HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - CC - 03/06/2023Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, March 6, 2023
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Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
CM Verhoff:
City Clerk:
CM Moore:
I'd like to call the regular meeting of the Milton City Council for
Monday , March 6, 2023 , to order. The city strongly recommends
that you review tonight 's agenda carefully , and if you wish to
speak on any item on the agenda, then please bring your comment
cards to the clerk as soon as possible. Where the Milton rules allow
a speaker to turn in their comment card up until the clerk calls the
agenda item , once the agenda item is called , no more comment
cards can be accepted. Will the City Clerk please call the role and
make general announcements ?
Good evening , Mayor and Council , I'll be happy to call role for the
March 6, 2023 , Regular City Council meeting. I would like to
remind those in attendance to please silence all cell phones at this
Those attending the meeting who would like to make a comment,
you are required to complete a public comment card prior to
speaking on the item. Any comment cards received after the item
has been called will not be accepted. All speakers , please identify
yourself by name , address , and organization before beginning your
comment. If you are representing an organization, an affidavit is
required stating you hav e the authority to speak on behalf of that
organization. Please review tonight 's agenda, and if you would like
to make a comment, please bring your comment card to me now.
Demonstration of any sort within the chamber is prohibited. Please
refrain from any applause , cheering , booing, outbursts , or dialogue
with any person speaking . Anyone in violation will be asked to
leave. As I call roll this evening , please confirm your attendance .
Mayor Peyton Jamison?
Councilmember Andrea Verhoff?
Here .
Councilmember Paul Moore ?
Regular Meeting of the Milton C ity Counci l
Monday , March 6, 2023
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City Clerk:
CM Johnson:
City Clerk:
CM Cookerly:
City Clerk:
CM Jacobus:
City Clerk :
CM Mohrig:
Councilmem ber Juliette Johnson ?
Councilmember Caro l Cookerly?
Here .
Councilmember Jan Jacobus?
And Councilmember Rick Mohrig?
Here .
Mayor: M a yor Pe yt o n Jamiso n present.
Councilmembers Present : Cou ncilmember Andrea Verhoff, C o uncilmember Paul
Moo re, C o u ncil m e m ber Jul ie tte Joh nson , Cou nci lmem b er Caro l Coo ke rly,
Co un c ilme m ber Jan Ja c obus , a nd Co u ncil mem b e r Rick M oh ri g .
Councilmembers Absent :
City Clerk:
Would everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance ?
I pledge all egiance to the flag of the United States of America, and
to the Repu blic for which it stands , one Nation under God ,
indivisib le, with liberty and justice for all.
Mayor Jamison:
CM Moore :
Okay , next is the approval of the meeting agenda. I have a couple
items that req uests Council to add or change . I wou ld like to move
the new business agend a item number 23-059 up to immediately
fo ll ow the approval of the meeting agenda , an d then I would like to
add an executive session to discuss land acquisition personnel , and
potential litigation. Do I have a motion on that?
Mr. Mayor, I make a motion that we accept the changes that you
just presented.
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Monday, March 6, 2023
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CM Cookerly:
Mayor Jamison:
Okay , I have a motion from Councilmember, Moore , and a second
from Councilmember Cookerly, to approve the agenda as
amended. All in favor , please say aye.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Moore moved to approve the Meeting
Agenda with the following amendments:
• Move New Business Agenda Item No. 23-059 up to immediately follow
Approval of Meeting Agenda.
• Add an Executive Session to discuss Land Acquisition, Potential Litigation,
and Personnel .
Councilmember Cookerly seconded the motion. The motion passed (7-0).
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
Mayor Jamison:
CM Verhoff:
Mayor Jamison:
CM Cookerly:
Any opposed? Okay , that's unanimous. Next is the moved new
business item. Will the City Clerk please sound the item?
Mayor, that item is consideration of a resolution appointing
members to the city of Milton Equestrian Committee for a board
member for District I /Post 1. It is agenda item number 23-059.
Thank you. I'll turn it over to Councilmember Verhoff.
