HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - CC - 04/10/2023Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 1 of 72 CALL TO ORDER May or Jamison : Ci ty Clerk: May or Jamison: City Clerk : CM Verhoff: City Clerk: Good evening , everyone . I would like to call the regular meeting of the Milton City Council for Monday, April 10 , 2023 to order. The city strongly recomm ends that you review tonight 's agenda carefully , and if y ou wish to speak on any item on the agenda, then please bring your comment cards to the clerk as soon as possible . While the Milton rules allo w a speaker to turn in their comment card up until the clerk calls the agenda item , once the agenda item is called , no more comment cards can be accepted . Will the city clerk please call the roll and make general announcements ? Good evening , Mayor and Council. I'll be happy to call roll for the April 10 , 2023 regular meeting. I would like to remind those in attendance to please silence all cell phones at this time. Those attending the meeting who would like to make a comment, y ou are required to complete a public comment card prior to the item being called. Your comment card must be presented to the ci ty clerk , and any public comment cards recei ved after the item has been called will not be accepted. All speakers , please identi fy yourself by name , address , and organization before beginning y our comment. If you are representing an organization, an affidavit is required stating you have the authority to speak on behalf of that organization. Please review tonight 's agenda, and if you would like to make a comment, please bring your comment cards to me now. Demonstration of any sort within the chamber is prohibited. Please refrain from an y applause , cheering , booing , outbursts , or dialogue with any persons speaking. Anyone in violation will be asked to leave. As I call roll this evening , please confirm your attendance. May or Peyton Jamison ? Here . Councilmember Andrea Verho ff? Here. Councilmember Paul Moore ? Regular Meeting of th e Milton C ity Counci l April 10, 2023 Page 2 of 72 CM Moore : City Clerk: CM Johnson: City Clerk: CM Cookerly: City Clerk: CM Jacobus: Here. Councilmember Juliette Johnson ? Here . Councilmember Carol Cookerly ? Here . And Councilmember Jan Jacobus? Here . Mayor: M a y or Pe yt o n Jamiso n present. Councilmembers Present: Cou nci lmember A ndrea Verhoff, Cou ncilmember Paul Moore, C o uncil m e m ber Jul ie tte Jo hn so n, Cou ncilmem b er Carol Cookerly , and Counci lmem b er Jan C. Jacob us. Councilmember Mohrig arrived at approximately 6: 15 PM . Councilmember(s) Absent: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE City Clerk: All: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: CM Verhoff: Mayor Jamison: For the record , I be lieve Councilmember Rick Mohrig is running just a few minutes late. Would everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance? I pledge all egiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands , one nation , under God , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all. Next is approval of the meeting agenda. I wou ld like to add an executive session to discuss land acquisition , personnel , and potential litigation. If there 's no more changes , I would like to open it for a motion. I make a motion that we accept the amendments to the agenda as yo u just stated. Second. Okay. I have a motion from Councilmember Moore and a second Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 3 of 72 from Counc ilmember Verhoff to appro ve the meeting agenda as amended. All in favor , please say , "Aye." Councilmembers: Aye. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Moore moved to approve the Meeting Agenda with the following amendments: • Add an Executive Session to discuss Land Acquisition, Potential Litigation, and Personnel. Councilmember Verhoff seconded the motion. The motion passed (6-0). Councilmember Mohrig was absent from the vote . PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison : City Clerk: Mr. Muldowney: Any opposed? That's unanimous. Next is general public comment. Do we have any general public comment? We do , Mayor. Okay . The next item is general public comment. Public comment is a time for citizens to share information with the mayor and the city council , and to provide input and opinions on any matter that is not scheduled for its own public hearing during today 's meeting . Each citizen who chooses to participate in public comment must complete a comment card and submit it to the city clerk prior to the agenda item being called. Please remember this is not a time to engage the mayor or members of the city council in conversation. When your name is called , please come forward and speak into the microphone , stating your name and address for the record . You will have five minutes for remarks . The City encourages you to review the agenda , and if you wish to speak , to bring your comment cards to the city clerk right now. Will the city clerk please call the first public comment? Mayor , I'd like to invite Mr. Ke v in Muldowney to the podium , please. Good evening , Council. Ke vin Muldowney, 3325 Kentworth Lane , Crooked Creek , Milton. I understand staff has made progress on our request to run our municipal elections , but November is Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 4 of 72 Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Ms. Dubin : City Clerk : quickly approaching. We need to put an elections director in place. Running an election using transparent paper ballots and counting by hand is in theory a simple process. A qualified elections consultant -that 's what I meant to say before -will give us the necessary guidance to nav igate the legal and practical matters that we will be encountering for the first time. I feel we should hire Vernetta Nuriddin. The number of polling locations has recently been discussed. It 's been pointed out that Fulton County runs eight precinct or polling locations in Milton on Election Day . This is reall y a throwback to a simple time when we voted just on Election Day. We now have 15 days of early voting plus Election Day. Two city locations open 16 days still gives us four times the amount of voting opportunities as before. Getting away from computerized voting machines will result in simplicity , transparency , and cost savings. I've worked the polls , and the majority of the duties center around maintaining and running the machines, while the actual function of an elections worker is to facilitate and count votes as well a produce a reliable and audible result. Hand counting paper ballots will do this and nothing more. I have heard that Fulton has offered the use of their Dominion scanners , the same scanners that have been blamed for an inaccurate election results in the Cobb County commissioner 's race. And hand recount completely overturned that raced. Let's be safe and stay away from potential glitches from unnecessary computerized equipment. Other cities have looked at the process but realize that we have more than a full year 's head start. Let's keep going and assume - and I assure you we 'll be very happy and satisfied with the result. Thank you very much. Thank you. Can you please call the next speaker? Mayor, I'd like to invite Karen Dubin to the podium , please. Karen Dubin , 200 Davis Glenn Court, Milton, Geo rgia. Since the presentation is gonna be after this , when you 're gonna talk about what you 're gonna have - We don 't give public comment on reports and presentations , so we do it in general. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 5 of72 Ms . Dubin : Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Jamison : City Clerk: Right. So , I'm just gonna say, I guess , a few things that occurred today. I did speak to the Board of Commissioners about the lis t that was on that packet about those items that y ou claim that y ou could get no charge from Fulton County. And I was told that that is not a definite until Thursday's BRE meeting. So , I'm kind of concerned about that. And then , I don 't understand when you 're talking scanners , borrowing scanners from Fulton County -all their scanners are either a standalone scanner or a regular scanner that's in a metal unit that has a card in it. So , I'm kind of -these are the questions that I have , and I can 't reall y tell you what -I don't know what you 're doing. So , it 's hard for me to just say an ything. Thank you. Please call the ne xt speaker. That concludes general. Okay . So , I will close public comment. And we 'll move on to consent agenda . Will the city clerk please sound the items? Mayor , that first item is approval of the March 20 , 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes , Agenda Item No. 23-075. Item B is appro val of Change Order No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for Scanning Project No. 2 Services with Milton CCI , LLC , for the secure destruction of the scanned documents , Agenda Item No . 23-076 . Item C is appro val of a recreation provider agreement between the City of Milton and Mworks 2, LLC , doing business as Emery Fit to pro vide recreational stretching classes and fitness programs , Agenda Item No . 23-077. Our final consent agenda item is approval of subdivision plats and revisions . The name of the development is Elva and Eduardo Flores at 2885 Mountain Road. It 's Land Lot 249 and 256 , District 2 , Section 2. It 's a minor plat to subdi vide the parcel into three tracts. Tracts range in size from 3.113 acres to 3.925 acres. It is a total of 10.471 acres w ith a density of 0.28 lots per acre. It 's Agenda Item No. 23-078. Mayor? Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 6 of 72 Mayor Jamison: CM Cookerl y: CM Jacobus : Mayor Jamison: Councilmembers: Okay . Thank y ou. Do we have a motion to appro ve the consent agenda? Mr. Mayor , I make a motion we approve the consent agenda as read , No. 23-078. Second. Okay . I have a motion from Councilmember Cookerly and a second from Councilmember Jacobus to approve the consent agenda as read. All in favor , please say , "Aye ." Aye. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Cookerly moved to approve Consent Agenda as read. Councilmember Jacobus seconded the motion. The motion passed ( 6-0). Councilmember Mohrig was absent from the vote. REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison : Any opposed? It 's unanimous. Okay , we 'll move on to reports and presentations. Will the city clerk please sound the first item? Mayor, that first item is a proclamation recognizing Earth Day 2023. Mayor? Thank you. So , tonight, we have some recipients for the Earth Day Proclamation, and they will be members from the North Fulton Master Gardeners , which is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to educate its members and the public in the areas of horticulture and ecology in order to promote and fos ter community enrichment. They 've worked closely with the City of Milton to provide fun and educational classes for our community that highlight seasonal gardening information and echo our tree planting initiati ve, Plant Milton . You can learn more about their good work at Earth Day on Saturday , April 22nd , at the Milton City Park and Preserve. I know myself will be there as well as my three children. It 's always a wonderful annual event. So , I'm going to read this proclamation, then I will invite some members up, and we can take a picture . So , whereas Earth Day was first recogni zed in the United States on April 22 , 1970 , Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 7 of72 City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: becoming a worldwide celebration two decades later, and whereas communities all around the world mark Earth Day through community gatherings, educational opportunities , and by participating in outdoor and environmental stewardship acti vities by trail cleanups , water quality monitoring , tree plantings , and sustainability events. And whereas in v est in our planet is a global theme of this y ear 's Earth Day , highlighting the collective responsibility of citizens , governments , and businesses to do what we can to promote healthy communities , habitats , and economies , and whereas the City of Milton believes in this , the importance of fostering en vironmental stewardship , as well as promising responsible conservation , and whereas , for the past 10 years , the City of Milton has been a National Wildlife Federation-certified Community Wildlife Habitat and was recognized in 2021 as a Silver Level Green Community by the Atlanta Regional Commission. And whereas healthy natural habitats beautify and protect our community , support the vitality of local green businesses , and pro vide places for residents to explore and enjo y the outdoors. And whereas on April 22nd , the City of Milton will host an Earth Day celebration at Milton City Park and Preserve at which people can learn about helping our planet, support green causes , see rehabilitated wildlife , and spend time in this beautiful space. Now therefore , we , the mayor and the City Council , the City of Milton hereby recognize and proclaim for the year 2023 April 22nd as Earth Day and urge citizens to celebrate efforts to protect our planet , to make Milton an even better place to live , work , raise a family , and further , we urge all citizens to commit to doing what they can to foster cleaner and greener environments for the betterment of current and future generations . This is given under my name and sealed with the City of Milton, Georgia on this 10th day of April 2023. That was a long one . I will have the North Fulton Master Gardeners come up . Anybody here ? There we go. Greg , do you want all of Council down here ? Okay . Mayor, do we have their proclamation ? My apologies. I thought you ... just to be on the safe side. Just hold on to it. Will the city clerk please sound the next item? Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 8 of 72 City Clerk: Ms. Salerno: Mayor, that next item is the proclamation recognizing the Milton Citizens Government Academy graduates , the 6th Cohort. I'd like to invite Ms. Emily Salerno to the podium , please. Good evening , Mayor and Council. Tonight , it is my great pleasure to introduce you to the 6th Cohort of the Milton Citizens Government Academy. For eight weeks , these 16 Milton citizens met every Tuesday night at different locations within the city to dive deeper into the inner workings of all departments , including police , fire , finance , parks and recreation , community and economic development , public works , communications , HR, GIS , and IT. Citizens Government Academy , or CGA , as we refer to it, allows citizens to expand their knowledge on what ea ch department provides for the city and allows the city to interact directly with an engaged group of Milton residents. As a new employee myself -excuse me. As a new employee myself going through this program , I can say fir sthand how incredibly informational and beneficial that this program is . It 's taught me a lot in the past two months , and I'm very grateful to have gone through it. This incredible class of enthusiastic students eagerly arrived every week prepared with insightful comments and thought-provoking questions that allowed for an open dialogue between city and citizens . I'd like to thank these students for choosing to spend their free time learning more about our city. I'd also like to thank my fellow Milton staff members for dedicating their time to educate the specific cohort on their departments. And finally , I'd like to thank City Council and Management for encouraging programs like this that build and foster relationships and encourage Milton 's exceptional sense of community . You ' 11 meet the full cohort shortly, but I'd like to take a moment to introduce our class spokespeople : Monica Gibbs and Christy Davis Jackson. I will allow these ladies to further introduce themselves momentarily , but these two truly embody this cohort 's spirit. Like their fellow classmates , the y ask the hard-hitting questions , were engaged in each and every presentation , are some of the best ambassadors the City of Milton could ask for. Monica and Christy , please come on down. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 9 of72 Ms. Jackson: Ms. Gibbs: Ms. Jackson : Good evening and thank you for hearing from us. Christy Davis Jackson. I am an excited neighbor at Six Hills and proud to say that Andrea Verhoff is my councilperson . I'm Monica Gibbs , and I am one of your newest residents . I moved here from California in December , and I participated in the program in January . So , really excited to participate. Just a little bit about our cohort: we actually are all different stages in life and different professions. So , it was really great to have this group of people. We did have quite a few folks that were on the boards of their HOAs , so they really were able to kind of get those resources that they needed , and ask very specific questions , and take that back to their leadership . One of the things that I was just really impressed of the cohort is for it being in six years just how organized it was from directions , to presentations , to bios and everything for all of the speakers. It was just a really organized program. Really excited to have been part of it. One of the takeaways that I personally felt was the trash program . I'm sorry , the glass recycling program. That was something that a few of us had no idea about , and I think that was a big takeaway that impacts our dail y life , and there was a lot of tidbits of information like that that we were able to get through asking questions and being able to have those pieces of information to take back to our everyday lives. And so , really wanna just encourage others to participate and grow this program as much as you can. I think 16 is great, but there 's just so many more people -all of these folks are really interested in getting more involved. So , just want to thank you and the staff for allowing us to participate. I don't know if there 's anything else you want to add. Well , I wanted the entire cohort to stand. I think this is a real lesson in civic engagement. We can talk about this as an exercise , but what you see behind you are engaged ambassadors for the City of Milton. Not only were we presented weekly with a wonderful presentation so well prepared by our members in the community - hi , Stacy -she 's one of our presenters -but we should be proud to know everything that we 're being offered as a city. So , it was deepening our civic engagement. And so , on behalf of us to you , please extend this , expand it. We wanna say thank you. Reg ul ar Meeting of the Milton City Council Apri l 10, 2023 Page 10 of 72 Mayor Jamison : We 're proud of Milton , and we 're even more proud knowing that you have provided the funds . I guess you 're gonna have to deepen your pockets because we need to have this maybe twice a year and more population participating . Thank you so much. Thank you. I will say congratulations. When we first introduced the Citizens Go vernment Academy , I guess about six years ago , it was a success from the very beginning , and it's only grown every single year. So , we're looking forward to having a lot more engaged citizens. I think having engaged citizens in the city is what makes us better. And so , hopefull y, we will continue to expand it. So , thank you again , and congratulations . I will read this proclamation , and then I' 11 invite each of y ou up to receive your certificate, and then we 'll do a group picture . So , thank you. So , I am proud to say that whereas residents have been actively, passionately , and positively engaged in the City of Milton since its incorporation in December 2006 , and whereas the Citizens Government Academy Program launched in 2018 , to harness this energy , good intent , and commitment to Milton for the benefit of attendees in the city as a whole , and whereas over the y ears , dozens of students have been given a deeper, behind the scenes perspective while learning about all of the aspects of municipal government. And whereas leaders of every Milton department have shared insights , led hands-on acti v ities , and answered questions to educate , energize , and engage the CGA members , and whereas sessions have taken place at various city properties offering a fore sense of not only what things happen in Milton but where they happen , and whereas the CGA students have routinely been focused , dedicated , and curious , as shown in their sincere , salient inquiries and impactful efforts to make Milton a better place . And whereas graduates of this program have gone on to become even more well-rounded ambassadors for the city , as neighbors , volunteers , and officials . And whereas the most recent Citizens Government Academy class in March completed its eight-week course , during which they exhibited tremendous interest, intelligence , and ideas that should serve our community well , much like CGA graduates befo re then. Now therefore , we the Mayor and City Council , the City of Milton hereby honor this latest Citizens Government Academy class and Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 11 of 72 City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk : Chief Benmoussa: thank them for their engagement and service. Given under my hand and seal , the City of Milton , Georgia, on this 10th day of April 2023. Mayor, if I may , as you come down , I will announce their names , so that you can give out their certificates. Abby Meng. Tara VanDette . Philip Gibson. Sherry Gibson. Christy Davis-Jackson. Tamara Barker. Diana Tisi . Patrecia Corley. Lenward Corley . Peter Roland. Monica Gibbs . Allison Kloster. Mary Cronk. And I want to make sure Kara Rutland , Sean Odeyemi , Valerie Spratt is not here tonight with us. But I want to mention their names . And I would like to recognize our staff members , Emily Salerno , Oksana Solovei , and Micaela Burke, but she couldn 't be with us tonight. Tom , why don 't you come up and join this group? Come on up . We need you in the picture. Greg , we 're gonna get Tom in the picture. Will the city clerk please sound the next item? Mayor , our next item is the 2022 Milton Fire Annual Report Update , presented by Chief Gabe Benmoussa. Good evening, Mayor and Council. Excited to be here to present our annual report , our first annual report. So , if you 'll allow me ... so, in our annual report -I think you 've had the opportunity , hopefully, to take a look. I'm gonna go through some of the initiatives , through some of the accomplishments , some of the data as well. This will be put out to our community , just so they understand sort of what we do as a fire department in the different divisions , some of the projects, initiatives that we work on. Understanding some of the data. How does ISO work ? That was a big piece of this report. So , I 'm going to go ahead and open up the report. I'm going to skip through the pictography and my letter. All right. So , as you know , in Milton , we're fortunate to have some good partners surrounding us. I have listed here our major partners. Of course , the five North Fulton cities as well as Cherokee County and Forsyth County. We work closely in those areas that we border each other through a mutual aid. Recently , Forsyth County has expressed interest in joining our five cities Automatic Aid in those areas where we border Forsyth Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 12 of 72 County. So , it would be an automatic response. We have reall y a great working relationship with the departments. So , as far as the classification, the ISO , the Insurance Services Office , this classification, departments and cities around the country will classify communities based on their fire protection services and based on the hydrants. They evaluate response , employment plan , how many stations , how close the y are to the urban areas. How good is your water system? How good are your fire prevention programs? So , we are fortunate we're a Class 2. We 're about 7.62 points from being a Class 1. Hopefull y, when we open Station 45 , we can have them come back, do another assessment. I'm confident that we can cross over to Class 1. So , there are 41 ,177 fire departments in the U.S. rated by ISO . Only 1,500 are Class 2 and even less that are Class 1. So , the lower the number in the classification, the better protection you have . It affects insurance premiums to a certain extent. The difference between a Class 2 and a Class 10 , it 's major. Class 10 , it 's sort of like you have nonexistent fire protection, or you have some sort of fire protection. It could be a volunteer , paid on call. So , they evaluate all that. Water system nonexistence. You 're relying on ponds , water tenders, things like that. So , we are a Class 2 right now. So , these are some of the things that they evaluate from the fire department. How many engine companies, ladder companies in service . The geographic deployment. They look at our data when the come in , our response data . The equipment. That we have reserved equipment. Frontline automatic aid agreements . Pumping capacities. Personnel and training. So , we already work on the training. There 's an ISO training of so many hours per a position. Firefighters will have to have so many hours a year. Officers , chief officers , as well as how many drills. There's some night drills , day drills. So , we meet that every year at 100%. So , no issues there. Water supply. I don't know if you know , but our fire fighters will go out and test and flush every hy drant in the community. So , you 'll probably see them around , driving around and painting . So , they keep them looking really nice and new every year. But they 'll Regular Meeti ng of t he Mi lton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 13 of 72 go out and flush the hydrant, make sure that it has the right pressure, that it's functioning properly. Otherwise , they'll create a ticket, and that will go to Fulton County Water, and then our Fire Prevention Program will follow up . We just don't want to have where we show up to a fire and have no water. That's the worst thing. So , from an emergency communications system , having the dispatch center. As you know, we're part of the Alpharetta Dispatch System. So, they look at their staffing, their training. They're a certified accredited center, which is great. They look at their facilities and their community efforts. They take into account our public fire safety education, our fire investigation programs , and then our local risk reduction programs that we have in the community to reduce the risk of fire. And we have to produce all the documentation for all this stuff when they do the evaluation. So, this is just a brief overview how the ISO system works. This is just the areas that we respond to. We serve the community out of four stations. Soon, hopefully here , a fifth . About 1,500 units. Total population according to the census was 41,000 , and we cover about 39.2 square miles. Our organizational chart. And then, I'll go by the numbers . So , based on the fires that we had in the community in 2022 and based on the estimates from fire investigations , our quick response resulted in about $100,000.00 in property damage. But in turn, we saved about $720 ,000.00. So, that shows our effectiveness, in a sense. The loss compared to what was saved in dollars. Last year, we responded to about 3,347 calls. About half of those were EMS calls. We had about 60 calls. And then, 1,500 calls we call public service calls. Those are anywhere from -it could be an animal stuck, hazardous materials. It could be any other calls aside from a typical fire . It could be a weather event. It's all kind of in that category of public service. Our average response times , it's seven minutes and 10 seconds. This is just the average, not the 90th percentile . At the 90th percentile, we 're about 12 to 13 minutes . Some of those things are out of our control. It's the roadways , time of the day. Ideally, at a 90th percentile, we wanna be around 5 minutes and change. As Captain Murray had explained in the community assessment Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council Apri l 10, 2023 Page 14 of 72 CM Jacobus: Chief Benmoussa: presentation that he made , certain things are out of our control , such as dispatch. How long it takes them to dispatch. What we control is our turnout time , meaning from the time we get the alarm to the time we get out the door and respond to the call. And we've put some things in place to try to reduce that response time , like Every Minute Counts. So , we 'll take it. If you have any questions as I go through , please ask. This is just a breakdown comparing the three years up to '21 of the calls. These are how the instances are recorded in the National Incident Recording System , the NFIRS , Fire Incident System . And these are the categories , in a sense , that we 're required to report to the federal government. So , any grant , anything that we apply for fo r the federal government , they look at our NFIRS data . Yes , sir? When I was going through this , I noticed there was a large chunk in false alarms . I'm sure that 's like one of the worst things to happen , having calls when they 're not needed. Why the big jump? Is there anything you can do about that? We can. There 's ways. So , false alarms captures not onl y commercial but also homes. So , smoke detectors , for example , going off. Sometimes , that could be -when we get on scene , it's not really a fire. It may be dust. Maybe it 's just malfunctioning. So , we still count it as a false alarm. The good thing is we 're still getting notified , right ? Because all it takes sometimes is one of those calls , even to a business . And I've had it throughout my career where you constantly have false alarm , false alarm, false alarm , and then you respond that one time, and it 's the real deal. Now , if a business , for example , is having issues over, and over , and over because of their system malfunction , that gets referred to Fire Prevention. Fire Prevention will follow-up with that with the system. Because then, it becomes sort of like a - I don 't want to say it's an anno yance. But because it's not something that 's happening, because the system is either not service properly , not installed properly , or sometimes they 'll be working; they 'll be doing construction. And they don't notify our dispatch to say, "We 're gonna put the system out of service or simply put it in a sort of sleep mode." And they 'll be working , doing sheetrock or something , and then it activates the system. So , we get dispatched . We still go. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 15 of 72 So, we try to educate those opportunities to educate . "Hey , make sure yo u call the dispatch center. Here's the number. Let them know that the system is gonna be put on hold while you work." Or if there's a malfunction , they need to let us know. So , this is going by each division that we have in the department. Emergency Operations is the largest division. This is yo ur day-to- day emergency response. So , when I talk about savi ng those precious minutes, like implementing the automatic vehicle locator system, we were the first in North Fulton to do this. In a sense, we wanted to take the human element from having to dispatch in and try to figure out what the closest station versus just letting the CAD -the technology existed. It just wasn't active. In the CAD system , the Computer Aided Dispatch, when a call is generated, a 911 is generated , it geo-locates it , whether by address or by cell phone location. And then, it recognizes automatically the closest unit , and it dispatches it. So , it takes that human element trying to figure out. So , even if it's 30 seconds , that 's 30 seconds we can get. I'll give you an example of this. The save that we had at Cabernet with the lady, the cardiac save , that was in Alpharetta. But because 44 is the closest unit , and the system recognized it, we got dispatched. It turned out to be a Milton resident. So , that's why automatic aid is really good and critical , especially in the border areas , because we overlap each other. So, Alpharetta, as of right now, hasn 't implemented theirs. Alpharetta is in the process of implementing this. So , we should be all on that system here soon. In the Blue Card , instant command. And we evaluate all of this stuff. So, when we do our data analysis, that's how we can track our performance metrics. I' II show you an example for cardiac arrest. We look at this data and track and see: how can we do better? The digital dispatch that was added , PURVIS system notification, that's another added. Essentially, as the dispatcher types in the information , the digital voice , Siri, dispatches and tells you what the call is. Again , it saves time. The Automatic Aid Agreement is working very well. An example is we all adopted Blue Card. So now, operating on the fire scene is seamless because we all speak the same language , in a sense. And we follow the same standard in command. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 16 of 72 We also switched from -so , before , we had multiple platforms for our record management sy stems , for doing our inspections , tracking our hydrants , our activities. And we ended up consolidating everything in the one suite. That saved the City about $23 ,000 .00 by going to one system versus these multiple systems . And they all talk to each other , including our instant pre- plan . Alpharetta also went to the same system. So now , because of this interoperability , we have sort of -we can see Alpharetta 's pre- plans when we respond to their cities for commercial properties. We just pull it up on the computer, and it tells you who the owner is , where 's the alarm system , codes to doors , things like that. And it's the same for them . When they come here , they have access to our response data if the y need it. Emergency Management. We completed the department comprehensive risk assessment and standards of cover, which that's the last step before accred itation. We 're going through the self-assessment manual , which is very extensive . And we 're hoping 2024 we 'll get accredited . Apparatus replacement. We purchased and provided staff training. We deployed the new rescue ambulance as well as the new quint ladder engine. We completed and submitted to FEMA an approval of the five-year county hazard mitigation plan . Chief Marietta presented on that. We transitioned as well First Due and deployed Community Connect , which is a community outsourced information to help us better respond to the community. We also achieved 100% compliance training with the state , so that we can maintain certification. And we also certified in-house instructors for Blue Card. So , we don 't have to send them out for training , so that saves money by having our own instructors that can teach it in-house. So , we just have to maintain their certification as instructors . For Emergency Management Support Services , the Professional Standards Bureau , which is in charge of the accreditation provided over 13 ,000 hours of training for our members , an d we achieved 100% compliance in that training. We hosted a regional acti ve shooter hostile event response training , and we worked with PD and did the training at the Kings Ridge Academy with Milton PD . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 17 of 72 From community risk reduction , we had over 1, 100 inspections . We did about 480 incident pre-plans. These get updated every year. So , the crews will go out during their day , during their shift , and they'll go pre-plan the businesses and update all the data , all the information that's needed , so that we 're prepared when we have an incident. Reviewed over 308 plan reviews , conducted over 146 community outreach , 2 ,971 hydrant inspections . And we had five fire investigations. One of those was an arson case that was successfully investigated and referred to the county prosecutor. I think they ended up hav ing a plea deal. For community risk reduction , our Medical Services Bureau falls under the community risk reduction: 180 hours of in-person medical training . We do a combination of in-person as well as we use a Vector Solution , an LMS , a learning management system to do some of the courses. These are certified by the state. We had 25 successful EMS recertifications and 21 National Registry recertifications. So , some of the accomplishments here for the medical services is we reviewed and implemented a 2022 Fulton County Clinical Care Guidelines. I think the most important piece is No. 2 . We were the first in North Fulton, again , thanks to my staff and the EMS Advisory Committee that we had , which made up of members of the department -we were the first to administer anti-coagulant medication in the field , which is Brilinta and Heparin. Heparin is the anti-coagulant that prevents the clots from forming , and Brilinta is a blood thinner. So , instead of waiting until you get to the hospital , and they administer this stuff, we do it in the fields . By the time the y get to the hospital , they 're ready to go to the cath lab. So, that is specificall y for heart attacks with a complete blockage. And we identify that through our monitors . We can tell by the rhythm , and we act on it really quick. We 're trying to convince the hospital -we had cases where they bypassed the ER and went straight to -because we are able to send the 12 lead , the strip , so the y could see it. And the y said , "Take them straight to the cath lab ." AMR now is following suit and doing what we're doing . So , I lo ve it that we 're innovative and providing the best for our community. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 18 of 72 Obviously, we evaluated and purchased the auto pulse mechanical CPR device. And then , with the Zoll monitors , they 're communicating . And I'm gonna show you an example how we utilize that data to better next time when a cardiac arrest. So, if you just allow me to give you a sample. So , each time we have a cardiac arrest , we get this summary, right? So , this is from a cardiac arrest in 2022. There 's no personal identifying information here . We use this as a tool for training but also to improve our quality improvement process . So , the EMS Advisory Committee that's made up of our members , they will take this after a call , and they 'll review it. And then , they 'll engage with the troops. So , just briefly , you see this constant blue line here? That 's the CPR event. It shows you when the person was shocked. It documents the time. It shows you the depth. As you can see , it's consistent because of the auto pulse. Where right here , you see a minor interruption , and that was hands-on CPR because they had to check a rhythm. So , you have to stop to check the rhythm , but yo u still continue CPR. This tracks our vent ilation performance , which that's exactly what we want to see. This is for capnography, the amount of end-tidal CO . We call it carbon monoxide in your system. There has to be a certain magic number, in a sense , so we can be effective. The ventilation has to be consistent. So , as you can see here, the blue is we were on the compression , on the chest , 92% of the time , which is great. So , we only had about 7.66 interruption on compressions . And that's probably for checking rhythm , maybe adjusting, starting IV , moving him , or something like that. It could be different events. And then, the consistency of the depth also. So , ideally , we want to be under five seconds , right? So , that 's ideally like the stoppage to be out and not doing CPR. It should be under five seconds . And then , the chest compression, that's the same thing as the compression fraction. It just shows you at 94% of the time. And then here , it tracks all the times. And here , it tells you from the case start , meaning from the time they turn the monitor on until the time the y put the auto pulse activation it was 3:51. From manual compressions , 1 :54 . So , the started right away . And then , transition took only about a minute . So , this is a most recent , and I 'm going to show you just quickly an example of one that we had Regular Meeting of t he Mi lton City Council April 10 , 2023 Pa ge 19 of 72 right after we deployed , and you can see where the improvement there is significant. So, we use these metrics , again, to do those -to look at our performance metrics. So , as you can see here , this was back in 2022, November. You can see the auto pulse there was just for a little bit. And then, all of this is manual compression that you see here. And ideally , you want to be down here where this blue - that's the auto pulse. And again , the auto pulse delivers consistent, versus you can see here there 's potentially maybe fatigue for the CPR. So , just to bring it down here , you can see it was 83.4% at the time , but we were about 60.6% of that off the chest not doing compressions when CPR was stopped. So, we use this data to train and go over the CPR, so we can do better next time . And you can see the improvement in the quality. So, that's what we use this data for. Any questions? I'll go back to the report. The CARES program . So, the CARES program has been really a true success. It is a community, sort of -we didn't copy it. We didn't bring another program here. It just sort of grew organically based on the community's need. So many accomplishments. We were able to transition from a part-time to a full-time thanks to your support and funding. Since then , we've had 165 referrals , patient referrals , 94 education services. That 's CPR classes, Stop the Bleed, engaging with the community, community health, working with some of our partners . We had 65 new partners. And then , we had 39 911 call intercepts. What that means is the community paramedic is listening on the radio. If it's a non- emergency Alpha -we call it Alpha call -like, "My head hurts ," for example. Or , "I cut my finger." So , instead of sending the ambulance and timing and ambulance and an engine, they will intercept that call and take care of it. If it turns out to be -they're a medic . They 're fully equipped . If it turns out to be something else or needs to upgrade, he will call for additional resources. So , we had about 39 911 call intercepts. In our community , people do not abuse our 911. When they call us , they need us. While you see compared to national data, where EMS calls are about 80% to 90% of the call volume, ours is almost like 50% to 60%. So , it just speaks of sort of the services we provide and how our community utilizes emergency services. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 20 of 72 We also educate assisted living facilities. Many times , our assisted living facilities , they need to transfer a patient out. They call for what we call a general transport ambulance. That 's not in the 911. There 's not many of those , or they're busy . So , they don 't want to wait two hours , and they 'll call 911 just to get an ambulance. So , we try to educate them. "Don 't do that." Because it 's not an emergency. You tie up an emergency ambulance. So , we try to engage actively and educate the staff about when the call 911 , not to call 911. And then , obviousl y, we continue to partner with the two hospitals , main hospitals that we work with . Strategic plan updates. We have two goals , and I'll give you an update in May specific , very in-depth on strategic plan. But Goal 2 , we 're about 80% complete. Goal 4, we 're about 90% complete . These are the fire department 's strategic plan. We had eight specific priorities . This is just the progress right now. Next chapter. Exciting. Save the date for the grand opening of Station 42. We are just excited to be able to move to the station and provide services. Look forward to having you there. Obviously , quint. You were there for the push-in ce remony . It's a quintuple that the word quint comes from . It just has five different -it can do five different things. It's a combination ladder as well as engine. So , if we respond to a frre , they have both tools. They have a pump. They can provide water. They can provide elevated stream versus if it was a ladder with no pump or just an engine. So , it 's a valuable tool. Not to forget Milton Fire Corps again. Another successful program. They are being engaged by our adjoining communities. They wanna create the same thing. Roswell , John 's Creek is looking at doing the same thing. But it is successful because of our community members that volunteer their time for the fire department and our community. And then, some success stories. We promoted some recruits to fire fighters , engineers , drivers , care coordinator , captains , battalion chief, and deputy chief. So , that 's the latest promotions . As you can see , a lot of smiling faces . We 're excited about the opportunities . And then, the last piece of my presentation , I promise . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 21 of 72 Mayor Jamison: Chief Benmoussa: You 've been busy , haven 't you? I have. So, I just wanted to talk about -we ll , if yo u recall, in this budget year, you pro vided us funding for the ultrasound at the amount of $25 ,566.00. The State of Georgia EMS is not ready for us to -not ready for the State to go that route, where other parts of the country, they are. We even asked for us to do the research, the trial , and be the sort of model. They 're not ready for it. So , we won 't be able to do the ultrasounds this year. So, instead, asking if we can reallocate that to these two pieces of equipment. So , the ring rescue is -we get a lot of ring rescues , believe it or not. People , their fingers swell up. They want their rings cut. This is the current tool. Only cuts gold and silver. There 's many people with titanium , tungsten. We can 't cut those. This tool here can cut any material. It's brand new. Was literally made back in September. But it also has another contraption , a manual one. A lot of people have sentimental values for their rings , so there's another option . We can use that other -it's like a cuff. It inflates , and when it does , it deflates the swelling. And then, you will be able to just pull the ring out. Right now , this is what we use , and it takes a good 15 , 20 minutes versus a minute to cut a ring . We get people that are injured in accidents where they injured their finger, and their fingers swell up. We have to be able to cut the ring , so we can allow for circulation. Otherwise , they might lose their finger. So , that 's one of the tools that we're asking if we can reallocate that funding to purchase one or two of those. Then , the iSimulate REAL TI is a simulation that allows us to build cardiac scenarios , strokes , medical scenarios. You can put the same interface of the monitor. It 's literally an iPad. And what this does: it eliminates having to buy the $20,000 .00 mannequin. You can literally put this on a stone and turn the stone into a patient because you have the controls. So , what it does is it just simulates all of those scenarios , and it allows the medics to work through the scenarios. So, it 's a training machine. Also saves the wear and tear on our actual monitors . This can simulate everything from cardiac rhythms to blood pressures. You can build the scenarios, type of injuries . Our trauma scenarios can be put in there. And it can be used for recertification. So , that 's sort of what my EMS team has asked ifwe can maybe - Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 22 of 72 CM Cookerly: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Chief Benmoussa: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Ms. Ellis: Can we do that now? Can we -I'm sold. That was one of the questions I had , Steve. Is that something you want us to do now, or do you want to come for a budget amendment later? I think I'd like to review this a little bit more. All right. Sounds good. And that 's the end of my presentation. All right. Any questions for chief? All right. Thank you. Good stuff. Will the city clerk please sound the next item ? Mayor, that next item is the finance strategic plan update , presented by Finance Director, Ms . Karen Ellis. How do I follow that up? How do I wow you? I'm waiting for it to pull up. There we go. Mayor and Council, tonight I am here to give you an overview of our finances , strategic comprehensive plan. It 's a quarterly update. Under the finance guise , we had 13 strategic plans under the strategic plan for '21 and '25 . Of those 13 , three of them have been complete , which I'll go over with you on the next slide. We have one active strategic plan project and then nine other projects that are a support. The finance department is just a supporting role , and those projects will be shown in future presentations for those departments. So , the three projects that finance has completed in Fiscal Years '21 and '22. The first one is we established some financial metrics that were comparing us with the North Fulton cities. We were looking at revenues , expenditures , and debt. This comparison of financial metrics is done through the Clear Gov portal. So , if you go right to the city 's strategic plan , which I believe is under the city manager 's tab , it will take you right to Clear Go v.and you can look at the plan. We even got it updated currently from 2018 to 2021. We just finished the '22 audit , so those will be updated shortly on the website as well. In that financial metric comparison with the North Fulton cities, we looked at re venue and expenditures per capita so that you could Regular Meeting of t he Mi lton City Council Apri l 10, 2023 Page 23 of 72 compare how that -for Roswell , Alpharetta, all of our sister cities. We looked at the average revenue and expenditures collected by city and then average per capita debt comparing us to all of those sister cities within North Fulton . The second item is we developed a five-year operational budget to go along with the seven-year capital improvement plan . This was started in the Fiscal Year '22 budget. It 's also in your '23 budget and will continue on. This was always a long-term internal thing we always tracked. Now, we 're just doing it more externally so that it's more transparent to everyone externally and all the new departments. That's basically the pie that you see to the right showing into the future all the budget line items in summary and showing how that operational budget goes into the future . And then, the third item was tracking percentage of revenues across different categories. And as we are trying to strive for reducing how much we rely on our property tax revenue year over year. So, within that , we were always tracking the percentage of revenues. Now, we're try ing to focus more within this report , again , to rely less on our property taxes. When I pulled the data for Fiscal Year '20 , '21, and '22 , we successfully met those requirements. At least three percent each year we have reduced our reliance on property taxes so that it's less and less of what we do . So, for 2020 , we were at 55%, and '21 , we went down to 52%. And in Fiscal Year '22 , we went down to 39%, but that was arbitrarily low because of the ARP A. So , if you take out that $10 million in ARP A , it was actually another three percent , which was 49%. So , successfully three percent per year we 're reducing our reliance on property taxes. One of our active -our current active project is the update to our occupation tax process and fee structure. In November, if you recall , we met with you to get your feedback on where we 're directed to go for the occupational tax certificate fee structure. We also put out a stakeholder survey in December. And when we went out to the business owners , we wanted to see what they felt we could improve on. Was it the website , the application ? We got a lot of good feedback from that. And then , in our internal stakeholder meetings , we gather a lot of data, again , from our sister cities to see how they tracked all this information during their application process , and we got some feedback from those local municipalities as well as working with Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 24 of72 Mayor Jamison: Ms . Ellis : Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Ms. Inglis : GMA to kind of come to a better plan to how to better maximize our occupational tax process. And then , in our supporting roles , I won 't read all nine of these , but these are where we are the supporting role to other departments , which you will see in future presentations. And we provide them whatever information the y need to help meet these strategic plan goals. If you have any other questions , I'll be glad to answe r them . Any questions for Karen ? No ? Thank you . Thank you. I didn 't put you to sleep . Not at all. Will the city clerk please sound the next item? Mayor , that next item is the presentation on the objectives of the Performance Management Committee given by Deputy City Manager , Ms. Stacey Inglis. Good evening , Mayor and Council. Over the past several weeks , we 've been working on three projects with the assistance of two committees consisting of employees from multiple departments. Before we get too far down the road with the work, we wanted to get your feedback on the projects ' objectives and desired outcomes to ensure they align with your vision. The first project I'm presenting on is the performance management system that lies with the appropriately named Performance Management Committee. And under the next agenda item, I'll be presenting the other two projects. So , tonight's agenda: we 'll review the current performance management program , the project objective, desired project outcomes , and the timeline we 're working within , and the next steps. So , the current performance management system is known as the employee check-in . This is designed to facilitate a conversation between the employee and the supervisor , where they will discuss the employee 's performance , any opportunities for improvement , what the supervisor can do to help the employee be more effective , and establish smart goals. And smart goals are the specific measurable , attainable , relevant , and time-bound goals . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 25 of72 Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus : Ms. Inglis: CM Jacobus: Ms. Inglis: This check-in process includes a mid-year and end-of-year check- in to ensure the employees are on track with performance and accomplishing the smart goals. This evaluation process is not tied to merit increases . While the check-in has been in place for a few years , we would like to have a performance management system that rewards high performers or pay for performance , if you will. We 're looking to create a performance management system based on current best practices that is designed to motivate and engage employees and incentivize optimum performance. And the desired outcomes is to have a system that is embraced by both Council and Staff. It should include developmental goals and performance goals that align with the strategic plan 's goals , objectives , and core values . We would like to include interim reviews throughout the year , much like the employee check-in , to foster communication between the employee and the supervisor, to ensure that the common understanding of the purpose and expectations , and to assist with detecting opportunities for improvement as they develop instead of waiting until the end of the year . This system should also ensure that employees have the resources they need to be successful and provide accountability for their expected job performance. As mentioned previously , it rewards high performing employees. And lastly , we'll need to ensure that the evaluation ratings are applied in a uniform and fair manner across the departments. At this time, I'd like to pause and ask for any feedback or questions you may have on the project's objective and the desired outcomes. Questions? Jan ? What type of 360 feedback are you working into this system? We are working on all of that right now. We haven 't designed the system yet. We 're just working through researching best practices at the moment. And then , we'll move into the designing of the actual system and what that's gonna look like. I think it's imperative that that 360 is incorporated into anything that 's related to merit increases , personally . Thank you. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 26 of 72 Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Ms. Inglis : CM Moore : Ms . Inglis: Mayor Jamison: Ms. Ingli s: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Ms . Inglis: CM Moore: Paul? Stacey, is this layered on top of the check-in? We wou ld like to incorporate the check-in in to the performance management system, the new one. So , it wo uldn 't be all of these evaluations that the employee would face. I think it's important that you've got one working system that the employee knows that -especially, as you noted , it's not -the check-in program is not tied to merit increases . I understand that there 's a constant measure , and a chance to succeed , and a chance to grow , a chance to target improvement areas. And it would be one fluid, organized path. I completely agree. I might be getting ahead of myself, but is this -when is the implementation you're trying to go for on this? There is a timeline that we 'll show. And I'll go ahead and mention it now. What we would like to have is a plan for your approval in June. So , we can roll it out in October, so that the employees know what to expect. We don't know exactly what the design will look like , again. We do understand that merit increases should be considered with this and not just across-the-board market adjustments. That is something that we've heard as a desire. So, we are keeping that in mind as we roll this out. Paul ? Stacey , are we designing our own, or are we looking at some off- the-shel f opportunities to help as a cornerstone for us to build from? That's a really good question. We have not found anything within the public sector market that fits the desired outcomes and the objectives that we've stated here tonight. We are not j ust looking at public sector. We 're looking at universities , and we're looking at the private sector. We want to make sure that this is something that yo u all can embrace and that emp lo yees can understand as we're going through this. Thank you . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 27 of72 Mayor Jamison : CM Mohrig: Ms. Inglis: CM Mohrig : Ms . Inglis : Rick ? I don't know if you -have you talked to Tifton at all? I think they 've done this a few y ears back. They may be someone that you can look at from a public sector to see how they do. And I think they 've got an HR manager that you may be able to talk to there. And then, another system that I've recently seen that does 360 is RightPath. I don't know if you 've ever heard of that. I can send you some information on it. That may be something to look at too . That's used by a number of large corporations. I don't know how many public sector groups use it , but I think it 's pretty good because it also , I think, feeds into personal development plans , that type of thing. Thank you . I'd appreciate that. And I'll definitely reach out to Tifton. We did hear back from several organizations. We 've talked with Alpharetta. We talked with Roswell. Both of them are revamping their current performance management system. Spoken with Watkinsville. Watkinsville is a tiny little city just south of Athens. And they hired a consultant to do their performance management system. They sent me the consultant 's report and their template when I sent out a request on the city manager listserv. I also spoke with Woodstock. They recently put in a pay for performance system there. They 're in their first year of it. So , they talked with us at good length over what their program is and how the employees received it. Does Alpharetta currently have a performance management system? They do. And my understanding is that they have figured out -the supervisors have figured out a way to give everybody the top rating so that they can get the maximum amount of benefit. So , we want to try to avoid that because we want to make sure , as mentioned , that the ratings are applied in a uniform and fair manner and are specific to that employee . So , one of the things that Woodstock said was they provided -the y went to Carl Vinson Institute and had a trainer come out and train the employees on how to gi ve good evaluations , the reason for giving good evaluations , and making sure that they understand that it is important to the organization that you do good and fair evaluations of the employees. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Counci l April 10, 2023 Page 28 of 72 CM Jacobus: Ms. Inglis: CM Jacobus: Ms. Inglis: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Ms. Inglis: So, we'll definitel y be incorporating something like that into this implementation strategy. Have we reached out to -on the committee that's working on this, is it just employees at the current time? Right. Has the thought been given to reaching out in the community to some business owners and various businesses to just give a different perspective? My concern is -and I think the hope for a lot of individuals -in order to get this 360 feedback and to get it based on performance, we have to look outside government agencies. And it might be helpful to look at what some local businesses are doing. And they may be willing to sit in and help. We can certainly look into doing something like that. Okay. So, as mentioned, the timeline that we're working within is -obviously, tonight , we're doing the approval of the objectives. And we hope to have this before you for final approval in June , in time for the FY24 budget funding discussion as well. And then, implementation in October. And ne xt steps of the project is to continue researching best practices . And that will inform the structure of the performance evaluation and create a pay for performance funding structure. And then, we'll establish an implementation strategy and policy. Because if not done correctly, it can have an adverse effect on the city's operation and employee morale. Lastly, we'll seek yo ur approval before anything is rolled out to the employees. Thank you, Stacey. I know we've been talking about this for many years, so I'm glad to get it going. Thank you. Appreciate it. Okay. Will the city clerk please sound the next item? Mayor, that ne xt item is the presentation on the objectives of the Benefits Committee, Deputy City Manager Stacey Inglis. So, the benefits committee is tackling two projects. One is establishing a retiree health benefit, and the other is re viewing the pension plan for potential revisions. So, we 've discussed these Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 29 of72 Mayor Jamison: Ms. Inglis: projects a while back. So , this is a refresher for some of you , but it's new information for the others , the other few of you. Like the previous agenda item , tonight's purpose of this presentation is to get your feedback on the projects ' objectives and desired outcomes , ensure they align with your vision. And for simplicity , I 'm going to discuss each project individually, but we 'll review the current plans for both projects , their objectives , desired outcomes , the timeline that we 're working within, and the next steps. So , we 're gonna do the retiree health benefit first. And currentl y, the city does not offer a health benefit for our retirees. As a comparison , Alpharetta is the only city around us that provides a benefit of this sort. Roswell , Johns Creek , Sandy Springs , and Woodstock do not provide any kind of health benefit for retirees . The project objective is to establish a retiree health benefit that provides a competitive edge in the market to attract and retain good talent and have a benefit that offers the opportunity for employees to retire on their own timeline and terms. Lastly , the benefit should minimize the long-term liability for the city. The desired outcome with this benefit is that it is embraced by Council and Staff. It should enhance our benefit offerings to positively impact our ability to attract and retain good talent. We 're also looking for a plan that's beneficial for both the City and the employee. By allowing employees to retire earlier, then when they become eligible for Medicare , if they want , could impact total compensation strategies and active health insurance risk goals , as older employees typically earn more and drive higher overall health insurance costs. And lastly , we 're looking for a benefit that minimizes the city 's long-term liability. At this time , I'll again pause and ask for an y feedback on the objective and the desired outcomes. Any questions for Stacey? The timeline is the same as the performance management project, and you 'll see it again whenever I talk about the pension revisions. We 're looking to have it completed in June for approval -for presentation to you for approval, with an October implementation timeframe. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 30 of 72 Mayor Jamison: Ms. Inglis : Next steps in this project is to continue researching best practices , which will help inform the plan design. And once we 've firmed up the plan design , we 'll engage the services of an actuary to perform a financial analysis. We will then establish an implementation strategy and then bring the project to you for approval. Questions on that before I move on with the pension rev1s1on project ? Questions? Nope . Okay . So , revisions to the pension. So , we currently have two retirement plans , a defined benefit for those employees that were hired before July 1, 2014 , and a defined contribution plan for employees hired on or after July 1, 2014 . A defined benefit is what I'm referring to when I say pension plan. An employ ee is 100 % vested after seven years. The normal retirement age has been set at 65 years old with five years of service , and early retirement as Age 55 wi th 10 years of service. There 's an early retirement penalty of two percent per year before Age 65. So , if you retire at 55 , the penalty is 20%. There is no cost-of-living adjustment included in this plan. An employee in the defined contribution or 401(a) plan is 100% vested after five years. They can withdraw without penalty at Age 59.5 . But for public safety , they can actually begin withdrawing at Age 50 without penalty. And the penalty for early withdraw is 10%. And you can see there 's 58 participants in the pension plan and 115 current participants in the defined benefit or defined contribution plan, the 401 . The objective of this project is to review the pe nsion plan for possible revisions to create parody with a defined contribution plan that will allow employees to retire on their own timeline and terms . And consideration will be gi ven to reducing or eliminating the early retirement penalty or consider adding a cost-of-living adjustment. The desired outcomes: again , it's exactly the same as the retired health benefit with the addition of creating parody with the defined contribution plan. And I'll be happy to stop at this time and answer any questions or hear any feedback that you might have . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 31 of 72 Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus : Ms. Inglis: Mayor Jamison: Ms. Inglis: Mayor Jamison: Ms. Inglis: Jan? Yeah. To be very honest with you, I have a real issue with staff doing the medical and the pension. To me, this is something that you go to an outside consultant that doesn't have anything in the game other than just providing us with quality information. I think we've got to remove ourselves from this and get a third party to come in and take a look and just tell us: what are the best practices? What's best for the city? To me, when I look at these types of programs , my concern is what I've seen and witnessed that happens up north. They 've taken these programs over the year , and they just do them in-house , and they keep adding. And a lot of it's done by themselves versus a consultant , and they get so big that now those places have property taxes that are just utterly ridiculous , and it 's because of the programs, I think , that were designed. I think they were designed poorly. And I would think by going an outside consultant , we might get a better perspecti ve on what's best to do what you want to do , which is retain quality individuals. But it 's also what's best for the taxpayers too at the same time. I agree. And we are planning on engaging in a consultant or an actuary to review the plans , to ensure that the cost isn 't going to be astronomical. Because we wouldn't bring anything before you that we wouldn't think would be viable for the City to even sustain. And we are engaging -One Digital is the firm that we have engaged with helping us with the retiree health benefit. This is a consulting firm. They are working with MissionSquare, which is what ICMRC used to be. ICMRC is the public sector 401a and 457 investment firm. And they also do those retiree health savings benefit that we 're looking at. And we are doing every -we are engaging outside consultants. Any questions for Stacey? Are you done ? Or do we keep on going? I'll show the timeline. Okay. Go for it. It 's the same as the other two projects. And the next steps on this is to engage that actuary and to perform that financial analysis . And Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 32 of 72 Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison : Ms. Inglis: CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mr. Krokoff: then , bring for ward an y recommendations for Council appro val in June. Yeah , I think the long-term financial stability of the City is the most important thing , and I'm sure y'all will do everything right. Steve? We bel ieve that it 's actually the opportunity to save money lon g- term. I'm not in that plan , so I have nothing in the game here . So , perhaps I can be that eye that we might be concerned about. Thank you. An y other questions for Stacey ? No ? Thank you. Thank you. Thanks , Stacey . Please call the next item . Mayor , that ne xt item is the update and discussion of the 20 23 Milton Municipal General Election , presented by City Manager Mr. Ste ven Krokoff. Good evening , Mayor and Council. I'm here tonight to provide you with an update on our 20 23 municipal election preparation progress and seek direction from the council on three decision points. I'll begin by providing an overview of significant deadlines and milestones , both internally and externally driven. Next will be seeking direction regarding advanced and Election Day voting , direction on ballot boxes , and will conclude with what's coming and an opportunity for any further questions . Let's briefly take a look at some key terms , if we could . So , the first is advanced voting. This is just a reminder. So , it's a three- week period prior to Election Day . It 's often synonymous with early voting and advanced in-person voting . Council districts: we have three council districts within the City of Milton where councilmembers must reside. Election Day: the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. In odd number ed years , for municipal elections . Milton voting districts. For Milton municipal electi on only , this is a group of precincts that are assigned to the same polling place. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 33 of 72 Polling place: a physical location where voters cast their ballot, synonymous with polling locations. And precincts are a group of voters from a geographic area that vote at a common polling place. Let's go over some deadlines and milestones. This is a list of some of the external deadlines by which we 're regulated. It's a high level view but one that highlights crucial deadlines for us to be aware of. There are internal deadlines. Here , you can see some of our internal milestones that we need to meet to be successful with our external deadlines. Under the status column , green indicates the task is on track to meet the deadline. Yellow indicates caution or that we 're approaching a deadline. Red indicates delayed or past the deadline . And blue will indicate complete. The three tasks in yellow are on our agenda this evening. The task in red , which is getting the new council districts to Fulton County is just waiting on confirmation from the governor 's office that he signed it. Tonight, we 'll be seeking direction regarding the polling locations for both advanced and Election Day voting. However , to make an informed decision , you need to know that the prospective locations are suitable as polling locations. In addition, to meet legal requirements, we need to ensure that these locations can meet the demands associated with occupancy limits and parking. And that's the only limits I'm talking about tonight. We have broken this down between advanced voting and Election Day voting . Before you on this slide are the forecasted numbers for advanced voting , which is a three-week period prior to Election Day. Historically , we have had one location for advanced voting for municipal elections , and that is how we based this analysis . Based on 2021 data, we had a total of 2 ,226 voters participate in advanced voting with a range of 28 voters in a day to 559 in a day , which of course was the last day of early voting. To determine minimum occupancy and parking requirements, we utilized the day with the most volume , 559, and increased that number by 10% to conservatively account for increased population, bringing the largest daily volume to be expected to be 615. While we know that daily counts ebb and flow, with increased volumes in the morning and afternoon , we determined that the average volume across the eight-hour period to be 77. We then Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 34 of72 Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: divided that number by an average voter stay of appro ximately 15 minutes and forecast that on average , we 'll have 20 voters present at any given time on the day with the most volume. Then , to account for morning and afternoon fluctuations , we applied a surge factor of 200%, bringing the maximum number of voters to 60 at any given time and added the maximum number of staff, coming to a total minimum building and parking capacity of 70 for advanced voting. I'm going to do the same thing for Election Day . Are there any questions about the slide before you or anything that I've presented so far? Historically , we have had eight locations for Election Day voting for municipal elections . Fulton County was clear in their intention to reduce that number in 2023 . The following analysis is based upon three locations on Election Day. Based on 2021 data, we had a total of 2 ,142 voters participate in Election Day scattered across the eight polling locations. To determine the minimum requirements , we increased that number by 10% to conservatively account for increased population, bringing the forecasted volume to 2,356 voters , rounded to 2,400 for simplicity. We divided that evenly by the three proposed locations for 800 voters on each location on Election Day. While we know that dail y counts ebb and flow , with increased volumes in the morning and afternoon , we utilized the average volume across the 12-hour period, arriving at 68. We then divided that number by an average voter stay of approximatel y 15 minutes and forecast that on average , we 'll have 17 voters present at any given time on Election Day . Then , to account for the morning and afternoon fluctuations , we applied a surge factor of 200%, bringing the maximum number of voters to 51 at an y given time and added the maximum number of staff, to a total minimum building and parking capacity of 61 for Election Day. I'm going to go back to advanced voting . Steve? Yes? Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 35 of 72 Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Really , reall y quick because I like numbers. So , for 2021 , that was an -that, in my opinion, will be an exceptionally low turnout year. We had one contested race , I believe. 2017 , we had multiple contested races , including the mayor. So , I think maybe not tonight , but some point in the future , let's look at what 2017 was , look at our population now , and estimate what future contested multiple race could be. Does that kind of make sense ? I understand. I'm good. So , advanced voting. As you recall from the ke y terms , advanced voting , also known as early voting , is the three-week period prior to Election Day . This year , it 's from October 16th to No vember 3rd , including two mandatory Saturdays and two optional Sundays. The Feasibility Committee recommended one location for ad vanced voting, as we have done in the past for municipal elections. In our previous presentation , we discussed the Milton Library and the Milton City Park and Preserve as viable options. Howe ver , we also noted that there are other options , and we 've been weighing them . After careful consideration , we are recommending the use of other, the use of City Hall , or more specifically, Council Chambers , for ad vanced voting. First , it 's extremely close to the location where citizens have grown accustomed to voting early , the Milton Library . Howe ver , we have had some difficulty in securing that location and have been informed that we 'll incur a daily cleaning fee in the amount of $175.00. Therefore , using City Hall with eliminate that cost. Further, the City Hall location will afford us more control over the physical location , more control over the network, and puts our resources at our fingertips . Moreo ver, if I am fulfilling the role of superintendent , it will provide me with a bit more dexterity as I fulfill both roles. City Hall is also a bit more reflecti ve of city government than the library with our citizens , and we can help create an increased potential sense of civic pride , especially as we conduct our first election. And finall y, it far ex ceeds the capacity requirements . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 36 of 72 Mayor Jamison : CM Mohrig Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore: Mr. Krokoff: Ms. Inglis: Mr. Krokoff: Ms. Inglis : CM Moore : Ms. Inglis : CM Moore: CM Verhoff: Mr. Krokoff: I'll pause here for question s, discussion , or direction . Rick. Where would you propose we do that , if at City Hall ? In this room. We can set it up probably about midway to the back , and it will be done by 5:00 every day , so it won 't be impacted by any meetings or anything like that. And to lock up the things that need to be locked up , we are going to be taking control of that room over there , rekeying it, and then no one will have access to it except election officials. Clarification, Steve. Voting on the earl y voting ends at 5:00 , not 7:00? Ends at 5:00. Well , we actuall y have some fle xibility on the time , but it's ended at 5 :00. The 7:00 to 7:00 is statutorily required by the State. On Election Day. On Election Day. I'm sorry. I apologize . The minimum amount in advanced voting is to 5:00 each day. But it includes some Saturday s and Sundays. It does. It includes two mandatory Saturdays and two optional Sundays. Thank you . Steve , related to parking during that timeframe , would ci ty employees and staff need to park back here to allow for closer parking access for residents here ? Most of the early voting days , it would be pretty -it would probably be not that big of a deal. As we hit the larger numbers , especially when we get towards the end , we would start parking our vehicles elsewhere. Between the spots over here and the spots right here , we actually have the same as the library . So , what I look to do is move our vehicles. We park over here on the grass quite a bit or go further in. Reall y, the last Friday -the Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 37 of72 CM Verhoff: Mr. Krokoff: CM Verhoff: Mr. Krokoff: CM Verhoff: Mayor Jamison : Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Friday right before Election Day is our heaviest. The Friday right before that is also a very heavy day. So, the previous Friday, that Friday , and probably the Wednesday and Thursday right before Election Day we would empty this area out. Okay . And I missed what you said, the reason the library wouldn 't allow us there. Or they had conflicts with the dates already? Or what was that? No , it 's just been a challenge. Ultimately, I think Ken will agree that they have to let us use it as long as we're not unnecessarily impacting their ability to be a library. A school could give us a problem because they have to actually conduct school during earl y voting. But ultimately , they would probably have to. But that $175.00 cleaning fee a day will add up. Yeah. Again we lose some level of control , right? There is -especially when we 're doing something new, that level of control is somewhat comforting. Makes sense. Thanks. More questions for Steve on this? Okay . So ... Sounds like we 're all good with that. Everybody good with City Hall for early voting? Thank you . We will move on to Election Day. Previously , Fulton County , acting as our agent , held municipal elections in eight locations on Election Day, though as I stated before , it 's been clear that they were going to reduce those numbers in 2023. The Feasibility Committee recommended two locations based on the number of voters which tend to vote on Election Day. We discussed options and projected costs for two , three , and eight locations at our last meeting on this topic . Today, I'll review the two and three location options. You can see from this slide that the projected first-year costs come in at $98 ,382.00 for two locations and $109 ,739.00 for three locations , a Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 38 of 72 Ms . Harvill: Mr. Krokoff: Ms. Harvill : Mayor Jamison : Mr. Krokoff: Ms . Harvill: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: difference of $11 ,3 57.00. Of course , there are still decisions to be made that will affect the overall budget. And from the future perspective , you can see that two locations are forecasted at $62 ,523.00 and three location s at $67 ,2 57.00 , a difference of $4 ,734 .00. So , after careful consideration and deliberation , we're recommending the City go with the three locations. We are recommending City Hall for the same reasons that we are recommending it for advanced voting. Changing its location from the advanced voting on Election Day -just for Election Day would add cost and possibly voter confusion. Additionally, we're recommending the Community Center at the Milton City Park and Preserve and the City of Milton Municipal Court for polling locations on Election Day . Similarly to City Hall, they all meet the mm1mum capacity requirements , save the city money by avoiding additional fees , and provide more control and be st identify with Milton . I'm going to pull up a map real quick to show you what that looks like. My map didn 't load . Let me try again . So , before you is a map. That 's it. And I apologize. I'm not entirely sure why it's not loading. I'm sorry. Try closing Adobe and opening it again. Try closing it? I shall try. Bernadette usually comes through on things like this. And she does it again. I just saw it. We saw it. All right. We're up. It 's coming. Yeah. You can see the map. There you go . Look at Bernadette . We good? Thank yo u for your help. So , this map , the map before yo u, we've split this up a bit differently than we did last time in an attempt to create the least possible travel time and distance for our voters . This can still be broken up differently so long as all voters from the same voting precinct vote at the same polling location . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 39 of 72 Mayor Jamison: CMMohrig : Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore : Multiple voting precincts can and have voted at the same polling location in the past. Any questions on what I'm showing you here? So , just real quick , I'm gonna use the cursor. This is the Milton Park and Preserve. This is the Municipal Court. This is City Hall. So, it does -this still puts one in each council district, and it minimizes the travel from residents to location . We felt we threaded the needle pretty well between what was and what needs to be , trying to make sure that we took into account operational effectiveness , logistics , and a change from the eight to a lower number. Historically , the most we 've had on Election Day -well , I should say in '21 , the most we had in Election Day was about 320 at any given location. This will bring it upwards of 800 at any gi ven location for Election Day. That seems like quite an increase , and I used 200% as a surge factor with 800. If it's a 400% surge factor during either tail at the morning or night , we risk getting overwhelmed. I felt , as a city manager , I would try to create a situation for success here and try to avoid that. That being said , if we staff two or even one location , as long as we 've got the parking and the capacity , we 'd be able to get everybody through. Again , considering this is a first run at this , I didn 't think you 'd want long lines or any issues like that. Do you want to see this , or can I go back to the presentation? Anybody have any questions on this? Rick? Yeah , I don 't have questions on this. Do you have the option for two locations, or are you only presenting the three? I'm only presenting the three tonight , but you can easily from this map look at the two -identify two locations and work off the budget I just showed. Anybody have any questions for Steve? You can go back to , I guess , your previous slide . This map , I know , for me looks a little better than the previous ones that we saw. It 's broken up much better. I didn 't follow that , Peyton . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 40 of 72 Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: [Crosstalk] Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus: CM Mohrig: Remember the other work session we had? We had like three locations. This is more like the current council districts. It's more - Sorry, I was just thinking if I had access to those previous maps. I do not have them in this presentation. So, we're at another decision point or an opportunity for questions or further discussion. And like I've said from the beginning, we can do one. We can do eight. Just trying to find a way that will be operationally responsible, feasible, and ensures that we have a smooth process. Do I know for sure three is the right number? I don't. But that does put one in each council district. Perhaps four is the right number. Perhaps two is the right number. I don't know for sure. Does anybody have any problems with three? Yes. Okay. Jan? The way I personally look at this is that we had a group of individuals that spent a full year working on this and gave us a recommendation of two. And so, part of my reasoning for wanting two is just that. We had this group of people that spent a whole year looking at it. So, I trust what they did . The other thing is I think, personally, we reduce the possibility of problems if we contained the two and just make sure we have quality workers at two locations. We have three, that means more people that we've got to find that are quality to do this work. And personally, I don't think anywhere in Milton is hard to get to as far as time-wise . And with 16 days of early voting, I just personally don't think we need a third location . And I still would like to see us go with the two because we recommended the two both from a cost savings -it 's going down from the eight. We could have gone with one location , but we ended up suggesting going with the two. I'm not so worried about long lines. I think people have the choice if they want to go in for early voting . They 'll have plenty of days to do that. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 41 of 72 Mayor Jamison : CM Moore : Mayor Jamison: I do like your recommendation to have it here. I guess when I look at the maps of the first one , I like Option 1 where you 've got kind of the east side and the west side . Because you still encompass all of District 3, which is one of the highest density in one place. I still prefer to go with the two. Plus , it costs less. Thanks. Anybody -I like three. I think we went from a Feasibility Committee , and now we 're more operational , and we need to do what 's gonna make us the most successful election possible . Lot of eyes on us. One in each district looks good. It 's gonna be a big change for a lot of people. People were used to driving right down the street , going to your voting location. Now, we 're gonna have two or three. So , I think setting us up for success is gonna be a big deal. I like data. I like numbers. The last thing any of us wants is long lines out the door when you used to just walk on in and vote. So , I like three , but like I said , I think Steve can do two perfectly fine. But I personally like three. Paul? So , I've been trying to stay quiet because I participated in the committee . And our recommendation from the committee was two . And I just offer this for consideration: once you go to three , you 'll be hard pressed to go back to two or any other number than three. I like the east and west scenario. You 've got the highest number of registered voters but not necessarily the highest level of participation in the Highway 9 corridor. By offering a chance to be immediately adjacent to that, the richest number of voters , meaning the most committed number of voters, actually resides in the green area of this map. But they are used to voting , in many cases , early at the libraries. They 're not opposed to traveling to cast their vote . One of our charges was to reduce cost and make sure that we were fiscally responsible for our voters taxpayer money that we 're gonna spend. I think to optimize the opportunity for the most qualified staffing of this is also to look at two locations rather than three , rather than diluting your opportunity for success by going to a third location. As such, I still fa vor two. So , again , my worry is -I understand when you say you go to three , you can 't go to two. My worry is if we go to two , and we have that surge voting , we won 't even have an opportunity again in Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 42 of 72 CM Cookerl y : Mayor Jamison: CM Mohrig : Mayor Jamison: CM Mohrig: CM Moore: the future. So , I want to be operational. We have to have this set up for success. And we 're talking about money. It 's $11 ,000 .00. No matter what we do , it's gonna be cheaper than Fulton County. No matter what the y offer. Carol ? First of all , it's pretty thrilling the way this is coming together , and that we 're handling this , and that you all have all participated in this. But look, to your point about diluting the opportunity for success , I think you do that when you start with two because there has been access. What are we gonna get dinged on if things don 't go swimmingl y? It 's gonna be access because people are used to all these differ ent outlets . If you don 't have the outlets , or you minimize it , I think the question will be: well , why did you chop it down so much ? So , one in every district just seems to make common sense . I feel like it 's an overreach to just shave it down so much. This is our experimental year. This is our first y ear out of the bo x . We go to two after this , great. If we don 't , if we have learni ngs from this , and we need to be at three , or if we need to increase , great. I mean , there 's reall y ... what I think the diluting part is not having enough. Rick ? Other cities that -when we looked at this from a committee , other cities such as Peachtree , Peachtree Comers , have similar number of registered voters , similar si ze of population , and the y do it at one location. We 're 39 square miles. I mean , they 're not even remotel y close to us. I just don 't think it's gonna be the issue that we 're talking about. Having taken a long look at the number of voters and the amount of time it takes to cast your vote , and if we continued forward with the rest of the plan that I think will come forward for discussion: paper ballots , hand counting , we are looking at the kinds of efficiencies that -especially when, at most, we 'll have three seats up for consideration. We 're not talking about a lengthy voting process for the individual who comes in . I think that we 're maybe overselling the opportunity -we 're overselling the risk of long lines. But - Regular Meeting of t he Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Pa ge 4 3 of72 CM Cookerly: CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison : CM Mohrig: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison : CM Verhoff: No , I'm just thinking about convenience. I think people kind of say , "Oh, yeah , I gotta vote. It 's convenient." And if it 's not real convenient , I don't know. I lo ve to think that everybody's patriotic , but I don't kno w. I don't know about other people. I actually think in a way , it 's gonna be just the opposite. I think most people that are interested in voting and participate in the process know that we 're stepping out by ourselves . And I think they would appreciate the fact that we 're doing just two. They reali ze it 's partiall y to save dollars. But it's partially to make sure that we run it very efficientl y. And I think 99 % of them , if they had to wait a couple minutes in line , would be just fine with that because we 're doing it , and it is the first time , and there may be some things that don 't go perfectl y right. But I think taking the committee 's recommendations who spent a full year looking at this - I think that 's the wise choice to go. Rick ? I think the other thing , if we look at -and I know the number of voters can increase. I think the average number of voters we 've had for the whole life of our election may be 3,500 total. That's advanced voting and day of. And I think the average when I look back at some of the stats going back from 2017 forward - I think the average is 45 % do earl y voting , and 55% are day of. That's the way it breaks out if you look at actual statistical numbers of where people voted in Milton for the last number of years for municipal elections. I want to plan on worst case scenarios because I want us to be successful. So , sounds like we 've got a 3:2 vote here. I know Ste ve, this is not the direction that you want. So ... I've got the maps up of the - Because I guess the next question is : if Council wants two voting spots , then it 's like: do you put one in District 2, or do you put one in District 3? Who 's gonna make that decision ? I guess we will tonight. So , I would like to hear from everybody on Council , so Steve has some direction on where to go. Ste ve, can you go back to the slide that shows the budget with the two locations versus three ? Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 44 of 72 Mr . Krokoff: CM Moore : CM Verhoff: Mr. Krokoff: Ms. Inglis: Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore: Mr. Krokoff: CM Mohrig: Mr. Krokoff: So , it's two slides. This will be the first year because of some of the start-up costs and the long-time costs . You see the two locations versu s the three locations. The difference , I believe , was $11 ,000.00 and change. Steve , are these numbers showing us acquiring the equipment or renting the equipment ? The ballot boxes? That depends. So , this one was which ? This one was borrowing the equipment from Fulto n County. And any cost associated with that would be the wrapping of the ballot boxes. So , it included the cost of wrapping . But there's a cost benefit coming up showing that we can potentially save money by purchasing versus borrowing ? Yeah. I mean , I'm gonna be in favor of purchasing because of repeat opportunity to have that savings , but I'm not sure that -we heard earlier this evening too was there 's some question about the free part of Fulton County. It also depends upon another decision point that I think is gonna be before us : scanners versus no scanners. Hand count versus electronic count. And the programming and whatever. And that 's not gonna be free from Fulton County either. So , I want to make sure we 're really comparing apples to apples. It is free. The y can't charge us. But what costs us on the ballot boxes -which we 'll be getting into it shortly -is having to remove all of their wrap and wrapping it ourselves. It 's oddly very expensive. Plus , we 'd have to transport those to and from . Now , it's gonna be not even English Street. It 'll be down at College Park , correct? That 's their ne w location where they 're locating the equipment. They do have a new location , and we 'd be responsible for retrieving the boxes. But nonetheless , as we move through those , yes -and that 's hopefully what we 're gonna do at the ne xt meeting , is talk about scanners. Whether you wanna use scanners. You want to go to a full hand count. That will impact the overall budget for sure . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council Ap ril 10, 2023 Page 4 5 of 72 CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore : CM Cookerly: CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: CMMohrig : And if you're using scanners , what's the cost associated with the scanner? I'm getting a little ahead of where I was prepared to be tonight. There are costs associated with those scanners , including the programming, and SD cards, and things like that. So, as you increase number of locations, of course , those costs go up associated with anything related to that software. However, if you 're hand counting, it doesn 't change . Yeah , that's an important consideration. And one of the charges of the committee that we participated in for over a year was to take a look at all those costs. And I think that we're asking to take smaller bites here , but we do have to at some point look at the bigger picture. So , if we're driving cost out or adding cost by two locations versus three, then we're later gonna debate whether it's scanners versus pure paper and hand count. I'm not sure we've got all -our dinner plate 's not full yet to begin dinner. I'm not sure how we're going to straight up make some of these decisions tonight. I mean , I think choosing between two and three tonight, I think that's doable . Yes. That part is doable. Do we participate in the other thing? I mean, all these folks have studied it, and you all have studied it. That's something we should weigh in on? Well , it 's one thing if the city manager and staff adopts all of the conclusions that were come to by the committee. But if they 're recommending other considerations , then it should come before Council for consideration. So ,Rick? Steve , I know we 're seeing the cost , the different types of costs . I think maybe you can call out the difference. We originally -I think the committee came up with a cost where we actually staffed , hire a number of people per location with the two locations. Make sure we wouldn 't have an issue on Election Day. But I thought we came up with around a $72 ,000.00 cost versus the $98 ,000 .00 , and that was with actually acquiring equipment , not renting equipment. Do you know what the difference is between the additional $26 ,000.00 7 Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 46 of 72 Ms. Inglis : CM Mohrig : Ms. Inglis: CM Moore: Ms. Inglis: CM Mohrig: CM Jacobus : Mayor Jamison: CM Johnson: CM Verhoff: Not off the top of my head , I do not. I do know that we -I can take a look at it real quick. Before the city manager finishes his presentation , I'll have that answer for you . I do know that included in the budget that the committee recommended was the programming of the scanners , even though the recommendation was not to go with the scanners . Somehow, the programming of the scanners got included in the budget. And that was in the $72 ,000 .00. Right. That would make it an even larger gap. And it's also in the number that you 're seeing here of the two locations . It 's included in that number as well. Okay. Yeah, I'd be interested just to understand where the committee missed or where the differences are as far as the cost , why it's gone up , what , anothe r 30% from what we estimated. $26 ,000.00 . Juliette? To speak on the locations , the three -as a mom with young kids , I'm not sitting in a line. I'm not driving halfway across the city. So , I like the three as well. If that helps . I go back and forth . I do . When I look at -this is our first time doing it. And if we are looking at the total cost for first year costs , I'm not seeing a huge difference. I'd lean towards three locations because this map , to me , makes sense. The three districts . And if it 's not that much of a difference in cost for the first year , to just be safe and have the three , to me that makes sense. But I also understand the committee 's findings recommending the two locations. What I wanted to ask when I asked you to pull up this budget slide was: does this includes paying the employees at each locations also? And that 's one poll manager, two assistants , and how many workers? CM Moore: Five? Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 47 of 72 CM Verhoff: CMMohrig: CM Moore: CM Verhoff: Four or five. I think day of, we went higher in our estimation because we knew there were gonna be -with two locations, we had overstaffed in our estimate. That 's why I'm interested in what the difference is in cost because in the $72 ,000.00 was acquiring equipment as well as overstaffing to make sure that we wouldn't have an issue. I think we did day of at the two locations would have 10 voting booths . So , you could handle 10 people at the same time. And I think -Steve , you maybe can correct me on this. I think with the new poll pad in Jarvis -I don't know if they 're even calling them poll pads. I mean , when we looked at even the timing to get in and get out , I just know at the last election , the last mid-year or mid-term election, when I voted on day of, it was quick. I went up . I scanned my ID. They looked and made sure it was me. And then , immediately swung the thing around. I signed, and then I was given my ballot. So, I didn 't think there was a wait, and that was part of what we had looked at when we did the study . How long would you wait? Well , if you got in there , if you've got 10 people , and a number of those are checking people in , and you've got 10 voting booths , and it's only gonna take you a few minutes to mark the three ballots , at least for this election , we didn 't see that it was gonna be a long time and much of a wait, even if you had a number of people showing up at the same time. Because that was something we did consider. We didn't want to make it: oh , you 're gonna wait forever if we go with two locations. That was part of the consideration was the staffing. Paul , you can correct me if I'm wrong . The $72 ,000.00 included , I think , 10 people at each location for day of voting. I'm just looking back at my notes to see. The reason why I asked number of people working at each location because we want to employ Milton residents at each of these locations. So , based on that number, increasing or reducing the number of locations, are we comfortable and confident that we have -based on everyone you 've met with who have been poll workers , are you comfortable and confident that we have people ready in Milton to work the 19 days of advanced voting if we did three locations? Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 48 of 72 Mr. Krokoff: CM Verhoff: Mr. Krokoff: Ms. Inglis: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison : CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: CMMohrig: So , advanced voting would be the one location. Oh , I'm sorry. The one location. On Election Day for the three locations. I'm feeling confident , of course , for advanced voting. I don 't have enough information for day of. I do have the answer. So , we included one poll manager, two assistant poll managers , and fi ve poll workers for each voting location on election day. One poll manager , two assistant poll managers , and three poll workers throughout advanced voting with the ability to fluctuate that depending on volume. And we did the same thing within the committee. So , for example , for advanced voting, we would want to ramp up our capacity during the last week. Because you don 't need the same number of people in the first two that you need in the last. I just want to make sure that we meet demand , and we fluctuate based on demand to make sure we're as efficient and effective as possible . Do you have some guidance on that or not enough for you? I'm counting 4:3 or 3.5:3. So , I want to make sure we give clear direction for staff, so Steve , who hopefully will be our future superintendent , will be able to run a successful election. Shouldn 't we have a better handle on why there 's a discrepancy between this $98 ,000 .00 versus $72,000.00 that the committee came up with? That 's a tremendous difference. I guess , is the difference -if you expand that to three , are you saying that the difference is gonna be exponentiall y more than $11 ,000 .00? I don't know. That 's why I'm asking. Steve? We know the difference will be about $11,000 .00 regardless of where you start. We knew that from when we did this on our initial run through. That's mainly staffing , correct? Staffing and then some - Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 49 of 72 Mr. Krokoff: CM Mohrig: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: When we did the original work on this -I apologize. You 're asking me to remember back to what we did initially. But when we calculated it for each additional location , we calculated it as approximately an $11 ,000.00 difference. I would love to go back to be able to tell you what the difference between the $70 ,000.00-something and the $90 ,000 .00-something . I can already tell you I'm finding different costs as we're actually engaging some of these people . But I don 't know what's driving $20 ,000.00 in difference. I guess the question is: do we need to make this decision on the location tonight, or is that something we could do at our second regular City Council meeting? I think we need to make - This was what I was gonna suggest. If the difference is onl y $11 ,000.00 , basically what we 're seeing here , then I think this decision from tonight , from what I've gathered , is three locations. Now, if you go back , and you look at the numbers , and all of a sudden, that $11 ,000.00 is moved to $30 ,000.00 , then I think Council would want to see that. But if the difference is gonna be $11 ,000 .0 0, I know I'm comfortable with that. I can 't speak for everybody else. Juliette , Andrea, anybody ? What you 're buy ing for the $11 ,000 .00 is a safety val ve, a little bit more of a potential cushion. We don 't know exactly what to expect, and it provided some rationale of why we would go to three , because we have three council districts. And it provided a little bit of room going from 300-something cycling through on election day to 800-something. And it was just designed to provide more cushion. At the end of the day , from an administrative standpoint , it's easier to do two. It's even easier to do one. So , in that regard , this is onl y about providing cushion. But if it's administratively easier to do two than it is to do three , that to me relates to less risk . Less risk of problem. That's still not gonna be the best for the people to come out and vote . Administratively , it 's gonna be the best to do one. And cost effective. But for people to access the voting locations , it's not the best. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 50 of 72 CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mayor Jamison : It 's the best for the people if there 's an error in three and not an error in two . So , we 've got 4 :3 for three. I just want to move this forward because we 've got plenty of slides. Are four councilmembers comfortable with three locations? I think we should qualify that though by - The discrepanc y in the budget? I think we 're being a bit frivolous if we don 't - All I'm saying is if it 's $11 ,000 .00 more , I got no problem with that. And I subscribe to that as well , Peyton. But there 's a big difference between $11,000.00 and $30 ,000 .00-something. Exactly . And I think it 's irresponsible to make a decision when we don 't reall y understand that. Theoretically , you 're on target. But with the practicality of the detail that we 're talking about spending taxpayer money , I think we need that number. I know , but I just said if it changes by more than $11 ,000.00 , then he'll come back to us . We 've got to keep this ball rolling instead of We don 't even know at the moment whether it 's apples to apples comparison. That $11 ,000.00 -Steve , correct me if I'm wrong. And I appreciate you 've put additional hours well beyond what our committee has put into this to be able to come to this recommendation this evening. And I am subscribing 100% to the $11 ,000 .00 difference. I was a part of that conclusion being drawn by the committee , so I can support that. But if we can 't explain where the other $26 ,000.00 are coming from , I think we 're not making a sound decision tonight as a council if we can 't explain that. I think we're making a perfectly sound decision. I think I'm saying if a third location is going to cost us $11 ,000.00 more , I'm comfortable with that. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 51 of 72 CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore: You 're not hearing me , Peyton. I know, but I'm just saying two or three locations . We can talk about -I think I understand where you're coming from. We can talk about these numbers at the next council meeting. But location- wise , I think we 're very comfortable saying three . I'm not until I understand where those numbers are -why there's a discrepancy. The only reason I need to know the number of locations is just to complete a budget. If it would please the council , next week I'm planning on bringing before you the scanners vers us hand counting. At our work sessions? I'll do it at the work session, yeah. Perhaps we can drill down further into these numbers for you to give the entire council a better level of comfort in making a decision on this . And then , I'll aim for the following meeting. We'll find a way to get the budget before you as soon as possible thereafter. What deadlines do you need to make in order to do number of locations as far as how your timeline works for everything else? If they 're all city locations , we have more flexibility. Okay. I'm not on a critical deadline . This isn't one of those ye llow or reds? No , but an important decision that comes into play pretty quickly is: how many people are you chasing or staffing in total? I want to be hiring -I want to be advertising for poll managers and assistant poll managers by the beginning of May. Actually, you don 't even need the number -now, I'm rethinking what I just said. You don 't really -advertising for it and determining the number are two separate decisions. So , you can advertise for poll workers. We 're not saying we 're advertising for Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 52 of 72 Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore: Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore : Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison : Ms . Inglis: two locations or three locations. We're advertising for poll workers. We are. So , the plan was because of the talent that we have here in the city was to bring on the poll managers first, and then have them assist us with choosing the assistant poll managers and the poll workers , considering they know the people that have been out there in the process. So , I did want to try to move as quickly as possible to hire poll managers. This delay on figuring out the budget shouldn 't delay that. One week is not going to make a difference for us. Nor would two or three, really. Because you're advertising to hire poll managers. And then , staffing. Whether you 're gonna staff for two or three at the end becomes immaterial because you can choose your best choice of workers. Yes . So , Steve , you 're the elections superintendent. Not yet. Maybe. Tonight , I need to know because this is very important that this is successful. So, if we wait a week , which I do not want to -I think we have enough information here to say we have three voting locations , and we can move on. If we wait a week , is that gonna harm you on an operational basis ? It 's not. Okay. Stacey? I do have an answer for you on the difference between the budgets from the committee and the budget that we have on this. So , in the committee , their recommendation was to have a part-time superintendent , which was around $13 ,600 .00. What we 're proposing in the budget that you're seeing before you tonight is a consultant of $20 ,000 .00. So , that 's almost $7 ,000.00 difference . There was also no consideration in the committee on costs associated with renting or paying for the cleaning services at the library. So , that 's roughly $3 ,300 .00. And then, there was no Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 53 of 72 CM Moore: Mr. Krokoff: CM Mohrig: Ms. Inglis: Mayor Jamison: Ms. Inglis: Mayor Jamison: CMMohrig: Mayor Jamison: Attorney Jarrard: Mayor Jamison: Attorney Jarrard: Mayor Jamison : contingency figured into the presentation of the numbers as they were presented that evening. It was just a mention that contingency was gonna have to be considered , but it wasn't included in that $72 ,000.00 number. So , you can see the contingency here is about $9 ,000.00 . So , that makes up the difference between - That was $19 ,000.00 by my math. You said $7 ,000 .00 , then $3 ,000.00 , then $7 ,000.00. $7 ,000.00 , $3 ,000.00, and $9 ,000.00. $26 ,000 .00 was the difference between ... Okay. I was going on $20 ,000.00 , which you mentioned. I can keep on digging a bit further. But that difference doesn 't change ? No . Between two and three locations, it doesn't. All right. Is Council good with having -would you like to have a vote , Steve? I know you need some direction here. I think I've been held up on votes before when we do reports and presentations. I was told you can't vote in reports and presentations. Is that correct ? So , to help me , when do we vote on this to give Steve the leeway to kind of move forward? A lot of times , as you know , the staff will use the general discussion of the Council to give direction on trajectory. I think that 's what they were looking for tonight. Unfortunately, I don 't know that there 's a clear consensus to be derived from it. So , we 're gonna have to bring it back to you at another meeting. I mean, I feel like there 's four votes here. And even if that 's enough to give the city manager a comfort level , at some point , this is gonna have to return for an actual vote. That makes sense . So , Steve , I guess , when would you want to have this up for a vote ? Obviously , if we 're giving you direction Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 54 of 72 Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: CM Verhoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr . Krokoff: Mayor Jamison : Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: Mayor Jamison : Mr. Krokoff: for three , we don 't want to be voting on this a fe w months from now and someone changes . No , definitely not. I could try to get y ou more comfortable with two or three by next Monday, which is a work session. And potentially prov ide you with additional information, though I don't know how much more I'm gonna add to what Stacey just added. It will eventually come down to whether y'all want two or three. So , maybe Ken is right. Maybe this becomes a new business item , and you vote on it. That's regularly scheduled meeting . I think the clarification from Stacey is helpful to kind of -I'd like to -I think we want to see where all those line items are and where the dollars add up to the $26 ,000 .00 difference. So , does it make sense to have this on the next regular scheduled Council meeting? Is that easy enough, Steve , since we 've got most of the information here? If I could -if it pleases the Council , I'd like to get you something back for the work session to see if I can 't get you at least comfortable around something . And if we can 't , then let 's put it on for the following meeting , which will be the 24th. Okay. And we 'll put it on for a vote. But I'd like to see if I can 't try to answer any outstanding questions . So , if you 're gonna vote on it , at least you have all the answers. Any questions for Steve on this , on two or three? All right. We 'll move on to the ne xt one. All right. So , we 're on to ballot boxes. This , I think , will be a little easier. I thought the previous one was gonna be easier. Never know. So , the cost benefit analysis before you compares two courses of action: leasing the ballot boxes from Fulton County versus purchasing the ballot bo xes from a vendor. There is no charge associated with leasing the ballot boxes from Fulton County , but there are significant costs associated with preparing them for Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 55 of 72 Milton's election and then returning them to their original form and returning them to Fulton County. Fulton County has informed us that we must return the ballot bo xes in exactly the same condition that we receive them. We made the following assumption when preparing this analysis. The first assumption is that we'd be entirely using paper ballots with no scanners. In other words, a hand count. That's gonna be a CBA for -cost benefit analysis for this coming work session. That we receive the ballot boxes wrapped in the original Fulton County artwork that we have to remove. That we must rewrap the ballot boxes with the Fulton County artwork when we return it. The lease option includes a three percent year-over-year increase for costs. It 's assuming one early voting location, and it 's assuming three Election Day voting locations. I'll first go over the purchase option, which is in the peach on the left side of the screen. Ballot boxes , and associated equipment , and supplies are available from many vendors. For the purposes of this analysis , we utilized a quote from American Security Cabinets , a reputable company in this industry . Working with their representative , we were able to identify which products meet our needs. The first year and the total five-year costs are the same , as we incur all of the costs in the first year. We don 't anticipate much wear and tear to the bo xes and associated equipment and supplies. Those costs, including freight , are $7 ,760.00. Now, for the lease option , which is in the blue on the right side of the screen. A no-cost lease with Fulton County for their ballot bo xes includes the requirement for us to wrap the boxes with Fulton County artwork and then return the boxes in exactly the same condition that we received them , wrapped in the Fulton County artwork. Consulting with a company called A Better Sign -and that's the company that handles many of the Gwinnett County cities ' election bo x wrapping needs -we are forecasting the frrst-year cost to be $6 ,176.00 , and the five-year cumulative cost to be $22 ,551.00. Based upon this , the city would save $1 ,584.00 if it chose the leasing option the first year. However , because all of the costs Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 56 of 72 Mayor Jamison: CM Mohrig: associated with the purchase option are non-reoccurring and are incurred in the first y ear, the break-even is approached very quickl y in Year 2. By the end of Year 2, the city will have incurred $10 ,900 .00 in costs if choosing the leasing option versus $7 ,760.00 , a savings of $3 ,140.00 if selecting the purchase option . Aggregated out to fi ve years , the cost for the lease option is forecasted to be $22 ,551.00 versus $7 ,760.00 , a savings of roughl y $14 ,791.00 when choosing the purchase option . Some of the assumptions that I stated before , if incorrect , will impact this analysis. For instance , if the Council decides to use ballot scanners versus hand counting , that will reduce the need for some of the supplies under both options but would widen the delta in favor of purchasing . Another assumption , the one regarding returning the ballot bo xes to Fulton County re-wrapped in their artwork , significantly drives costs for the lease option. Should the city be able to simply return the boxes denude of any artwork , the first-year savings if choosing the lease option jumps to $3 ,529 .00. However , the break-even only moves out to approximately 2 .5 years , and then the less costly route becomes the purchase option. Under this scenario , the five-year cumulative cost difference is $5 ,898 .00. All of the mentioned scenarios seem to point towards purchasing the ballot boxes and associated equipment versus leasing or borrowing them from Fulton County and incurring the expenses associated with preparation . Perhaps the only scenario that would lend itself towards the lease option would be if Milton did not administer its own election going forward , with that being an agreement with Fulton County or some other cooperati ve agreement wherein the city did not suppl y the ballot boxes and associated equipment. That's all I have on that. So , I'll stop for an y que stions or your discussion. All right. Everybody good with leasing ? I was joking. That was an icebreaker. Rick ? With the leasing , Steve , would there be additional transportation costs that are added into that too , or is that figured into that ? Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 57 of 72 Mr. Krokoff: CM Mohrig: CM Verhoff: Mr. Krokoff: CM Verhoff: CM Mohrig: CM Verhoff: CMMohrig: CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: We have the equipment to be able to -we have the vehicles to be able to pick these up. Okay . The Feasibility Committee recommended purchasing the ballot bo xes, so that's already in the original budget? Yep. And is this number the same as the original budget that y'all recommended? I don 't have the whole thing , but I know ... Looking at this , purchasing makes sense. Purchasing makes , I think , the most sense. That's what we had - I think purchasing is the way to go. Any councilmember feel otherwise? Okay. We can move on on that one. All right. So, here 's what's next. We're going to be interviewing and making recommendations to y'all for a consultant. We're not having too much interest coming back. We did put something out on the Secretary of State. And we're having trouble finding individuals who have actually run an election in a superintendent role . Decision on ballot scanners vers us hand counting. I'll be bringing you a cost benefit analysis on that. The budget presentation, of course , that's going to be contingent upon these other decisions. I want to discuss appointing an assistant election superintendent, an absentee ballot clerk , an assistant absentee ballot clerk, should those in those roles for some reason not be able to do it. And I want to talk to you about appointing poll managers . So , that is what yo u have to look forward to. Not gonna do this all this coming Monday. I 'll focus on getting you the information that you need to maybe come to consensus on the number of locations . And I will talk about ballot scanners and hand counting . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 58 of 72 CM Mohrig: Mayor Jamison: CM Verhoff: CM Jacobus: CM Cookerly: NEW BUSINESS Mayor Jamison : City Clerk: Mr. Dell-Ross: Any questions , concerns , or any other direction you want to give ? Looks good . Thanks , Steve. Appreciate it. Thanks , Steve. Thank you. Thank you. Okay , that is our last reports and presentations. So , there 's no first presentation, no public hearing , zoning agenda, or unfinished business. So , we 'll move on to new business. Will the city clerk please sound the first item ? Mayor, that first item is consideration of a professional services agreement between the City of Milton and Kimley Hom and Associates , Inc . for the Milton Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update. It is Agenda Item No. 23-079. Mr. Rob Dell-Ross. Thank you. Good evening , everyone. Hoping these slides come up here in one second. Good evening , everyone. Tonight 's a really big night for Public Works. We're about to do something that we 've only done twice in the history of the city. We're gonna be awarding a contract for the update for the Comprehensive Transportation Plan for the City of Milton. Brief agenda for what I'm going to be going through tonight. Describe the scope of what we 're hiring our consultant to do , talk a little bit about the schedule for the rest of the year, and then wrap into a discussion and next steps . What is our CTP update planning to accomplish? The primary goals is the first bullet you see on the screen. There have been several major studies done since the last update of the CTP in 2016 , those being the 2040 Comp Plan and the '21 to '25 strategic plan. We are going to be taking the motifs , the themes , the goals , the objectives , things that came out of those plans and applying those to our projects , and our goals , and our objectives for transportation for the City of Milton . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 59 of 72 Like I said , the previous CTPs , the first one ever in the city was created in 2009. We had a first update in 2016. And we 're going to be doing our second update this year. Tasks 1 through 5 are the scope that the consultant is gonna be delivering for us. Task 1: developing a vision , goals , and objectives. Going into Task 2 , a robust stakeholder and public invol vement phase. Task 3 being an inventory and an assessment of what our network looks like today. Task 4 being an assessment of what we currently need. And then , Task 5 being the project lists and the recommendations that come out to try and meet those needs. I'll be covering the contingency phase in a future slide , but that 's a component of the recommendation for us as well. Ne xt slide you see , this is a screen capture of our strategic plan. The goal that most closel y falls in with Public Works is Goal 5. And you 'll notice we 're checking a lot of boxes for this update. Everywhere where you see a red arrow , we are confident that Kimley Hom , our recommended consultant , is gonna be able to check that bo x and accomplish a major goal and outcome measure as part of our plan update. Many of you have seen this. This is our TSPLOST project list. The Tier 1 projects and programs are listed on the left. Tier 2 and 3 are on the right. A key takeaway from the CTP update is we 're gonna be defining what a lot of these programs look like. For example , under operations and safety , we 've got $3 million dedicated towards senior section efficiency improvements. What are those projects? Where are they ? What kind of scopes are there? Are we doing roundabouts , or are we doing turn lanes? There 's a lot of variety , lot of possible ways to spend the TSPLOST money. We already are underway on a couple of those smaller projects you see on the bottom of the screen , but we have a significant funding tied into these programs , like pedestrian enhancement streetscape and community trail prioritization that we need a little bit more help working with our goals and objectives and working with our public involvement to help define which projects are actually gonna be delivered. This is the schedule . I'm not gonna go into great detail here , but I do want to point out a couple of points . This Task 2 here is our entire public involvement phase , doing continuous website updates. We 're gonna be doing some surveys. We 're gonna have a couple of in-person public meetings , both formal and informal. We 're gonna be doing a stakeholder committee. So , there 's gonna Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 60 of 72 be a lot of opportunities for residents to tell us what they like and what they don 't like about our network. We do have a pretty aggressive schedule. So , Sara and I are hoping that we can wrap all this up by the end of the year and bring a report to you in December that you would adopt. Can 't promise that , but that's what we 're aiming for. Nothing really to say about that. Next portion is the contingency funding. So , Sara and I, as we were putting together this scope for this CTP, we began hearing a lot more about the District at Mayfield and that plan that 's been before you and discussed several times . There 's been a lot of community outreach led by our community development department. One of the next steps for District at Mayfield after you work through the text amendments and the ordinance changes to the form-based code is gonna be to look at the traffic and how a sense of what that recommendation actually does to our network. The significant recommendation being the closure of -well , but we also want to look at some of the land uses that aren 't changing density . We want to look at the square footage , the new residential , the new commercial. We want to really take a closer , deeper dive into : does that plan change our assumptions in our CTP? Are there projects that we 're currently envisioning that won 't be needed as a result of adopting and going in this direction? Or are there new projects that we need to be thinking about that weren't on our radar beforehand? There 's also possibility for changes in prioritization or modifying the scope of a project. Maybe it was a right turn lane in previous conversations , but it 's a left turn lane as a result of the District at Mayfield. Those types of fine details we would be looking at , that is a pretty significant effort , but it 's very similar to an effort that we actually did in 2009 . 2009 was the first CTP , and they did a deeper dive on the area that we 're all sitting in right now , Crabapple . So , there was a lot of time , lot of effort , lot of analysis for traffic , lot of visioning. The plan that became where we are today, we 're seeing this falling in line with the CTP update. It just so happens the company that did our 2009 plan and was responsible for Crabapple and also did the 2016 update is the same firm that we 're recommending awarding tonight. So , they are very capable to do this work. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 61 of 72 Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: CM Cookerly : CM Moore: Mayor Jamison : Councilmembers: Sara and I would like to recommend adding it to their scope and signing a contract for that. If that's not something you want to do , that 's still a step that the city is going to need to do at some point to show that the traffic has been analyzed. If that didn 't happen, the code would require that whatever development proposes those changes , the developer would be responsible for that traffic study and proving to us that they wouldn't be causing negative impacts . Next steps . We 're here to award the contract. We 're recommending Kimley Horn. They were the highest scoring of four proposals that we received. Robust public outreach that we will be starting very quickl y . You' 11 see a lot of updates on social media, a lot of talk around town. We 're gonna be not necessarily doing a lot of formal public meetings , but we 're gonna be doing a lot of going to some events and going to where the people are. It may not be where you expect to see a city booth with people talking about a plan , but we tend to get more involvement , and more eyes , and more people , and maybe some of the people that wouldn 't necessarily be giving us comments speaking to us at that time. Again , Council adoption hopefully in December 2023. That concludes my presentation , and I'm open to any questions you might have . Any questions for Rob? Okay. I will open it -or any public comment, Tammy? There are none , sir. Okay. Close public comment. I will open it for a motion. Mr. Mayor, I make a motion that we approve Agenda Item No. 23- 079. Second. Okay. I have a motion from Councilmember Cookerly and a second from Councilmember Moore to approve Agenda Item No . 23-079. Any discussion ? All in favor , please say , "Aye." Aye. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 62 of 72 Motion and Vote: Councilmember Cookerly moved to approve Agenda Item No. 23-079. Councilmember Moore seconded the motion. The motion passed (7 - 0). Mayor Jamison : Mr. Dell-Ross: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison : City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: Mayor Jamison : CM Moore : Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore : Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore : Any opposed ? That 's unanimous . Thank you. Thank you. Okay . Will the city clerk please sound the next item ? Mayor , that ne xt item is the consideration of a resolution appointing the City of Milton elections superintendent. It is Agenda Item No. 23-080. Mayor Jamison. Okay . Thank you. I believe on the last work se ssion we gave direction that we wanted to appoint City Manager Steven Krokoff as the elections superintendent. If there are no other suggestions , I will open it up for a motion. Do we have any publi c comment on this item? We do not , sir. Okay. I close public comment. And I open it for a motion. Question . Go , Paul. Steve , as you see it , is this an appointment for thi s election , and then we review it again when it 's our chance to do it again , knowing that we have a lot of faith we 're putting in you , and well- placed to lead this election for all the reasons we 've already discussed. But does that mean we get you every time, or does that mean that we do this one time , and then we revisit it ? I have a few jokes. You must appoint a new superintendent with each cycle . Okay . It can be the same person. I don 't recommend it. You have to do it with each successi ve cy cle . Okay . Thank you. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 63 of 72 Mayor Jamison: CM Cookerly : CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: CM Cookerly : CM Moore: Mayor Jamison: Councilmembers: Good question. Put it for a motion? All right. Well then , I'm on a roll. Mayor and Council , I recommend that we approve Agenda Item No. 23 -080 , the Milton election superintendent. Second. You want to say who? Steve Krokoff. It 's in the resolution. It is? Okay, good. All right. So , we have a motion from Councilmember Cookerly. Did Councilmember Jacobus second that motion? Okay. To approve Steven Krokoff as the next Milton election superintendent, Agenda Item No. 23-080. Any discussion? All in favor , please say , "Aye." Aye. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Cookerly moved to approve Agenda Item No . 23-080. Councilmember Jacobus seconded the motion . The motion passed (7-0). Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Ms. Inglis: Any opposed? That 's unanimous. Congratulations or condolences. Will the city clerk please sound the next item? Mayor, that item is consideration of an intergovernmental agreement for the provision of election equipment between Fulton County, Georgia, and City of Milton , Georgia, Agenda Item No . 23-081. Our deputy city manager, Ms. Stacey Inglis . This intergovernmental agreement will simply allow us to borrow the equipment should we choose to do so. The equipment that would be available to us are the ICP ballot scanners with attached ballot collection bin , thermal tape for the ballot scanners , ballot bo xes with collection bins , understanding it must be wrapped to read "City of Milton Election" and then rewrapped to re ad "Fulton County Election " when we return them, privacy screens for voting, poll pads with charging cable , stylus, ID tray , and bas e/stand. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 64 of 72 Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Ms. Dubin: Mayor Jamison: Ms. Dubin: Mayor Jamison : City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: Mr. Krokoff: CM Cookerly : CM Mohrig : Ms. Inglis: CM Moore: Ms. Inglis: Mr. Krokoff: Again , this is at no charge , and it is our choice to borrow the equipment from Fulton County. Any public comment, Tammy? Karen , would you like -this is your time for public comment. Karen Dubin , 200 Davis Glen Court. I did talk to Commissioner Thome today. That is not approved of no charge yet. The scanners , the ballot boxes , it was not approved yet. It has to go to the BRE. So , to say that it's no cost to us as the taxpayer is not true. Thank you. Sorry. Any other public comment? That 's all. Okay. I will close public comment. Steve , do you have - The IGA has to go before the board . They can 't charge us for the equipment. Correct me if I'm wrong . It 's because you can 't have your taxpayers paying twice , right ? So , they have to make those things available , so long as they are available . If they aren 't available for some reason , then we could run into a situation. However , we've been assured that they have plenty available for this cycle . But this just gi ves us the option to do it, right? That was my question . So , this isn 't obligating us . All this does - and this includes also -are they still calling them poll pads to work with Jarvis ? They are . And the poll pad comes fully loaded? We don't have to do anything different to get the software? It 's got the registration? We 're working on that. They 're still working through the kinks with the new system , and how they integrate with the poll pads . But at least what we 're Regular Meeting of the Mi lton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 65 of72 CMMohrig : CM Moore : CMMohrig: CM Moore: Mr. Krokoff: CM Moore : Ms. Inglis: Mayor Jamison: Ms. Inglis: Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus : CM Cookerly : Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus : CM Mohrig: seeing right now, the poll pads will be able to be used not only on election day , but they 'll be able to be used seamlessly even in earl y voting for registration. That would be great. And that 's optimal. Yeah , and that would be the best scenario. You 've got a full y loaded poll pad. It 's got all the registered voters . It would create tremendous efficiency if that 's -whether it 's via this IGA or whate ver the solution is , that 's a key aspect of ensuring our success. Also doing the uploads , so we don 't have to do manual process . So and so voted today. Yeah , and it minimizes the opportunity for error with people either on the record or not on the record , voting in the right place , not voting in the right place , etc . And it 's real time . So , when y ou enter the information, immediately as opposed to if you enter it later, in theory , someone could go to another location and vote. I mean, the y have to get that kink worked out anyway because it 's gonna be true for everybody. It will affect everybody. I'll also mention that this IGA came from Fulton County. Okay. More information the better. It came from Fulton County . They drafted it , and they sent it to us , and our legal team reviewed it. Any other questions , comments ? Okay . I open it for a motion. Mr. Mayor , I make a motion that we approve Agenda Item No. 23- 082 . I think it 's 081. Why don 't you do it again ? May or, I make a motion that we approve Agenda Item No. 23-081. Second . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 66 of 72 Mayor Jami son: Councilmembers: Okay . I have motion from Councilmember Jacobus and a second from Councilmember Mohrig to approve Agenda Item No. 23-081. Any discussion ? All in fa vor , please say , "Aye ." Aye. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Jacobus moved to approve Agenda Item No. 23 -081. Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion . The motion passed (7-0). Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Attorney Jarrard: Any opposed? That's unanimous . Okay . Will the ci ty clerk please sound the next item ? Mayor , that ne xt item is consideration of State of Georgia and Local Governments Memorandum of Understanding concerning national settlements with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd ., Allergan Finance , LLC , Walmart Inc., CVS Health Corporation and CVS Pharmacy , Inc ., and Walgreen Co ., to include authorization from the mayor to execute an y necessary participation forms , Agenda Item No. 2 3-082 . Our city attorney, Mr. Ken Jarrard. Mr. Mayor and members of the council , this is a memorandum of agreement with respect to a nationwide settlement involving the ongoing opioid litigation. City Council actually participated in a memorandum of understanding and settlement involving the opioid distributers. Already done that. We did that some months ago , as have many other Georgia jurisdictions. I think I would frame this as more of not the distributers but the retailers . So , the entities involved here are like Walmart, CVS , Walgreens , National Teva, Allegra. And so , it is a different set of entities. This is a settlement that has proceeds of roughly $20 billion. And it is obviousl y a nationwide settlement and really the State 's attorney generals are doing the lion 's share of the negotiating. What we do know is this: that there is gonna be an apportionment of the ultimate funding that is gonna go 75% to the various state governments and then 25% to the participating local governments. So , if you were to ask me , "Well , Mr. City Attorney , what amount of money will the City of Milton derive out of these proceeds if we opt in ?" The answer is I don 't know . Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 67 of 72 Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: CM Moore: CM Verhoff: Mayor Jamison: Councilmembers: What I do know is that if we don't opt in, I guarantee you the answer will be zero. And so , my respectful recommendation is that we follow the trajectory we did already with respect to the distributors , and that is go ahead and opt in. The more local governments that opt in, the more the funds flow through the local government because obviously, the entities that are settling want the most players to participate because that's the least risk of anyone else suing them individually. So, the more that opt in to the omnibus settlement, the happier they are. So, my recommendation is we do adopt this MOU, have the mayor sign it. I'll get it to the legal team in New York that has been sort of handling the negotiations for the various local governments, and that will be the end of it. Questions for Ken? Any public comment? None. There's none . Close public comment. I open it for a motion. Mr. Mayor, I make a motion that we adopt or approve Agenda Item No. 23-082. Second. Okay. I have a motion from Councilmember Moore and a second from Councilrnember Verhoff to approve Agenda Item No. 23- 082. Any discussion? All in favor, please say, "Aye." Aye. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Moore moved to approve Agenda Item No. 23-082. Councilmember Verhoff seconded the motion. The motion passed (7-0). Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Any opposed? That's unanimous. Will the city clerk please sound the next item? Mayor, that final new business item is consideration of our final plat revisions. The name of the development is Mayfair Estates , Phas e 1, on Birmingham Highway. It's Land Lot 268, 269 , and 270. It 's District 2, Section 2. It is a final plat. It's Re vision No. 2, and the purpose is to change lot lines for Lots 11 and 12, deleting Lots 13 and 14 , and adjustment to Phase Line. A total of 23 lots are Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 68 of72 Ms. Wildes : Mayor Jamison : included in Phase 1. It is a total of 3 7 .14 acres in Phase 1 with a density of 0.62 lots per acre . It is Agenda Item No. 23-083. Our land development manager , Ms . Tracie Wildes. Good evening , everyone. Tonight , I am presenting a re vision of the final plat for Mayfair Estates . Mayfair Estates is located on Birmingham Highway , just north of the Birmingham crossroads intersection where 7 Acres and Publi x is located. You 'll see it highlighted with the yellow star. And it was originall y recorded in 2016 . Since then, we have had one plat revision that was before you last year. Some of you may recall. Buyers into this development purchased more than one lot. So , they combined lots , and that plat revision last year simply was a reflection of those adjusted lot lines . Similarly tonight , for this second plat revision , it will be for the adjustment of lot lines but for a different reason. The developer is nearing the end of Phase 1 and is acquiring building permits for those remaining lots. But in order to get a buil ding permit , a prerequisite is to receive Fulton County Department of Health approval for septic field locations . At the end of last year, the state took over the man agement of the Department of Health , and effective January 1 of this year, they have implemented stricter guidelines regarding the minimum area allocated for septic fields. That minimum square foot is 30 ,000 contiguous square foot of land area for septic field. The area identified on the site plan in red , the lots proposed in that area did not meet that requirement. So , the developer had to adjust lot lines , lose a lot in order to conform with that compliance . As a result , the Phase Line for Phase 1 adjusted to accommodate the increased land area for the square footage. Now, we expect an additional or future plat re vision to come in as the developer begins Phase 2 and completes Phase 2. This will be before you again so that we can plat the entire development in its entirety after it's completed. That concludes my presentation tonight, and I welcome an y questions . Any questions for Tracie ? That 's interesting about the new guidelines on the septic. Interesting. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 69 of 72 Ms. Wildes: Mayor Jamison: Ms. Wildes: CM Jacobus: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: CM Jacobus: CMMohrig: CM Cookerly: Mayor Jamison: Councilmembers: It is , considering that an acre is 43 ,560 . Correct. Yeah , that 's a big number. And 30,000 of it is allocated for septic. Larger lot sizes. Any public comment? There is none . Okay. I'll close public comment, and I'll open it for a motion. Mr . Mayor, I make a motion that we approve Agenda Item No. 23- 083. Second. Second. Okay. I have a motion from Councilmember Mohrig and a second - I mean, sorry. A motion from Councilmember Jacobus. Second from Councilmember Mohrig to approve Agenda Item 23-083. All in favor , please say, "Aye." Aye. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Jacobus moved to approve Agenda Item No. 23-083. Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion. The motion passed (7-0). Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Any opposed? That's unanimous. Does any councilmember have anything to report on? All right. Hope everyone had a great Spring Break. I will need a motion to adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel land acquisition and potential litigation. Mayor , my apologies. And Ken, my apologies. I failed to do something. My apologies. There was an email public comment for the -I failed. Can I read this? I would - Is that a general public comment? It was for the Agenda Item 23-081. No, it was for the IGA equipment. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 70 of 72 Mayor Jamison: Attorney Jarrard: City Clerk: Attorney Jarrard: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Ken , what do y ou want? You have a justification that meets your - I do. Everything meets the criteria. Mayor , that 's an order to go ahead and read it. My apologies. Okay. If everyone 's okay with that, we 'll have Tammy read the - That was my fault. My apologies. This is an email public comment that was sent in by Lisa Cauley, located at 14680 Freemanville Road. "The committee recommended two polling locations . Cities within a similar population used only one. We discussed three but felt this was excessive and unnecessary given the average voter turnout and 19 day s of earl y voting. There are three locations on election day where ballots get counted . The first location is City Hall. Early voting and absentee ballots are transported to City Hall on the Friday before Election Day. Counting may begin at 7:00 a.m. The two polling locations close at 7 :00 p.m. Once everyone has completed voting , the poll managers and workers hand count ballots . Three city council seats are up for election. The committee recommended manual counting and estimated six paper ballots can process per minute , an estimated 360 per hour. The average municipal election turnout is 3,500. And estimated 1,575 vote early , which is 45%. An estimated 1,925 , which is 55%, vote on Election Day , leaving 963 votes at each polling location . It will take about three hours to complete . Hand count is the most efficient , accurate method. The results are definitive . The chain of custody , Fulton County removes the SD cards from the scanners , then they are placed in the bag , sealed and transported to another location. SD cards are then transported to the English Street warehouse in Atlanta and uploaded into the computers . We find out the results late night. The scanned ballots are remo ved from the scanners , secured , and sent to Fulton County for storage. Milton trasnports early voting paper ballots to City Hall the Friday before the election. Ballots are removed from the sealed storage bins and counted on Tuesday morning. On election day , poll managers secure the ballots at City Hall. After the election , all ballots cast are transported to the Milton Safety Complex. The city will have Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 71 of 72 Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: Mayor Jamison: City Clerk: EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Jamison: CM Cookerly : Mayor Jamison: every ballot cast. Milton maintains local control of chain of custody and storage." Thank you. Thank you. My apologies . You have any more emails? That concludes. I apologize . All right. I don 't think we fully made the motion , so I guess I'll go ahead and repeat it. I'll make a motion to adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel and acquisition and potential litigation. So moved. Okay. I guess I have the motion , and Carol seconded. All in favor , say , "Aye." Councilmembers: Aye. Motion and Vote : Councilmember Jacobus moved to adjourn into Executive Session at 8:45pm. Councilmember Mohrig seconded the motion . The motion passed (7-0). RECONVENE Motion and Vote: Councilmember Johnson moved to reconvene into the Regular Meeting at 9:00 PM. Councilmember Cookerly seconded the motion. The motion passed (7-0). ADJOURNMENT Mayor Jamison: CM Cookerly: CM Johnson: Opposed? All right. So moved. Second. Regular Meeting of the Milton City Council April 10, 2023 Page 72 of 72 Mayor Jamison : Counci lm embers: Mayor Jamison: All right. That 's Carol and Juliette. All in favor , say , "Aye." Aye. There we go. Thank you. Good night , y'all. Motion and Vote: Councilmember Cookerly moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 9:00pm. Councilmember Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed (7-0). Date Approved: __ 8__-¥--0-~~I· /~/_]_, _..d____.Q~J~3 ___ _ I I