HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - CC - 10/21/2019Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 2 1, 20 19 at 6:00 pm
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Date Approved: November 18 , 2019
Jo e Loif<woo
Regu lar Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 21 , 20 19 at 6 :00 pm
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Mayor Lockwood: Any questions? Thank you .
Bernadette: Thank you.
Mayor Lockwood: Now, if we could move on to -do I have a motion to adjourn into
executive session to discuss land acquisition?
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Land Acquisition)
Mayor Lockwood:
Council members:
Mayor Lockwood:
So moved
I have a motion from Councilmember Mohrig and a second from
Councilmember Kunz. All in favor please say "aye."
That's unanimous.
Co uncilmember Mohrig moved to go into Executive Session to discuss land
acquisition at 7:29 p.m. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion
passed (6-0). Councilmember Cookerly was absent from the meeting.
Mo tio n a nd Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to reconvene the Regular Meeting at
7:43 p.m. Councilmember Jamison seconded the motion. The motion passed (5-0).
Councilmembers Cookerly and Mohrig were absent from the meeting.
Mo tion an d V ote: Councilmember Jan1ison moved to adjourn the Regular Meet ing at
7:45 p.m. Councilmember Longoria seconded the motion . The motion passed (6-0).
Councilmembers Cookerly and Mohrig were absent from the meeting.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 2 1, 2019 at 6:00 pm
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14 ,000 pounds of latex paint, over 1400 pounds of oil-based paint,
and 750 pounds of pesticides and over 450 pounds of single-use
batteries on a single day. I do not know why people paint so much
on their houses.
Rivers Alive ev ent that was scheduled for this Saturday -this
event was canceled because of the rain , and we plan to reschedule
this event in the nex t coming weeks . Thank you.
Mayor Lockwood: Thank you, Parag.
Parag: An y questions ?
Mayor Lockwood: Any questions for Parag ? Thank you. Finance? You don 't have to
-step up. You 're here.
Bernadette: I know we 've heard a lot from Finance over the last few months
with the budget being in place and the millage rates. So , I will just
go over a few brief things . As September has come to a close , so
has our fiscal year. So , we are working on preparing the books for
the audit , going over all of our final reconciliations . There 'll be no
financial statements for September, as those are part of the coffer
that 's you 'll see towards March. We have our supplemental bills
out for all of our appeals . We have our refunds up to date . All
current supplementals that are not already possibly past due will be
due on December 2nd along with the 2019 bills.
We 've been working diligentl y with any residents who may have
any questions about the new exemptions or their tax bills. And
we 've been recei ving a lot of good feedback. I haven 't had anyone
really upset this year.
We have our alcohol beverage license annual renewals out, and
they 'll be due on November 15 th .
And then lastl y, we 're just working on some enhancements to our
long-term planning and our financial impact of department
requests through the budget. So , we 're looking to bring you some
even more transparency and further information regarding any
budget requests coming in the future.
Regu lar Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday , October 2 1, 2019 at 6:00 pm
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you guys . If we could get Community Development -Parag .
Depa rtm ent U pd ates
1. Community Deve lopment
I did have my two pages. I just want to give you brief highlights of
the variou s projects , which are going on in the department. Update
on the tree preservation ordinance -so , on November 7111, 2019 , we
have scheduled a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and
the Citizens Stakeholders Committee to discuss the draft of the
ordinance and to achieve consensus before we come to the City
So , as you know , our department first worked for around four
months with the Citizen 's Stakeholders Committee. And this
committee finally voted to approve the ordinance in July . Then, we
started working with the Planning Commission. We have worked
with the Planning Commission for around three months now . So ,
both these bodies are in consensus on the majority of the things ,
but there are some issues , which we would like to discuss further.
So , we will be having this joint meeting on November 7 , and then
we will be presenting it to the City Council.
The Trai l Master Plan -the next Citizens Advisory Committee
meeting is on November 6th . We also had a site visit scheduled
with the committee members last month , and we basicall y drove
around Crabapple and Deerfield area just to show them the various
proposed trails , which they are proposing to be a part of the Trai l
Master Plan.
Equestrian Friendly Practices -our department has started working
on a project that will help to preserve and enhance the equestrian
and agricultural culture of Mi lton by streamlining the zoning
ordinance and by streamlining the various development practices.
So , we had a very good committee meeting with the Equestrian
Committee on October 16 th . We will be coming in front of the
Planning Commission in November, and we plan to streamline our
zoning code and the various development practices .
Hazardo us Household , Paint , and Chemical Collection event -this
event was scheduled on September 28 th . We collected nearly
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 21 , 2019 at 6 :00 pm
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Ken : I appreciate that. And actually, I've got good news. I will report to
the council that it is already being looked at , and the City Manager
has been engaging my office on that. We understand some of the
issues , and I think that the City Manager will likely bring in some
recommendations to the council very shortly. And even,
Councilmember Kunz , with respect to some of the issues that have
generated that , just please understand we are looking at those very
intently as well. And I have been brought in in a meaningful way
to look at it.
Matt: Okay , so I wasn 't aware of that.
Ken: And that's perfectly fine. I understand perfectly.
Matt : All right. So , well , then we don 't need to do anything , but we will.
Mayor Lockwood: Well , we do. And it is being -yeah .
Ken : Yeah , it 's being looked.
Mayor Lockwood: No , I think everybody would agree with that. So , thank you for
bringing that up.
Matt: Thank you everybody as well.
Mayor Lockwood: Anybody else ? Anything? If not , then we added an executive
session to discuss land acquisition. Do I have a motion?
Matt: You got staff reports ?
Rick : Do you wanna do staff reports first?
Mayor Lockwood : We can do staff reports if we 'd -yeah , actually , they 're on the
agenda first.
Male Speaker: That 'd be nice.
Male Speaker: We don 't wanna make you work.
Male Speaker: He ain 't gonna be here.
Mayor Lockwood: Actually, what you guys just messed up -they were gonna slide on
out. I told them they could boogie. Since council -no , I'll keep
Regu lar Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 2 1, 2019 at 6 :00 pm
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Council members:
Mayor Lockwood :
Any opposed? That 's unanimous. We 'll move onto reports. Thank
you, Colt and Teresa. I'm sorry. And , Colt, thank you for all the
work that your board has done. We 've got a couple staff reports ,
but anything the council wants to report on?
Mo tion and V ote: Councilmember Bentley moved to approve Agenda Item No .
19-236 approving and delegating Jarrard & Davis to make non-substantive
changes to the purchase agreement. Councilmember Kunz seconded the
motion . The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember Cookerly was absent from
the meeting.
Mayor Lockwood :
Ken :
Mayor Lockwood:
I do , Joe.
And I've talked to and called everybody here on the council as
well. We 've had some questions on some of the language in our
Special Events Code 64-1596 and also with things happening in
cities around Milton , not necessarily in Milton but maybe m
Buckhead or Las Vegas where party houses were coming up .
We found some language that might be just not necessarily with
the intent of the zoning code. We 're not really sure exactly what
needs to happen. But on that code , I would love for council to look
to see if that language might need some refinement within it.
Obviously , we 're dealing with definitions of public and private
property. We 're dealing with definitions of public nuisance versus
private nuisance, things of that nature. I think it would be good if
we just looked at it again to see if the code needs to be more clear.
And I don 't know legall y, Ken, if we need to make that go to a
work session -or how we would look at something like that.
Thank you Councilmember Kunz. I appreciate that.
I would agree. Obvious ly , we 'd need to work on that and have
been. So , yeah , I would support that.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 21 , 2019 at 6:00 pm
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Mayor Lockwood:
Mayor Lockwood:
Mayor Lockwood:
Mayor Lockwood.
Mayor Lockwood:
property. It's typically by public auction, but there is an exception
that allows local governments to basically sell by private sale as
opposed to public auction unusually shaped parcels. We 've talked
about this at some length with respect to the golf course, so the
rough edges of the golf course. So , to the extent that the council
wanted to think about doing that here, I would give you the exact
same answer here, as I think we do have the right to do it.
Thank you .
And I just wanna clarify my earlier comments -legally, again with
respect to neighbors and whatnot, the City Council would have the
ability , correct? -to initiate buffers or possible sale if it made
sense to the city and all parties involved so that the city still had
the use of it.
I agree with that.
Okay. I just wanted to clarify that. Anything else ? Okay, I will
open up for a motion.
Mayor, I'd like to make a motion to approve agenda item No . 19-
236 approving and delegating authority to Jarrard & Davis to make
non-substantive changes to the purchase agreement.
Thank you Councilmember Bentley and still have the Mayor with
the requisite authority to sign.
I have a motion and a second. Who was the second from?
Councilmember Kunz?
I have a motion for approval as read by Councilmember Bentley
with a second from Councilmember Kunz. Any discussion?
Hearing none. All in favor please say "aye."
