant is still trying to work out
potential issues. My motion is to defer this until May to allow the applicant time to put
something together that might be more favorable to the council.
Councilmember Thurman
In the past, it has been our procedure that if an applicant asks for a deferral , we grant them that
deferral in hopes that they can work out the issues with the community. A deferral makes sense
in this particular situation.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to DEFER Agenda Item No . 17-086 to the I
May 15 , 2017 Regular City Council Meeting. Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion .
The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
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4. Consideration of RZ l 7-03 -To Amend Section 64-418 -Pre-development Notification
and Public Informational Meeting and Section 64-419 . Definitions of the
AG -1 (Agricultural) Zoning District.
ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-309
(Agenda Item No. 17-087)
(Fir st Present ati on at April 10, 2017 Regu lar C ity Co unc il Mee tin g)
(Di scussed at April 17, 20 17 City Cou n cil Work Sess ion)
(Kathleen Fi eld, Co mmu nity Developm ent Director)
Kathl een F ie ld , Community D evelopm e nt Dire ctor
This petition and the following three other agenda items are all related to the same thing. The
purpose of this text amendment is to delete the required pre -development notification and public
informational meeting that is currently required after a concept plan is submitted for a proposed
development. With your vote tonight to change Chapter 50 for the Planning Commission, that
function will now be taken up by the Planning Commission, therefore , this process has become
mute and because it is embedded in each of the residential zoning districts we had to go in and
modify each one. This applies to this agenda item and the following three agenda items.
M otion and Vot e : Councilmember Kunz moved to approve Agenda Item No . 17-087.
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimousl y (7-0 ).
5. Consideration of RZ l 7-0 4 -To Amend Section 64-141 -Pre -development Notification
and Public Informational Meeting and Section 64-442. Definitions of the
R-1 (Residential) Zoning District.
ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-310
(Agenda Item No. 17-088)
(Fir s t Pr esent ati on at April JO , 20 17 Reg ular City Co un cil Meeting)
(Discussed at April 17, 20 17 City Co un cil Wo rk Sess ion)
(Kathlee n Fi eld, Co mmunity Developm ent Director)
M otion a nd Vo te: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve Agenda Item No . 17-088.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
6 . Consideration of RZl 7-0 5 -To Amend Section 64-464 -Pre-development Notification
and Public Informational Meeting and Section 64-465. Definitions of the
R-2 (Residential) Zoning District.
ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-311
(Agenda Item No . 17-089)
(Fir st Present ati on at April 10, 20 17 Regu lar City Council Mee ting)
(Discussed at April 17, 20 17 City Co un cil Wo rk Sess ion)
(Kathleen Field, Co mm unity Develop ment Direct or)
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Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve Agenda Item No . 17-089.
Councilmember Lusk seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7 -0).
7. Consideration of RZl 7-06 -To Amend Section 64-487 -Pre-development Notification
and Public Informational Meeting and Section 64-488. Definitions of the
R-2A (Residential) Zoning District.
ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-312
(Agenda Item No. 17-090)
(Fi rs t Pr esentation at April JO , 2017 Regular City Co un cil Meeting)
(Ka thlee n Field, Co mmunity Development Director)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-090.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
8. Consideration ofRZ17-07 -To Amend Section 64-2453 -Creation of a Historic
Preservation Commission (To Allow Compensation for Meetings).
ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-313
(Agenda Item No. 17-091)
(First Pr esentation at April JO , 2017 Regular C ity Council Meeting)
(Discussed at April 17, 20 17 City Cou ncil Work Session)
(Kat hleen Field, Co mmunity Developm ent Director)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
Currentl y, the Historic Preservation (HPC) ordinance states that the HPC cannot receive any
compensation. The purpose of this text amendment is to allow the Historic Preservation
Commission (HPC) to receive compensation for attendance at each of their meetings based on
direction from the Mayor and City Council. This action is consistent w ith the council's previous
action in terms of rewarding compensation for the other boards and commissions within the city.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to approve Agenda Item No . 17-091.
Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimou s ly (7-0).
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The following Agenda Items No. 17-092 and 17-093 were moved by Motion and Vote to the first two
items under the Zoning Agenda during Approval of Meeting Agenda.
1. Consideration of Revisions to Plat Process , Chapter 50 -Subdivisions.
ORDINANCE NO. 17-04-314
(Agenda Item No. 17-092)
(Fir st Pr esentation at April I 0, 201 7 Regular City Co un cil Mee ting)
(Discussed at April I 7, 20 17 City Co un cil Work Sess ion)
(Kathl ee n Field, Co mmunity Developm ent Dir ector)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
This issue was addressed at our last work session . We discussed re vising the plat process for plats
that are over three parcel s in size . The re view process for minor plats , which are three parcels or
less , remains the same. For the preliminary plat, the first step is that the Community Development
staff reviews the application for completeness. Once complete , the preliminary plat is forwarded
to the Community Development Director. After ensuring that it is consistent with all our
regulations and ordinances , then the plat is forwarded to the Planning Commission for
consideration . The Planning Commission then holds a public hearing which is ad vertised and
notices are mailed which is consistent with the same process that we use for rezoning items. The y
make recommendations regarding the preliminary plat. Then it is returned to the Community
Development Director and it is either approved or denied keeping in mind the considerations and
recommendations of the Planning Commission. The final part of the process is the appeal process .