Thank you . It's my pleasure to appoint Shannon Quidley to the
Equestrian Committee. Shannon was referred to me from Tony
Rich with much adoration. Shannon 's been involved in the
Equestrian Committee meetings since moving to Milton and has
added so much va lue already . We're excited to have her join the
committee officially. Shannon owns a hobby farm on Nix Road ,
and I believe that she will be a wonderful addition to our
Thank you. Do I have a motion on Councilmember Verhoff s
Mr. Mayor , I make a motion that we approve Councilmember
Verhoff s nomination of Shannon Quidley.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, March 6, 2023
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CM Jacobus :
Mayor Jamison:
Okay. I had a motion from Councilmember Cookerly, and a second
from Councilmember Jacobus , to approve Shannon Quidley as the
District I/Post 1 committee representative for the Equestrian
Committee. All in favor , please say aye.
Aye .
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Cookerly moved to approve Shannon Quidley
to the Milton Equestrian Committee-District 1 /Post 1, Agenda Item No. 23-059.
Councilmember Jacobus seconded the motion . The motion passed (7-0).
Mayor Jamison:
Mayor Jamison:
Ms. Quidley:
Mayor Jamison
Ms. Quidley :
Mayor Jamison:
Ms. Quidley:
Mayor Jamison:
Ms. Quidley:
Mayor Jamison:
Ms. Quidley:
Mayor Jamison:
Ms. Quidley:
Mayor Jamison:
Ms. Quidley:
Any opposed? That 's unanimous . Shannon, if you'll come on up ,
I' 11 swear you in.
Raise your right hand . I do solemnly swear or affirm
I do solemnly swear and affirm
that I will faithfully perform the duties of
that I will faithfully perform the duties of
the Milton Equestrian Committee of this city
the Milton Equestrian Committee of this city
and that I will support and defend the charter thereof
and that I will support and defend the charter thereof
as well as the Constitution
as well as the Constitution
and laws of the State of Georgia
and laws of the State of Georgia
and of the United States of America.
and of the United States of America.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, March 6, 2023
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[Applause/Crosstalk/Photos Taken]
Mayor Jamison :
City Clerk :
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk :
Okay. Ne xt is general public comments. Tammy , do we have an y
public comment ?
We do , Mayor.
Okay . The next item is general public comment. Public Comment
is a time for citizens to share information with the Mayor and the
City Council , and to provide input and opinion on any matter that
is not scheduled for its own public hearing during today's meeting.
Each citizen who chooses to participate in public comment must
complete a comment card and submit it to the city clerk prior to the
agenda item being called .
Please remember , this is not a time to engage the Mayor, or
members of the City Council in conversation. When your name is
called , please come forward and speak into the microphone stating
your name and address for the record. You will have five minutes
for remarks. The city encourages you to review the agenda , and if
you wish to speak to bring your comment cards to the city clerk
right now . If the City Clerk will please sound the first public
Mayor, the first public comment I will read into the record is from
Brad Dell , at 500 Glen Hampton Drive here in Milton . Our young
family loves li v ing in Milton. Because I want to be a part of
maintaining our quality of life here , I ran for the board of HOA in
White Columns. It 's been a privilege to serve , expect when it
comes to dealing with City Hall. When it came to making our
streets safe from speeding motorists , the City Council stood in the
way , and last month you voted unanimousl y to make it even harder
for an HOA to keep our streets safe from speeders .
Then , just two weeks ago with the Mayor Pro-Tern residing , the
City Council heard from three White Column homeowners
complaining about residents driving legally authorized vehicles on
city owned streets. I have no doubt those complaints were part of a
preconceived plan to insert the city deeper into the issue of PTV s
on public on streets. The Mayor had said he had no interest in the
city getting enmeshed in this issue , but we are also told that the
city attorney is about to issue a new legal memo for the topic. A
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
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Ms. Decredico:
City Clerk :
Ms. Decredico:
memo that no doubt was initiated not in the interest of clarity , but
in an effort to sew deeper confusion and frustration .