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
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vest on negotiat10ns , but the property sellers and agents and
whatnot are talkative people. So, maybe in the future if we do
something like this , they have to sign a clause where until there 's
an actual contract, they 're not to -
Ken : That would be my expectation . So , I regret if that's not been
occurring, but I understand your point.
Mayor Lockwood: Any other questions or comments? Staff or Ken? Joe ?
Joe Longoria : Sorry , one last thing.
Ken: Of course.
Joe Longoria: So , once we purchase the property -actually , if we went through a
planning cycle , we went through an investigation, we tried to
figure what actually we were gonna do with the property, we could
find out -you know what ? It 's not really the best thing for what
we thought it was gonna be , and we could actually sell the property
back on the market. Is that correct?
Ken: Well , let me offer up this in response to that because I'm gonna
hedge just a moment that local governments are not -and I know
you 're not suggesting this.
Joe Longoria: Right. I know where you 're gonna go .
Ken: But local governments are not in the business of buying property
for the purpose of flipping it. And let me repeat again , that 's not
what he suggested. But I would want us to think long and hard
before we thought about doing that, but it is likely that we could do
Rick: But there is no prohibition on selling parcels or making that -if it
can be subdivided -selling a portion of that if a local property
owner or somebody wanted to , and the city was amenable to it
because we can still accomplish what we wanna do with it. That is
an option . And the funds would go back -if it was purchased
through the Greenspace , it would go back to the Greenspace fund ,
Ken: Right. But I wanna be -you 've heard me say this before , though.
Local governments have strict rules with respect to how they sell
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
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Ken : We'd have to take a look at it -what the council 's plan is. But
there's no time limit on that I don't think.
Mayor Lockwood: Can I just confirm. I don 't think there 's any thoughts of other than
this is just a passive -with the Greenspace.
Ken: That 's everything I have heard is consistent with that. I understand.
This was just a hypothetical , I thought.
Joe Longoria: So, I had a lot of questions, but for the most part, I think they've all
been answered in terms of the funding for this, how we figured out
fair market value. Theresa , so thank you for those explanations.
Probably the last question I wanna ask is -obviously, this purchase
potentially impacts neighboring landowner citizens of the city.
Ken: Yes .
Joe Longoria: Did we contact those individuals to let them know our intentions?
And is that something that we would normally do?
Ken : All I can speak for , Councilmember Longoria, is with respect to
my office, we did not. So, I can 't speak to what city staff may have
done. And they may have. I don't know if that 's ordinary or not ,
but I know that we did not.
Joe Longoria: Is any of the content -would it have been covered under the
executive session rules?
Ken: That would have been something that would've been factored into,
particularly pre-contract. Now that we 're in due diligence , I would
be much more comfortable with bringing in adjacent property
owners because remember we can still get out of the contract for
45 days for no reason and for any reason without losing any funds .
But prior to us going under contract, there has been a very , I think ,
disciplined effort by this city and the Greenspace folks to keep the
city 's intentions very close to the vest. And that 's on purpose. The
law anticipates that very thing.
Mayor Lockwood: I might wanna just make a comment on that. I think we've -I
know I 've discussed it with Steve. Maybe in the future, as we do
this , we might wanna -because I've noticed -what has happened
in the past is the city may not be keeping everything close to the
Regular Meetin g of the Milton City Counc il
Monday, October 2 1, 2 019 at 6 :00 pm
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Joe Longoria:
Joe Longoria :
Joe Longoria:
anything like that. Is there anything special about this purchase that
compels us to do something within a particular time period?
I'm not aware of any such time restraint.
So once we make a determination that we wanna close on the
property, we wait the due diligence period , the property gets
purchased by the city , and we do our normal thing , which is lock it
up tight and make sure that it can 't be used in any fashion , we
really don 't need to do anything else with it. The Greenspace bond
doesn 't compel us to say -hey , the property needs to be done to
this , this , and this in this amount of time , right ?
No , that's exactl y right. And , in fact , one of the beauties of
Greenspace is is that if you leave the property alone in its
vegetative state , you 've almost accomplished the very basis for the
bond in the first place .
So , let 's just pretend for a second that we go look at the house
that 's on the property . Right now, everything I've heard is it 's a
demo . Somebody 's waiting for a bulldozer to roll onto the property
and knock it over into a pile , as our friend Burt Hewitt used to say.
But, in reality , we could get into the property . We could find that -
you know what ; it's not as bad off as everybody thinks . And we
could come up with some amount of time a plan on how to use the
existing structure either as a meeting room , a storage facility ,
something of that nature. But again, there 's nothing that causes us
to have to follow a particular course . Just because we 're buying it ,
it doesn't mean the property can 't maintain a house structure.
Right. So , two thoughts on that -No. 1, the first answer I have is -
to the extent that we close on it , we have some sort of a clock
ticking to go out and do something out on the property -I don 't
think so . When it comes time for the council with staff to make a
determination as to how to use that structure or whether to raise it
that will implicate us taking a good hard look at what our intention
is . If it 's to use it for a use that could arguably be converted to an
active use , I'd need to give that some thought because we might
have to then repay the Greenspace fund back to the extent that we
convert it to that use . Or if you use it as a passive nature preserve -
you know what I'm saying ?
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course , it 's city property. So , to the extent that the city wanted to
put some sort of a robust buffer or landscape strip or whatever onto
the property adjoining whichever property boundary, we , of
course , would have the right to do that as well.
Mayor Lockwood: Any other questions for Ken or comments? Laura?
Laura: So , along those same lines and with the use of the Greenspace
Bond money , can we use that for the demolition of the house? I
think there might be a phrase in the bond language that allows for
improvements because of the location of the house and the fact that
we likely will not be utilizing it for city use for some time . And we
just would not want it to be an eyesore and a liability and attraction
to -
Ken : Yeah , Councilmember Bentley, it 's been a while since I've looked
at it. I think actuall y the last time I looked at it was at your urging
on another matter. And I believe that we can use the funds to sort
of get these pieces of green space property ready . And so , I feel
comfortable we can probabl y do that.
Laura: That's good because I think that that would help just restore it to a
more natural state and make it safe. It could be quite a while before
we determine what we want to do with that. Also , along those
lines , we 've been doing a good job with maintaining the green
Mayor Lockwood:
Joe Longoria:
So , this -because it is surrounded by large parcel owners that we
want to make sure that their property rights are preserved , that we
keep it maintained to the level -keep the grass cut, keep the fence
lines cleared . And then , finally , my last suggestion would be -and
I don 't foresee a problem with this -would be just to make sure
that we secure the property with the gate and make sure that it 's
known that nothing 's happening with it while time goes by . Those
are my suggestions . And I think most of council might support
So , along those lines -I'm following up on what Laura just asked.
We 've purchased property in the past that basically we bought it
because it was the right moment in time even though we didn't
have necessaril y the funds to develop or a plan in place for use or
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Mayor Lockwood :
Mayor Lockwood:
wanna move forward . Thank you.
Are there any questions first for Theresa or Colt? Council.
Mr. Mayor, I just wanna update and give you one more piece of
information as you all go into deliberations . I think something
Theresa said made me think of it. Because of the timeline, this
contract anticipates both the due diligence in 45 days and the
closing at the end of that 45 days, a little unusual. A lot of times ,
we 'd see a due diligence period, then maybe 30 days, closing
thereafter. This one anticipates both of those almost occurring in
The contract, however, also anticipates that if we want to delay
closing, we can, but its $100 per day to delay closing. So , for
instance , if we wanted to delay closing because we 're not ready for
30 days, well , that's $3000. So , we hope we don 't need to do that
and maybe won 't, but we do have to get the Phase I as you know.
And I know that the City Manager wants us to go ahead and get an
appraisal just to lock that down and have that in our file so we can
evaluate it. So , I say all that. I hope that doesn 't occur. It likely
won 't. I will tell you we 're doing everything we can to make sure
we don 't need to utilize that provision, but it 's there.
And again, Mr. Mayor, one more thing, and I 'll be quiet. If the
council does make a motion to approve , I would like that flexibility
we talked about to allow the senior staff, the City Manager, and my
office to make non-substantive edits and still have the requisite
authority for the Mayor to sign.
All right. I have a question -thank you Colt. Thank you , Teresa. I
have a legal question for you , Ken. Obviously , with this parcel , we
also impact and border neighbors. Does the city have the ability , or
the council have the ability to at some point either sell portions of
that property that may not be of use to the city or implement some
type of buffer to protect the neighbors ?
We could do both. The city has the authority to sell property that it
no longer needs. In fact , there 's specific statuary language that
allows the city to sell even privately without a public process what
are called small or unusually shaped portions or parcels of property
that have no independent value . Now, we 'd have to subdivide it.
We 'd have to actually make the parcel , but we could do that. Or, of
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 21 , 20 I 9 at 6:00 pm
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here , but it connects to the former Milton Country Club property ,
which that's big , as Theresa said. The access /egress into that has
always been a little bit of a challenge. We thought it was doable .