If the preliminary plat is denied , the subdi vider may submit an application of appeal to the Board
of Zoning Appeals.
Carter Lucas, Assistant City Manager
I wanted to bring up one issue regarding this change . While the recommendation from the
Planning Commis sion is the foundation of the Community Development Director 's decision on
the plat, I think any appeal of that decision should go back to the Mayor and City Council for
re vie w . In the platting process , while you hear the final plat when it comes forward , the time for
you to make a change will be during the preliminary plat stage. So , if the Planning Commission
or the Community Development Director recommends denial , then there is probably a fundamental
issue with the plat that needs further re view. So , I believe that the Mayor and Council rather than
the Board of Zoning Appeals is the appropriate place to hear that review.
Councilmember Thurman
That makes more sense because by the time it gets to us we reall y do not have any say so at that
point. We can just accept or den y it. If a plat came to us during the preliminary plat process , then
we could make changes before it gets to the final plat stage.
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MQtion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-092 with the
following changes:
• Section 50-231
(a) Change the words "City Board of Zoning Appeals" to "Mayor and City Council "
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
2. Consideration to Amend Chapter 2, Article V, Division 3, Planning Commission,
Section 2-206 -Duties.
(Agenda Item No. 17-093)
(First Pr esentati on at April 10, 2017 R egu lar City Cou nc il Meeting)
(Discussed at April 17, 20 17 City Cou n cil Work S essio n)
(Ka thlee n Field, Co mm unity Development Dir ector)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
Based on your prev ious vote, we do not need to modify this section of the ordinance since we are
not changing the responsibilities of the Planning Commission. They are maintaining their status
of only giving recommendations regarding preliminary plats . This 11genda item was to give the
Planning Commission the power to approve or deny preliminary plats which has now become mute I
based on your vote on the previous agenda item.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to DENY Agenda Item No . 17 -09 3.
Councilmember Hewitt seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
1. Consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding B y and Between the City of Alpharetta
and the City of Milton for a Jointly Owned Passive Park.
(Agenda Item No. 17-098)
(Ken J arrard, City Attorn ey)
Paul Frickey, Jarrard and Davis
This is an MOU to jointly purchase a passive park with the City of Alpharetta. The details of
the future obligations will be worked out in the forthcoming IGA. Th is is just the MOU to
proceed with looking at the acquisition.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-098.
Councilmember Lusk seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0).
Councilmember Longoria was absent for the vote. I
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2 . Consideration and Ratification of the Final Comprehensive Service
Delivery Strategy with Fulton County and all Municipalities.
RESOLUTION NO. 17-04-417
(Agenda Item No. 17-099)
(Ken J arrard, City Att orn ey)
Paul Frickey, Jarrard and Davis
This has been an ongoing five year process to update the Service Delivery Strategies with Fulton
County and a ll municipalities within the county. This is the approval of the final documentation
of these servi ces.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-099 .
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember
Thurman was absent for the vote .
3 . Consideration of the following Subdivision Plat:
Name of Development I Location Action Comments I Total Density #lots Acres
1. Tanglewood Pre serve -Phase Final Plat Create 14 Lots 25.32 .56 Lots I Acre
Il -REVISION 1 Revision
LL 465 & 466
Chenery Drive
(Agenda Item No. 17-100)
(Kathlee n Fi eld, Co mmun ity Developm ent Dir ector)
Kathleen Field, Community Development Director
This is essentially a simple revision to this subdivision plat. They are establishing a mitigation
area which is a conservation area to be shown on the plat.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Hewitt moved to appro ve Agenda Item No. 17-100.
Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimousl y (7-0).
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4. Consideration of a Professional Services Agreement between Barge, Waggoner, Sumner
& Cannon , Inc. and the City of Milton for an Update to the City Wide Parks and
Rec reation Master Plan and the Master Plan for Providence Park.
(Agenda Item No. 17-101)
(Jim Cregge, Parks & Recr eation Director)
Jim Cregge, Parks and Recreation Director
This is a contract with Barge , Waggoner, Sumner, and Cannon to help us update the Parks and
Recreation Master Plan. The last update to this plan was in 2011 and adopted in 2012 . A lot has
changed in the city since the adoption of that plan and it is now time to update it. Within this
project, we are incorporating a master plan for Providence Park. The city established an RFQ in
December 2016 and responses were due in January 2017. A committee was formed to grade the
seven proposals received. Three proposals were selected for further evaluation. Staff selected
Barge Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Thurman moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-101.
Councilmember Lusk seconded the motion . The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
The following Agenda Item No. 17-102 was moved to after the Consent Agenda by Motion
and Vote under Approval of Meeting Agenda.
5. Consideration of A Resolution Appointing A Member to the City of M ilton Board of
Zoning Appeals for District 2/Post 2.
RESOLUTION NO. 17-04-418
(Agenda Item No. 17-102)
(Mayor J oe Lo ckw oo d)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Lusk moved to approve Agenda Item No. 17-102 with the
appointment of Brenda Hamstead as the District 2/Post 2 member of the Board of Zoning
Appeals. Councilmember Thurman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously
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Monday , April 24 , 2017 at 6:00 pm
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(Agenda Item No. 17-103)
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8 :56 p.m.
Counci lm ember Hewitt seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (7-0).
Date Approved: May 15 , 2017
Sudie AM Gordon , City Clerk