HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDR: Julie Zahner Bailey (2)Form FD-iocal Rcv.3/va Date of this stoemeW. �•E OF GEORGIA FWANCIAL Dlj"CLOStTRE &J410 W,y�y`, ritx�l�Q,,.,,,; � Covering Calendar Year. Name of Public Of Aw or Candidate. Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Name of City or County 0000 Heid or &wZht: © Elected Citic or County Oftleer• 6&T a . VI+V0 �S A, FWANCXAI, �%I5C"I+OSi<TRE ! ` 'Catdidame Por City or Coym�, gfploe Each public offlow ho &S OM06 in STATEMENT.. pnblio ofiioer for one ofthe offices listed � 'mon who ql'llges as a cadidafa fbr dam, U a (A) Every �t moo,•alfa w$ on the following list ($) Every elected s� off' ch4-' t (C) The mxeegtNe head of every $tate department or ` . (D) Bach Maber of the t3eneral Asseanbly; .1 y, whether elecncd or appolftim% (E) They 41e ted county a Cf electedco a °1 o�unisaion and the rrupnberl thereo f (F) Every elected area boa[d afedocation; and .. r area school s�rintendero, and avery Evalectod member of a Doan (Q) ery el+aed municipal officer. ! ry or WHEN TO Pl'1:,E A nriANCIAL A.i.SCLOSUR Public 011<icer A Feral Disclosure Statetnea�t is E �� baf MZi � f and not officer holds office (except the year of electtan}. Tle it f'ormdon to be provided afar be ft * c of each year that a public If the public officer chooses sec to � : / P�eding calendar yew. the Year yualfiyrn to for m °l°0ticm or'for another public office no Financial Discl�m a gq�yt need be tiled in officer holds office for i him takes place A publi ai ccer shall not be dmmed to hold the of'Ece in a year in w1:icJt the � !$ Sys' public Ca"date for Pablk 09ke; A Financial T�isnlosura labor Olen the flRecmth S4 t covering the pracodin cafeadar days after )r o 6m ont die date of qualitj+i'ppg as a candidata. Candidates f state, wide ot'got iiia eot�tater than h shall be ted rte if`J'm8 %r ofEpe Only one FlUftclal Dis,lloae►re Statetnctrt Is ntgvired an seven per ender year. Spedal requirements for State Wide Candidates: Cagdidstea for a public office elected state wlda count file their Financial Disclosure SUMments not �. dW1 seven more intbrmation than other candidates fore efier qu�g.iWng or filing a notice of candidacy, StUa wide candidates must be compieted in the puecti office axf the additianai disclosure sections cattdidat4a man disclose year of election fllitig requited of stain wide WHERE TD FILE A FINAN CtAi, JyISCL(SSURIf STATEMENT.- Every public officer who is analecped county otiicial anaevery candidate far election as a coeur Financial Disclosure Statert;erlt with the election s�int?;dem of he county of election. 'Public official will fie a every public otQoer who is an elected municipal oiiicer :iitd every candidata for election as s muuiei Financial Disclosesrc Statement wftlt the rnunteipal clerk Sk if there is no clerk. with the Chief of lection. Pal Public officer will file a eacocutive offcerofthe municipality 10 SECTION I MONETARY FUS RECEIVED (This section to b lwmpieeed by Public Q$icers only) I idenflti each monetary fee or honorarium accepted frnming engapments, partimpetioo m somh%M discussion er paneh, or out activities which slats to the official duties of or to the of ce of the pubIi` officer, with a statement identifying the &a or honorarium and tho person from whom it was accepted. (You may attach additional sheets of pape=r If necessary.) i !I dived: �oWo monetary fee or honorerhern. a Monetary fne(s) or honoraria as shown below. c. Identify Fee or Nonorarlum r(art3e and Address of Person from Whom Accepted And Amount Accepted i� 'RECTION II FiDUtftay POSMONS Name all fiduciary position held by the candidate for put -Me office or the public officer. (You may e» qwA this section if necessary to Include all posidotrs.) A fidwlwy poddon is any poai ci imposics a duty to act primarily far maotiter's benefit as officer, director, manager, peteaer, guardieao„ or other deeignbtiaas of gcnerl responsibility of a business ertity. A bwinep eati#x is any eorporatioo, sole proprietorship. partnership, limited parinershlp, titnio-A, liability company, limited HebIltty partnership, professional corporation, �. enterprise, &arAdnim, associattam, trust, joint venture, e>r o1ber entity, whether Prom RK aoaoraSt. (You may atteoh additional sheets of paper if necessary.) � X b4d tefNo fiduciary positions in any business entity. i o Fiduciary positions in the following business entity(ies)i IDE14TUY: i. Title of each positior. Z. Names and address of business sooty. 