We knew we had a couple of options. This gives us an outstanding
option. It's not only a big wide option -it's a very pretty option to
be honest. You sort of drive up this little gully up over a hill or
walk -however we wanna do it. It provides a lot of options to get
into the former Milton Country Club , and that is outstanding.
We got the barn. The barn is very cute. I imagine lots of Christmas
photos. Christmas cards will be made in front of the barn; we 'll
see. And as far as development goes , I'm not a builder. We have a
number of people on our committee that kinda looked at this stuff.
And everybody tells me it's probably at least 6 to 12 -well , it
couldn't be more than 12 , but it could be 12. It could be 10 . It
could be 6 , but it 's a pretty buildable lot, which is part of the
reason why it commands a pretty high price breaker.
So , let me just say a couple things on pricing. For an acreage -and
we 've been looking at this. We have been actively in the real estate
market for the last two and a half years looking at prices all the
time. And I will tell you we rule out a lot of properties based on
price . This is not one of them. By the way , a lot of people come to
us with properties and recommend properties , and we 're like -you
know, no . It doesn 't meet our criteria on the price. This one was
within the guidance price that we gave to the City Council , and on
top of that, it is a reasonable value for a piece of land in this part of
town that is a very pretty property that most likely supports a very
high yield on houses relative to the size.
So , I'll just say that on price. The price is fair. The price is
reasonable. The price was negotiated by a pro that works a lot in
conservation for other cities in this market and we have been
working with for a while . We feel good about the price.
So , let me just close with this. And I think I can take questions. It 's
up to you. But the time to do this is now. The property is available.
The funds are available. They may not be -the next time this
property is available , the funds may be not be available. So , right
now, the property 's available. The funds are available. We have
negotiated a reasonable contract at a reasonable price by a
professional that -they know what they 're doing . The seven
members of our committee are absolutel y unanimous , and we
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setting up some parameters in the form of goals and a screening
criteria for properties within the city to help us identify what
makes a good property for conservation with Greenspace Bond
We estimate -one thing I don 't think Theresa mentioned -there 's
no way to know exactly , but part of our role is to help preserve
land from development. We estimate , and it's rough -we have
probably prevented the development of about 120 to 160 homes in
Milton, just as an FYI -so , kind of interesting. Some of the land
we buy is along creeks and streams and water, and we 're buying it
for conservation land. Some of the land we buy is totally buildable,
doesn 't have as much conservation value. But we have both
objectives , and we mix both.
So , like I said , we began our work by engaging the Georgia
Conservancy to help us develop a framework . And there 's three
key parts of the framework that I think are relevant to this
discussion today that are priorities for us on the committee in
selecting land.
First, buying land that has proximity to existing public lands or
offers access or egress to existing public lands by road or trail.
Anything like that , the score is very highly in our framework . And
why is that? Well , it's because you 're talking about expanding on
assets the city already owns, right ? -which creates more room ,
more access for more people.
Second, buying buildable land to put some brakes on development.
We can 't always buy buildable land. And there 's no question about
it , we 've bought some non-buildable land. Within the former
Milton Country Club , there is some flood plain. There are also
some highly buildable land ; 30 , 40 , maybe 50 houses , depending
on what plot you look at , were prevented being developed within
the Milton Country Club.
Third , buying land that preserves the rural views of Milton is very
important to us. We all believe in rural viewshed . It 's a great value
to us for all the reasons we talk about here often. We think that this
particular purchase meets all three of those criteria in spades ,
particularly No . 1.
So , several things of interest -and I' 11 try not to be too repetitive
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actually to travel through, but it is buildable property. So, I would
not want to speculate on what current or future council may or may
not decide to do with this property, but it does offer flexibility and
multiple options. And at this point, I'd like to introduce Colt
Whittall from the Chair of the Milton Greenspace Advisory
Committee to say a few words on behalf of the committee.
Hello. Thank you. A few quick comments. And I apologize.
There 's actually a fair amount of stuff. I'm gonna try and delete a
few things, so I don't re-cover some of the same territory. But first
of all , let me just say I'm Colt Whittall. I'm Chair of the Milton
Greenspace Advisory Committee. And just kinda for the record
and also for citizens that are watching, I'll give a little bit of
background into our committee, how we arrived at this specific
decision, and a few things that I think are important to consider
when we talk about the recommendation we 're making.
And by the way , we reconfirmed over the weekend and tonight our
committee absolutely unanimously supports this recommendation
at this price. We feel very , very comfortable about it. And that's
coming from a lot of research and experience on the committee in
real estate in this market. And I' 11 go into that in more detail.
So , first, just as a reminder , Greenspace Committee was created -I
believe we created it in May in 2017 . We got off and running.
We 've met about 40 times since then , including site visits 35-40
times, visited quite a number of sites around town , made a lot of
presentations to this council. We have seven members . They were
selected in kind of a different process. We had about 30-40
applications. City Council downselected just based on -they
wanted experience in real estate. They wanted experience in things
that were potentially relevant, like conservation, forestry , ecology ,
and frankly , just experience in government and in city and in
Milton. So, based on that , selected the committee.
We 've been operating, like I said , about two and a half years; and
we all take it very , very seriously. Theresa gave the update on
where we are with the overall program . So , I'm not going to go
into that other than to say we're very proud of what we 've
accomplished so far. We think we have filled all of the guidelines
that we developed originally, and we have stuck within the rules of
the bond language. And part of the reason we were able to do that
is a lot of involvement early on from Georgia Conservancy in
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Road. The -sorry -the southern access that this property would
provide -this is from the FMCC master plan that council approved
in August of this year. You probably recognize it.
It was a long process , but this was the master plan that y 'all
approved. As you can see from here , there are four access points to
FMCC. This one on Dinsmore is pedestrian only. This one at the
Active'Acres is where there is parking. That 's where the swim and
tennis is. This blue area right here and this blue area right here is
only for emergency personnel and city service vehicles. Those
areas do not allow for regular in and out. So, as you can see really,
the only places to access the property now are at the northern end.
And I know you all that we 've turned all of our plans on their side .
This is actually 90 degrees from the way the property really sits
So , we've struggled with the issue of the southern access to the
property. And for people who are coming to hike, to walk the
property, right now the only way to get in would be Dinsmore and
through the Active Acres. And there are times when the Active
Acres would be filled with swim and tennis. So , we have long
desired a way to get to the southern end of the property. So , this
parcel is where this red star is. This can show you that we would
abut the southern end of the property, and we could then be able to
drive in or walk in , whatever council decided , and have access to
the southern end of the property without having to go through the
swim/tennis area .
So , the viewshed just quickly -I think everybody recognizes the
property. We haven 't had access to the property, so I wasn't able to
go on and take pictures like I have of the other ones. I just took
them from the road. But I think everybody probably knows where
this property is from driving by. There are approximately 550 feet
of road frontage there. And on the left , this is the driveway to the
property, which could -if council decided -provide access
through the property into the property that we already own at
So , the final thing has to do with development. The property is
again in the blue area over here. This is just showing that there is
no flood plain on the property nor are there any steep slopes . These
are the areas in purple and the shaded areas from our MOD -our
GIS MOD . There is some topo in there , which will be quite lovely
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Greenspace funds. You can see those right in the center of the map
-that big area. This property is adjacent to the first green space
that we purchased , the FMCC.
And just a brief background of the history of this property -in
June of 2018 , it was listed by the former owner for sale at 1.59.
And it was eventually reduced to 1.35 , and in December of 2018 ,
we actually did make an original offer to purchase the property.
But we did find out that it was sort of in a limbo of going into
foreclosure. So , we weren't able to make an offer with the former
owner of it. So, then I guess the foreclosure process takes a little
while. And the bank put it back on the market in July of 2019 at
1.29. We made an offer at that point, and we negotiated back and
forth with the seller -with the bank. We were getting closer to a
price , but they were for a while immovable about due diligence
period. They wanted to give us a due diligence period of three
days , and by law, we are required to do an environmental Phase 1.
And that was simply impossible. So, we were firm on that.
So , in October, we were given a request by the bank to make our
best and final offer because they had multiple bidders. And at that
point, we made the offer for 1.25 with the firm 45-day due
diligence. In talking with Jarrard & Davis , we do know that 's a
tight time, but we did believe that we could achieve that. So , we
ultimately agreed on the 1.25 purchase price , which works out to a
little bit over $104 ,000 an acre -$104,166.67 , which I'm sure
Bernadette appreciates that specific number.
Our acquisition agent who was a licensed real estate broker has
done a market analysis of 20 properties within five miles of this
property. They are all zoned AG-1, and they vary in size from 4 to
25 acres. And he has found an average market value of $124,695.
That is not an appraisal for this property. It 's simply a market
appraisal for what the average AG-1 property in this area is offered
for sale at. That was some concluded sales , some pending
purchases, as well as some active listings.