Our HOA followed the test to install new radar-controlled signs. A
single council member successfully pushed City Council to put
requirements on our HOA. Now, when it comes to PTVs , you want
HOAs to have the authority , despite court decisions and our
governing documents in the contrary , you want HOAs to regulate
what vehicles can and cannot operate on city streets. What 's
happening here is obvious , a single council member has a personal
agenda and is using his position and authority to ad vance it. An
ethics panel found the same thing , City Council looked the other
way .
That concludes the email , and I will call up our speaker for public
comment , Ms. Julia Decredico -I'm sorry , I'm not gonna say that
right. Please come to the podium.
My name is Julia Decredico.
Thank you .
I live at 125 White Columns Drive here in Milton. I'm not gonna
be able to see if we don 't do this . My name is Julia Decredico . I
have lived on White Columns Drive for over 20 years. Our house
is at the top of the street just inside the entrance of the community.
It 's a straightaway section of the road where just about everybody
speeds , coming up at 45 miles an hour, they keep that. I have seen
at least a couple of car accidents occur there ever since we moved
in every year. I raised three children in our house , and I never let
them play in my front yard . The risk of a rolling ball , or their crazy
dog going into the street and causing my kids to unthinkingly run
into the road was just too frightening .
I'll be candid. When I read that the city of Milton had passed a law
allowing the use of golf carts on certain public streets , I was onl y
mildly interested in any of that. I did guess a few of my neighbors
might want to get a golf cart and use it to run up to the club , or to
the bus stop , but I naivel y assumed it would never really become
an issue. Afterall , A). our HOA rules prohibit the use of golf carts
in our neighborhood , and B). our particular neighborhood is
notorious , even on the front page of the Patch , as a place where
excessive speeds and stop sign running is rampant. A speeding car
colliding with a golf cart on our street could very obviously be
deadly .
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City Clerk:
Ms. Decredico:
You can imagine my surprise then when I was drawn into se veral
conversations about golf carts in White Columns. The back-and-
forth debate popped up at in person meetings , online Zoom
meetings , and on the official and unofficial Facebook pages from
our community. Each time the topic came up in my hearing , I
waved the dual flags of, but our bylaws , but our safety . Each time
there were a few homeowners who told me I was wron g .
Now, I hear that my HOA board is arguing that a 20-year-old
by laws use of a certain outdated term , golf carts, instead of the
more recently created term , PTV s, the y want everyone , including
the city , to ignore our co venants based on this outdated term. This
is no reason to toss out the will of the majority of homeowners
within White Columns. As our US Supreme Court has told us
several times lately , rules need to be understood in terms of the
framer 's intent.
To me , and to the HOA board who passed the no golf carts rule , if
it looks like a golf cart , and it drives , and operates , and quacks like
a golf cart, then it 's a golf cart , and by calling it something else 18
years down the road doesn 't change the fact that White Columns
determined a long time ago that these types of vehicles are not a
safe thing to use within our neighborhood.
I hate to ask , but please help us clean up this mess with an explicit,
written guidance on PTV s and golf carts within the community of
all Milton . This type of documentation would acknowledge that the
safety of using golf carts on a specific street or neighborhood is
probably best judged by the people that live in it. I like
predictability , I want the HOA agreement that I was required to
sign when I mo ved in to mean what I think it means . I want to
count on it for no golf carts in my street , no chickens in my
neighbor 's yard , no huge yard art across the street , and a dozen
other things I believe would negatively impact my community.
One minute .
The few residents who really want to use golf carts in my
neighborhood need to go about it in the right way. They need to
gather 51 % of the community to vote to change our HOA by laws .
In the meantime , please make it clear , in writing , that the city of
Milton respects HOA agreements. Please make it clear each
neighborhood can decide if golf carts or PTV s are too dangerous
for their specific neighborhood . Thank you for your time and
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Monday, March 6, 2023
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Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
Mayor Jamison:
Thank you.
That concludes general public comment, sir.
Okay. Thank you. We 'll move on to consent agenda. Will the city
clerk please sound the items?
That first item is the approval of the February 22 , 2023 , Regular
City Council meeting minutes. Agenda item number 23-052.
