HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - PRAB - 01-20-2011MEETING MINUTES
Thursday, January loth, 201111:3o a.m.
Executive Conference Room
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Mark Reed at 11:41 a.rn.
Roll call was taken by Mark Reed.
Mark Reed
Jack Flowers (arrived after roll call)
Lauren Jackson
Sandy Sheley
Scott Stachowski
Sabrina Moore
Cyndee Bonacci, Parks and Recreation Director
Tom Gilliam, Recreation Program Coordinator
Kelly Vermeil, Patch.com
Quorum was announced by Mark Reed.
Motion to approve minutes of the October 21st meeting was made by Scott Stachowski and seconded by
Sandy Sheley. The vote was unanimous and motion carried. The Board did not meet in November or
a) Lauren began by saying how much she was enjoying the Fitness Camp program. She asked if
the Council Chambers could be used as indoor space for the program on cold or bad weather
days. Cyndee stated that there are two offices in that area that would be affected. Also there
would be an issue with having access to the building without staff present to open the space.
Tom said that he was working closely with Kolleen to find a space. All the places he had
previously contacted were not available. Jack and Scott both said they had someone he could
Lauren also stated that she had recently met someone from JJE Constructors. They have
done lots of work on greenways and are very familiar with grants. She recommended Cyndee
contact them.
Lauren also mentioned a facility at Boca Grande Island in Florida. She said they have a lot of
great activities, programs and events that may be good ideas for Milton.
b) Cyndee gave updates on several capital projects. Improvements at Bell Memorial Park are
underway. Heaters and light sensors have been installed in the building. Dugouts are under
construction. Push button faucets will be added also. The curb paint will be pressure washed
off and only areas requiring markings will be replaced. Fire Lane signs will be added instead.
The bank project will most likely begin in February. Engineering and architectural work is
being completed for the Bethwell Community Center renovation. That project should be bid
in early February. The four IGAs are nearing completion. Improvements at the schools will
take place this summer. The planning projects, including the comprehensive park master
plan, Birmingham Park master plan and the Milton Trails Plan update, will most likely be
packaged and bid together in late February to increase competitive building and possibly
allow for only working with one firm on all three projects. Mark said he had some concerns
about what documents or scope would be provided to the bidders. Cyndee stated they would
receive all of the documentation relating to each project that the City has collected to date.
Basically that would use that information to create one complete document for the
comprehensive park master plan. Mark said he was concerned about using documents from
the initial Fulton County Birmingham Park Master Plan. Cyndee said it would just be
provided as a base since so much work did go into the base of that plan. Cyndee stated that
City staff and the Advisory Board would play key roles in the drafting of the new plan and
that the comprehensive park plan and survey would be the primary influences for the new
master plan. Lauren asked about public input. Cyndee said typically with this type of
planning project, two plans would be created and then the public would pick the best of each
to create a final plan that everyone is satisfied with.
Kathi stated she needed to leave. Mark made a motion to ask Cyndee to create a monthly
summary of director updates and send them out to the Advisory Board one week before each
monthly meeting. Kathi seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous and motion carried.
Kathi left the meeting at 12:47 p.m.
c) Mark asked how we should handle the ordinance review. Sandy said she really liked
Woodstock's ordinances. She offered to draft the revisions. Sandy asked Cyndee if it was
better to begin with the current ordinances or work from someone else's. Cyndee said in the
past for revisions, she would work from what was currently on the books and make notes of
what needed to be changed, omitted or added. Then she would look to the other cities to
make those needed revisions. Sandy and Cyndee would work together with the Board's input
to revise Chapter 34. Comments were requested from each Board member by January 31.
a) Finance —Mark asked about the status of the land purchase for the Public Safety Complex on
Highway g. Cyndee stated it was moving forward and should close in February. He also
asked about the status of City Hall discussions. Cyndee stated she had not been involved in
any recent discussions.
b) Partnerships — Scott briefly updated the Board regarding HYA. Spring season is nearing and
things are going well. The feeder team now falls under HYA and non-residents will pay a fee
just as those at Wills Park do.
Cyndee stated that she plans to reach out to Alpharetta once more regarding a meeting to
discuss a partnership for AYSA and AYFA.
Cyndee updated the Board that Stars Athletic Club had not provided a partnership proposal
to the City.
Cyndee updated the Board that she was getting very close to finalizing the IGAs with Fulton
County Schools for Birmingham Falls, Cogburn Woods and Hopewell Middle. They should
be on the February 23 Council agenda for approval and will take effect March i. An IGA for
the development of the park between Crabapple Crossing and Northwestern Middle would
also be completed soon. Construction is planned for this summer.
Tom stated he had met with ig Sports again and they would be submitting their final
proposal and required documents next week. Two programs are scheduled for this spring,
coed youth flag football and soccer. Flag football would be held on Sundays at Birmingham
Falls and soccer would be held on Saturdays and Cogburn Woods. These agreements would
be included on the February 7 Council agenda.
Jack updated the Board regarding the Milton Horse Council. They are in the process of
scheduling another meeting. He said they are trying to define who they are and what their
priorities are.
Cyndee stated that she had not heard from Milton Lacrosse recently, but thought at some
point in the future they might contact the City with a partnership proposal.
Tom gave an update on Eagle Stix Lacrosse. They provided the City with a proposal last
week. The proposal was very impressive and well organized. Cyndee and Tom will be
meeting with representatives next week to review the proposal and talk about partnership
Cyndee stated that the George Baker Complex was being leased by a different organization.
There would be facility improvements as part of the lease. Representatives will be meeting
with the Cyndee and Tom next week to discuss partnership opportunities.
c) Communications --- Cyndee stated that the first issue of the new parks and recreation
brochure was still scheduled for February or March 2011.
a) Cyndee updated the Board regarding revisions to the special event permit process. Several
other departments are working on this.
b) Cyndee reminded the Board about the ongoing Strategic Plan Steering Committee meetings.
Cyndee and Jack are serving.
c) Cyndee gave brief updates to the Board regarding the creation of "camera ready" policies and
procedures for films, etc. to be shot here in Milton. More information would be available to
residents who would like their property considered for a location in February.
Thursday, February 17,11:30 a.m.
);�- The location of the meetings will be the Executive Conference Room at City Hall.
Motion and Vote: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Sandy Sheley seconded by Mark
Reed. The vote was unanimous and motion carried. The City of Milton Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board meeting adjourned at 1:31 p.m.
Mark Reed, Chair
Milton Parks & Recreation Advisory Board