So , the property highlights I wanna go through really quick -the
adjacency to FMCC providing southern access to FMCC , a
viewshed and protecting property from development, the adjacency
to the public amenity of FMCC. You saw on the original map
where the FMCC is located, and this property shares a boundary
with it. The road that's going north to south there is Freemanville
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There are some additional stipulations in language within the
agreement. I don't know how granular the city wants to be with
this , although I have reviewed it, and my office has reviewed it.
And we're comfortable with it. The only sort of idiosyncrasy about
it from my perspective -it 's a fairly tight window, but I think that
was a requirement , candidly , of the seller -was to go ahead and
get that done .
Council Members , if you are prepared to go forward this evening
and if you wanna make a motion to approve this acquisition
agreement , I would ask for a little bit of unique language. We are
working with the seller as diligently as we can. There 's not maybe
as prompt as responsiveness as we would like. So , we think we're
down to maybe just some small nuances with respect to the
agreement with all of the material components agreed upon , the
earnest money , the acquisition price, the acreage, the form of the
deeds , all those things.
But if the council does make a motion to approve this acquisition
agreement tonight , I would respectively request that you approve it
and delegate authority to my office as well as the City Manager to
make any non-substantive modifications that may be required by
the seller and still authorize the Mayor to execute the document
once we have a finalized perfected agreement.
Mayor Lockwood: Do we have any public comment on this? I should 've asked. No
public comment? Okay. Theresa, I don 't know if you had anything
you wanted to add to that.
Teresa: I did have a few things. There is no public comment? Okay. Yeah ,
I 've done these presentations for the green spaces before. So , Ken
gives all the legal part, and then I'll tell you a little bit more about
the property , the considerations for purchase. So, as you all are
well aware , we started out the Greenspace Bond initiative with $25
million. To date , we have purchased six properties. And the first
was in January of 2018 , and that was the former Milton Country
Club , which if you'll give me permission to call that FMCC for the
rest of my discussion , all the way to our most recent purchases of
Webb and Hamby Roads , which are in the eastern part of the city,
which were in January of 2019.
So , of course , you know that the country club , FMCC , is 139 acres ,
although onl y about a 130 of them are passive or paid for with
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Mayor Lockwood: Any opposed? That 's unanimous.
Miche le: Thank you.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Bentley moved to approve Agenda Item No .
19-235. Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed
(6-0). Councilmember Cookerly was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Lockwood : Thank yo u. We 'll move onto our final new business item if our
clerk would please call the next item.
3. Consideration of a Land Acquisition Agreement for Purchase of Realty between
the City of Milton and US Bank National Association for Fulton Tax Parcel No.
22 442006710238 , 14620 Freemanville Road (12 acres), for a purchase price of
$1 ,250 ,000 .
(Agenda Item No. 19-236)
(Ken Jarrard, City Attorney)
Clerk: Consideration of a land acqms1t10n agreement for purchase of
realty between the City of Milton and US Bank National
Association for Fulton tax parcel No. 22442006710238 at 146 20
Freemanvi ll e Road (12 acres) for purchase price of $1 ,250 ,000
(agenda item No. 19-236). Mr. Ken Jarrard.
Ken: Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council , you have in front of you
an agreement for sale of realty. The proposed purchaser is the City
of Milton. The proposed seller is Towd Point Mortgage Trust
2018-2 , US Bank National Association as indenture trustee , which
is the seller. The parcel of property is approximately a 12-acre
parcel located 14620 Freemanville Road in Milton , Georgia,
Fulton County tax parcel 2244200671023 8. Purchase price is 1.250
-$1,250,000 .
The proposed earnest money that the city will in fact pay to an
escrow agent is $25 ,000. The due diligence period is accelerated.
Its 45 days. If, in fact , the City of Milton pulls out of the contract
within that 45 days , we can do so without any penalty and for no
cause . We will , in fact, get our earnest money paid for -or paid
back , forgive me . And if we don 't and if we let the 45 days elapse
without withdrawing , then we will be required to go ahead and
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2 . Consideration of a Resolution Establishing the Partnership Between the City of
Milton and the 2020 United States Census.
RESOLUTION NO. 19-10-518
(Agenda Item No. 19-235)
(Miche le McIntosh-Ross , Prin cipal Planner)
Miche le:
Mayor Lockwood:
Mayor Lockwood:
Council members:
The next item is the consideration of a resolution establi shing the
partnership between the City of Milton and the 2020 United States
Census (agenda item No. 19-235). Ms . Michele McIntosh-Ross.
Yes , greetings again . So , yes, this is a resolution that we have here
just to formalize our partnership between the City of Milton and
the Census Bureau to help conduct the 2020 Census.
So , basicall y, some of the things that I went over in the previ ous
presentation -we wanna support the goals of the 2020 Census to
disseminate information, which we plan to do , a lso to encourage
residents to participate in the 2020 Census and respond to the
questionnaires. Also , we 're planning to provide advoc acy through
the various committees that we have at City Hall and speak at the
various events that we have to let people know about the upcoming
census and to support the accurate and complete count and to stri ve
to achieve a complete and accurate count of all citizens within the
City of Milton.
So , those are the thing s we discussed , and thi s is what the
resolution is about. So , if yo u have any question s, let me know .
Otherwise , yo u guys can make your decision.
Do we have any question s for Michele ? Okay, then I'll open up for
a motion.
Mayor, I'd like to make a motion to approve agenda item No . 12 -
sorry, 19-235.
I have a motion for approval from Councilmember Bentley with a
second from Councilmember Kunz. All in favor please say "aye."
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Mayor Lockwood:
Mayor Lockwood:
Council members :
Mayor Lockwood:
that actuall y is gonna be the subject of the meeting immediately
following this meeting of the Milton Public Building and Facilities
Authority with respect to the revenue bond. That of course
involves an intergovernmental contract as the council is aware , and
I will be in some respects reviewing both the council's view of that
intergovernmental agreement as well as the PBFA 's view of the
intergovernmental agreement , which has me on both sides of the
Therefore, I believe the better read of the bar rules is I need a
conflict waiver , which basically says I'm coming to you and telling
you I'm gonna be performing that work on both sides of the
transaction and asking you to waive , which means release or
relinquish , any concern about a contract. I hope the council
understands and knows me well enough to say that I don't believe
there is a conflict because our interests are aligned with the Public
Building and Facilities Authority. You are , in fact , the Public
Building and Facilities Authority. And if there was anything that
marginalized my ability to represent the city or the PBF A
zealously , I would get out of the transaction altogether. So , in light
of that , I would ask that you all approve this waiver and allow me
to do the work.
Any questions on this? If there 's no discussion, I' 11 open it up for a
motion .
Motion to be approved agenda item No. 19-234.
I have motion for approval from Councilmember Kunz with a
second from Councilmember Jamison. All in favor please say
That 's unanimous. Okay , if our clerk would please call the next
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve Agenda Item No. 19-234.
Counci lm ember Jamison seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember
Cookerly was absent from the meeting.
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Mayor Lockwood: I'm sorry.
Matt: I'm gonna vote no on that.
Mayor Lockwood : All in favor please say "aye ."
Council members: Aye .
Mayor Lockwood: And those not in favor -opposition, please.
Matt : Nay.
Mayor Lockwood : So , that passes five in favor and one , Councilmember Kunz , in
opposition. Okay , we can move onto new business. Madam clerk if
you ' 11 please sound the next item.
Motio n and Vote: Councilmember Bentley moved to approve Agenda Item No. 19-221.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. Councilmember Kunz was in opposition.
Cookerly was absent from the meeting. The motion passed (5-0).
1. Consideration and Possible Adoption of a Conflict Waiver Authorizing Jarrard &
Dav is , LLP to Serve as Local Counsel (for both the Counci l 'and the PBF A)
Regarding a Revenue Bond Transaction between the Milton Public Building and
Facilities Authority and the City Council, to Include Review of the Pertinent
Intergovernmental Agreement.
(Agenda Item No. 19-234)
(Ken Jarrard, City A ttorney)
Clerk: Yes , the consideration and possib le adoption of a conflict waiver
authorizing Jarrard & Davis, LLP, to serve as local council for
both the council and the PBF A regarding a revenue bond
transaction between the Milton Public Building and Facilities
Authority and the City Council to include review of the pertinent
intergovernmental agreement (age nda item No . 19-234).
Ken: Thank you Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council. You 've seen
me come to yo u before on thi s. This is a conflict waiver. And w hat
that basicall y means is that my office as the City Attorney not only
will represent the city with respect to the revenue bond transaction
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Mayor Lockwood:
Ken :
Good. Matt.
Yeah, Ken, what 's some of the data on the mailbox stuff? Are we
seeing accidents caused by them considered as hazards on a regular
basis ?
