HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRO Archive - 04/14/2008 - Earth Day and Arbor Day.mu. nee+, p*=P V X * 'r.ss=-.t *' 'I' -, " . >* -2 -.* a w -- ,*- w c* --* "I f' ,< v * . -'" ->-* I I:. +* - T 1 +. I' & ,. ,. 1 ! i. - I I' . - 1'. .? 1: , ;UPI. i ' ! -7 I, , L I ? l I> -I * * f. ('1 1 , -1 , : 1 + ! > I a. I t c. . I ,, % +4 Arbor Day and Earth Day I --, Whereas, the 9rsc Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 wilh the goal of inspiring emironmental ; awareness md encouraging the conservation,profecrion,and appreciation of our nalwral I , 1 resources; and Whereas, thefist Arbor Day was celebrated in 1872for rhe purpose of setting aside a special day , for the planting of trees; md Whereas, April 22, 2008 will be celebrated worldwide as Earth Day and April 22, 2008 wild be , - celebrated as nafiona! Arbor Day; and Whereas, trees are among Milcon's most beautiful naWa1 resources mad bestow fine opporrunifies .,? ~for aesthetic appreciation an$ are indispensable to our ecolo~as providers of wiIdIve - habitat, erosion control, air filters, modexc~torsof the temperature and noise inhibitors;and Whereas, as citizens of rhe City of Milton, we enjoy the beauly and beneJits of our nahrpaI emironment which increase properiy values, enhances the eco~~omicvitality of business *,areas; and . . Wherem, it is the r~spowsibilityof each of us to scrfeguad the environment and make choices that have apositive impact on our environment and the world in which we live; and Wtereas, the city of MEdon and our citizens are cornmiired to the preservation and stewardship of ow natural resources;ad NOW, THEREFORE, we,the Mayor and Cotincil of fhe Cify of Milton hereby recognize and proclaim April 22, 2008 as Ed Day md April 26, 2008 as Arbor Dw and urge all cirzzens to celebrate Arbor Day and Earth Day and to support efforts to prosecr our trees md our environment md muke Milton an even greater place to live, work,and raise ofamily, and Further, l urge all citizenstoplmt trees togladden the heart and promore rhe well-being of this mdfuture generations. Given scmder ?& hynd and the Senl of rlte City of Milfon, Geoqia on this .Idhday of April, ZOO&-. ' .L-<.,+-*-PVvJ -if'7- X' 7 V *P- 9 3 f ,i -. . '* #