HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - MGG - 02-22-2008ORIGINAL
Milton Goes Green Committee Initial Meeting
February 22, 2008 [APPROVED]
Date: February 22, 2008, approximately 12:30 - —2:15 p.m.
Place: City of Milton, Executive Conference Room
Attendees: Council -Woman Julie Zahner Baily (meeting organizer), Kathy Cook who works
for the City of Alpharetta and serves on the Milton Design Review Board (DR13), Lynna Lee,
Don Cunniff, Paul Hackman (serves on the Planning Commission and the CPAQ, Dan Drake
(Public Works Director, City of Milton), .Ion McPhail (attorney), Francia Lindon, Jack Lindon,
Mark Law (Arborist, City of Milton), Charles Slade (Community Waste Services, very involved
with recycling in Roswell and beyond), Melinda McConnell, Melissa Estes and Cindy Eade
(Keep North Fulton Beautiful).
Other people who expressed interest but couldn't attend this meeting are Tina D'Aversa, Alan
Tart, Eddie Moore who is on the ARC Board, Tim Enloe, Janie Barnabie and two teachers from
Hopewell Middle. Committee will continue to evolve.
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Milton Goes Green - "The timing is ripe and right."
Things we should review and/or make decisions on:
• Name of Committee, logo, mission statement and values — brainstorm - send ideas to: Jon
McPhail (ionmWhail(a7mindspring.com)
• Mission Statement — Sustainability should be the primary goal of our development as a
community to achieve the most desirable economic, environmental and social progress.
This will result in preserving the unique quality of life we have in Milton while
accommodating beneficial growth directed towards those ends.
• What are the Requirements for Designation/Certification? Melissa Estes to research the
various designations available. We may want to pursue multiple designations. Melissa
also to research grants.
• Identify of Sources for information and help:
o Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) — the primary agency for growth planning
the metropolitan Atlanta SMSA is looking at standards and requirements for
green development; its policies influence transportation funds and major
infrastructure planning, which in turn help shape development for the entire
region. Its policies and direction should be considered by this committee, along
with other sources of information, since our individual interests as a community
may dictate a different perspective in some areas (sewer being one example). The
ARC has historically had a more urban focus as most of its activities have related
to DeKalb and Fulton County governments without differentiating the needs of a
more rural and agrarian community such as Milton.
o Sierra Club's "Cool Cities" designation -- "to reduce global warming pollution by
increasing energy efficiency, transitioning to cleaner vehicles, and switching to
renewable power:" http:llcoolcities. us!
o Enterprise Community Partners Sustainability Standards:
o Unitarian Universalist's "Green Sanctuary Program:"
http:lluuministryforearth. o?ylgrs overview.him
o The EPA - a 5-step planning process, provides tools and information to help your
community help itself become more sustainable -
www. epa.govlgreenkit!index. him
+ Identify and prioritize elements we might want to pursue (from the drawing board);
o Water —
■ Clarity, purity, quality, conservation and availability.
■ Where to get it tested. Fulton County's Health Department is one
■ Storm water run off reduction and erosion control — determine whether
legal requirements being met, and whether further standards are desirable.
■ Standards - % of impervious surfaces to absorb rain water and run off
■ List on City web site results of tests on city water and what these results
■ Integrate with Rivers Alive programs
o Tree preservation —
* Assist in development and implementation of the most beneficial Tree
Ordinance consistent with sustainability.
■ "Tree City" designation is one component, which could be a near -term
goal — Mark Law involved in this initiative
■ Heritage Tree identification and designations
o Clean Air - connection to tree preservation
o Open Space Preservation
a Control of Light --- Night Sky Protection
o Noise Pollution — benefit of Buffer Zones
❑ Define and incorporate "environmentally sensitive or sustainable" development
❑ Provide input to political bodies (Federal, State, County and City) as to what
development enhances sustainability.
a Solid Waste Management. "Where's the dump?" (for recyclables)
+ Buy into the 3-Rs, Reduce, Recycle & Reuse — near term and 10 year plan
■ Identify and publish charitable agencies that will collect items for reuse at
no charge
MGG Committee Meeting Minutes Feb. 22 2008 [Approved] —2—
■ Require a recycling pad on the loading dock on commercial buildings ---
incorporate into standards and site plan and building reviews —
communicate this goal to Planning Commission, DRB and Mayor and
■ More economic if neighborhoods adopt one hauler - have a list of HOA
Presidents to contact. (Approved haulers are listed on City of Milton web
■ Public Works to verify that current recommended haulers actually provide
recycling as required by ordinance — if not, take them off the list.