I'm not aware of a fixed structure brick mailbox causing any
accidents in the City of Milton. We have some other situations
where fixed stone structures in the right-of-way have caused
considerable concern. And again , I won 't go into detail , but you all
know what I'm referencing. So , this is more sort of a let 's get
ahead of this , and let 's make sure that we have the ordinance that
can accomplish something on the front end as opposed to having to
deal with it on the back end if we believe that's appropriate.
But in the case of these fixed object mailboxes , and again, the code
says brick, stone , concrete. We may need to take a really hard look
at those and then work with our citizens to explain why we 're
doing -giving them reasonable time to get that out of the way,
replace it with something else , and maybe think of a way to
address the financial burden on that. We get it. We do .
So , Councilmember Kunz, I don 't think I answered your question
directly because I don 't have hard data. But I guess what I'm
trying to suggest is that this is a process of which this is only a step
in that process.
Mayor Lockwood : Any other question? I'll open up for a motion .
Laura: Mayor, I'd like to make a motion to approve agenda item No. 19-
Rick. Second .
Mayor Lockwood: I have a motion from Councilmember Bentley with a second from
Councilmember Mohrig. All in favor please say "aye."
Council members: Aye.
Mayor Lockwood: That passes unanimously .
Matt: No , it does not. No.
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Joe Longoria:
Mayor Lockwood:
Ken :
Okay . And the reason I brought that up is we don 't wanna impact
our citizens with things that they can 't possibly get done quickly ,
but yet, if we change the language in our ordinances to say that
these structures can't be in the right-of-way , who becomes -are
we creating a problem for ourselves if some kind of an accident
occurred with a structure that 's in the right-of-way after we sa id ,
"remove all structures from the right-of-way."
Well , it 's funny that you 're asking that question because that was
some of the genesis for the change we 're talking about. Because if
yo u read it right now, what it says is is anything fixed in the right-
of-way is a hazard. And it's not. And that's why it has that
reasonable discretion of an engineer to give us the very flexibility
you 're getting to because that's just not the case. You're gonna
pass on the way home toni ght fixed objects in the right-of-way that
are not a threat to anybody on the road , but then there are those
that are.
I guess continuing on in the case of mailbo xes -if yo u have like a
monument-type mailbox and the city deems it 's a hazard. It needs
to be remo ve d. Who actually is gonna bear the cost of that
remo val ? And then what 's the proce ss . Is there -I'm assuming
there 's some type of notification .
That is being debated right now. And that is probably something
the council may hear about in the future. We have go ne back and
forth. So, what I don 't want to do is get ahead of your City
Manager because I think he had some ideas on that. And I know
that when Carter was here , Carter and I discussed it. And so , this
has been a dialog that has been going on for a while.
But just hear me when I say that we understand that there is a
difference between -we feel like we need to do this , but how
much disturbance do we wanna impose upon your citizens? How
long do we wanna give them to be able to do this ? And of course ,
there is a monetary component to it as well. So , we 're just gonna
have to make the best recommendation to the council we can make
that treats everybody fair , as fair as we can. But it's a fair question.
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respect to people 's property rights with their mailboxes , but I also
realize that it 's a very dangerous thing too.
Ken : Right. The problem is is they 're in the right-of-way. So , they are
on City of Milton property. And there 's two hazards. One of
course is obviously the notion of the motoring public hitting
something that is brick in the right-of-way. And secondly , it's the
limited view. These are typically almost like basically small
monument structures where another much less invasive facility can
accomplish the exact same thing. So, it 's fairly much in line with
what I've seen Mr. Mayor.
Matt: And this legislation forces existing ones to be taken down?
Ken: Could. Yes , sir.
Matt: It could.
Ken: That's right.
Mayor Lockwood: Explain the could versus will.
Ken: It would just be a matter of resources , the ability to do it, the
amount of money we wanna put in to going out and doing it.
Obviously, we don 't wanna cause Milton citizens more agitation
than we need to , but I think there are some in mind that the city has
been looking at that may have some serious problems.
Mayor Lockwood : Joe.
Joe Longoria: So , in all this language , there seems to be some type of implied
liability for private structures on public right-of-ways. Is that what
you 're suggesting?
Ken: There 's always a liability component to obstructions in the right-
of-way. It's maybe beyond the scope of the meeting with respect to
how liability can actually be attached to the city. It can involve
aspects of notice , prior histories of accidents or collisions at a
particular location, but this will at least give us the tools to be able
to go out and do a methodical review of the city 's right-of-way ,
have the tools to get rid of those that we believe need to be gotten
rid of, and allow those to stay that our engineers just don't think
are a concern .
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Mayor Lockwood:
Milton is from time to time reviewing those structures that are in
the right-of-way. Obviously , a city government, like a county
government, has an obligation to keep its right-of-way reasonably
clear of obstructions and hazards, etcetera.
But the language in the City of Milton 's code was probably in need
of some refinement. Specifically, the code found that anything that
is in fact fixed in the right-of-way was a de facto hazard . That 's
actually not true. There are things in the right-of-way that are out
of -either they don 't block vision or are out of the normal line of
traffic flow that are simply not a problem.
So , we changed the code and put in some language. If you ' 11 look
in the -and , hopefully , you 'll have a marked-up version that's got
some underlined language simply to provide that irrigation
systems , landscaping, fences , walls , nonoperable vehicles, trailers,
boats, dumpsters , and other fixed objects within the right-of-way -
where it used to declare them are not allowed that are safety
hazards, now it provides that in the reasonable opinion of the city
traffic engineer or his or her designee -may pose a safety hazard
are not allowed within the right-of-way to obviously give some
reasonable engineering-based discretion as to what in fact needs to
be removed .
And the reason this is important is because -first of all , if we
begin to embark on a system of methodically going through and
demanding that private property owners get whatever these fixed
objects may be that are serving their property , but nonetheless in
our right-of-way , out of the right-of-way , we wanna be able to
explain why -because in the decision and discretion of the
engineer, this is a problem. And that's why you 're neighbor 's gets
fo stay because of the decision of our engineer; it 's not a problem.
We need to have that sort of discretion. Otherwise, you can see
where that could go.
The only other change is we added some language down at the
bottom with respect to mailboxes . Certain fixed objects, such as
mailboxes -if it's a fixed mailbox in the right-of-way and it's
basically brick, we 're gonna require those to be removed. So , Mr.
Mayor, Members of the Counci l, I'm here for questions.
I'll open up for questions. Can I get your opinion on the mailbox -
the fixed mailbox with other jurisdictions? And I say that with
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for a motion.
Rick: Mr. Mayor, I'll make a motion that we approve agenda item No.
Joe Longoria: Second.
Mayor Lockwood: I have a motion from Counci lmember Mohrig with a second from
Counci lmember Longoria . All in favor please say "aye."
Council members: Aye .
M otion and V ote: Councilmem ber Mohrig moved to approve Agenda Item No . 19-233 .
Counci lmember Longoria seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0).
Counci lmember Cookerly was absent from t he meeting.
1. Consideration an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 48, Article VII ,
Division 3, Section 48-585 for Prohibitions and Uses in the Public-Rights-of-Way
to Address Fixed Objects with the Right-of-Way.
ORDINANCE NO. 19-10-408
(Agenda Item No. 19-221)
(Robert Drewry, Public Works Director)
Mayor Lockwood: That passes unanimous. We don't have any items tonight under our
zoning agenda. So , we'll move on to unfinished business. If our
clerk wi ll please sound the unfinished business items .
Clerk: The first item is consideration of an ordinance amendment to
chapter 48, article VII, division 3, section 48-585 , for prohibitions
and uses in the public right-of-way to address fixed objects with
the right-of-way (agenda item No. 19-221). Mr. Ken Jarrard.
Ken: Mr. Mayor and Members of the Council , you have in front of you
this evening in unfinished business an ordinance with respect to
prohibitions and uses in the public rights-of-way to address fixed
objects. This was actually a very utilitarian amendment. It was
meant to capture two things . One was the fact that the City of
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Mayor Lockwood:
open it up for a motion.
Mayor, I'd like to make a motion that we approve agenda item No.
Second .
Okay, I have a motion from Councilmember Bentley with a second
from Councilmember Kunz for approval. All for approval please
say "aye."
Council members: Aye.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Bentley moved to appro ve Agenda Item No. 19-232.
Councilmember Kunz seconded the motion . The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember
Cookerly was absent from the meeting .
Mayor Lockwood: That 's unammous . If our city clerk will please sound the next
public hearing .
1. Consideration of the Issuance of an Alcohol Beverage License to Deep Roots
Wine Market and Tasting Room , LLC , d/b/a Deep Roots Milton, 12220
Birmingham Hwy., Bldg. 80 , Suite 102 , Milton, GA 30004 .