Item B is approval of Comcast Enterprise Services Master Services
Agreement with First Amendment and sales for order forms
between the city of Milton and Comcast Cable Communication
Management LLC , for installation of internet and cable TV
services at Fire Station 42. Agenda item number 23-053.
Item C is approval of an agreement between the city of Milton and
Judy Hall to provide a weekly Milton community famer 's market
located at City Hall 's Plaza from April through October 2023.
Agenda item number 23-054.
D is approval of a professional services agreement with
Cumberland Landscape Group for the installation of 13 winged
elm trees at Milton City Park and Preserve. Agenda item number
E is approval of an agreement between the city of Milton and
Premier Events for event logistics management of Crab Apple Fest
in 2023. Agenda item number 23-056.
Our final item , F, is approval of subdivision plats and revisions.
The name of the developer is Chris Grey at 14 70 Redd Road at
land lot 743 district 2, section 2. It is a minor plat , and the plat will
supersede the previously recorded plat dated 11/19/2020. The
purpose of this plat revision is to remove the 20-foot access
easement between 12 track one and track two. It 's 5.75 acres in
total , and it 's a density of 0.34 lots per acre. It 's agenda item
number 23-057 . Mayor?
Thank you. Do we have a motion to approve the consent agenda?
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CMMohrig :
CM Moore:
Mayor Jamison:
Mr. Mayor , I make the motion that we approve the consent agenda
as read.
Okay . I have a motion from Councilmember Mohrig , and a second
from Councilmember Moore to appro ve the consent agenda as
read. All in fa vor, please say aye.
Councilmembers: Aye.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Mohrig moved to approve the Consent
Agenda as read . Councilmember Moore seconded the motion . The motion
passed (7-0).
Mayor Jamison :
City Clerk :
Ms. Leaders :
Any opposed? Okay , that 's unanimous. So , we will move on to
reports and presentations. Will the City Clerk please sound the first
item ?
First item is discussion of current conditions, future usage , and a
partnership into governmental agreement for the Mayfield Farm .
Our public works director , Ms. Sara Leaders .
All right. Good evening , Mayor , and Council. Tonight , we 'll be
taking a look at past , present, and future for property along
Mayfield Road. This item is a result of much cross departmental ,
as well as intergovernmental discussions of possible visions for the
May field Farm property that's jointly owned by Alpharetta and
For our internal team , Community Development , Parks , as well as
Public Works , have all been engaged in discussions about this
property. The purpose of the presentation tonight, first , is to
reintroduce the property. We 'll then , Emily will share some
information about the history , current conditions , as well as the
past MOU that was in place for purchasing the property several
years ago. We 'll also share the basic components of a proposed
initial partnership intergovernmental agreement , and ask for input ,
and interest on further pursuing this IGA.
With any feedback tonight , we 'll be equipped to make progress
towards future possible initiatives that you 'll also hear about later
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Ms. Groth :
on in the presentation. Anita will share our staffs interest in a
possible future partnership with the city of Alpharetta to pursue the
expansion of the Grow a Row program , and how this possible
initiative ties to several other planning documents for the city. And
with that, I will turn it over to Emily to talk about the property.
Good evening , Mayor , and Council. So , a little bit about this
property that Sara introduced. It's a 12-acre property comprised of
three lots , 1470 , 1480 , and 1490 Mayfield Road. At the time of
purchase in 2017 , an MOU for the acquisition stated that both
cities were responsible for 50% of the purchase price , or no more
than $750 ,000 each. This acquisition called for consideration of
future terms to create a longstanding agreement between the two
cities. We'll go over those proposed terms later in the presentation ,
but in short , the y are decision making , maintenance , capital
improvements , and programming.
Additionally , funding was established and remains at $35 ,000 . And
lastly , you can see this rural road frontage here, and I'll share more
photos on the next few slides as well. But this is the property in
discussion , and this is the property along Mayfield Road.
Currently, the property has about 13 structures , including , three
houses in their original condition , and the property has a small
pond in a northeast corner , which you can see on this far right
p icture .
