HomeMy WebLinkAboutMilton Tree Preservation Committee Meeting 08 27 08Minutes
The Milton Tree Preservation Committee
Wednesday, August 27, 2Oo8 at 3:30 p.m.
Milton City Hall
Executive Conference Room
Suite ion -G
Roger Festa
Diane Palmer
Zack Middlebrooks
Adam Orkin
Cherilyn Allen
David Holcomb
Scott Gronholm
Mark Law, City Arborist
Matt Zyjewski, Community Development Intern
Alice Wakefield, Director of Community Development
1) Call to order
2) Approval of the minutes for July 23 and August 13 meetings
3) Brief discussion on meeting procedures
4) Tree removals
5) Tree removal permits
6) Additional items
7) Public comment
8) Adjournment
Milton Tree Preservation Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2oo8
Page 2
➢ Meeting called to order by City Arborist, Mark Law
➢ The Committee approved the July23rd and August 13th 2oo8 meeting minutes
Discussion of Removals and Permits and how they will be handled
Mark Law—Gave overview of number of trees for density units, 1 acre site would
require 20 units for residentia1=16 trees 5-7" in diameter; for 1/2 acres 8 trees etc.
Roger Festa—Stated it was important to push the use of 2" caliper trees due to drought
Mark Law—Proposed an idea for classification of significant trees being trees 6" in
diameter and larger. Removal of up to 6 significant trees per year per acre may be
allowed. Significant trees removed from within building setbacks will require a
replanting so as to maintain a canopy. Removal of specimen trees will require
recompense at all times.
Adam Orkin—Asked if setback be a non disturbance buffer, and if it is, would
homeowners be able to remove trees on residential lots.
Alice Wakefield—Stated that it would be an enforcement nightmare, swimming pool
can be 1o' from property line, need to do something reasonable for property owners
Roger Festa—Said he understands Mr. Orkin's point, there is no way without having
an undisturbed buffer in addition to regulated buffers, and does not want to have to see
builders to have to get variances to do work within buffers. He does not think that
people in subdivisions should be trying to use a county regulation to supersede a
protective covenant, unless it was expired or renewed and just does not think that we
should say that we are superseding restrictive covenants in a subdivision.
Mark Law—Stated there is the argument of personal property rights, which is
continuously thrown his way.
-Milton Tree Preservation Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 27, 20o8
Page 3
Roger Festa—Said we are saying there is a price for that, replanting or check.
Mark Law—Stated that at many times, the existing conditions of a lot will not
accommodate what the owner may desire and this does not automatically allow the
desired changes in the site.
Alice Wakefield—Stated there would be push -backs for doing this, as now you are
impacting individual homeowners and you would need to be prepared.
Diane Palmer—Questioned that she did not understand how that gets there in the first
Mark Law and Alice Wakefield --Advised that it gets done by developers.
Mark Law—Stated private homeowners are allowed to remove up to 6 trees per year in
buildable areas without replanting. Need to protect existing trees on sites and allow
potential buyers to be the ones to decide which trees are to be removed. Stop allowing
developer/builders from clearing excessive amount of trees and leaving buyer with
Roger Festa—Said the group should vote on this issue and makes motion that we
approve motion, need to approve permits, then modify later.
Mark Law— Advised a permit be required for tree removal.
4-o Group agrees to vote—(need for tree removal permit) all 4 committee
members agree (4:08pm).
Diane Palmer—Questioned that she did not see anything dealing with agricultural
land, and said this ordinance is a minimum requirement and could be more restrictive,
under applicability so might want to add for purpose of promoting the protection of
specimen trees by requiring a permit before any specimen tree being removed or
something very similar. In general comments section D—might want to clarify what a
protected tree is, suggest better wording on number 4a says removal or destruction of
specimen trees ... is subject to approval of city arborist, question of 5 density
requirements—that number seems like a major issue, question about class II—need
wording to tie E.1 to D.2, question 1C about unless removal could cause damage to
adjacent properties, as reasonably determined by the CDD -thought sounded strange.
Milton Tree Preservation Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2008
Page 4
Adam Orkin—Said need for less interpretation "whenever possible" when sections are
re -worded.
Mark Law—Said he wants to add chart to section 5.
Alice Wakefield—Stated need to balance owner's property rights as long as city's
policies for tree protection etc.
Mark Law—Said there needs to be an appeals process for tree removal.
Alice Wakefield—Stated could possibly recommend look at parking provisions of
zoning ordinance to give flexibility.
Roger Festa—Said after D needs to be applicability on 5 for whatever that density
requirement is and it shall remain in perpetuity from current owner to future owners,
establish tree bank should be 6.
Zack Middlebrooks—Asked if they will decide where tree fund money is going.
Mark Law—Stated it would be up to Director of Community Development, and said he
likes where he does not have the sole decision. Will maybe have to go to council for
their approval.
Roger Festa—Said they need to list priorities.
Adam Orkin—Did not feel that City Council should t intervene with planting of the
Roger Festa—Stated that the Tree Committee should be part of decision-making
Mark Law—Stated he has put together priority list that includes: schools, parks, and
does not want to plant everything for schools.
Adam Orkin—Said that plantings from tree fund should go toward streetscape
Alice Wakefield—Advised that the LCI may be way to implement streetscape
Roger Festa—Stated that there needs to be concern that smaller caliper trees planted
have a higher chance of survival and would like to see them planted because more are
going to then live.
Milton Tree Preservation Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 27, 20o8
Page 5
Mark Law—Said they will get push -backs from that.
Roger Festa—Stated he would rather see use put in 12 3's or 18 2's, because they have
a better survival rate and would like a mix of different sized trees.
Zack Middlebrooks—Said that a point system may work.
Mark Law—Said that there needs to be something to cite homeowner or tree service
Roger Festa—Stated that ultimately it would be the homeowner's responsibility.
Law—recommended an approved list of companies that are familiar with tree policies
for the City of Milton
Alice Wakefield—Said they would need to include more diagrams.
Mark Law—Passed out sample tree removal permits for committee review.
➢ Wednesday, September 10, 20o8 @ 3:30 p.m.
➢ Location: City Hall Executive Conference Room, Suite logy -G
➢ There was no further business.
➢ The Milton Tree Preservation Committee meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Date Approved: f d
Francesca Ivie Mark Law, CiWArborist
ty Clerk's Office