(Agenda Item No. 19-233)
(Bernadette , Har vill, Finance Directo r)
Clerk: The second is the consideration of the issuance of an alcohol
beverage license to Deep Roots Wine Market and Tasting Room,
LLC , doing business as Deep Roots Milton at 12220 Birmingham
Highway, Building 80 , Suite 102 , in Milton, Georgia (agenda item
No . 19-233). Bernadette Harvill.
Mayor Lockwood:
Mayor Lockwood:
This evening Deep Roots Milton is applying for a retail package of
wine and malt beverages and an ancillary wine ta sting license.
They are in compliance , and staff recommends approval.
An y questions ? Do we have any public comment on thi s?
No sir.
I'll close the hearing, and if there are no que stions , I'll open it up
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Matt: I motion to approve the first presentation item as Tammy read .
Rick: Second.
Mayor Lockwood: We have a motion from Councilmember Kunz with a second from
Councilmember Mohrig. All in favor please say "aye."
Council members : Aye .
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Kunz moved to approve the First Presentation Item.
Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed ( 6-0). Councilmember
Cookerly was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Lockwood: That's unanimous. Now, let 's move on to our public hearing. If the
clerk will please sound that first item.
I . Consideration of the Issuance of an Alcohol Beverage License to Trophy Atlanta
Management, LLC d/b/a Trophy Club of Atlanta, 15135 Hopewell Rd ., Milton ,
GA 30004 .
(Agenda Item No. 19-232)
(Bernadette, Harvill, Finance Dire ctor)
Clerk: Consideration of the issuance of an alcoholic beverage license to
Trophy Atlanta Management, LLC , doing business as Trophy Club
of Atlanta at 15135 Hopewell Road in Milton , Georgia (agenda
item No. 19-233). Bernadette Harvill.
Bernadette : Good evening . Trophy Club of Atlanta has gone under a change of
management. New management is requesting a license for
consumption on premises of wine , malt beverage , and distilled
spirits. They are in compliance , and staff recommends approval.
Mayor Lockwood: Do we have any public comment on this? Did we receive any?
Bernadette : No , we did not receive any.
Mayor Lockwood: All right. I'll close the hearing. Are there any questions? Or I'll
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Mayor Lockwood:
Miche le:
Mayor Lockwood:
based upon population?
Oh , yeah. Yeah , all of those things are tied back to the census. Any
population numbers are always based on census data originating,
Right , right. Okay.
Our two second-largest tax revenues against property taxes are
based on that -so, insurance premium taxes and [i n audib le]
[00:32:4 7].
Okay , great thanks.
Any other questions? Matt?
Did you say that even our own local districts can change too based
on that as well.
Yeah , because based on where the population falls -yeah, the lines
could change a little bit. Yeah , and I' 11 be back tonight. We have a
resolution later on tonight that'll establish the partnership between
the City of Milton and the Census Bureau. So , I' 11 be back.
Thank you gu ys . We'll move onto the first presentation if our city
clerk will please sound that item.
1. Consideration of an Ordinance Amendment to the City of Milton 's
Code of Ordinances , Chapter 32 , Article II -Offenses Against
Public Peace , Order and Morals.
(Agenda Item No. 19-231)
(Rich Austin, Police Chief)
Clerk: The first presentation is the consideration of an ordinance
amendment to the City of Milton 's Code of Ordinances, chapter
32 , article II -offenses against public peace, order, and morals
(agenda item No. 19-231).
Mayor Lockwood: Do I have a motion on the first presentation item?
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Matt: So , we don't have the exact date. We just know a roundabout time .
Michele: Yeah , yeah. So , you 'll get something in the mail , and it'll let you
know what website to go to ahead and fill it out.
Matt: Awesome. Thank you.
Mayor Lockwood: Question too -just a legal question, 1s it okay for the city to
promote information and whatnot?
Michele: Yes , yes, yes, yes.
Mayor Lockwood: On our website and whatnot ...
Michele: Yes. And let me mention that this whole week, we will be -the
Census Bureau is conducting a national recruitment for workers of
the census. They 're gonna be hiring 500,000 people or so. So , we
wanna get over a million -right? -applicants to work for the
census. Anything you wanna add there?
Ed: Yeah. And one other comment too about the response rate. One of
the things that we will do this year that'll help people like Michele
and other towns is we're gonna make available real-time how
people are responding. So , you can look at the various census
tracts within your area. And you can see maybe in the -and we
expect the area to be low will be where there's a lot of apartment
complexes. Because people who live in apartments tend to not be
very good about filling the forms out. So , you'll be able to see real-
time what the response rate is in the various areas around Milton.
So , then you can target your campaigning to those specific areas to
try to get the numbers up. So , that's one of the things we will make
available to the folks that are working to get that complete count in
their areas this year. That was not available in 2010.
Michele: Yeah , we're using technology to get real-time results here. That's
Mayor Lockwood: Rick ?
Rick: Just one question , when we talk about apportionment of what
actually the census impacts, doesn't it also impact how Fulton
County distributes some taxes within the county and what cities get
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Michele :
This is the schedule for the census. So , in early March of 2020 ,
households will be getting postcards or letters with information on
how to go online to answer the questions , also information on how
to request a questionnaire if you want a paper version. Also ,
please , we want you to respond at that time so that we can have an
early response rate. Just go ahead and go online and respond at that
time to help with the response rate for Milton. In late March, if you
didn't respond already , then you'll get a followup postcard. And
then , of course , April 1st is gonna commemorate the census day.
And optimistically, I'm believing that all of our residents would
have responded by then . So , no problem there. But if you hadn 't ,
you can still respond ..
This is what you don 't want to happen -is in May to July , you 'll
have somebody come out to your house to try to get you to
respond. So , census workers will be deployed at that point to all of
the addresses. And they have the addresses . We already provided it
to them to come out to get you counted. And then in August, that 's
when the data collection window will close. And all of the data
will be tabulated. And so , by December of 2020 is when we 'll
know how much -how many people we have. So , the Director of
the Census will report to the President of the United States.
Again, the census is important. Some key points in here: The 2020
Census will be easier than ever before because you can go online
and fill the census questionnaire out. Taking part in the census is
your civic duty . So , it 's a good thing . The data collection, again, is
private . It's protected. Our share of the 675 billion will be at stake .
So , we definitely want every person counted. Fair representation is
also at stake for the State of Georgia as well as the City of Milton.
And the data collection is just invaluable for all of the information
that we will have for the national and the local economy for the
infrastructure and the service provision. All of these things affect
our quality of life. Knowing exactly how much we need to
apportion for any of the services that we provide is important. And
that 's it for m y presentation. Any questions ?
I'm sorry if you said earlier. When 's the first day you can do the
online survey?
Yeah, in earl y March.
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been working on that throughout 2018. Alicia and Cody worked
with me on that to get all of those addresses updated. It's an
operation that we verified the list of addresses the Census Bureau
had, and we added , deleted , and modified any addresses that -so ,
that it would have a complete list for this upcoming census. So , we
worked on that.
We submitted around 2,376 new addresses to the census , and then
we also participated -and it 's actually ongoing. It 's called the New
Construction Program, which we're submitting all of the new
construction of residences from March of 2018 to April of 2020.
And , so far, we 'll be submitting roughly 300-plus new addresses .
We 'll submit that on Friday. That's the due date for that New
Construction Program .
So, point is, we want to be able to have all the addresses in the
system so that when folks go out -when the census gets the
questionnaires answered , we 'll be able to tie it to addresses. And
also , if push comes to shove, and folks - census workers do have
to come out to your address -we hope not -they will have the
correct address to be able to come out to get that questionnaire
filled out.
Some of the things that we'll be doing to help get residents counted
-we 're gonna be working on community engagement. We 've
already had meetings with Courtney and her staff and other
members at City Hall. Just a note , December 23 rd marks the 100
days before the Census 2020. Our last meeting here at City Hall is
December 16 th . So , we may do a proclamation at that point to mark
the 100 days before the census. We' re also going to be promoting
the census at city events , provide assistance to residents at City
Hall perhaps. We 'll have kiosks with computers so that folks could
respond to the census online . Also , probably have iPhones -iPads ,
sorry -at some of the events that we have so that folks will be able
to fill their census out if they choose to.
We 're also going to leverage the many c1t1zen volunteer
committees that we have to assist with getting this complete count
of all of our residents. Also , we are coordinating with the county
and other neighboring cities , schools , libraries , etcetera,
homeowner associations , churches, other clubs , anything we can
think of. We 'll get ideas from you guys also if you so choose -
how to get word out , so that we can count everyone in the City of
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
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also Milton City Council Districts . An undercount in any area of
the city can skew the district lines. It 's also used to calculate
population projections , bu si ness locations , service deli very
strategies, local long-range planning. We have our comprehensive
plan coming up. We need to be able to get those numbers accurate,
and we use it for all these different planning mechanism s.