So , regarding a partnership , these are the terms that were laid out
in the original acquisition MOU from April 2017 , daily and long-
term decisions , maintenance repair and upkeep , capital
improvements , and programming. As Sara mentioned earlier, these
items have required departmental corroboration , mainly from
Community Development, parks immigration, and Public Works ,
and they have sparked ongoing staffable discussions with
Alpharetta .
So , considering that background info we 'll jump ahead to the big
picture before we dive back into the proposed next steps to get
there. These big picture projects couldn 't happen without the help
of Economic Development, Community Development , and Parks
and Recreation . These projects reach city and community wide. So ,
if there 's no questions so far , I'd like to allow Anita Jupin from our
Community Development team to highlight our strategic and
comprehensive plans , and future potential projects.
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Ms. Jupin: Good evening , Mayor, and Council. As outlined in Milton 's
Comprehensive Plan, we take responsibility together to provide the
best quality of life to those we serve. Through excellent service to
our neighbors , and in this case, with our neighbors , we strive to
strengthen our cherished sense of community. The Comprehensive
Plan outlines the priority on organized agritourism , and
agribusiness development. Mayfield Farm would allow both cities
the opportunity to expand upon an existing community agriculture
One of the most central aspects of this initiative will be to engage
residents on multiple food system issues , such as , improving
access by all community members to an adequate nutritious diet
leading to agribusiness efforts that can create jobs or opportunities
that contribute to economic development in our community.
As Emily stated , we've identified this large tract of land on
Mayfield Road that the city has already acquired to be suitable for
agricultural uses , which , can also serve as an outdoor community
gathering space . This accomplishes the goal of proactively
engaging in multijurisdictional coordination and cooperation,
along with another important goal with Milton citizens , and that is
to preserve the rural character of the community and focus on
community vision.
The mission of the Mayfield Farm Grow a Row program is to
impact as many lives as possible in a positive way through a staff
and volunteer effort of planting , harvesting, and delivering fresh
produce to those in need. This program will also serve to educate
people of all generations about hunger, and ways to help make an
impact , introduce the community 's youths to farming and healthy
eating , cultivate in tomorrow 's leaders , and foster the habit of
giving back .
There is currently 7500 square feet of land in cultivation at Old
Rucker Farm with our partners in Alpharetta, with 12 ,000 potential
square feet of land for cultivation at Mayfield Farm. Rucker Farm
produces 4000 pounds of food annually. Of that 4000 pounds ,
2100 pounds of food was donated to the North Fulton Community
Charities food pantry. The North Fulton Community Charities food
pantry serves approximately 200 families per day. So , today , our
mission is simply to plant a seed of exciting possibilities to come
together as we work to share a priority for the community and the
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Monday, March 6, 2023
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Ms. Groth :
Mayor Jamison:
CM Moore :
Along with the Grow a Row as a possible project, there are
numerous opportunities for other sustainable programming.
Composting and organic waste diversion , food waste can be
approved on here , which would in turn support our Green
Communities initiative.
There are also opportunities for local and regional educational
partnerships with our local schools , the UGA agricultural
extension , and the US Department of Agriculture. Specifically,
with our local schools , we currently work with them to offer
competitive mini grant funded by the city every fall , and that
would expand upon their curriculum and garden improvements that
we already support . These partnerships and established programs
can also open the door for additional funding opportunities , and
most importantly , citizens can have hands-on opportunities to
volunteer , learn , and grow .
So , our proposed timeline would begin soon with future
consideration of the proposed terms mentioned in the beginning.
That would create a longstanding initial agreement that would
provide guidance on decision making , maintenance , capital
improvements , and programming, and based on that foundation
agreement , we could then work on the finer details like
programming options and budget decisions related to site
preparations , structure , security , and accessibility. And later this
year we would engage volunteers and stakeholders to begin to
potentially cultivate the land in time for 2024 planting season.
So , to recap , considering any input tonight, later this month , and
into April we can come back to with proposed terms for that initial
financial agreement. This summer and into the fall , we 'll use the
proposed agreement to work out these future Council
considerations listed here , site preparations , programming ,
budgeting, and stakeholder engagement. So , those are our
immediate next steps. I can take any questions or go back for any
Questions for , Emily? Paul.
