HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESOLUTION NO 17 04 417I
WHEREAS, the City of Milton was incorporated on December 1, 2006;
WHEREAS, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-35-3, municipal corporations have the legislative
power to adopt clearly reasonable ordinances, resolutions, or regulations relating to its property,
affairs, and local government; and
WHEREAS, in accord with O.C.G.A. § 36-70-25, every county and municipality that
successfully complete a Service Delivery Strategy ("SDS") negotiation is required to approve the
SDS by way of a resolution; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-70-28, a county and its respective municipalities,
to include the City of Milton, are required to review and revise a SDS when an existing SDS
Agreement expires; and
WHEREAS, a new SDS between Fulton County and its respective municipalities has been
the subject of negotiation since approximately 2012; and
WHEREAS, the SDS has now been completed and is ready for Council approval; and
WHEREAS, the proposed SDS is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council for the City of Milton that the
Service Delivery Strategy, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby adopted with direction to staff
to deliver this Resolution to Fulton County such that it may be tendered to the appropriate State
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council, in approving, specifically notes that the
SDS documentation regarding provision of jail service is in need of clarification to reflect that jail
service in Milton is provided via a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the Milton
Department of Public Safety and the Fulton County Sheriff that provides that City prisoners are
housed at the North Fulton jail annex. That MOU is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
SO RESOLVED this 24th day of April, 2017, the public health, safety and welfare
demanding it.
I Approved:
(f GeoYaia·
Department of
Community Affairs
FORM 2: Summary of Service Delivery Arrangements :
Make copies of this form and complete one for each service listed on FORM 1, Section Ill. Use exactly the same service names listed on FORM 1
Answer each question below, attaching add~ional pages as necessary If the contact person for this service (listed at the bottom of the page) changes, this
should be reported to the Department of Community Affairs.
1. Check the box hat best describes the agreed upon delivery arrangement for this service:
D Service will be provided countywide (i.e., including all cities and unincorporated areas) by a single service provider. (If
this box is checked, identify the government, authority or organization providing the service.):
0Service will be provided only in the unincorporated portion of the county by a single service provider. (If this box is
checked, identify the government, authority or organization providing the service.): Type Name of Government, Authority
or Organization Here
OOne or more cities will provide this service only within their incorporated boundaries, and the service will not be provided
in unincorporated areas. (If this box is checked, identify the government(s), authority or organization providing the service:
OOne or more cities will provide this service only within their incorporated boundaries, and the county will provide the
service in unincorporated areas. (If this box is checked, identify the govemment(s), authority or organization providing the
C8:10ther (If this box is checked, attach a le Ible ma dellneatin the service area of each service rovider, and
identify the government, authority, or other organiz Ion that will provide service within each service area.): Fulton County
provides jail services for all state and county o enders within Fulton County. Fulton County also provides
municipal jail services for Alpharetta, Roswell nd Union City. Each remaining City (Atlanta, Chatt Hills, College
Park, East Point, Fairburn, Hapeville, Johns Creek,~ilto"r Mountain Park, Palmetto and Sandy Springs) provides
jail services for municipal offenders within its respective municipal boundaries.
2. In developing this strategy, were overlapping service areas, unnecessary competition and/or duplication of this service
0Yes (if "Yes," you must attach additional documentation as described, below)
If these conditions will continue under this strategy, attach an explanation for continuing the arrangement (i.e.,
overlapping but higher levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36-70-24(1)), overriding benefits of the duplication, or reasons that
overlapping service areas or competition cannot be eliminated).
If these conditions will be eliminated under the strate , attach an Im
& Paae 1of2 I FC 001097
will be taken to eliminate them, the responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it.
FC 001098
SDS FORM 2, continued
3. List each government or authority that will help to pay for this service and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g.,
enterprise funds, user fees, general funds, special service district revenues, hotel/motel taxes , franchise taxes, impact
fees, bonded indebtedness, etc.).
Local Government or Authority Funding Method
Fulton County, Alpharetta, Atlanta General Fund
Chatt Hills, East Point, Fairburn General Fund
Hapeville, Johns Creek, Milton General Fund
Palmetto. Roswell, Sandy Spings General Fund
Union City, College Park General Fund
Mountain Park General Fund
4. How will the strategy change the previous arrangements for providing and/or funding this service within the county?
Jail service was not included as a service in the previous Service Delivery Strategy Agreement. The way the service is
provided is not fundamentally changed, with the exception of the lease of jail space from Union City.
5. List any formal service delivery agreements or intergovernmental contracts that will be used to implement the strategy for
this service:
A reement Name Contractin Patties Effective and Endin Dates
IGA Fulton County and Union City 8/20/13 -12/31/16
Inmate Detention Agreement East Point and Fairburn 7 /19/13 -indefinite
Inmate Detention Agreement East Point and Hapeville 8/13/13 -indefinite
Inmate Detention Agreement East Point and College Park
6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement the strategy for this service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions, local
acts of the General Assembly, rate or fee changes, etc.), and when will they take effect?