■ Encourage residential volume reduction by charging for per number of
disposal containers
■ Have an emergency management plan for storm debris
■ Set specific days in the year for residential large item "white" disposal
pickup or twice -yearly location for hazardous chemical disposal such as
house paints, pesticides, etc.
■ Discussed separating recyclables vs. "open stream" collection and possible
locations and requirements for recycle location - must be manned with
controlled access — identify the related capital costs (short/long term) and
resources available to operate such a facility.
■ Should have a site for compost that can be readily accessed perhaps near
community gardens - incorporate into park designs/plans.
■ Reduce waste of plastic bottles —approaches in other jurisdictions have
ranged from banning there to refund of 5¢ to emphasizing recycling
■ A plastic -bag -free city. Develop a plan to design and distribute reusable
shopping bags, perhaps a school contest for designs — one or more designs
selected. (Editorial note: This would give identity to our city and buy -in
from kids. If these bags were then sold for a nominal fee, it could be also
be a money raiser for programs kids identify and would want funded such
as a special performance or athletic equipment. If local stores gave a
small discount for use of the hags, it could save therm and consumers
money, a wars -wiry -win situation)
■ Litter - "Adopt a Road" program — name needs to be changed — expansion
of program and rework existing signs. Timing is good given need to
redesign and reorder signs anyway. Volunteer involved in Adopt —a —
Road also interested in Green Communities. Dan Drake concurs that
Adopt -A -Road should be a part of the Green Community Committee.
Continue to communicate with Linda Blow on this to ensure coordination.
o Energy Efficiency
MGG Committee Meeting Minutes Feb. 22 2008 [Approved]—3
o City signage - should reflect green priorities in signage materials
used/design/message — brain storm ideas — tie-in with Milton as a Green
a Research other designations we might want to pursue.
■ "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design" (LEED) development
is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and
operation of high performance green buildings
■ Identify the practical performance measurements or standards — "measure what it
means;" what can we measure that shows a practical benefit to public health, public
safety and the economy of various requirements. Possibly identify a sample group of
volunteers to do a 12-month study to measure change, (Editor's suggestion:
www. reenli ht-di ital. coml reenli htlissO8 has numerous suggestions for personal or
individual household adoption)
• Communication with the public to engage it as a stakeholder. How to present our
message to the community. Make contributions to the City of Milton web page. Poll
residents at the April 26th Spring Green Event — Green Parade. Identify positive aspects
such as clean air and water, lots of trees, land conservation, less soil erosion, less noise
pollution and managed growth; illustrate how it will improve our daily lives. Point out
the long-term benefits to us and to the world. Present the benefits to get public support
Identify social groups in the community with similar or related purposes who might be
willing to participate in achieving sustainability by implementing our suggestions and
supporting our policies.
• Communication with City Council to encourage them to put in place what we might
recommend. It's up to City Council to set the policies. Communicate with appropriate
Milton department heads regarding enforcement of existing ordinances and provide our
prioritized list of projects and concerns related to their areas.
Next Steps:
■ Next Meeting - Thursday Feb. 28th at 6:30 p.m., Milton executive conference room.
• Everyone send ideas of names, logos, mission and value statements to Jon McPhail
• Complete and circulate the meeting notes from initial meeting
• Melissa Estes — Research designations for certification
• Sub -committees to form including, but not limited to: Communications, Adopt -a -Road,
■ Establish priorities for committee — short and longer term
■ Integration with the April 26 h Spring Event — at a minimum, have a booth for the Green
Committee, youth activities, name, logo and mission materials ready, bulky recycling
center for the day, etc. Great time to introduce "Green Milton".
• Adopt —a —Road — recommend names, sign design, etc.
MGG Committee Meeting Minutes Feb. 22 2008 [Approved] -4—
■ Integrate Green Community concepts into the Comprehensive Land Use Update
Committee text and policies — simple as emailing the committee and consultant to alert
them to our committee and initiatives
■ Communicate wf Community Development our desires for integration with zoning,
policies, development standards, recycling requirements, etc.
Public Works to help us identify those elements of our initiatives that tie to the Solid Waste
and Storm Water legal requirements they have to meet anyway.
Minutes APPROVED by the Governing Board this 12`h day of June 2009.
Jon B. McPhail, Co -Chair Francia Lindon, Secretary
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