Emily , this is great. I really like the program , and of course look
forward to supporting it to make sure that it's something that we
can all enjo y in the community . My only question is it our charge
only to create the foundation of the IGA , or are our partners
working on that as well? [Inaudible -crosstalk] [00:24:49]
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Ms. Groth:
CM Moore :
Ms. Groth:
CM Moore:
Ms. Groth:
CM Moore:
Ms. Groth:
Ms . Leaders:
CM Moore:
Attorney Jarrard:
CM Moore :
Mayor Jamison:
Ms. Groth:
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
Ms. Lim:
Yes , it 's definitely a combined front.
So , we write the first draft, or they 're going to contribute , or
they 're gonna write a draft similar, or how 's that gonna work?
Sara, you can jump in here. We do have the same legal team , so it
would be -
Oh , that's right.
Yeah .
And Alpharetta has a agenda item on their Council meeting tonight
to also discuss to make sure everyone is still comfortable with
moving ahead with drafting the IGA, and so , depending on the
results from both our meeting , as well as theirs, the next steps
would be to engage legal to help us start looking at terms.
Great, thanks. I think this is -
I just see a conflict waiver coming your way as well.
I think this a great program. I hope we can find a way to make it
work for everybody.
Anybody else? Appreciate it , Emily . Thank you.
Thank you.
Will City Clerk please sound the next item.
Mayor, that next item is the Community Development strategic
plan update. Our Community Development team will be
Evening Mayor, and Council. I'm Jackie Lim. I'm planner of our
Community Development Department. Tonight, I'm here to
present a Community Developments first quarterly update on
strategic plan projects. So, just a little bit of a background. This
reporting style is similar to my report to planning commission that
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I gi ve each month. I provide planning comm1ss1on updates on
Comprehensive Plan projects.
So , in your screen is an example , and each presentation is
accompanied by a document called , execution plan , which I update
regularly. This is just one project , there 's actually 39 more on this
spreadsheet. And so , that's the plan list , the details , all of the
information that planning commission have requested . So , I
actually want to acknowledge the help of commissioner Judy
Burds , and Ron Gilbert, who helped me , the staff, in developing a
reporting format that best captures the status of each project.
So , if you 're happ y with the information that I'm presenting to you
tonight , I will continue to use the same format for our ne xt
quarterl y update. So , I hope this presentation is eas y to follow .
So , Community Development is in charge of the planning and
implementation of 36 strategic plan projects. Thi s track plan
includes projects that are outlined in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
short-term work program that was adopted in October of 20 2 1.
These projects need this track plan priorities of sustainable and
resiliency , smart land planning , acquire , manage , and develop land
and resources.
So, currently , the department manages eight active projects. I'll
share with you five of eight projects. These are projects that ha ve
already made substantial progress. Community Development
completed four projects , which I will show you in the following
slide , so that leaves us 24 une xecuted projects that we 'll complete
in the next three to four years . But the majority of these projects I
called unexecuted projects have already been started , mostly in the
earl y stages , or phases , of their respective project timeline. For
instance , we have done some research and data gathering on larger
lot zoning , Arnold Mills small area plan , and gateways and way
finding to name a few.
So , this slide just shows the summary of completed projects , we
have four total to date . It outlines what the project , it 's
corresponding Comp Plan ID and strategic plan project ID , who 's
the project lead , if this projects require revisions , and of course the
dates of completion , as well as the comments on the very last
column. So , we did complete the project of performing due
diligence to update AG one zoning to increase minimum lot widths
from 100 feet to 150 , and City Council approved that last year.
And at the same time , we also did the study of CUP limitation
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that 's completed. And the last two projects is related to updating
the city storm ordinance .
So , for our project updates we have the first one , we have district
at Mayfield. This district comprises 22 parcels within the
Crabapple area. It includes properties off Broadwell Road ,
Charlotte Drive , Mayfield Road , and Mid Broadwell Road. The
goal of this project is to create a new concept plan that
acknowledges the uniqueness of this area. So , we have engaged
TSW , a planning consultant firm , to assist us in developing a plan
for this district , and they actually have done a tremendous job in
facilitating the whole process.