I Not Applicable
7. Person comple ing form: Laura Lewis, Staff Attorney
Phone number: 404.612.0246 Date completed: 4/25/16
8. Is this the person who should be contacted by state agencies when evaluating whether proposed local government
projects are consistent with the service delivery strategy? 0Yes (g!No
If not, provide designated contact person(s) and phone number(s) below:
COUNTY MANAGER (404) 612-0832
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FC 001099
Sheriff Myron E. Freeman
Fulton County SherifPs Office
185 Central Avenue, SW
Atlanta, Gc-orgia 30303
Oi1·cctor Chris Lagcrbloom
Cit)• of Milton Department of Public Safety
13000 Deerfield Parkway, Building 100
Milton, Georgia 30004
Between the Sheriff of Fulton County and
The Cif)1 of Milton Department of Public Safety
I. PURPOSE: This Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement between the Fulton
County Sheriffs Office and the City of Milton Department of Public Safety establishes the
mutual responsibilities of each organization vvith respect to law enforcement operations in the
City of Ivlllton.
II. ST A TE.MENT OF RECIPROCITY: The following document provides guidelines by
which the Fulton County Sheriffs Office and the City of Milton Department of Public Safety
will coord · nate their activities to provide law enforcement services in the City of Milton.
ill. REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE: TI1is Agreement c.;ontemplates an ongoing relationship
in which each agency routinely cooperates with and renders assistance to the other agency within
the scope of th.is Agreement. Therefore, no requests are required for the assistance set forth in
subparagraphs 1 and 2 below. Requests for assistance with respect to subparagraphs 3 and 4
below ,,,.;11 be made as provided in thi s Agreement. In the event either agency wishes to request
training assistance, or assistance beyond that spelled out in thi s Agreement, the Agency heads or
their designees will be responsible for personally requesting and authorizing additional
I. Detention: The Fulton County Sheriffs Office, pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement,
operates the Alpharena Jail Annex. The Sheriff will process inmates at the Alpharetta Jail
Annex who are arrested by the City of Milton Police Department. The Sheriffs Office wi ll
make up to three (3) beds at the Alpharetta Jail Annex available for City of Milton male
inmates at no charge; however, the parties agree that the Sheriff has the unfettered discretion
to house Milton inmates elsewhere for reasons including, but not limited to, disciplinary
matters, security and classification concerns, the need for medical and/or mental health
treatment, or such other reasons as the Sheriff may deem appropriate. Female inmates will be
housed at the Fulton County Jail complex on Rice Street. The Sheri!Ts Office will provide
jail clothing, food, and necessary medical care for City of Milton inmates in accordance with
Fulton County Jail policies and procedures, and will book, identify, and release City of
Milton inmates admi11ed into the Alpharetta Jail Annex. If there are more than three (3) City
of Milton inmates at any given lime, the City of Milton will reimburse the Fulton County
Sheriffs Office at a daily rate of $68.00 per day per inmate.
Warrant Service: The City of Milton Police Department will serve criminal process within
the City of Milton cmvorate limits on behalf of the Sherifrs Oflice on an if, when, and as
needed basis_ 1l1e Sheriff and the Director of Public Safety may, by mutual agreement,
detennine that City of Milton officers will be sworn as t.lepu ty sheriffs for the purpose of
serving process elsewhere within Fulton County.
3. Training Facilitie~: Either agency may allow the other agency to use its training facilities and
audio/visual equipment to conduct classroom training sessions, and to participate in mutunlly
beneficial law enforcement training. folton County Sheriffs Office Training facilities
available include a training center with classroom and firing range. Requests for use of
training facilities or for participation in mutual training exercises will be evaluated on a case-
by-case basis, taking into account the specifics of each individual request.
4. Bomb Unit: The Fulton County SherifPs Office will provide assistance to the Cily of Milt on
Police Depa1tment in detennining the nature of, and rendering safe, suspicious items. The
City of Milton Police Department will request assistance from the Fulton County Sheriffs
Office Bomb Unit via the Fulton County Communications Center. If the Fulton County
Sheriff's Office Bomb U11it is not available, the Sheriffs Office will so advise the City of
Milton in order that a request for assistance may be made to the Georgia Bureau of
5. Special Weapons and Tactics (''SWAT"). The fulton County Sheriffs Office will provide
assistance to the City of Milton Police Department via its Special Weapons and Tactics Team
("SWAT'') with respect to high risk warrants, ban-icnded subjects. hostage ne~ol iations. etc.
The City of Milton Police Depa1tment will request assistance from the Fulton County
Sheriffs Office via telephone call to ( 404) 730-512 S or, if that number is not reached,
through the rulton County Communications Center. If the Fulton County Sheriffs Office
SWAT Team ic; not available, the Sheriffs Office will so advise the City of Milton in order
that a request for assistance may be made to the Georgia State Patrol or other law
tmforcement agency.
IV. METHODS OF RF:QUESTING ASSISTANCE: Any request for assistance pursuant to
this MOU, except as provided othenvise herein, will be made in writing at least three (3) days in
advance. In case of an emergency, a telephonic request may be made.
vl. TER.i\II OF THE AGREEMENT: This MOU will become effective upon the date of
signature of all parties. The parties will review this agreement annually. This i'v10U may be
modified by the written agreement of both parties. This MOU may be terminated by either party
via sixty (60) days' V.'litten notice to the other.
VJ[. NO RIGHTS IN THIRD PARTIES: The mutual agreement reflected in this document is
for the benefit of the participating entities only. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to
create any rights in any third party, nor any legally enforceable obligation or standard of care
other than between the parties.
·fY)t;, ~ /~
Myron E. Freeman, Sheriff
Fulton County Sherifrs Office