This is a map that shows the 20 10 result s of the apportionment. So ,
if yo u notice -I'm going to use m y cursor -so , Georgia was able
to add one official. Now, Georgia's response rate was in the 70s -
the low 70 %. And we still were able to gain a seat here . So, if yo u
imagine if we had a better count, we may have gotten another seat
there. Also , the census counts every person, and the goal is to
count every person once, only once , and in the right place. That 's
the goal for the census. It 's the civic duty of every citizen to be
counted per the constitution. ·
Also , this year -it 's never been done before. The census will be
available online . It 's just gonna be about 10 questions or so. And
yo u can go fill it out online . You also will be able to request a
paper questionnaire if yo u wanna do it that way . But online should
be easy , especially for a place like Milton. We should be able to
get early re sponse online. The data collection is private. Your
information will be protected.
And just to -if yo u recall for the 2010 census, our numbers came
back as 32 ,661 peopl e . Our response rate was in the 80s -low 80s
or so. So , can yo u imagine -again , if we counted everybody, this
number may have been more . And also , every other projection
from that number could be different. Just inhou se and w ith Georgia
Power and other helps , the estimate for right now and coming up
for 2020 we 're thinking it wi ll be more like 40 ,000 people. But, of
course, we 're basing it on the 32,661 and adding households. So,
we 'll just see what happens. Bless yo u.
Thank you.
A little bit about the local preparation that has been go ing on for
the census. Back in 2 017 , there was a LUCA operation launched
by the Census Bureau. I don 't kno w if some of yo u were on
council -most of yo u would remember the resolution that we
adopted November 20th, 2017, to participate in the LUCA
operation , which is the local update of census addresses. We have
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Matt :
Okay , so what is the census? Oh, my screen went -I'll just wait.
Oh , it's back up. Okay , great. So , the census is an official count of
a population. It's actually referred to as the actual Enumeration.
So , every 10 years the census does a count of everybody in the
United States. This is per the constitution. We've been having a
10-year census since 1790. The US commemorates the census on
April 1st every 10 years. So , unlike when you have a birthday every
year , this is every 10 years. So , April 1st of every 10 years will be a
census date.
It 's used to share $675 billion in federal funds to do roads, public
works , hospitals, schools , social programs, etcetera. There are
several things that the dollars are used for. And every person
counts and contributes to figuring out how much the allotment will
be for each city , county , and so on. This allotment is for every 10
years . So , whatever you get counted at for the 2020 Census, that
amount of money will be apportioned every year for the next 10
years . So , you really want to get that number accurate so that
you 'll have the right amount for the next 10 years.
Also , responding to the census -a nonresponse to the census
questionnaire can result in an undercount and resulting in less
funding allotted for Milton. For the State of Georgia, we figured
out from calculations that each person based on the last census -
it 's like 1600 per person. So , can you imagine if you undercounted
by any amount as like $1600 per person? And then you carry that
throughout that whole 10 years.
Michele , in that annual $1600 ? Or is that just for the term of the
I believe it 's annual. I'm not sure . I think it was annual.
That 's per person per year.
Yes , exactly.
So, times 10 -16 ,000 for a 10-year period .
Gotcha. Right.
It 's used to determine the legislative representation , as you know ,
for every level of governrnent , including Georgia Representatives ,
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Monday, October 2 1, 20 19 at 6 :00 pm
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Mayor Lockwood :
join us up at the front , we 'll go down . I'll provide you with the
proclamation, and we can have our picture taking by Courtney
agam .
I gotta scale. Sorry. Yup , just a littl e bit.
Keep going. Keep going that way.
Let's see -it looks good. It 's good. Can yo u hold yo ur
proclamation up ? Yup, just like M s. Longoria is. Yup. That's
good. That's good. Okay, all right. Ju st a few -one , two , three . All
right. Thank yo u very much .
Thank you guys for the proclamation. If our clerk will please call
the next item.
3. Presentation of 2020 Census .
(Mic hele McIntosh-Ross, Principal Planner)
Clerk: Next item is the presentation of the 2020 Census, Michele
Michel e: Great , greetings ! I'm actually modeling the cens us items that we
have on [inaudible] [00:18:18]. We thought yo u were gonna sit
ove r there , so we have a bunch of bags lik e this for eve rybod y up
here , but it 's on this side.
So , again, greetings. I'm Michele McIntosh-Ross with Community
Development Department. And here I have with me Cody Hendrix
who's our staff member , first time at council meeting. So, he 's our
planning tech , and he 'll be wo rking with the census. And then we
have Ed Mitchell , he 's a Partnership Specialist with the Cens us
Bureau with the Atlanta Re gional Census Center, and he li ves in
Milton in Crooked Creek. So , we have somebody here to help us
out. Le t me move on here. So , that was the introductions.
This is the overview of what I'll be presenting tonight. We're
gonna talk about the census and what it is, why we should be doing
it , the local preparation that was done for the cens u s, getting
re si dents counted, the census sc hedule , and recap that the census is
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Monday, October 21 , 2019 at 6:00 pm
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Joe Longoria:
Joe Longoria:
cancer awareness through outreach education and screening
programs and have empowered women with a lifesaving message
of early detection and the importance of having annual
Now, therefore, we, the Mayor, and City Council of the City of
Milton, Georgia, hereby dedicate and claim October as National
Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Milton and call this
observance to the attention of all of our citizens . Given under my
hand and seal of the City of Milton, Georgia, on this 21 st day of
October 2019.
I just wanna tell you that we do this every single year, and it
became very , very special a few years ago after my wife was
diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm happy to be up here to tell you
that she 's sitting in the audience. And every once in a while, she
doesn't make it to this meeting because she 's out playing tennis or
doing something else. But none of that would have been possible
without the quality healthcare that we can receive in the Atlanta
And I just wanna make everybody aware of two things that we said
in this document. The first is early detection makes a real
difference. And I can 't emphasize that enough . And the second is -
if you are diagnosed, living in the City of Atlanta and the State of
Georgia is a huge benefit because the program here is very well
run and very finely tuned , and there 's a lot of technology and
capability and resource here in the city to help you out. So , Rick.
And I'd like to say that this is very personal to me also. My wife
actually is sitting in the audience also . She is a breast cancer
survivor with no history of breast cancer in her family -her family
tree. It impacted us when we had young chi ldren, and I also am
very thankful for early detection. We were living in the Atlanta
area , and she was treated. As Joe said , sometimes his wife isn 't
able to make the meetings . My wife is the same too because she 's
always working out or playing tennis .
And as Joe had mentioned too, it's important that you actually do
get early detection and get it treated. So , this means a lot to me
actually to be here along with you , Joe.
Yeah, so anyone who is a breast cancer survivor who would like to
Regu lar Meeting of the Mi lton City Council
Monday, October 21 , 2 019 at 6 :00 pm
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Mayor Lockwood:
right. I'm not gonna say a word . Stay right where you are. I'm
gonna give you a count -one , two , three . I'll take a few . One
more. Great job and congratulations!
Thank you so much.
All right. Moving on . If our city clerk could please sound the next
presentation item.
2. Proclamation Recognizing 2019 Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
(Councilm embers Joe Longoria and Rick Mohrig)
Clerk: The next item is the proclamation recognizing the 2019 Breast
Cancer Awareness Month . Council members Joe Longoria and
Rick Mohrig .
Rick: Thank you. It 's our honor to actually present this proclamation
tonight. Whereas October is National Breast Cancer Awareness
Month; and -
Joe Longoria:
Joe Longoria :
Joe Longoria:
-whereas , breast cancer is the second most common cancer among
women after skin cancer; and -
-whereas , one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast
cancer at some point in their life ; and -
-whereas , over 26 -268 ,600 women and approximately 2670 men
will like ly be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 , and about
40 ,000 women wi ll die from the disease ; and -
-whereas , in 2019 , there are more than 3.1 mi ll ion women with a
history of breast cancer in the United States. This includes women
currently being treated , and women who have finished treatment;
and -
-whereas , every woman is at risk for breast cancer, even if she has
no fami ly history or other risk factors of the disease; and -
-whereas , the percentage of survi vors five years or more after
being diagnosed is now 89.7% because of the efforts of various
organizations have made re gular contributions to spreading breast
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Monday, October 2 1, 2019 at 6 :00 pm
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Mayor Lockwood :
Male Speaker:
Mayor Lockwood:
This is an honor for me tonight to present this proclamation. And
once I read it out, I will ask the council to join me in presentation.
In recognition and celebration of new United States of America
citizens residing in the City of Milton, whereas the City of Milton
values the contributions of immigrants and new citizens who help
foster a spirit of inclusion that emiches our community and
preserves the legacy of a city of freedom and opportunity; and
whereas , the City of Milton wishes to acknowledge immigrants '
commitment to the United States of America and its constitution
and to the idea of liberty and justice for all on which this country
has been founded; and whereas , the City of Milton recognizes
those becoming citizens of the United States of America who live
in Milton and choose to enjoy the rights and privileges of full
United States citizenship , as we all strive for a more perfect union.