So , we 've completed our public engagement sessions , this
engagements provide a public opportunities to participate in work
sessions , provide feedback , and most importantly to be involved in
the whole process . The next step is , TSW is our consultant, we 'll
present the preferred concept plan to City Council on Monday ,
March 20 th . So , I'm just sharing a few pictures of the public
engagements , we had a total of three sessions. Citizens are actually
highly engaged during the process , and I feel that the staff, the
consultants , and the citizens have worked together to accomplish a
goal here.
And just sharing the project timelines , we are now in phase four of
this process. As mentioned earlier, the final presentation of the
preferred concept plan will be presented to you March 20 , and then
after that we go to phase five , which is we talk about the tax
amendment process.
Second , we have the Urban Growth Boundary. During the Comp
Plan process , CP AC and the public have articulated a desire to
preserve the rural character of Milton. And one of the strategies
that were uncovered during the process was Urban Growth
Boundary , it 's a growth management tool to use to limit dense
So , CP AC supports this extra layer of protection to ensure a more
compact development within the boundary. So far , we just finished
our third stakeholder committee meeting last week. The committee
will meet one more time to finalize the draft map , and propose a
resolution , along with the committee 's recommendations to Mayor
and Council. So , after that has been finalized , again , staff will
present it back to you for deliberations.
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Our ne xt project is unified de velopment code. This is a document
that consolidates all rules and regulations on development and land
use. The planning commission continues to review the document
line-by-line for consistency and accuracy . At the same time , the
public has also an opportuni ty to participate in this review by an
interactive public comment portal. So , after the public and
Planning Commission completed their review of the document , the
next step will be a tax amendment process to adopt the UDC ,
which , is again , the May or and Council will be invol ved in this .
Another strategy to keep Milton rural is the implementation of flag
lots restrictions . Staff performed research and analysis of flag lots
in Milton , as well as neighboring cities like Alpharetta, Sandy
Springs , and Ros well. Staff initially presented this to Planning
Commission and the City Council last year . Council 's feedback to
staff was to do further research on Cherokee County , and for site
counties flag lots , and begin with a public interfacing to gather the
publics input.
So , last week we had our first public flag lots discussion meeting.
Staff presented recommended restrictions , or options , for open
discussions . Based on the feedback we gathered during the
meeting , we didn 't reach a consensus , so the staff will discuss
again internally what will be our next steps when it comes to this
project , and we 'll keep everyone posted .
And last , but not the least , is our placemaking and branding. So ,
again , throughout the 2040 Comp Plan , placemaking and branding
emerge as a key themes. And residents want to celebrate the
uniqueness of Milton through the promotion of a rural and
equestrian heritage , and we want to brand Milton as a unique and
desirable community , so to honor each character area, the city will
conduct a branding study . We 've engaged Arnett Muldrow, an
urban planning firm to help us develop a thoughtful brand that
represent the values and identity of Milton.
So , a few weeks ago , the consultant presented to Council their
objectives , project review, their deliverables , which includes
marketing position and strategies , which , I think is critical when it
comes to helping promote our local businesses in Milton , and to
better position our City for economic investment. So , we will have
our stakeholder committee meeting , and that 's tomorrow, and this
is just more of a getting together of the stakeholder, and the project
team , and then we 're gonna go over the project, our expectations in
timeline , and we 're gonna re view a survey that 's coming out and
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, March 6, 2023
Page 17 of 20
Mayor Jamison :
CM Jacobus:
Ms . Lim :
CM Jacobus:
Ms. Lim:
CM Jacobus :
Ms . Lim :
CM Cookerl y :
Ms. Lim:
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
Mayor Jamison:
CM Mohrig:
discuss about it. So , once that 's finalized , we will publish it to the
So , I know that 's a lot of information , but that 's all the updates I
have for this first quarter. I'm happ y to answer any questions that
you may have.
Any questions for , Jackie ? Jan?
I don 't have a question ; I just have a comment.
I think this is excellent. It 's really great to see that y ou 're
following up and providing us with a wonderful update quarterly.
It 's also good to see the working relationship between the Planning
Yes , so we do that every month to make sure to keep them abreast
of our developments.