3. Pr imcipat activity of each business entity. Business entity #I Business entity #Z �qft,,.dusineas entity 04 SECTION w IDWCT OWNS SH, fff=E815 IN $U'SMSS ENTITY Direct ownership interact is the ho1ftS or beneficial use of the -tv as possession r,i goad legal on rightful title of propotiy or tba holding or enjoyment of real or jointly oras teoarts in ComtnOn Between °rest owned or held by a spouse of the pw= if such interest is held Identity the name, addirw and principal activity of any bysiness entity and the office hold by &W the rutins of the candidate {or public otSca oc public alBc� withal a busittasa eiztity at: of Dec 3 t of the tmvered year in wbicb a direct owwmhip lntamtr (A) Is more than S petroetit of the total itttareat in the business, c'r (B) Has a net fair market value of mora than $t 0,000. (You may a#acb additional sheets of paper if necessary,) I held: a No direct owmaship iatar ats in any business en a Direct I ownership int fcm in the foils entity. . wing busineirs enity(ies). r. IDIENTHY: t . Name and address of business entity, 2. Principal activity of business entity, 3. The oMm held by tate Candi&% or the public ofircer within the business Y. 4. The duties of the owxUdate or the public otiloer ",►min such business entity. 3' Susineae army, #1 Business entity #2 Business entity #3 i Business entity 44 , i - s Business entity #5 IN Ownership horeft C=k Q,(i orBoth if a 212licable • Owner ship interest is tnorc slum 5% d Ownusbip interest has a net fair mar- ket value of scare than $ 10,000,00 Q Ownership interett is mora than 3% o Ownership interest has a rant fair mar- ket value of mote Ilam S 10,000,00 o Ownership interact is mom then 5% C3 Ownership tntemm has a not fair mar- ket value of more than $I 0,000.00 e Ownership i *ext is more than 3% • Ownership Interest has a net ft mat, ket value of mora than $10,040.00 0 Ownership interest is more than 5"/• n Ownership intwebt has a net liar mat- ket value of more than $ 10,000.40 'SECTION IV DIRECT OWNERSF114'� INTERESTS .IN REAP. PROPERTY Direct ovrneraLip Interest is the holding or possession oil good legal or rightftd title of property or the hold4 or enjoyment of real or ben4cial use of the property by any person arta inchuies say interest owned or held by a spouse of the peon if such interest is held ,jointly or as tenants iri commm between &e person and spume. Identify each treat of rcal pro" in which the aaudidate `i'Or public office or public officer has a direct ownership interest as of Deoernber 31 of the covered year whtut that interest has a fair mmiat value in excess of $10,000.00. "Fair market" value means the appraised value of the property far ad valorem tax purpoai. (You may attach additional shoats of paper If necessary.) Check one box to show the applicable valuation range for each tract. (Yc.tt may attach additional sheets of paper if necessary.) I had: 0,No ownership intartista with a fair market value In excels of $ 10,000.00 i(Ownmrship ireterests with a fair martcat value in excess cf $10,000.00 IDRN'nYY: 1. County whe m property is located. 2. Sime where property is located. 3. General description ofpropwty (give street address �r location, size of teat, i and nature or use of property). the Value of this tract la m a Between 510,000 and $100,000 o Between $100,000.01 sad $200,000 , rNom risen $700,000 0— Property #2 The Va w of this tract is C3 Between 510,000 and 5100,000 o Between $100,000.01 and $200,000 G Mare than $200,000 Property #3 The Value of this tract is E w^ Between+ 510,000 and $100,000 o Between $100,000.01 and $200,000 o More than $200,000 Property #4 The Value of this tract is 0 8etwea n $10,000 and $100,000 c Between $100,000.01 and $200,000 _ c Mare than 5200,000 Property 43 The Value of this tract is c Between $10,000 and $100.000 Ct Between S 100,000.01 aW $200,000 c More than $200,000 SECTION V SpOLSE,S DIRECT oWNERSUM INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY Identify each tract of real prop" in which the Gler's sp ss has a direct ownm~ship inmreet as of December 31 ofthe covemd.year when that interest has a fair market value in carcass Of 3 19,000.00. (You may attach additional duets of paper if necessary.) Check ane box to show the appliosbk valuation range for each t ict. (You may attach additional sheet o£papar if nWASMY.) Mit spouse tradt 0 No ownership iaw=ts with a fair market vahie in ex of $10,000.00 a Owa wship in the follovtft bacb with a fair market vaa, ' a in exam of $10.000 WNTtIrY: 1. Cofmty where propaty is locabod. { 2. Stats where property is locate! 