Now, therefore , be it resolved that the Mayor and the City Council
of the City of Milton recognize residents of the city who have
recently earned the rights and responsibilities incumbent upon
every citizen of the United States of America.
And this tonight is going to be presented to Alvaro Galvis and
Sandra Persales . They're City of Milton residents and new United
States of America residents. And this is given under my hand and
the seal of the City of Milton, Georgia, on this 21 st day of October
2019. And if you guys could come up front and the council join me
in presenting this proclamation.
And also thank you to Mateo and Victoria for helping us with the
Pledge of Allegiance. You guys did a great job.
Congratulations. Good job.
Thank you so much.
Thanks .
If you guys can come up here. We'll get the four of you to take a
picture , and I have a feeling maybe I'm gonna see you on the
website at some point.
Look at y 'all. That was fantastic! Wow! Thank you so much. All
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Mayor Lockwood:
Mayor Lockwood:
Council members:
Mayor Lockwood:
No. 5, approval of an agreement between the City of Milton,
Georgia, and Flock Group, Inc , for the Milton Police Department
to participate in the Flock Data Sharing Program (agenda item No.
Our sixth and final consent agenda item is approval of the
following subdivision plat and revisions. Name of the deve lopment
is Nix Crossing, land lot No. 452 and 485 at 910 Nix Road. A
minor plat to reassign addresses for total acres of 5 .14 and a
density of 0.58 lots per acre (agend a item No . 19-230).
Thank you. Do I have a motion on the agenda?
Mayor , I'd like to make a motion to approve the consent agenda as
I have a motion for approval from Councilmember Bentley with a
second from Councilmember Mohrig. All in favor please say
That 's unanimous. We'll move on to our reports and presentations.
And if our city clerk will please sound the first item.
Mo tion and V ote: Councilmember Bentley moved to approve the Consent Agenda
Items. Counci lmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0).
Counci lmember Cookerly was absent from the meeting.
1. Proclamation In Recognition and Celebration of New United States of America
Citizens Residing in the City of Milton.
(Mayor Joe Lockwood)
First item is a proclamation in recognition and celebration of new
United States of America citizens residing in the City of Milton.
Mayor Lockwood.
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Monday, October 2 1, 2 019 at 6 :00 pm
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5. Approval of an Agreement Between the City of Milton, Georgia and Flock Group ,
Inc. for the Milton Police Department to Participate in the Flock Data Sharing
(Agenda Item No. 19-229)
(Rich Aus tin , Polic e Chief)
6. Approval of the Following Subdi vision Plat and Re visions :
Name of Development/ Location Action Comments /# Total Density lots Acres
1. Nix Crossing Minor Reas sign LL 452 & 485 5.14 0.58 Lots / acre
910NIX Road Plat addresses
(Agenda Item No. 19-230)
(Farag A grawal, Community Deve lopm ent Director)
Mayor Lockwood : We 'll move on to the consent agenda if the clerk will please read
those items.
Clerk : The first item on the consent agenda is approval of the September
23 rd , 2019, City Council meeting minutes (agenda item No. 19-
No. 2 , approval of an agreement between the City of Milton and
the Georgia Bureau of Investigation regarding a memorandum of
understanding and an equipment agreement relating to the startup
of a Georgia Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force in the
City of Milton Police Department (agenda item No. 19-226).
Our third consent agenda item is an approval of an access
agreement between the City of Milton, Georgia, and Ring , which
will provide the Milton Police Department access to the neighbor 's
portal to communicate with users of the neighborhood app , "Ring
Neighbors" (agenda item No . 19-227).
Fourth, an approval of a settlement agreement with Comcast Cable
Communications, LLC , for underpayment of franchise fees
(agenda item No . 19-228).
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Counci l members: Aye.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Longoria moved to approve the Meeting Agenda
with the following amendment: "Add an Executive Sess ion to discuss Land
Acquisition". Counci lm ember Kunz seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0).
Councilmember Cookerly was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Lockwood: That passes unanimously. Do we h ave any general public comment
tonight? Have we gotten any cards in ? .
Clerk: No , not this evening.
1. Approval of the September 23 , 2019 C ity Council Meeting Minutes.
(Agenda Item No. 19-225)
2. Approval of an Agreement between the City of Milton and the Georgia Bureau
oflnvestigation (GBI) Regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and
an Equipment Agreement Relating to the Startup of a Georgia Internet Crim es
Against Children Task Force (ICAC) in the City of Milton Police Department.
(Agenda Item No. 19-226)
(Rich Austin, Police Chief)
3. Approval of an Access Agreement between the C ity of Milton, Georgia and
Ring which w ill provide the Mi lton Police Department Access to the Neighbors
Portal to Communicate with Users of the Neighbo rs App ("Ring Neighbors").
(Agenda Item No. 19-227)
(Rich Austin, Police Chief)
4. Approval of a Settlement Agreement with Comcast Cab le Communications, LLC
for Underpayment of Franchise Fees.
(Agenda Item No. 19-228)
(Stacey Ingli s, Assistant City Manager)
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Monday, October 2 1, 2019 at 6:00 pm
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Clerk: Would everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Lockwood: And before we do the Pledge of Allegiance , I have a couple special
guests here, Mateo and Victoria. If you guys will come up here and
help lead us in our Pledge -that's good .
All: I p ledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and
to the Republic for which it stands , one nation under God ,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Mayor Lockwood: Thank you so much for your help.
Victoria: You 're welcome.
Mayor Lockwood: Victoria and Mateo are here with their family. Their parents are
here tonight , some of our newest citizens that live here in the City
of Milton.
I again wanna welcome everybody here tonight. And if our clerk
will please sound the next item, which is the approval of the
(Agenda Item No. 19-224)
Clerk: Approval of the meeting agenda (agenda item No . 19-224) with the
addition of an executive session to discuss land acquisition.
Mayor Lockwood : Okay , do I have any other changes on the agenda that anyone
would like to make? If not , I'll open up for a motion.
Joe Longoria: Mayor , I move that we approve the meeting agenda as prepared
with the executive session added for land acquisition.
Matt : Second .
Mayor Lockwood: Okay , I have a motion from Councilmember Longoria with a
second from Councilmember Kunz. All in favor please say "aye."
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
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Mayor Lockwood :
Clerk :
Clerk :
Clerk :
Joe Longoria:
Mayor Lockwood:
organization before beginning your comment. If you are
representing an organization, an affidavit is required stating you
have the authority to speak on behalf of the organization. Please
review tonight's agenda. And if you would like to make a
comment, please bring your comment card to me now.
Demonstration of any sort within the chamber is prohibited. Please
refrain from any applause , cheerin g, booing, outbursts , or dialog
with any person speaking. Anyone in violation will be asked to
leave. As I call roll this evening, please confirm your attendance.
Mayor Lockwood ?
Counci lm ember Peyton Jamison?
Councilmember Matt Kunz ?
Counci lm ember Laura Bentley?
Councilmember Joe Longoria?
And for the record Councilmember Carol Cooker ly is absent -and
Councilmember Rick Mohrig .
Here .
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Jamison, Councilmember Kunz ,
Councilmember Bentley , Councilmember Longoria and Counci lmember Mohrig .
Councilmember Absent: Councilmember Caro l Cookerly.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, October 21 , 2019 at 6:00 pm
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This summary is provided as a convenience and service to the public, media, and staff. It
is not the intent to transcribe proceedings verbatim . Any reproduction of this summary
must include this notice . Public comments are noted and heard by Council, but not
quoted. This document includes limited presentation by Council and invited speakers in
summary form . This is an official record of the Milton City Council Meeting
proceedings. Official Meetings are audio and video recorded.
The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Milton was held on
October 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM, Mayor Lockwood presiding.
Mayor Lockwood:
Pastor Jason Howard
Hey everybody. And before we get started tonight, I'd like to
welcome Jason Howard from Stonecreek Church here in Milton to
lead us in our invocation.
Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order.
Mayor Lockwood:
Thank you, Jason. Okay , I'd like to call the regular meeting of the
Milton City Council for Monday, October 2l51, 2019, to order. The
city strongly recommends that you review tonight's agenda
carefully, and if you wish to speak on an item on the agenda,
please bring your comment card to the clerk, which -right here on
my left as soon as possible. While the Milton rules allow a speaker
to turn in their comment cards up until the clerk calls that agenda
item , once the item is called , no more comment cards will be
accepted. And if our madam clerk will please call the roll and
make general announcements.
Good evening Mayor and Council. I'll be happy to call roll for the
October 2l51, 2019 , regular meeting. I would like to remind those
in attendance to please silence all cell phones at this time. Those
attending the meeting who would like to make a public comment -
you are required to complete a public comment card prior to
speaking on the item. Your comment card must be presented to the
city clerk prior to the agenda item being called.
All speakers -please identify yourself by name , address , and