I think it sounds great. Thank y ou.
All right, you 're welcome .
Thank you , Jackie . Good presentation.
Thank you.
Thank you. Okay. Will the City Clerk -we 'll mo ve onto First
Presentation, please sound the first item.
Mayor , the item is an ordinance to amend chapter four , article
three , division three , of the Milton code of ordinance alcohol
beverages , to clarify requirements for alcoholic beverage
licensing's related to nonstandard consumption on premises
licenses. It is agenda item number 23-058 . Mayor?
Thank you. Do I have a motion on the First Presentation?
I'll make a motion that we accept the First Presentation as read.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, March 6, 2023
Page 18 of 20
CM Moore:
Mayor Jamison :
Councilmembers :
Second .
Okay. I have a motion from Councilmember Mohrig , and second
from Councilmember Moore to approve the First Presentation as
read. All in favor , please say aye .
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Mohrig moved to approve the First
Presentation as read. Councilmember Moore seconded the motion. The motion
passed (7-0).
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk:
City Attorney:
City Clerk:
Attorney Jarrard :
City Clerk:
Mayor Jamison:
City Clerk :
Mayor Jamison:
Any opposed? Okay , that 's unanimous. So , there 's no Public
Hearing or Zoning Agenda items , we 'll move onto Unfinished
Business. Will the City Clerk please sound the first item?
Mayor , that item is consideration of an ordinance amending section
16-26(b) of the city code regarding the qualifying period for
regular elections to conform to state law. It is agenda item number
23-049. I am gonna take a stab at this , although I am gonna rely on
our wonderful City Attorney . This is a housekeeping item , and I
think that's what you say , Ken , right ?
It is .
This is a housekeeping item that will ensure that our code stays in
alignment with state law, and this in regards to the qualifying
period for the elections to make sure that it aligns with the dates
that set forth in state law.
Stamp of appro val.
Any public comment?
There is none.
Okay , do we have any questions or Council discussion? Okay , I'll
open it for a motion.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, March 6, 2023
Page 19 of 20
CM Cookerl y:
CM Johnson :
Ci ty Clerk :
Mayor Jamison :
Mr. Mayor, I'm making a motion that we approve agenda item
number 23-049 , and so eloquently.
Thank you.
Okay . I have a motion from Councilmember Cookerly , and a
second from Councilmember Johnson to approve agenda item
number 23-049. All in favor , please say aye.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Cookerly moved to approve Agenda Item
No. 23-049. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion . The motion passed
Mayor Jamison:
CM Mohrig:
CM Verhoff:
Mayor Jamison:
Mayor Jamison:
Any opposed? That's unanimous. So , we will now move onto
Mayor and Council reports. I don 't have anything to report on.
Does Council have anything ? No ? All right. So , with that, we will
adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel land acquisition ,
and potential litigation. Do I have a motion ?
Motion to return to executi ve session .
Okay. I have a motion from Councilmember Mohrig , and a second
from Councilmember Verhoff. All in favor , please say aye.
Aye .
Any opposed? All right , that 's unanimous.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Mohrig moved to adjourn to Executive
Session to discuss land acquisition , personnel, and potential litigation at 6:39pm.
Councilmember Verhoff seconded the motion . The motion passed (7-0).
CM Jacobus: So moved.
Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council
Monday, March 6, 2023
Page 20 of 20
CM Moore :
Mayor Jamison :
Councilmembers :
Okay . I got Councilmember -where is Tammy? Okay, I got
Councilmember Jacobus , and a second from Councilmember
Moore to recon vene. All in fa vor say aye.
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Jacobus moved to reconvene the Regular
Meeting at 7:21 pm. Councilmember Moore seconded the motion. The motion
passed (7-0).
Mayor Jamison:
Any opposed? Can I have a motion to adjourn? Councilmember
Mohrig , second from Moore. All in favor say aye .
Aye .
Motion and Vote: Councilmember Mohrig moved to adjourn the Regular
Meeting at 7:21 pm. Councilmember Moore seconded the motion. The motion
passed (7-0).