3. General description of property (give meet addressor locad", size of trs4 and nature or use ofproperty� ply 011 The Value of this trail is a c-k �` o Between $10,000 xnd Sl00,000 o Between $100,000.01 and $200,000 Mora dtan 5200,000 Prop" 02 The Vahte of this ftd is o Between 510,000 and $ t00,000 c Between $100,000.01 and $200,000 " I 0 Nbre than $200,000 Proporty 03 The Value of this tract is to Between $10,000 and $100,000 o Detwm $100,000.01 and $200,000 a More dw $2200,000 Property #4 The Value of this tract is f2 Between $10,000 and $100,000 a Between $100,000.01 and $200,000 a More than 3200,000 f Prop" #i5 The Value of this tract is o Between $10,000 and $100,000 o Between $100,000.01 and $200,000 More than 5200,000 l 14 Filer's 00oupatiov Filer's Employer employees AddrC employees Prbwi i i a, �Tior4 vi IJ4PLOyMZNT,'-kND FAMMY MEMBERS Filer's Spouse's Na Spouse's 000upStiol Spouse's EMPtOYOr ,kddmg of Spouse's Principal AcdvftY 01 Named ofFiler's N, list illdividdel sto*s sAd bouds thfft am held by mutual business or subaidiM therect'or invest' ,Want (40 not owns a dirict ownMhIP Interest 0111" Lid It COM 0f4M otoiglqk or =hull person Of On" day (aidw individually or with f*ndg), to which the I business or invattwnt, Or offt tow hftreots in such is ntof tbia 5 peroam than $10,000-00-:!* 2. Ma net fair mariner value of MM Businum or Investment Entity 01 Nam Business or Investment Entity #2 Name Business or Invatment Ent* #3 Name -------------- usiness or ItIvesmont UTMY 04 Name L DENT CRILDWI OF SPOUSE ANW)EPEN SIrms UR iNvrwrmEN KNOWNBU d inIfthi ch the Filer's spouse or dependedt ChUdren have a direct ownership known to the Me? ldar* any business or investMO MM other 14&4 or usual pelvm of on") if any OAG of the -followLng is true inung (either individually or with uW.,,=b UA bonds that are hold by lr�&zl (do pot list individual the subject intaest is more than 5 percent of the toeil interest in the business Or l4Vvsbn8`t, 6ding S10,000,00, or . Z. the subject interest bas LAA fair market value CxCer a depadent child serves as all officer, equ'Oble entity for which thAjFiltf�'3 sponse or 3, the subject [nWWA is one in an partner, or trustee. Business OT 1.11vtWulient SrMtY #1 P- tMMU Entity #2 T - Business or ItIves Name Business or investment Entity #3 ------ — ------ or I.,Iv. ,StjnCj.,,r 04 Name Financial Disclosure Forms — for ttndWate, Jade Zekner Bailey Investment Interests over $10,00 u 12J31/2005 Bank of America is Citigroup Choicepoint Equifax Exxon General ElCCtdC Rome Depot Intel Kcrosoft Motorola Spouse; North European OU w S�CT'�UN IX ANNUAL PAYMENTS RSC) :IY>lrxf Y THE PUBLIC OMCER OR BUSINESS EN rrY FROM TI,;�E STATE OF GEORGIA (1113 section to lie completed by Nblte Offica s only) ld"fY all snm al payma uts in excess of $20,000.00 reciived by tt>e public of leex — or by any business entity in which the public Ofti r has an ownership intamst of more them 10 percew;of the business or has an ownership iaterest having a uet fair market valae of more than $20,000.00 — fi om the Stave, any agency, deptlrttnernt, epmmission or authority created by the State and anti OAad and exempted from disclosure under O.C.G.A. § 45.10-25. ou may attach additional shut ofpsper if necessary.) I r*Wved: ' XNo annual paweius in Owes of$20,000.00 from any; $tate amity. o Annual payments in excess of $20,000.00 from the below namad State eniity(iea). t. IDIe:IVTLb'Y: t. Name and address of Stat entity making the paymj'e' m& 2. Amount of annual payimatt 3. The general nature of the conaiderstion rendered fill• the payment($). t. State entity source # l I' 3' ! t' If State entity source #2 t: ij i' ii vEMICATION BY OATH OR AmmAnON State of Georgia . County of 1, the undersigned, being duly sworn (affirm), depose to andsutribcxi before nee on Ate.. i1"iz , , 2931S,_. My Commission expires that the informations in this statement ie complete. true, and correct or Public ,TIPS: Arry person who knowingly fps to compiy with or who knowingly acty of tht pravigion8 of the Ethics in Govemmax Act shalt be guilty of a 0. 4w 8. Aiw tamWoe. . a►x,c4 IN � dMUsd Attuh a* OW bat* Of the �� __ mwowcei 1. Anh-A Addw.Mo m: '!S. 'li, etra.t AQ 910 75- RFCel �n you ED AUGanal Of r r, Re �t/onlan 1�J1��c �LCF_1�! • thrn. 1, �, v awrom w4w 4 P -a p+eNpr ler ata,ct„r ct+ir 2 Anew %,,,bu - + �. rwirvfCtw osw-r fFxaa Fitly _ �" 7Q06 Obb(? 0006 6863 7353 No Text